Pussy hats banned from women's march cuz not all vaginas are pink and not all women have vaginas.

The feelings of all kinds of freaks are very important in this country and very well protected. But how about the feelings of a lot more people who are still normal and have to watch those crowds of freaks marching in their cities? Does anybody care?
They're butt stupid, so what do people expect from these gimps anyway? The real crime is how the country actually runs around pandering to them all the time, when they should just be gassed and tossed onto the nearest tramp steamers heading overseas. Thomas Jefferson would approve.

I was talking to my husband about this and he said how the fuck is that racist? (The one I was reading said they claimed pink vagina hats were racist.) I, having never had a black woman (or man honestly, it was on my bucket list until I met my husband,) said idk maybe it's a pink lips thing? He kind of smirked and informed me that if anything they're more pink. (His ex-wife is black) I postulated that the fruit loops passing the "racist" thing around might be making the same uninformed assumption I had - the irony of that gave us both a bit of a chuckle.

Its so true, unknowing idiots cause a shit ton of trouble barking for causes that folks don't ask, nor want, help with. I call it "proxy offence." Like a good majority of my trans hate that the SJWs made a thing of "trans bathroom" issue. Even just recently the H&M monkey "racist" shirt thing (his mom came out and basically said wtf are all you stupid American's talking about? The left then had to say it didn't /matter/ if the supposed victim was offended or not because it was about everyone else - lol)

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