Purge! Purify! Purge! Purge!


Potentially interesting thread, then we go right to the Taliban & Nazi comparisons.

Oh well.


Well, look at it this way: at least it's not racist!
We haven't seen anyone warp this into a race thing yet, but it's early.


Indeed, I know a couple of Righties who can throw that monkey wrench right in there, pronto...
That makes sense, given your political perspective.

Personally, I can see either.

Christian group investigating family and staff of 2016 candidates to expose gay sympathizers

An evangelical Christian organization has called on right-leaning pastors to “investigate” the family and staff of U.S. presidential candidates in order to expose anyone who is secretly gay or who supports LGBT rights.

The Washington Examiner‘s Paul Bedard reported on Monday that David Lane’s American Renewal Project had asked “100,000 pastors” that it was working with to mobilize Christian voters to also dig up dirt on people connected to presidential candidates.

“As the race begins in the 2016 Republican Presidential Primary, Evangelicals have no choice but to investigate which consultants and operatives are behind each of the candidates; decisions about personnel provide evidences about policy,” Lane wrote in a column for Western Journalism last week.

Lane pointed out that evangelicals had been disappointed when Ken Mehlman revealed he was gay after stepping down as the chairman of the Republican National Committee. And he suggested that George W. Bush would have been disqualified if Christian voters had known that his wife, Laura Bush, would hint at support for same-sex marriage and abortion rights after the president left office.

“A former White House political director, who also served as a Presidential campaign manager and Republican Party Chairman, announced (after he left Washington) that he is a homosexual and an advocate for homosexual marriage. Why didn’t he say that when he depicted himself as a ‘family values’ conservative to win an election?” Lane wanted to know.

According to the Christian activist, GOP attempts to appeal to independent voters had been “disastrous for the Republican Party-and America.”

Video at the link as well.

Purge! Purify! Purge! Purge!

Discuss: do you support the Evangelical push to purify the GOP?

All they need do is call the DNC...the work has already been done
Sometimes, you are so stupid, all that is left to do is to feel sorry for you, Staph Infection.

She (Stephanie) does suffer from an illness. ODS is REAL. Not curable by normal anti psychotic drugs. People will suffer greatly for years when Obama is gone, UNLESS Hillary is elected.

Hilary make it all better tor them. They will suffer greatly for having lost another Presidential election. But then Hillary Derangement Syndrome (aka HDS) will have kicked in and their life will have purpose again.

Similar symptoms, similar treatments. Wash your hands when you are done dealing with an HDS person and take periodic mental health breaks and treatment. Massive amounts of high quality reefer may help some deal with the HDS sufferers in a more reasonable manner.

Cause it's gonna get crazy when Hillary wins. Somebody must have video of Bill's famous blow job. We will finally get to see it. Plus much, much more. :biggrin:
Christian group investigating family and staff of 2016 candidates to expose gay sympathizers

An evangelical Christian organization has called on right-leaning pastors to “investigate” the family and staff of U.S. presidential candidates in order to expose anyone who is secretly gay or who supports LGBT rights.

The Washington Examiner‘s Paul Bedard reported on Monday that David Lane’s American Renewal Project had asked “100,000 pastors” that it was working with to mobilize Christian voters to also dig up dirt on people connected to presidential candidates.

“As the race begins in the 2016 Republican Presidential Primary, Evangelicals have no choice but to investigate which consultants and operatives are behind each of the candidates; decisions about personnel provide evidences about policy,” Lane wrote in a column for Western Journalism last week.

Lane pointed out that evangelicals had been disappointed when Ken Mehlman revealed he was gay after stepping down as the chairman of the Republican National Committee. And he suggested that George W. Bush would have been disqualified if Christian voters had known that his wife, Laura Bush, would hint at support for same-sex marriage and abortion rights after the president left office.

“A former White House political director, who also served as a Presidential campaign manager and Republican Party Chairman, announced (after he left Washington) that he is a homosexual and an advocate for homosexual marriage. Why didn’t he say that when he depicted himself as a ‘family values’ conservative to win an election?” Lane wanted to know.

According to the Christian activist, GOP attempts to appeal to independent voters had been “disastrous for the Republican Party-and America.”

Video at the link as well.

Purge! Purify! Purge! Purge!

Discuss: do you support the Evangelical push to purify the GOP?


You would be amazed at how many democrats actually, secretly, agree with the right on this issue. We should purge our own side as well. I think if they are not forthcoming on their answers on these questions then it indicates they are hiding something which means they don't accept homosexuality. These democrats should be given a choice of either agreeing or leaving the party because we have no room for bigots.
We see what party and people are the most INTOLERANT in this country

Democrat party and their libs/left/bullies

Intollerant of Intollerance?
You betcha

Why can't I hate who I want without Liberals bugging me?

There is no law against hating... shit, if there were, three-quarters of you lefties would be in jail.


Actually, there's God's law.
Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.-1 John 3:15

And the irony is that's it's Christian Minister's doing the hating.

Oh and Soggy, if you were honest you'd see that there is hate on both sides of the aisle, but it seems that you just close your eyes and see just only what you want to see.
We see what party and people are the most INTOLERANT in this country

Democrat party and their libs/left/bullies

Intollerant of Intollerance?
You betcha

Why can't I hate who I want without Liberals bugging me?

There is no law against hating... shit, if there were, three-quarters of you lefties would be in jail.


Who said anything about a law?

Public ridicule can be just as effective

Mocking and ridicule!!!

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