Purging of law enforcement agencies is a giant first step to dictatorship

Liberal projection thread #229 it was Obama who attacked law enforcement for 8 years and its Trump who has their back and support. Even rank and file FBI agents are glad to have Trump vs Obama. You libs and your projection :itsok:

You mean the cops on video murdering unarmed citizens ? Cause you defend them 100% .

Fbi looks into trump and suddenly y’all are Black Lives Matter? Frauds.
Our law agencies are professional and honest.

Our President is neither.
The number of times that the people on Trump's staff have had to have their security clearances rewritten is ample proof of the collusion of that asshole with the Russians. He, and his whole bunch, are traitors, and should meet the end that is reserved for such scum.
Purging of law enforcement agencies is a giant first step to dictatorship
Independent law enforcement agencies, like the FBI, are the only ones standing between a functioning democracy and a one man/party dictatorship.
If Trump can purge the FBI, and dismiss the professionals, he can then be able to use the Justice Department to harass and even imprison his political opponents, on flimsy charges, just like Putin does, with his law enforcement agencies. Mitch Mcconnel is ramming through right wing nut, trump loving nominees through the Federal judiciary, and there won't be much of a hope from relief from the Courts if the systematic dismantling and purging of the FBI, as the Trump Nazis want, is allowed to happen.

Protect the independence of the Justice Department at any cost, or kiss your American democracy good bye.

Uh, the FBI is part of the executive branch, and reports the the President.

Try leaning something about our form of government.
They report to the President, their loyalty is to the Constitution. You damned ignorant cons should learn what the 'Night of the Long Knives' was all about. No one in this nation should ever swear loyalty to a President. Only to the Constitution.
Purging of law enforcement agencies is a giant first step to dictatorship
Independent law enforcement agencies, like the FBI, are the only ones standing between a functioning democracy and a one man/party dictatorship.
If Trump can purge the FBI, and dismiss the professionals, he can then be able to use the Justice Department to harass and even imprison his political opponents, on flimsy charges, just like Putin does, with his law enforcement agencies. Mitch Mcconnel is ramming through right wing nut, trump loving nominees through the Federal judiciary, and there won't be much of a hope from relief from the Courts if the systematic dismantling and purging of the FBI, as the Trump Nazis want, is allowed to happen.

Protect the independence of the Justice Department at any cost, or kiss your American democracy good bye.

Uh, the FBI is part of the executive branch, and reports the the President.

Try leaning something about our form of government.
The FBI and the DOJ answer to the Constitution first.
Purging of law enforcement agencies is a giant first step to dictatorship
Independent law enforcement agencies, like the FBI, are the only ones standing between a functioning democracy and a one man/party dictatorship.
If Trump can purge the FBI, and dismiss the professionals, he can then be able to use the Justice Department to harass and even imprison his political opponents, on flimsy charges, just like Putin does, with his law enforcement agencies. Mitch Mcconnel is ramming through right wing nut, trump loving nominees through the Federal judiciary, and there won't be much of a hope from relief from the Courts if the systematic dismantling and purging of the FBI, as the Trump Nazis want, is allowed to happen.

Protect the independence of the Justice Department at any cost, or kiss your American democracy good bye.
Constantly trying to discredit our free press is another common tactic of a dictator.
Our law agencies are professional and honest.

Our President is neither.
Just like Hillary.
I agree, Lastamender. This is why we are so fortunate that it was Trump elected. He is far easier to remove than Clinton ever would have been.
Got 7 more years of saying that.
Steve Bannon said fat boy only has a 30% chance of finishing this term.. and he knows where the bodies are buried.
Our law agencies are professional and honest.

Our President is neither.
Just like Hillary.
I agree, Lastamender. This is why we are so fortunate that it was Trump elected. He is far easier to remove than Clinton ever would have been.
Got 7 more years of saying that.
Steve Bannon said fat boy only has a 30% chance of finishing this term.. and he knows where the bodies are buried.
so is the FBI allowed to do as they please?...if these guys were investigating obama and had some biased agents against him investigating,would you be alright with that?...

There is no evidence of any bias. FBI agents are allowed to support the political candidate of their choice. Just because you don't like their conclusions does not make them biased. The Democrats were wrong to demonize Ken Starr and Republicans are wrong to demonize Mueller. Should Jeff Sessions DOJ be allowed to investigate Democrats since Sessions is biased.
Purging of law enforcement agencies is a giant first step to dictatorship
Independent law enforcement agencies, like the FBI, are the only ones standing between a functioning democracy and a one man/party dictatorship.
If Trump can purge the FBI, and dismiss the professionals, he can then be able to use the Justice Department to harass and even imprison his political opponents, on flimsy charges, just like Putin does, with his law enforcement agencies. Mitch Mcconnel is ramming through right wing nut, trump loving nominees through the Federal judiciary, and there won't be much of a hope from relief from the Courts if the systematic dismantling and purging of the FBI, as the Trump Nazis want, is allowed to happen.

Protect the independence of the Justice Department at any cost, or kiss your American democracy good bye.
I have a better solution.....get rid of all of the corrupt assholes on the take and you're have a better FBI.

Why don't we get rid of corrupt assholes like you. Attacking law enforcement officers to protect your fuerher is un-American.
The Truth is just the opposite of what the O. P. represents.

It has been obvious from before Trump ever dreamed of the Presidency....that the first road to a Dictatorship in this great country was to corrupt the Justice Department.

Nixon just merely tried, in desperation, and he was run out of town on a rail.

But Obama accomplished it in his first few months in office merely by appointing Eric Holder as Attorney General. Armed with the Race Card for any who questioned, and with the frightful fact of a re-election---the Obama Deep State was created and must now be dismantled. It is a cancer to this country.

Trump should get on with what he promised---Drain the Swamp...and if Jeff Sessions doesn't have the stones to help, then he should step aside so Trump can find someone who will.

Obama took an oath to enforce the Law, and then, for eight long years, ignored or subverted every law he didn't like---foremost among them being the Immigration Laws. His Executive Orders were consistently found to be Unconstitutional, but he got away with everything because Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch had his back...and the backs all of his Deep State Subversives---like Lois Lerner, and the perjurer James Clapper, and of course, his hand picked successor---the Slave of Satan, Hillary Clinton.

Trump now has to clean up the mess, and the Democrat/Bolsheviks can rely on their Party-Owned New York Media to see that he cleans it up according to the Rule of Law which was ignored for entirety of the last Administration.

I think it’s hysterically funny that conservatives here think that Trump has shown any respect or interest in the rule of law when in fact the opposite has been true.

He encouraged police officers to rough up suspects at the time of arrest. He has routinely maligned the judiciary, to the point where Neil Gorusch said his attitude isn’t helpful.

He dismissed the White House ethics commissioner, uttering ignoring the blind trust requirements for his business holdings, and completely disregarding the emoluments clause in the Constitution. He’s still pissed that Jeff Sessins recused himself from the Russia investigation.

But what the OP has wrong is that it isn’t the judiciary that a despot goes after first - it’s the free press. The judiciary is second.

Trump has relentlessly attacked the media since prior to the Inauguration. He becomes upset that his lies are revealed and that the media criticizes him. He calls it “unfair”. He doesn’t know the meaning of the word “unfair”.

That Trumptards believe Trump is honest and not in any way a despot, shows how gullible these people truly are.

Well, at least the lines are clearly drawn. We see the same worlds, but one sees it at night, and the other sees it in the bright of day.

I hope that this time----this internet---which has enabled a free clash of ideas instead of arms---will decide who wins the Civil War...for that is where we are headed.
The Truth is just the opposite of what the O. P. represents.

It has been obvious from before Trump ever dreamed of the Presidency....that the first road to a Dictatorship in this great country was to corrupt the Justice Department.

Nixon just merely tried, in desperation, and he was run out of town on a rail.

But Obama accomplished it in his first few months in office merely by appointing Eric Holder as Attorney General. Armed with the Race Card for any who questioned, and with the frightful fact of a re-election---the Obama Deep State was created and must now be dismantled. It is a cancer to this country.

Trump should get on with what he promised---Drain the Swamp...and if Jeff Sessions doesn't have the stones to help, then he should step aside so Trump can find someone who will.

Obama took an oath to enforce the Law, and then, for eight long years, ignored or subverted every law he didn't like---foremost among them being the Immigration Laws. His Executive Orders were consistently found to be Unconstitutional, but he got away with everything because Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch had his back...and the backs all of his Deep State Subversives---like Lois Lerner, and the perjurer James Clapper, and of course, his hand picked successor---the Slave of Satan, Hillary Clinton.

Trump now has to clean up the mess, and the Democrat/Bolsheviks can rely on their Party-Owned New York Media to see that he cleans it up according to the Rule of Law which was ignored for entirety of the last Administration.

I think it’s hysterically funny that conservatives here think that Trump has shown any respect or interest in the rule of law when in fact the opposite has been true.

He encouraged police officers to rough up suspects at the time of arrest. He has routinely maligned the judiciary, to the point where Neil Gorusch said his attitude isn’t helpful.

He dismissed the White House ethics commissioner, uttering ignoring the blind trust requirements for his business holdings, and completely disregarding the emoluments clause in the Constitution. He’s still pissed that Jeff Sessins recused himself from the Russia investigation.

But what the OP has wrong is that it isn’t the judiciary that a despot goes after first - it’s the free press. The judiciary is second.

Trump has relentlessly attacked the media since prior to the Inauguration. He becomes upset that his lies are revealed and that the media criticizes him. He calls it “unfair”. He doesn’t know the meaning of the word “unfair”.

That Trumptards believe Trump is honest and not in any way a despot, shows how gullible these people truly are.

Well, at least the lines are clearly drawn. We see the same worlds, but one sees it at night, and the other sees it in the bright of day.

I hope that this time----this internet---which has enabled a free clash of ideas instead of arms---will decide who wins the Civil War...for that is where we are headed.

No we don’t see the same worlds at all. You live in a dystopian fantasy where there’s a “War on Christmas”, the news media can’t be trusted, and Trump believes Putin over the FBI and the CIA.

Of course Trump wants to discredit those investigating him. When the press charges against him and members of his family he wants an excuse to stop the prosecution.

Nobody in the world thinks Trump is doing right by the USA or it’s allies.

That the truth in the cold clear light of day.

That you see any reason to support Trump means you’re stupid or gullible, or both.
Purging of law enforcement agencies is a giant first step to dictatorship
Independent law enforcement agencies, like the FBI, are the only ones standing between a functioning democracy and a one man/party dictatorship.
If Trump can purge the FBI, and dismiss the professionals, he can then be able to use the Justice Department to harass and even imprison his political opponents, on flimsy charges, just like Putin does, with his law enforcement agencies. Mitch Mcconnel is ramming through right wing nut, trump loving nominees through the Federal judiciary, and there won't be much of a hope from relief from the Courts if the systematic dismantling and purging of the FBI, as the Trump Nazis want, is allowed to happen.

Protect the independence of the Justice Department at any cost, or kiss your American democracy good bye.
I have a better solution.....get rid of all of the corrupt assholes on the take and you're have a better FBI.

Why don't we get rid of corrupt assholes like you. Attacking law enforcement officers to protect your fuerher is un-American.
I never understand people that think Trump is Hitler. If he was, half the Democrats in Washington would be in jail right now.
Think about it.
Purging of law enforcement agencies is a giant first step to dictatorship
Independent law enforcement agencies, like the FBI, are the only ones standing between a functioning democracy and a one man/party dictatorship.
If Trump can purge the FBI, and dismiss the professionals, he can then be able to use the Justice Department to harass and even imprison his political opponents, on flimsy charges, just like Putin does, with his law enforcement agencies. Mitch Mcconnel is ramming through right wing nut, trump loving nominees through the Federal judiciary, and there won't be much of a hope from relief from the Courts if the systematic dismantling and purging of the FBI, as the Trump Nazis want, is allowed to happen.

Protect the independence of the Justice Department at any cost, or kiss your American democracy good bye.

Uh, the FBI is part of the executive branch, and reports the the President.

Try leaning something about our form of government.
The FBI and the DOJ answer to the Constitution first.

Trump hasn't asked them to do anything in violation of his Constitutionally authorized powers, bub.
so is the FBI allowed to do as they please?...if these guys were investigating obama and had some biased agents against him investigating,would you be alright with that?...

There is no evidence of any bias. FBI agents are allowed to support the political candidate of their choice. Just because you don't like their conclusions does not make them biased. The Democrats were wrong to demonize Ken Starr and Republicans are wrong to demonize Mueller. Should Jeff Sessions DOJ be allowed to investigate Democrats since Sessions is biased.
if you say so bee....i would not want people who openly hate me doing an investigation on me,but maybe you would not care....

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