Pulling Back the Curtain on the Ugly GOP

To be fair, Palin was an idiot who said a lot of stupid things. Having a vagina isn't an excuse for being an idiot.
Its working for hillary, so even a non used dusty vagina evidently has power.

Hillary is smart enough to be kicking your ass. The only ass sarah ever kicked was her own. She even lost in her drunken brawl.
Hillary is not kicking my ass. You must have me mistaken for someone else.
Wasnt big on Sarah Palin either.

If you are a right winger, she is and has been kicking your ass. You've been out to crush her for decades, and you've only demonized her in your own ranks.
I think that history will show that she is an anti American white trash whore.

Lots of crazy right wingers think that,
John McCain will go down in the history books as one of the better US Senators of his time, a war hero, and an effective legislator. Donald Trump will likely be rich until the day he passes from this earth into whatever oblivion in the afterlife awaits him and those that bother to remember him will remember his failed presidential bid and what an ass he made of himself for a brief time in the Summer of 2015. Neither man will suffer any long term effects of Mr. Trump's moronic statements. The true damage of what Donald Trump said about war hero John McCain was to further reveal the true thoughts of the GOP rank and file.

This doesn't fade so easily. If John McCain were not such a distinguished Republican, one may easily chalk it up to his being "yesterday's news" and that failed candidates in the Genral usually enjoy no second act (see Mitt Romney and Al Gore for reference). The hard-right doesn't like McCain being a member of that "gang of eight" who sought to rise above politics and negotiate an immigration bill.

For a clue of why it is more than that, you can look at that bill and see one of it's other authors, Marco Rubio, suffers little in the way of hard right angst. So what is it about this episode that does so much damage? For the answer, consider Rubio. Rubio is a candidate for President whereas McCain is not this time around. Rubio still has the chance to thwart a presidential bid by Hillary Clinton so he cannot be cast asunder so quickly as McCain has been. And there inlies the problem. It isn't that what Trump says has any basis in reality. Any grown-up knows this is the case. Anyone who saw combat has taken heroic stances for their nation. Captured combat soldiers hold a special place of reverence for Americans of all political stripes. What Mr. Trump did was say something to get more TV cameras pointed in his direction. Ordinarily, such a brazen publicity grab would be greeted with cynnacism and ridicule. However, Trump still has the ability to cause the President some discomfort and peril for Clinton--the presumptive Democratic nominee. So, for the same reasons as Rubio, the rank and file suspend the counsel of the better angels of their nature and decide to applaud Trump because he can do some damage to the other side; maybe.

Republicans cannot pretend to just be "letting the process" play out when Donald Trump is topping polls. Nor can they deny they feel this way about McCain and Mexicans ("Likewise, tremendous infectious disease is pouring across the border. The United States has become a dumping ground for Mexico and, in fact, for many other parts of the world.").

Hillary Clinton has a likability problem that she has worked hard to correct. She is not running a campaign based on enevitability or a presumption of such. She has learned from her mistakes. Still, she will need the votes of independents to become the next President. Independents are looking and they are seeing a Party that seems more interested in stoking the fires of bigotry, anger and hatred than steering the ship of State to any greater future. Trump could care less. The cameras are pointed at him and that is all he is interested in.

But, we saw some signs of improvement this time.

It took the GOP hopefuls almost three weeks to react to Trump's hateful stuff about Latinos.

But this time, Trump went too far.

Actually, one month ago, he already went too far, but since so much of the GOP base hates minorities so much, the GOP hopefuls swallowed that pill.

Trump hasn't gone far enough. McCain uses his POW status to say anything he wants at any given time and doesn't expect payback.

Fuck that noise. It's about time that someone slaps back. McCain starts the fight and then runs for cover. He may have been a war hero as a POW but as a Senator and a man he is a coward for throwing out fighting words and then hiding behind his POW status.

Ooooooooooooh can't touch him! :lol:

Here's just two quickies.

John McCain openly mocks presidential candidate Ted Cruz

John McCain openly mocks presidential candidate Ted Cruz

John McCain Doubles Down: Rand Paul is a "Wacko Bird"
Katie Pavlich | Mar 08, 2013

John McCain Doubles Down Rand Paul is a Wacko Bird - Katie Pavlich

Precisely the response that the independents are seeing.

Lets see, by Trump's analysis "he likes people who were not captured". So by definition, he doesn't like those who were not captured. He must hate those that were wounded and really despise those that were killed.

If you're sitting at home listening to him or your bitch ass spreading your wholesale bullshit, and you had a son or daughter in 'Nam, or Iraq or Afghanistan who was taken prisoner, wounded or killed...it's you they despise and for good reason.

Does trump care? Of course not. He has a high net worth and will retire in luxury. The Party be damned.

The funny thing is that Trump is Trump. He has no choice. Shit-for-brains losers like you had a choice to not support this idiot and stand up for the troops. You made your choice. It's a dumb choice but we've come to expect it from you.

This is the most retarded logic I've ever heard.

Trump outed McCain and the war hero lie. Trump is just getting warmed up on McCain, just wait until he tears Jeb Bush a new one and exposes the Bush crime family's wrong doing and scandals with his take no prisoners style.

Who Will Trump Loose the Lightning of His Terrible Swift Wrecking Ball on Next as He Dismantles the GOP? CLICK HERE


The truth is hurting. That's why they're lashing out.

That what the cons do when the can't distort the facts. In spite of the fact that Trump is not playing with a full deck his laser guided wrecking ball of truth has the Rethuglicans scared as he set them up and knocks them down like bowling pins. WHAM!
oh boy. Have you looked at the progressive party you BELONG for the last seven years. ? that isn't just ugly it's been downright nasty. and you claim it's the Gop

oh and did you all see how you treated a woman running for Vice President of this country?

now sit down

this is all your party ever runs on. dirt, smears and dirty lowdown nasty politics
You realize, of course, that the dirt, smears and dirty lowdown nasty politics are all the creation of Republi8can candidate Donald Trump, right? You can't blame Democrats for the idiocy that is the Republican front runner, Donald Trump.
Hard to believe that when given a chance to defend one of their elder statesmen, so many Republicans chose Trump
Is there something to a parallel between Sarah Palin and Donald Trump? The two have said some outrageously stupid things in their respective careers and have been steadfastly defended by the equally outrageously stupid. So, we have learned that the outrageously stupid have a voice and a relatively loud one at that. Can the outrageously stupid drive the course of American politics, or are those in the outrageously stupid camp just bread and circuses, laughable diversions to draw our stunted summer time attention span away from more substantive issues?
John McCain will go down in the history books as one of the better US Senators of his time, a war hero, and an effective legislator. Donald Trump will likely be rich until the day he passes from this earth into whatever oblivion in the afterlife awaits him and those that bother to remember him will remember his failed presidential bid and what an ass he made of himself for a brief time in the Summer of 2015. Neither man will suffer any long term effects of Mr. Trump's moronic statements. The true damage of what Donald Trump said about war hero John McCain was to further reveal the true thoughts of the GOP rank and file.

This doesn't fade so easily. If John McCain were not such a distinguished Republican, one may easily chalk it up to his being "yesterday's news" and that failed candidates in the Genral usually enjoy no second act (see Mitt Romney and Al Gore for reference). The hard-right doesn't like McCain being a member of that "gang of eight" who sought to rise above politics and negotiate an immigration bill.

For a clue of why it is more than that, you can look at that bill and see one of it's other authors, Marco Rubio, suffers little in the way of hard right angst. So what is it about this episode that does so much damage? For the answer, consider Rubio. Rubio is a candidate for President whereas McCain is not this time around. Rubio still has the chance to thwart a presidential bid by Hillary Clinton so he cannot be cast asunder so quickly as McCain has been. And there inlies the problem. It isn't that what Trump says has any basis in reality. Any grown-up knows this is the case. Anyone who saw combat has taken heroic stances for their nation. Captured combat soldiers hold a special place of reverence for Americans of all political stripes. What Mr. Trump did was say something to get more TV cameras pointed in his direction. Ordinarily, such a brazen publicity grab would be greeted with cynnacism and ridicule. However, Trump still has the ability to cause the President some discomfort and peril for Clinton--the presumptive Democratic nominee. So, for the same reasons as Rubio, the rank and file suspend the counsel of the better angels of their nature and decide to applaud Trump because he can do some damage to the other side; maybe.

Republicans cannot pretend to just be "letting the process" play out when Donald Trump is topping polls. Nor can they deny they feel this way about McCain and Mexicans ("Likewise, tremendous infectious disease is pouring across the border. The United States has become a dumping ground for Mexico and, in fact, for many other parts of the world.").

Hillary Clinton has a likability problem that she has worked hard to correct. She is not running a campaign based on enevitability or a presumption of such. She has learned from her mistakes. Still, she will need the votes of independents to become the next President. Independents are looking and they are seeing a Party that seems more interested in stoking the fires of bigotry, anger and hatred than steering the ship of State to any greater future. Trump could care less. The cameras are pointed at him and that is all he is interested in.

Wow.......do your parent's let you have access to their computer or do you just sneak in when your baby sitter is texting her boyfriend.........

No one likes John McCain because he takes every opportunity to attack the very people who wanted to vote for him and tries to be best friends with the media, who we knew would turn on him as soon as he got the nomination.

As Hugh Hewitt says of John McCain, he is a Great American, a lousy Senator and a horrible republican......
oh boy. Have you looked at the progressive party you BELONG for the last seven years. ? that isn't just ugly it's been downright nasty. and you claim it's the Gop

oh and did you all see how you treated a woman running for Vice President of this country?

now sit down

this is all your party ever runs on. dirt, smears and dirty lowdown nasty politics
You realize, of course, that the dirt, smears and dirty lowdown nasty politics are all the creation of Republi8can candidate Donald Trump, right? You can't blame Democrats for the idiocy that is the Republican front runner, Donald Trump.

Most likely Trump is a Democratic plant on a reconnaissance and search and destroy mission. He's exposing the GOP base for their hypocrisy, making monkeys of the corporate news, knocking down Republican myths and monoliths and paving the way for a Democrat landslide.
To be fair, Palin was an idiot who said a lot of stupid things. Having a vagina isn't an excuse for being an idiot.
Its working for hillary, so even a non used dusty vagina evidently has power.

Hillary is smart enough to be kicking your ass. The only ass sarah ever kicked was her own. She even lost in her drunken brawl.
Hillary is not kicking my ass. You must have me mistaken for someone else.
Wasnt big on Sarah Palin either.

If you are a right winger, she is and has been kicking your ass. You've been out to crush her for decades, and you've only demonized her in your own ranks.
I think that history will show that she is an anti American white trash whore.

In your case it takes one to know one.
John McCain will go down in the history books as one of the better US Senators of his time, a war hero, and an effective legislator. Donald Trump will likely be rich until the day he passes from this earth into whatever oblivion in the afterlife awaits him and those that bother to remember him will remember his failed presidential bid and what an ass he made of himself for a brief time in the Summer of 2015. Neither man will suffer any long term effects of Mr. Trump's moronic statements. The true damage of what Donald Trump said about war hero John McCain was to further reveal the true thoughts of the GOP rank and file.

This doesn't fade so easily. If John McCain were not such a distinguished Republican, one may easily chalk it up to his being "yesterday's news" and that failed candidates in the Genral usually enjoy no second act (see Mitt Romney and Al Gore for reference). The hard-right doesn't like McCain being a member of that "gang of eight" who sought to rise above politics and negotiate an immigration bill.

For a clue of why it is more than that, you can look at that bill and see one of it's other authors, Marco Rubio, suffers little in the way of hard right angst. So what is it about this episode that does so much damage? For the answer, consider Rubio. Rubio is a candidate for President whereas McCain is not this time around. Rubio still has the chance to thwart a presidential bid by Hillary Clinton so he cannot be cast asunder so quickly as McCain has been. And there inlies the problem. It isn't that what Trump says has any basis in reality. Any grown-up knows this is the case. Anyone who saw combat has taken heroic stances for their nation. Captured combat soldiers hold a special place of reverence for Americans of all political stripes. What Mr. Trump did was say something to get more TV cameras pointed in his direction. Ordinarily, such a brazen publicity grab would be greeted with cynnacism and ridicule. However, Trump still has the ability to cause the President some discomfort and peril for Clinton--the presumptive Democratic nominee. So, for the same reasons as Rubio, the rank and file suspend the counsel of the better angels of their nature and decide to applaud Trump because he can do some damage to the other side; maybe.

Republicans cannot pretend to just be "letting the process" play out when Donald Trump is topping polls. Nor can they deny they feel this way about McCain and Mexicans ("Likewise, tremendous infectious disease is pouring across the border. The United States has become a dumping ground for Mexico and, in fact, for many other parts of the world.").

Hillary Clinton has a likability problem that she has worked hard to correct. She is not running a campaign based on enevitability or a presumption of such. She has learned from her mistakes. Still, she will need the votes of independents to become the next President. Independents are looking and they are seeing a Party that seems more interested in stoking the fires of bigotry, anger and hatred than steering the ship of State to any greater future. Trump could care less. The cameras are pointed at him and that is all he is interested in.

As Hugh Hewitt says of John McCain, he is a Great American, a lousy Senator and a horrible republican......

Hugh Hewitt has won zero elections.
McCain has won four.

Advantage McCain.
Its working for hillary, so even a non used dusty vagina evidently has power.

Hillary is smart enough to be kicking your ass. The only ass sarah ever kicked was her own. She even lost in her drunken brawl.
Hillary is not kicking my ass. You must have me mistaken for someone else.
Wasnt big on Sarah Palin either.

If you are a right winger, she is and has been kicking your ass. You've been out to crush her for decades, and you've only demonized her in your own ranks.
I think that history will show that she is an anti American white trash whore.

In your case it takes one to know one.
certainly you can respond with something of more substance than that.
oh boy. Have you looked at the progressive party you BELONG for the last seven years. ? that isn't just ugly it's been downright nasty. and you claim it's the Gop

oh and did you all see how you treated a woman running for Vice President of this country?

now sit down

this is all your party ever runs on. dirt, smears and dirty lowdown nasty politics
You realize, of course, that the dirt, smears and dirty lowdown nasty politics are all the creation of Republi8can candidate Donald Trump, right? You can't blame Democrats for the idiocy that is the Republican front runner, Donald Trump.

Most likely Trump is a Democratic plant on a reconnaissance and search and destroy mission. He's exposing the GOP base for their hypocrisy, making monkeys of the corporate news, knocking down Republican myths and monoliths and paving the way for a Democrat landslide.
I doubt that very much. Trump is a Republican of the egregiously cruel, greedy and stupid variety. The flames he is throwing are all in the Republican tradition, but not necessarily the Republican style. He is more in line with the Rush Limbaugh school of thought with Limbaughesque acolytes jumping to his defense.
oh boy. Have you looked at the progressive party you BELONG for the last seven years. ? that isn't just ugly it's been downright nasty. and you claim it's the Gop

oh and did you all see how you treated a woman running for Vice President of this country?

now sit down

this is all your party ever runs on. dirt, smears and dirty lowdown nasty politics
You realize, of course, that the dirt, smears and dirty lowdown nasty politics are all the creation of Republi8can candidate Donald Trump, right? You can't blame Democrats for the idiocy that is the Republican front runner, Donald Trump.

Most likely Trump is a Democratic plant on a reconnaissance and search and destroy mission. He's exposing the GOP base for their hypocrisy, making monkeys of the corporate news, knocking down Republican myths and monoliths and paving the way for a Democrat landslide.
I doubt that very much. Trump is a Republican of the egregiously cruel, greedy and stupid variety. The flames he is throwing are all in the Republican tradition, but not necessarily the Republican style. He is more in line with the Rush Limbaugh school of thought with Limbaughesque acolytes jumping to his defense.

I find it interesting a number of liberals saying nice things about John McCain since around 7 years ago this time he was worse than Darth Vader.
John McCain will go down in the history books as one of the better US Senators of his time, a war hero, and an effective legislator. Donald Trump will likely be rich until the day he passes from this earth into whatever oblivion in the afterlife awaits him and those that bother to remember him will remember his failed presidential bid and what an ass he made of himself for a brief time in the Summer of 2015. Neither man will suffer any long term effects of Mr. Trump's moronic statements. The true damage of what Donald Trump said about war hero John McCain was to further reveal the true thoughts of the GOP rank and file.

This doesn't fade so easily. If John McCain were not such a distinguished Republican, one may easily chalk it up to his being "yesterday's news" and that failed candidates in the Genral usually enjoy no second act (see Mitt Romney and Al Gore for reference). The hard-right doesn't like McCain being a member of that "gang of eight" who sought to rise above politics and negotiate an immigration bill.

For a clue of why it is more than that, you can look at that bill and see one of it's other authors, Marco Rubio, suffers little in the way of hard right angst. So what is it about this episode that does so much damage? For the answer, consider Rubio. Rubio is a candidate for President whereas McCain is not this time around. Rubio still has the chance to thwart a presidential bid by Hillary Clinton so he cannot be cast asunder so quickly as McCain has been. And there inlies the problem. It isn't that what Trump says has any basis in reality. Any grown-up knows this is the case. Anyone who saw combat has taken heroic stances for their nation. Captured combat soldiers hold a special place of reverence for Americans of all political stripes. What Mr. Trump did was say something to get more TV cameras pointed in his direction. Ordinarily, such a brazen publicity grab would be greeted with cynnacism and ridicule. However, Trump still has the ability to cause the President some discomfort and peril for Clinton--the presumptive Democratic nominee. So, for the same reasons as Rubio, the rank and file suspend the counsel of the better angels of their nature and decide to applaud Trump because he can do some damage to the other side; maybe.

Republicans cannot pretend to just be "letting the process" play out when Donald Trump is topping polls. Nor can they deny they feel this way about McCain and Mexicans ("Likewise, tremendous infectious disease is pouring across the border. The United States has become a dumping ground for Mexico and, in fact, for many other parts of the world.").

Hillary Clinton has a likability problem that she has worked hard to correct. She is not running a campaign based on enevitability or a presumption of such. She has learned from her mistakes. Still, she will need the votes of independents to become the next President. Independents are looking and they are seeing a Party that seems more interested in stoking the fires of bigotry, anger and hatred than steering the ship of State to any greater future. Trump could care less. The cameras are pointed at him and that is all he is interested in.

As Hugh Hewitt says of John McCain, he is a Great American, a lousy Senator and a horrible republican......

Hugh Hewitt has won zero elections.
McCain has won four.

Advantage McCain.
oh boy. Have you looked at the progressive party you BELONG for the last seven years. ? that isn't just ugly it's been downright nasty. and you claim it's the Gop

oh and did you all see how you treated a woman running for Vice President of this country?

now sit down

this is all your party ever runs on. dirt, smears and dirty lowdown nasty politics
You realize, of course, that the dirt, smears and dirty lowdown nasty politics are all the creation of Republi8can candidate Donald Trump, right? You can't blame Democrats for the idiocy that is the Republican front runner, Donald Trump.

Most likely Trump is a Democratic plant on a reconnaissance and search and destroy mission. He's exposing the GOP base for their hypocrisy, making monkeys of the corporate news, knocking down Republican myths and monoliths and paving the way for a Democrat landslide.
I doubt that very much. Trump is a Republican of the egregiously cruel, greedy and stupid variety. The flames he is throwing are all in the Republican tradition, but not necessarily the Republican style. He is more in line with the Rush Limbaugh school of thought with Limbaughesque acolytes jumping to his defense.

I find it interesting a number of liberals saying nice things about John McCain since around 7 years ago this time he was worse than Darth Vader.
I think it shows how much the fear Donald Trump when the best they can come up with is the Witch of Benghazi.
oh wait, that's right, what difference does that make now.
No Bengazi scandal, just bs propaganda for hater dupes only. Palin doesn't need any Dem help in outing herself...

25 years now of total bs/conspiracy propaganda about Hillary. Nonsense.
oh boy. Have you looked at the progressive party you BELONG for the last seven years. ? that isn't just ugly it's been downright nasty. and you claim it's the Gop

oh and did you all see how you treated a woman running for Vice President of this country?

now sit down

this is all your party ever runs on. dirt, smears and dirty lowdown nasty politics
You realize, of course, that the dirt, smears and dirty lowdown nasty politics are all the creation of Republi8can candidate Donald Trump, right? You can't blame Democrats for the idiocy that is the Republican front runner, Donald Trump.

Most likely Trump is a Democratic plant on a reconnaissance and search and destroy mission.
The actual quote escapes me at the moment but I was told by more than one professor that "Truth is stranger than fiction." While it would be incredible strategy to implant Trump as an operative; the DNC at it's most cunning would not do it. No; what you're seeing is an ass acting like an ass.

He's exposing the GOP base for their hypocrisy,
Actually FatBastardo (love the screen name by the way), this may be the one an only area where there is no hypocrisy from the GOP base. They don't like McCain because he thinks Obama was born in the US and that hurricanes are caused by weather patterns and not gay marriage.

He's a sane although out-dated Senator who has represented this state and it's people very well. He has also represented some of what the best the GOP has to offer; a flawed but decent view of the world. The party has moved out from under him to the far right and those that have gone off the cliff in this movement are disdainful of anyone who remains there.

What the old base did was evaluate a candidate's values first. Christian? Check. Straight? Check. Electable? Check. THEN....their ideas would be evaluated perhaps. See Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, Scott Brown, Marco Rubio, etc... for examples. Empty suits all.

The new base doesn't value your worth (candidate or not) in terms of what you can do, but on what damage you can inflict. Trump is just the latest example of a GOP warhead to burn the Party that's been embraced by the rank and file. Remember Clive Bundy? First embraced until he became an embarrassment. George Zimmerman? First embraced until he became and embarrassment. Sarah Palin has been widely disavowed (see above) after it became vivid what her game was but you still see those who are over the cliff singing her praises. Herman Cain? First embraced until he became an embarrassment. Joe the Plumber. First embraced until he became an embarrassment.
oh boy. Have you looked at the progressive party you BELONG for the last seven years. ? that isn't just ugly it's been downright nasty. and you claim it's the Gop

oh and did you all see how you treated a woman running for Vice President of this country?

now sit down

this is all your party ever runs on. dirt, smears and dirty lowdown nasty politics
You realize, of course, that the dirt, smears and dirty lowdown nasty politics are all the creation of Republi8can candidate Donald Trump, right? You can't blame Democrats for the idiocy that is the Republican front runner, Donald Trump.

Most likely Trump is a Democratic plant on a reconnaissance and search and destroy mission. He's exposing the GOP base for their hypocrisy, making monkeys of the corporate news, knocking down Republican myths and monoliths and paving the way for a Democrat landslide.
I doubt that very much. Trump is a Republican of the egregiously cruel, greedy and stupid variety. The flames he is throwing are all in the Republican tradition, but not necessarily the Republican style. He is more in line with the Rush Limbaugh school of thought with Limbaughesque acolytes jumping to his defense.

I find it interesting a number of liberals saying nice things about John McCain since around 7 years ago this time he was worse than Darth Vader.
But no one said anything about Sen. McCain's war record. It takes a special piece of filth to do that.
John McCain will go down in the history books as one of the better US Senators of his time, a war hero, and an effective legislator. Donald Trump will likely be rich until the day he passes from this earth into whatever oblivion in the afterlife awaits him and those that bother to remember him will remember his failed presidential bid and what an ass he made of himself for a brief time in the Summer of 2015. Neither man will suffer any long term effects of Mr. Trump's moronic statements. The true damage of what Donald Trump said about war hero John McCain was to further reveal the true thoughts of the GOP rank and file.

This doesn't fade so easily. If John McCain were not such a distinguished Republican, one may easily chalk it up to his being "yesterday's news" and that failed candidates in the Genral usually enjoy no second act (see Mitt Romney and Al Gore for reference). The hard-right doesn't like McCain being a member of that "gang of eight" who sought to rise above politics and negotiate an immigration bill.

For a clue of why it is more than that, you can look at that bill and see one of it's other authors, Marco Rubio, suffers little in the way of hard right angst. So what is it about this episode that does so much damage? For the answer, consider Rubio. Rubio is a candidate for President whereas McCain is not this time around. Rubio still has the chance to thwart a presidential bid by Hillary Clinton so he cannot be cast asunder so quickly as McCain has been. And there inlies the problem. It isn't that what Trump says has any basis in reality. Any grown-up knows this is the case. Anyone who saw combat has taken heroic stances for their nation. Captured combat soldiers hold a special place of reverence for Americans of all political stripes. What Mr. Trump did was say something to get more TV cameras pointed in his direction. Ordinarily, such a brazen publicity grab would be greeted with cynnacism and ridicule. However, Trump still has the ability to cause the President some discomfort and peril for Clinton--the presumptive Democratic nominee. So, for the same reasons as Rubio, the rank and file suspend the counsel of the better angels of their nature and decide to applaud Trump because he can do some damage to the other side; maybe.

Republicans cannot pretend to just be "letting the process" play out when Donald Trump is topping polls. Nor can they deny they feel this way about McCain and Mexicans ("Likewise, tremendous infectious disease is pouring across the border. The United States has become a dumping ground for Mexico and, in fact, for many other parts of the world.").

Hillary Clinton has a likability problem that she has worked hard to correct. She is not running a campaign based on enevitability or a presumption of such. She has learned from her mistakes. Still, she will need the votes of independents to become the next President. Independents are looking and they are seeing a Party that seems more interested in stoking the fires of bigotry, anger and hatred than steering the ship of State to any greater future. Trump could care less. The cameras are pointed at him and that is all he is interested in.

As Hugh Hewitt says of John McCain, he is a Great American, a lousy Senator and a horrible republican......

Hugh Hewitt has won zero elections.
McCain has won four.

Advantage McCain.
oh boy. Have you looked at the progressive party you BELONG for the last seven years. ? that isn't just ugly it's been downright nasty. and you claim it's the Gop

oh and did you all see how you treated a woman running for Vice President of this country?

now sit down

this is all your party ever runs on. dirt, smears and dirty lowdown nasty politics
You realize, of course, that the dirt, smears and dirty lowdown nasty politics are all the creation of Republi8can candidate Donald Trump, right? You can't blame Democrats for the idiocy that is the Republican front runner, Donald Trump.

Most likely Trump is a Democratic plant on a reconnaissance and search and destroy mission. He's exposing the GOP base for their hypocrisy, making monkeys of the corporate news, knocking down Republican myths and monoliths and paving the way for a Democrat landslide.
I doubt that very much. Trump is a Republican of the egregiously cruel, greedy and stupid variety. The flames he is throwing are all in the Republican tradition, but not necessarily the Republican style. He is more in line with the Rush Limbaugh school of thought with Limbaughesque acolytes jumping to his defense.

I find it interesting a number of liberals saying nice things about John McCain since around 7 years ago this time he was worse than Darth Vader.
I think it shows how much the fear Donald Trump when the best they can come up with is the Witch of Benghazi.
oh wait, that's right, what difference does that make now.
Are you supporting Trump?
John McCain will go down in the history books as one of the better US Senators of his time, a war hero, and an effective legislator. Donald Trump will likely be rich until the day he passes from this earth into whatever oblivion in the afterlife awaits him and those that bother to remember him will remember his failed presidential bid and what an ass he made of himself for a brief time in the Summer of 2015. Neither man will suffer any long term effects of Mr. Trump's moronic statements. The true damage of what Donald Trump said about war hero John McCain was to further reveal the true thoughts of the GOP rank and file.

This doesn't fade so easily. If John McCain were not such a distinguished Republican, one may easily chalk it up to his being "yesterday's news" and that failed candidates in the Genral usually enjoy no second act (see Mitt Romney and Al Gore for reference). The hard-right doesn't like McCain being a member of that "gang of eight" who sought to rise above politics and negotiate an immigration bill.

For a clue of why it is more than that, you can look at that bill and see one of it's other authors, Marco Rubio, suffers little in the way of hard right angst. So what is it about this episode that does so much damage? For the answer, consider Rubio. Rubio is a candidate for President whereas McCain is not this time around. Rubio still has the chance to thwart a presidential bid by Hillary Clinton so he cannot be cast asunder so quickly as McCain has been. And there inlies the problem. It isn't that what Trump says has any basis in reality. Any grown-up knows this is the case. Anyone who saw combat has taken heroic stances for their nation. Captured combat soldiers hold a special place of reverence for Americans of all political stripes. What Mr. Trump did was say something to get more TV cameras pointed in his direction. Ordinarily, such a brazen publicity grab would be greeted with cynnacism and ridicule. However, Trump still has the ability to cause the President some discomfort and peril for Clinton--the presumptive Democratic nominee. So, for the same reasons as Rubio, the rank and file suspend the counsel of the better angels of their nature and decide to applaud Trump because he can do some damage to the other side; maybe.

Republicans cannot pretend to just be "letting the process" play out when Donald Trump is topping polls. Nor can they deny they feel this way about McCain and Mexicans ("Likewise, tremendous infectious disease is pouring across the border. The United States has become a dumping ground for Mexico and, in fact, for many other parts of the world.").

Hillary Clinton has a likability problem that she has worked hard to correct. She is not running a campaign based on enevitability or a presumption of such. She has learned from her mistakes. Still, she will need the votes of independents to become the next President. Independents are looking and they are seeing a Party that seems more interested in stoking the fires of bigotry, anger and hatred than steering the ship of State to any greater future. Trump could care less. The cameras are pointed at him and that is all he is interested in.

As Hugh Hewitt says of John McCain, he is a Great American, a lousy Senator and a horrible republican......

Hugh Hewitt has won zero elections.
McCain has won four.

Advantage McCain.
You realize, of course, that the dirt, smears and dirty lowdown nasty politics are all the creation of Republi8can candidate Donald Trump, right? You can't blame Democrats for the idiocy that is the Republican front runner, Donald Trump.

Most likely Trump is a Democratic plant on a reconnaissance and search and destroy mission. He's exposing the GOP base for their hypocrisy, making monkeys of the corporate news, knocking down Republican myths and monoliths and paving the way for a Democrat landslide.
I doubt that very much. Trump is a Republican of the egregiously cruel, greedy and stupid variety. The flames he is throwing are all in the Republican tradition, but not necessarily the Republican style. He is more in line with the Rush Limbaugh school of thought with Limbaughesque acolytes jumping to his defense.

I find it interesting a number of liberals saying nice things about John McCain since around 7 years ago this time he was worse than Darth Vader.
I think it shows how much the fear Donald Trump when the best they can come up with is the Witch of Benghazi.
oh wait, that's right, what difference does that make now.
Are you supporting Trump?
I think he could be the best right now. Certainly better than Hillary. but then, who wouldn't be better than Hillary.

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