Pulling Back the Curtain on the Ugly GOP

John McCain will go down in the history books as one of the better US Senators of his time


Now that's funny!

no kidding. that's why they dumped all over him when he was running for President. but they did vote for that Thug Obama. Notice no whining on how NASTY he is not just to the elected Republicans, but to those of us he supposedly Represents. so much BS from the Dems/libs. people want to see hate look in that party.
Yeah, because we all know that a good senator is the kind the craps all over his constituents - at least that's what the libs keep telling us. It's strange how they don't call any Democrat Senators "good" when they do that.
McCain is a Liberal sack of crap who should have been thrown out of the GOP years ago. That's proven by his pathetic run for President. He's worthless to those of us who understand what Conservatives should be and what this country was meant to be.
Campaign Finance Reform has ruined the political system and has allowed more big corporate money into the system than ever before, you can thank McCain and Fiengold for that piece of legislation, the legislation that led to the Citizens United ruling.

McCain is a war hero, there are many war heroes, it doesn't make them good a being Senators.
ugly GOP? The dem candidate looks like chairman Mao.
Lol you don't even need to pull down a curtain for the democrats to see all their crimes. They are blatant and cheered for by their idiot supporters.
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John McCain will go down in the history books as one of the better US Senators of his time, a war hero, and an effective legislator. Donald Trump will likely be rich until the day he passes from this earth into whatever oblivion in the afterlife awaits him and those that bother to remember him will remember his failed presidential bid and what an ass he made of himself for a brief time in the Summer of 2015. Neither man will suffer any long term effects of Mr. Trump's moronic statements. The true damage of what Donald Trump said about war hero John McCain was to further reveal the true thoughts of the GOP rank and file.

This doesn't fade so easily. If John McCain were not such a distinguished Republican, one may easily chalk it up to his being "yesterday's news" and that failed candidates in the Genral usually enjoy no second act (see Mitt Romney and Al Gore for reference). The hard-right doesn't like McCain being a member of that "gang of eight" who sought to rise above politics and negotiate an immigration bill.

For a clue of why it is more than that, you can look at that bill and see one of it's other authors, Marco Rubio, suffers little in the way of hard right angst. So what is it about this episode that does so much damage? For the answer, consider Rubio. Rubio is a candidate for President whereas McCain is not this time around. Rubio still has the chance to thwart a presidential bid by Hillary Clinton so he cannot be cast asunder so quickly as McCain has been. And there inlies the problem. It isn't that what Trump says has any basis in reality. Any grown-up knows this is the case. Anyone who saw combat has taken heroic stances for their nation. Captured combat soldiers hold a special place of reverence for Americans of all political stripes. What Mr. Trump did was say something to get more TV cameras pointed in his direction. Ordinarily, such a brazen publicity grab would be greeted with cynnacism and ridicule. However, Trump still has the ability to cause the President some discomfort and peril for Clinton--the presumptive Democratic nominee. So, for the same reasons as Rubio, the rank and file suspend the counsel of the better angels of their nature and decide to applaud Trump because he can do some damage to the other side; maybe.

Republicans cannot pretend to just be "letting the process" play out when Donald Trump is topping polls. Nor can they deny they feel this way about McCain and Mexicans ("Likewise, tremendous infectious disease is pouring across the border. The United States has become a dumping ground for Mexico and, in fact, for many other parts of the world.").

Hillary Clinton has a likability problem that she has worked hard to correct. She is not running a campaign based on enevitability or a presumption of such. She has learned from her mistakes. Still, she will need the votes of independents to become the next President. Independents are looking and they are seeing a Party that seems more interested in stoking the fires of bigotry, anger and hatred than steering the ship of State to any greater future. Trump could care less. The cameras are pointed at him and that is all he is interested in.

But, we saw some signs of improvement this time.

It took the GOP hopefuls almost three weeks to react to Trump's hateful stuff about Latinos.

But this time, Trump went too far.

Actually, one month ago, he already went too far, but since so much of the GOP base hates minorities so much, the GOP hopefuls swallowed that pill.
I disagree. Yesterday I might have agreed....but today I'm watching the RWrs on this board fall all over themselves to bash McCain and agree with Trump...it took them about 24 hours but they've adjusted their thinking to be comfortable with hating on a Viet Nam vet and POW....not just for his immigration stand...but for his vet/POW status as well.
A Vietnam vet with secrets. A secret so big he had his records sealed and wouldn't release the names of the other surviving POW's.

Perhaps they know what McCain did. It's so bad he would rather they die than reveal what they know.
Another phony posturing OP from a poorly read, severely biased liberal.

Were you "outraged" when liberal bloggers during the 2008 campaign questioned McCain's military record and suggested he was a traitor for participating in North Vietnamese propaganda films and for signing anti-American statements? Remember that? (See, for example, Some on left target McCain s war record - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com ) Where was the liberal outrage then over attacks on this "war hero"?

Gee, I don't remember any liberals saying that such disreputable attacks called for "pulling back the curtain on the ugly Democratic Party." Do you?

And do you remember back in the 2008 campaign when Obama ran an ad that made fun of McCain's disability by mocking his inability to send an e-mail? Gee, I didn't see any liberals talking about "the ugly Democratic Party" over that either. By the way, did Obama ever apologize for that ad? Do you care?

But, oh, now that Donald Trump, in an annoyed reaction to McCain's rude comments about his supporters, has called McCain a "loser" (only in the context that he "lost" the 2008 election) and has questioned McCain's status as a war hero because he was captured, liberals are now coming to McCain's defense!

What a pack of hypocrites you people are.

I wasn't here in 2008. If you could cite some examples that would be great. Better still, if they made the contention that John McCain was not a war hero, they are nonsense. But I would like to see them.

There are idiots in every group of people and I'll be the first to admit that the liberal coalition has it's share.

I do not recall Obama running an ad that made fun of McCain's disability (I wasn't aware McCain had a disability). Please cite the source or show the commercial.

Your indignation would be much more interesting to me if you could also cite some conservatives here who agreed with Trump about McCain not being a war hero last week or later.

Wait a minute, democrat Jim Webb was a war hero and an effective senator but it seems the hypocrite DNC would rather nominate the abused wife of a pervert freaking draft dodger.
All of a sudden they LOVE Juan McCain.


No kidding. makes one want to puke after we saw the way they came at him and Governor Palin when he was running for President. and this Op was front and center in her hatred for Mrs. Palin. so this thread a joke.
I can't stand two faced hypocrites
Just an observation back in 2008 many of the liberal posters here shared Trumps view on McCain as a war hero.

Of course they did and still do. they are playing on their Faux outrage for their party. Like good little marching sheep.....It's oh, look those Gop are such meanies. waaa
You would think that the GOP would have got the message about John the liberal McCain when he lost nomination for president to George Bush for the 2000 run for the white house.
Thats the problem with the GOP, the fact that they keep running liberals. John McCain is no less a POS than hillary or any other POS liberal.
He would do much better by switching to his real party.
All of a sudden they LOVE Juan McCain.


No kidding. makes one want to puke after we saw the way they came at him and Governor Palin when he was running for President. and this Op was front and center in her hatred for Mrs. Palin. so this thread a joke.
I can't stand two faced hypocrites

Wasn't even here in 08, Palin is a joke just like you.
All of a sudden they LOVE Juan McCain.


No kidding. makes one want to puke after we saw the way they came at him and Governor Palin when he was running for President. and this Op was front and center in her hatred for Mrs. Palin. so this thread a joke.
I can't stand two faced hypocrites

Wasn't even here in 08, Palin is a joke just like you.

Oh look a little niga antagonist ..................
ugly GOP? The dem candidate looks like chairman Mao.
Lol you don't even need to pull down a curtain for the democrats to see all their crimes. They are blatant and cheered for by their idiot supporters.

We're not speaking of crimes (which is good because outside of some people at the IRS and VA--who may or may not even be Democrats). We're speaking of casting the Party in the worst possible light which is what Trump did.

The problem is that instead of being offended, you guys are cheering.

Independents are watching. And they will not like the display you guys are putting on.

Can't wait for the upcoming GOP debates when Trump can really unload and show the world your thought processes...should be entertaining.
John McCain will go down in the history books as one of the better US Senators of his time, a war hero, and an effective legislator. Donald Trump will likely be rich until the day he passes from this earth into whatever oblivion in the afterlife awaits him and those that bother to remember him will remember his failed presidential bid and what an ass he made of himself for a brief time in the Summer of 2015. Neither man will suffer any long term effects of Mr. Trump's moronic statements. The true damage of what Donald Trump said about war hero John McCain was to further reveal the true thoughts of the GOP rank and file.

This doesn't fade so easily. If John McCain were not such a distinguished Republican, one may easily chalk it up to his being "yesterday's news" and that failed candidates in the Genral usually enjoy no second act (see Mitt Romney and Al Gore for reference). The hard-right doesn't like McCain being a member of that "gang of eight" who sought to rise above politics and negotiate an immigration bill.

For a clue of why it is more than that, you can look at that bill and see one of it's other authors, Marco Rubio, suffers little in the way of hard right angst. So what is it about this episode that does so much damage? For the answer, consider Rubio. Rubio is a candidate for President whereas McCain is not this time around. Rubio still has the chance to thwart a presidential bid by Hillary Clinton so he cannot be cast asunder so quickly as McCain has been. And there inlies the problem. It isn't that what Trump says has any basis in reality. Any grown-up knows this is the case. Anyone who saw combat has taken heroic stances for their nation. Captured combat soldiers hold a special place of reverence for Americans of all political stripes. What Mr. Trump did was say something to get more TV cameras pointed in his direction. Ordinarily, such a brazen publicity grab would be greeted with cynnacism and ridicule. However, Trump still has the ability to cause the President some discomfort and peril for Clinton--the presumptive Democratic nominee. So, for the same reasons as Rubio, the rank and file suspend the counsel of the better angels of their nature and decide to applaud Trump because he can do some damage to the other side; maybe.

Republicans cannot pretend to just be "letting the process" play out when Donald Trump is topping polls. Nor can they deny they feel this way about McCain and Mexicans ("Likewise, tremendous infectious disease is pouring across the border. The United States has become a dumping ground for Mexico and, in fact, for many other parts of the world.").

Hillary Clinton has a likability problem that she has worked hard to correct. She is not running a campaign based on enevitability or a presumption of such. She has learned from her mistakes. Still, she will need the votes of independents to become the next President. Independents are looking and they are seeing a Party that seems more interested in stoking the fires of bigotry, anger and hatred than steering the ship of State to any greater future. Trump could care less. The cameras are pointed at him and that is all he is interested in.
Your post is just too wordy for me to even think of reading.

Yeah, you wouldn't want to waste your precious brain cell on that. Take care.

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