Punkass Trolls

I only came across one hacker. The rest are just bored trolls. They get banned and come back under a proxy. Emma and crowd are not very inventive but fun to chew on till they get banned. :)

So, are they kids? IP addresses can be traced, but one post mentioned proxy servers. Seems pretty complicated for kids, but they don't seem all that bright.

My friends and I are all in Mensa.

And aggravating the mods here is the best you could think of to amuse yourselves?

How sad.
Meets the USMB Super-mod

psychic :)

Its good to see you again.

Nice to see you, too, all of you <3
This thread (and the banned intros) was an education of sorts. I didn't know hackers went into message boards. Trolls are everywhere, but it seems like hackers would have more lucrative ends in mind. I'm kind of with Maggie in being kind of confused...until I think about people's need to show off.

I only came across one hacker. The rest are just bored trolls. They get banned and come back under a proxy. Emma and crowd are not very inventive but fun to chew on till they get banned. :)
I suspect it's the equivalent of Huffpoo/CrazyKos civil service to troll boards with liberal agenda and irritation. If they do enough, they win a free macrame snuggy that reeks of patchouli.
Why is our messages here on the board being thrown out there in cyber space?
Is it for the trolls to be alerted, to come to different forms just to troll and disrupt them?
Nice to see you, too, all of you <3
This thread (and the banned intros) was an education of sorts. I didn't know hackers went into message boards. Trolls are everywhere, but it seems like hackers would have more lucrative ends in mind. I'm kind of with Maggie in being kind of confused...until I think about people's need to show off.

I only came across one hacker. The rest are just bored trolls. They get banned and come back under a proxy. Emma and crowd are not very inventive but fun to chew on till they get banned. :)
I suspect it's the equivalent of Huffpoo/CrazyKos civil service to troll boards with liberal agenda and irritation. If they do enough, they win a free macrame snuggy that reeks of patchouli.

JAYsus H Christus on a Popsicle stick! Can SOMEthing have bipartisan support? These kids seem little interested in politics. MAYbe we could leave politics out of their collective spanking, eh?
Our vetting process has yielded a couple of good posters. It also made for some really good chew toys.
Ah, Barb? Your avie has a political messgae by it. Just saying.

Um, okay.
If you dig through the board you'll find the free weed and titties quote by Art. Gawd KNOWS that is a popular political movement in this country.
Shit. If is isn't it should be.
Meanwhile, that is my avie. I like it and will keep it unless they lose the 2012 elections, in which case I'll change it to 2016, because I believe in them and their simple plan for world happiness.
That isn't what I posted to the thread, though. It is my basic and overall belief in what would make people happy. Happy people would make a happy world. No political leaning needed for it, you know? Do YOU think that free weed and titties for all would make the world Unhappy?
If so, why so?
Meanwhile, back at the subject of the thread, do you think that disruptive trolls like the crew emma brought on board are good for the forum?
If so, why so?
If not, why not?
THAT is what makes this so bipartisan.
GET it?
I think you need a cooking message board Barb.

Honestly, I'm a good cook. I don't like to look at cooking shows or to trade recipes though.
Maybe you need to take the stick out of your ass? Perhaps its shaped like a spoon? Just an idea. I don't know where you're coming from with your suggestions and all.
I think you need a cooking message board Barb.

Honestly, I'm a good cook. I don't like to look at cooking shows or to trade recipes though.
Maybe you need to take the stick out of your ass? Perhaps its shaped like a spoon? Just an idea. I don't know where you're coming from with your suggestions and all.

You seem to be upset about politics being on a political message board. I suggested an activity that I rarely have heard political things mentioned. It wasn't a slam on your cooking skills. Grab another Motrin and catch a chick flick.
I think you need a cooking message board Barb.

Honestly, I'm a good cook. I don't like to look at cooking shows or to trade recipes though.
Maybe you need to take the stick out of your ass? Perhaps its shaped like a spoon? Just an idea. I don't know where you're coming from with your suggestions and all.

You seem to be upset about politics being on a political message board. I suggested an activity that I rarely have heard political things mentioned. It wasn't a slam on your cooking skills. Grab another Motrin and catch a chick flick.

It was the Thread, SILLY ASS. The trolls in question aren't interested in politics. Do you have a personal problem with me? If so. leave your comments below and they will be dealt with in the manner which they deserve. Wait for it...you might be waiting for a minute....
So your upset that trolls who have no apparent interest in politics are on a political message board. That is sort of what makes them a troll here don't you think?

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