Pussification of America


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

NY State Says These Kids’ Games Pose ‘Significant Risk Of Injury’

by Danielle Sullivan on April 19th, 2011

School will be soon be out but if it’s up to the New York State Health Department, a lot of city kids might be spending their time indoors.

The New York State Health Department created a list of what they deemed “risky recreational activities” and is forcing many summer programs to ban these games unless they shell out extra funds to be recognized as an official summer camp. They say the activities listed pose a “significant risk of injury” and have been named as hazards which need to be regulated at day camps.

While proper supervision and safety concerns rank high on every parent’s list of priorities, the games that have been deemed unsafe and risky might shock a lot of city parents who grew up playing these ‘dangerous’ games.

For starters, kids can kiss wiffle ball, dodge ball, and kick ball goodbye. Horseback riding and scuba make the list and more understandably, archery. But so does freeze tag, Frisbee, steal the bacon and tug of war!

According to the NY Daily News, under the new rules, any program that offers two or more organized recreational activities – with at least one of them on the risky list – is deemed a summer camp and subject to state regulation. Health Department spokeswoman Diane Mathis said the list of risky activities was crafted with help from camp groups.

When I was little, that is all we did. We hung outside our house and played all those games- with barely any supervision! And we all survived… and had a lot of creative group fun and physical activity in the process. My kids have gone to summer programs that weren’t camps where they played all these games and loved it. And they always came home in one piece. Just the other day, my eight-year-old was playing Red Rover in the schoolyard (another banned game).

By becoming hyper-vigilant about safety precautions, we are raising a generation of paranoid kids that are missing a large part of childhood. Maybe if we let kids be kids, a lot of them would lose the video games, lessen the pent up aggression and actually have good old-fashioned fun.

NY State Says These Kids' Games Pose 'Significant Risk Of Injury' | Strollerderby

School Forces Kid to take down US Flag on Veteran's Day (Mexicans censoring Americans, again)

KSBW ^ | 11/11/10 | KSBW

Posted on Friday, November 12, 2010 2:23:45 by radpolis

A Stanislaus County school is forcing a student to take an American flag off of his bike.

Thirteen-year-old Cody Alicea put the flag there as a show of support for the veterans in his family.

But officials at Denair Middle School told him he couldn't fly it. He said he was told some students had complained.

So now the eighth-grader folds up the flag and puts it in his backpack while he is in class.

His father, Robert Kisner, said his son should not have to put the flag away.

"He's got that flag on his bike because he's proud of where he comes from," Kisner said.


"Our Hispanic, you know, kids will, you know, bring their Mexican flags and they'll display it, and then of course the kids would do the American flag situation, and it does cause kind of a racial tension which we don't really want," Parraz said. "We want them to appreciate the cultures."

(Excerpt) Read more at ksbw.com ...

School Forces Kid to take down US Flag on Veteran's Day (Mexicans censoring Americans, again)
Playground Swings Considered Too Risky for School Children

By The Associated Press

The children of Cabell County (West Virginia) will be protected from playground swings. Now what has been considered a traditional piece of equipment for childhood activity is deemed too dangerous for school children:

"... County schools safety manager Tim Stewart says the swing sets are being removed from 17 schools starting this fall. He says it's due to recent lawsuits and the potential cost of installing proper safety barriers."

link: Swing sets being eliminated at some W.Va. schools

One may scoff and think that this is only one county. However, if there is the potential to prevent future litigation, is there any question that other school districts across the nation will consider this precaution?

In contrast, it may be noted that the United States military has found that it faces the problem of recruits being overweight and unfit for service. Perhaps children have to learn that such things as Newton's Laws of Motions do apply and brave the dangers and trauma of playground swings.

Many of us used school swings and live to say that 'we survived it'. We were not playground wimps.

Catherine Forsythe


NY State Says These Kids’ Games Pose ‘Significant Risk Of Injury’

by Danielle Sullivan on April 19th, 2011

School will be soon be out but if it’s up to the New York State Health Department, a lot of city kids might be spending their time indoors.

The New York State Health Department created a list of what they deemed “risky recreational activities” and is forcing many summer programs to ban these games unless they shell out extra funds to be recognized as an official summer camp. They say the activities listed pose a “significant risk of injury” and have been named as hazards which need to be regulated at day camps.

While proper supervision and safety concerns rank high on every parent’s list of priorities, the games that have been deemed unsafe and risky might shock a lot of city parents who grew up playing these ‘dangerous’ games.

For starters, kids can kiss wiffle ball, dodge ball, and kick ball goodbye. Horseback riding and scuba make the list and more understandably, archery. But so does freeze tag, Frisbee, steal the bacon and tug of war!

According to the NY Daily News, under the new rules, any program that offers two or more organized recreational activities – with at least one of them on the risky list – is deemed a summer camp and subject to state regulation. Health Department spokeswoman Diane Mathis said the list of risky activities was crafted with help from camp groups.

When I was little, that is all we did. We hung outside our house and played all those games- with barely any supervision! And we all survived… and had a lot of creative group fun and physical activity in the process. My kids have gone to summer programs that weren’t camps where they played all these games and loved it. And they always came home in one piece. Just the other day, my eight-year-old was playing Red Rover in the schoolyard (another banned game).

By becoming hyper-vigilant about safety precautions, we are raising a generation of paranoid kids that are missing a large part of childhood. Maybe if we let kids be kids, a lot of them would lose the video games, lessen the pent up aggression and actually have good old-fashioned fun.

NY State Says These Kids' Games Pose 'Significant Risk Of Injury' | Strollerderby

And our retard politicians, including our fatass retarded First Lady, wonder why obesity is on the rise among kids. It's because you bureaucratic fucksticks are banning kids from having fun because of "safety issues".

Kids are going to get hurt. Oh well...a couple of bruises builds character. And besides...they'll heal!

Jihad-Denialist Nominated to Head CIA

January 8, 2013
By Arnold Ahlert


President Obama’s determination to keep his Middle East outreach agenda alive, no matter how at odds with reality, continues. Yesterday, John Brennan, Deputy National Security Adviser for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, was nominated to head the CIA, replacing scandal-scarred David Petraeus. “John knows what our national security demands,” Obama announced.


At best, the 25-year CIA veteran’s record is a mixed bag. At worst, he becomes another link in the administration’s efforts to normalize relations with Islamic terrorists.


Jihad-Denialist Nominated to Head CIA

The Anti-War/Anti-Semitic Defense Chief

January 8, 2013
By Joseph Klein

President Obama has nominated former Senator and Vietnam war veteran Chuck Hagel to replace Leon Panetta as Secretary of Defense, and John Brennan to serve as director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Although Brennan’s Senate confirmation may meet less resistance, Hagel’s nomination is sure to spark a fierce confirmation battle in the Senate — a battle that would be completely warranted. Hagel, after all, has espoused a deep kinship with the radical anti-war Left, advocated reckless foreign policy positions such as direct talks with terrorists and their leading sponsor, Iran, and demonstrated a nasty hostility to Israel and to Jews in general. To have this kind of individual serving as the head of the U.S. Defense Department is to severely jeopardize the security interests of the U.S., our ally Israel and the rest of the free world.


The Anti-War/Anti-Semitic Defense Chief
Liberals want all the little boys to be faggots, and all the little girls to be lesbians. Anyone who loves their children needs to home school them, and keep them away from the evil liberals - fuck public schools!
11-2, Orange Bowl champs, ACC champs, 10# in the AP, #8 in the Coaches poll.

ill buy that for a Dollar.

School Forces Kid to take down US Flag on Veteran's Day (Mexicans censoring Americans, again)

KSBW ^ | 11/11/10 | KSBW

Posted on Friday, November 12, 2010 2:23:45 by radpolis

A Stanislaus County school is forcing a student to take an American flag off of his bike.

Thirteen-year-old Cody Alicea put the flag there as a show of support for the veterans in his family.

But officials at Denair Middle School told him he couldn't fly it. He said he was told some students had complained.

So now the eighth-grader folds up the flag and puts it in his backpack while he is in class.

His father, Robert Kisner, said his son should not have to put the flag away.

"He's got that flag on his bike because he's proud of where he comes from," Kisner said.


"Our Hispanic, you know, kids will, you know, bring their Mexican flags and they'll display it, and then of course the kids would do the American flag situation, and it does cause kind of a racial tension which we don't really want," Parraz said. "We want them to appreciate the cultures."

(Excerpt) Read more at ksbw.com ...

School Forces Kid to take down US Flag on Veteran's Day (Mexicans censoring Americans, again)
What would right wingnuts do without Free Republic and other wingnut sites to dig up insignificant bulllshit?

School Forces Kid to take down US Flag on Veteran's Day (Mexicans censoring Americans, again)

KSBW ^ | 11/11/10 | KSBW

Posted on Friday, November 12, 2010 2:23:45 by radpolis

A Stanislaus County school is forcing a student to take an American flag off of his bike.

Thirteen-year-old Cody Alicea put the flag there as a show of support for the veterans in his family.

But officials at Denair Middle School told him he couldn't fly it. He said he was told some students had complained.

So now the eighth-grader folds up the flag and puts it in his backpack while he is in class.

His father, Robert Kisner, said his son should not have to put the flag away.

"He's got that flag on his bike because he's proud of where he comes from," Kisner said.


"Our Hispanic, you know, kids will, you know, bring their Mexican flags and they'll display it, and then of course the kids would do the American flag situation, and it does cause kind of a racial tension which we don't really want," Parraz said. "We want them to appreciate the cultures."

(Excerpt) Read more at ksbw.com ...

School Forces Kid to take down US Flag on Veteran's Day (Mexicans censoring Americans, again)
What would right wingnuts do without Free Republic and other wingnut sites to dig up insignificant bulllshit?

What would left wingnuts do without Daily Krap/MSDNC and other wingnut sites to dig up insignificant bulllshit?

That was EZ...:D

School Forces Kid to take down US Flag on Veteran's Day (Mexicans censoring Americans, again)

KSBW ^ | 11/11/10 | KSBW

Posted on Friday, November 12, 2010 2:23:45 by radpolis

A Stanislaus County school is forcing a student to take an American flag off of his bike.

Thirteen-year-old Cody Alicea put the flag there as a show of support for the veterans in his family.

But officials at Denair Middle School told him he couldn't fly it. He said he was told some students had complained.

So now the eighth-grader folds up the flag and puts it in his backpack while he is in class.

His father, Robert Kisner, said his son should not have to put the flag away.

"He's got that flag on his bike because he's proud of where he comes from," Kisner said.


"Our Hispanic, you know, kids will, you know, bring their Mexican flags and they'll display it, and then of course the kids would do the American flag situation, and it does cause kind of a racial tension which we don't really want," Parraz said. "We want them to appreciate the cultures."
(Excerpt) Read more at ksbw.com ...

School Forces Kid to take down US Flag on Veteran's Day (Mexicans censoring Americans, again)

What he means is that we are supposed to appreciate other country's cultures, but we are supposed to ignore ours. If anyone is offended by our flag, they need to learn why they need to respect this country and it's people. It's the same thing over and over. Schools fear that there will be violence against children who fly our flag and instead of addressing the root of the problem and dealing with the idiots who threaten Americans, they tell the kid to put the flag away and respect the trouble makers' culture instead. I don't want to see any children get hurt, but allowing bullies to rule and bending over to please them will only increase the problem.

While schools pander to anti-American bullies, they think banning freeze tag and dodge ball will make up for it. We are doomed with officials thinking this way.

Any child should be allowed to fly a flag, just as all people here should be allowed to fly one outside their home. I am so sick of people banning that lest we offend anyone. It's those who claim to be offended that are the real problem with this country and they need to be dealt with harshly. Don't like Americans? Get the hell out or be prepared to face consequences for attacking or harassing citizens. I would move before I'd allow my children to attend school with the kind of scum who would beat them up or complain about the American flag. The kids are taught that by their loser parents, who are likely here illegally. They should get their hateful asses deported, but Obama would rather offer them the world.
When you've turned out a slew of young adults who take their mothers to their job interviews, surely as a society you must realized you've fucked up. Pardon my french.
To bring up examples like this and call people "pussies" is only going to make things worse.

Remember, the people are what got us here. And if you piss them off, then they might make it worse on you. ;)
Liberals want all the little boys to be faggots, and all the little girls to be lesbians. Anyone who loves their children needs to home school them, and keep them away from the evil liberals - fuck public schools!

Is that how you love your children? By teaching them hate?

Just what this world needs, more little douchebags taught by you.

The Anti-War/Anti-Semitic Defense Chief

January 8, 2013
By Joseph Klein

President Obama has nominated former Senator and Vietnam war veteran Chuck Hagel to replace Leon Panetta as Secretary of Defense, and John Brennan to serve as director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Although Brennan’s Senate confirmation may meet less resistance, Hagel’s nomination is sure to spark a fierce confirmation battle in the Senate — a battle that would be completely warranted. Hagel, after all, has espoused a deep kinship with the radical anti-war Left, advocated reckless foreign policy positions such as direct talks with terrorists and their leading sponsor, Iran, and demonstrated a nasty hostility to Israel and to Jews in general. To have this kind of individual serving as the head of the U.S. Defense Department is to severely jeopardize the security interests of the U.S., our ally Israel and the rest of the free world.


The Anti-War/Anti-Semitic Defense Chief

We WON!!!!


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmcqDBT37SQ]World Reacts to Obama Victory - YouTube[/ame]


Get over it......


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