Zone1 The Best way to get rid of a Bad Law, is to Enforce it!

Well, in fairness, the Left has shown that they are all about ignoring the law when it suits their purposes. Immigration and Abortion Rights do come to mind.
Law and order do seem to take a back-seat to outrage, whether it be BLM protests that spin off into riots..or Jan. 6 protests..that morphed into riots/insurrection.

Now I will clearly state that I think it is one's ethical duty to ignore certain bad laws--just as it is also their ethical duty to turn themselves in and bow to whatever sanction is imposed.
Notice the insurrection typing. You are programmed. I guarantee you if people start voting authoritarians to eliminate the authoritarians you follow, we could use truth serum to be kind or torture to get their real motives.
Unjust laws are made on purpose. No one has to wonder if they are being screwed.
Who decides what is “unjust”… I’m not saying all laws are completely moral but you sound like the mouthpiece for vigilante anarchy
Who decides what is “unjust”… I’m not saying all laws are completely moral but you sound like the mouthpiece for vigilante anarchy
Not at all. Hardly anyone has a problem with laws against violence, theft and all the others meant to keep the peace. Those are necessary for a functioning society. Laws that protect exploitation or target specific groups for persecution or invade your privacy are meant to be unjust by design.
Laws that protect exploitation or target specific groups for persecution or invade your privacy are meant to be unjust by design.
But we’ve seen this mantra used for political reasons.. such as racist race quotas. The left thinks they are “protecting exploited target groups” but are in fact just judging/punishing people based on their skin color.

You need to cut the vague, soft speak and get to the meat and potatoes
But we’ve seen this mantra used for political reasons.. such as racist race quotas. The left thinks they are “protecting exploited target groups” but are in fact just judging/punishing people based on their skin color.

You need to cut the vague, soft speak and get to the meat and potatoes
All they need at election time ( aside from rigged voting machines and 90% of MSM) is a bunch of dishonest sound bites from their members of Congress and donations from Silicon and China.
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A‌braham Lincoln is often paraphrased as saying, “The best way ‌to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly.” While that paraphrase summarizes the gist of what Lincoln was saying, the full text of his remark is worth repeating.

In 1838, early in his career, Abraham Lincoln delivered an address to the Young Men’s Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois. It was entitled “The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions.” In it, he said:

He went on to say:

When Lincoln refers to religiously observing the law “for the sake of example,” he is referring also to the example of the American Republic itself as an example to the world. Without enforcement of the law, there cannot be accountability under law, and political accountability is essential to a functioning democracy.


I was wondering how y'all felt about President Lincoln's position on Law and Order.

I was raised by my parents, unfair or not, to follow the law, no matter what....for reasons much like what Lincoln had stated above....follow the law, if a bad law, you legally change it.

It seems that those in the right wing, no longer believe as Lincoln stated, and want to just tear our country and institutions apart outside of the law? Is this accurate? Or is it somewhere inbetween???
How many Americans "just obeyed" the laws of prohibition? ;)

How did that work out for the government law, hmm?
How many Americans "just obeyed" the laws of prohibition? ;)

How did that work out for the government law, hmm?
good point!

So, does this mean you disagree with what President Lincoln said, in the op?
good point!

So, does this mean you disagree with what President Lincoln said, in the op?
I definitely do, and that dickhead did/had very bad things done in Georgia.

Things 90 year old black women in GA told me about. They were not good, I'll tell you that.

I realize that's just one person's perspective, but..that's the influence I saw when I was growing up.

That's what I saw and heard and took in when I was growing up.

Yankees were not good in The South, at all.

Nothing good came from yankees being south of the Mason-Dixon line.
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Don't be too sensitive. I didn't say ONLY those on the right seem to be falling away from law and order....

But I would like to discuss it with the right wing...because the rightwing has been more, in your face, about it, on the whole, since Trump's arrival, imho.
I see it as starting from the left long before then and TRUMP!'s arrival sparking a long-suppressed reaction to it. The Civil Rights struggle and Viet Nam kicked off the idea of resistance to unjust laws and actions by the government and for a long time the left dominated in displays of disobedience. It has only been in the last few years that the right has jumped into the fray and started disregarding government edicts and in essence daring the government to do anything about it.
A‌braham Lincoln is often paraphrased as saying, “The best way ‌to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly.” While that paraphrase summarizes the gist of what Lincoln was saying, the full text of his remark is worth repeating.

In 1838, early in his career, Abraham Lincoln delivered an address to the Young Men’s Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois. It was entitled “The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions.” In it, he said:

He went on to say:

When Lincoln refers to religiously observing the law “for the sake of example,” he is referring also to the example of the American Republic itself as an example to the world. Without enforcement of the law, there cannot be accountability under law, and political accountability is essential to a functioning democracy.


I was wondering how y'all felt about President Lincoln's position on Law and Order.

I was raised by my parents, unfair or not, to follow the law, no matter what....for reasons much like what Lincoln had stated above....follow the law, if a bad law, you legally change it.

It seems that those in the right wing, no longer believe as Lincoln stated, and want to just tear our country and institutions apart outside of the law? Is this accurate? Or is it somewhere inbetween???

The problem is that so often in the modern world, what is deemed Legal is rarely Lawful.

Do you know what I mean by Lawful? I think you might, given past dialogue I've read from you on here in one place or another.

Because I really don't feel like typing it all out to explain. lol. It's one of those lazy days where I just donlt feel like typing a bunch.

Cliff notes would be that as virtue gradually erodes in society, so does the ability or care by society collectively to recognize, observe and understand the consequence religiously.
I see it as starting from the left long before then and TRUMP!'s arrival sparking a long-suppressed reaction to it. The Civil Rights struggle and Viet Nam kicked off the idea of resistance to unjust laws and actions by the government and for a long time the left dominated in displays of disobedience. It has only been in the last few years that the right has jumped into the fray and started disregarding government edicts and in essence daring the government to do anything about it.
Hmmm...I'd take it a bit the Worker's rights struggles early in the last century.
While the two parties now correspond to left and right, this is a relatively new thing. For most of our history, the extremes of both parties were on the outside looking in.
They were wooed for votes and then discarded.
The tea party was the first RW action I took note of.
Now that the Progressive wing of the Dems have control..and the Trump faction rules the Republicans, I'd say the parties, to our sorrow, do indeed represent Left and Right.

Those protests in the 60's were NOT endorsed by the mainstream Dems. Nor was the race issue...until they found they could win with it.

Thr Republicans were the party of the moneyed classes...hillbillies and rednecks need not apply.

Time they do change eh?
A‌braham Lincoln is often paraphrased as saying, “The best way ‌to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly.” While that paraphrase summarizes the gist of what Lincoln was saying, the full text of his remark is worth repeating.

In 1838, early in his career, Abraham Lincoln delivered an address to the Young Men’s Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois. It was entitled “The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions.” In it, he said:

He went on to say:

When Lincoln refers to religiously observing the law “for the sake of example,” he is referring also to the example of the American Republic itself as an example to the world. Without enforcement of the law, there cannot be accountability under law, and political accountability is essential to a functioning democracy.


I was wondering how y'all felt about President Lincoln's position on Law and Order.

I was raised by my parents, unfair or not, to follow the law, no matter what....for reasons much like what Lincoln had stated above....follow the law, if a bad law, you legally change it.

It seems that those in the right wing, no longer believe as Lincoln stated, and want to just tear our country and institutions apart outside of the law? Is this accurate? Or is it somewhere inbetween???
What I think you are trying to say is the right is out to destroy the law. Maybe you should do a count of the prison population. You would find the results a lot different.

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