
Until the intelligence agencies actually examine the DNC servers and produce evidence of the hackers nationality we won't know who hacked the server.

Well THAT clears it all up and takes Putin off the hook......

rest easy...Mueller has subpoena powers.....even to access the IRS' trump supposed, never-ending tax audits.......LOL
You are fake news you lying little weasel. We saw exactly what Trump thinks in the press conference. Press conferences show exactly what a individual thinks. Anyone can write a speech but responses in a press conference can't be scripted. Trump criticized our intelligence agencies and said we don't know who hacked our elections. He is more interested in his fantasies that he won the popular vote rather than the fact that Russia is trying to hack our state elections commissions.

By the way, you are aware of the fact that Obama placed sanctions on Russia. They may have been weak but for a pacifist like Obama, it was major. Trump is being taken to the cleaners by Putin and being left to the laundry bill. Putin is a adult and Trump is a petulant child.

Trump had no problem with bringing up the fantasy that Mexico is going to pay for the wall while he was meeting with the Mexican President. Trump ha no idea who are enemies are. Putin is laughing all the way to the bank.

Again, you need to stop watching so much CNN.
The intelligence agencies do NOT know 100% who did it because the DNC has yet to turn their servers over to the FBI. All we have is Democrat operatives saying THEY have evidence it came from Russia, so Trump is absolutely correct that intelligence agencies do not know.
Everything else is CNN, NYT and the alphabet fake news hypothesizing and repeating "some say" "we have reason to believe" etc. etc.
Also, if it is true that it came from Russia, and it probably did, that does not prove that the Russian government was involved let alone that Trump colluded with them...which is absolutely nothing more than theory.
The Russian mafia for instance, does a LOT of hacking worldwide. It is reasonable to believe there is a possibility they did it. But we will never know unless the DNC releases the servers.

Stop drinking the Kool Aid and embarrassing yourself.

You are the one who is embarrassing yourself. The fact is that the FBI, CIA, NSA, and DNI have concluded that Russia hacked our elections and continue to do so. The fact is that Mike Pence looked at the evidence and said the evidence was conclusive. He does not listen to CNN nor do I. I can think for myself unlike you. Anything Trump says, you repeat like a parrot. Try thinking for yourself.
You really need to stop watching so much CNN...this was almost immediately made out to be what it is, again - Fake News.
Trump did not "accept" Putin's response. But obviously he was not going to call him a liar, nor did he say (paraphrase)..."agreeing to you would make me look bad now, but after the election when it can't hurt me, I will be able to give in more' like Obama did. And THAT is not fake news.
He didn't accept?? Did the punk confront Putin leader of the country who our agencies said hacked our elections and maybe even more??
So, what exactly do you WANT from Russia?

For Russia to STOP the interference in the U.S. and European elections
For Russia to STOP the belligerence in trying to rebuild a Soviet empire...and
For Russia to STOP placing stooges like Trump in charge of her opponents.

All countries try to influence elections in other countries. The USA has been doing that for over 200 years. Do you want us to stop?

So you want us to control Russian activity? How exactly would that operate? War?

Trump is no one's stooge. The stooge was Obama. The stoogeette was Hillary.

I understand that you hate Trump. But you make yourself look like a complete fool with bullshit talking point posts like the one above.

Tell us where we have hacked into another country's voting systems. You are a typical Trump traitor. Reagan stood up to the Soviets and defeated them without firing a shot. He didn't do it by letting the Russians run wild.
show us where Russia hacked into ours.
From the much awaited Putin-Trump meeting, we can conclude that Putin got ALL that he wanted, and the first hint of what was to happen could be discerned from the lack of transparency regarding what the meeting really addressed.

Putin got what he wanted.......To have Russia, once again, be recognized as a world power in par with the U.S.

Regarding the Russian hacking, Trump has long "cleared" Putin of any wrong doings, as Putin clearly wanted..............Had this meeting yielded a thorough transcript of Trump .....as a "strong" leader........stating, "Look Putin, my intelligence agencies are very good and they tell me that you DID interfere in our elections and this MUST STOP or Russia will be subjected to additional sanctions and retaliatory actions against the Russian Government...."...........and had that exchange been recorded, Trump would have GAINED respect for both the left and the right in our country.......But, instead, Trump opted to be Putin's stooge and simply concluded that whatever the past may or may not be....."let's proceed as if nothing happened"...

The U.S. "lost" and Putin "won"........If anything, this meeting was strictly a business one, where Rex probably got a nod from the Russian to drill in the arctic, and conceded that Russia could be belligerent all that country may want regarding the Ukraine and other Russian bordering countries. (and, of course, installing any missile defense in Poland is just another "gift" to both our military complex spending AND a great tool for Putin to also claim to be the "defender" of Russian sovereignty along that border.)

Bottom line.........Putin comes off stronger, and the U.S. as compliant....Some "art of the deal", don't you think?

What did Putin get?
The election was never hacked asshole. And prove Russia did it. If you have evidence get it to the FBI will you? Because they don't have it either.

yet ANOTHER impatient right winger chopping at the bit for Mueller to finish his investigation.......patience, my dear, patience.....Watergate took years.
You really need to stop watching so much CNN...this was almost immediately made out to be what it is, again - Fake News.
Trump did not "accept" Putin's response. But obviously he was not going to call him a liar, nor did he say (paraphrase)..."agreeing to you would make me look bad now, but after the election when it can't hurt me, I will be able to give in more' like Obama did. And THAT is not fake news.
No one except your fucked up news sources thinks that Trump's meeting with Putin made the US look good. Your diplomatically retarded president just showed Putin how horrible he is at maintaining our position n the world, we are much diminished by his ignorance.
So what "position" didn't Trump maintain? What did we lose?
Trump Davidians show they are incapable of thinking for themselves.
It doesn't matter what took place in the Trump/Putin meet...the left is going to spin it to suit their own agenda which is Trump is a big meanie

The Left is approaching levels of stupidity as yet unseen by man.

Trump Davidians show they are incapable of thinking for themselves. They are mind numbed robots and nothing more.
There is absolutely no reason that we cannot have mutually beneficial relationships with Russia. We have a common enemy-----------Isis and radical islam. The Russian people are good people, they have the same goals that we have. Putin is trying to do what is best for his country, Trump is trying to do what is best for his country. Both are doing their jobs.

Lets let them work it out and see what can be accomplished.

I don't understand why the dems and libs, now that Trump is president, want war with Russia.

You are aware of the fact that Russia and Iran are working together. Iran is controlled by radical Islamists who want to kill us. Putin is certainly doing his job because he has a malleable puppet in Trump. Trump is working for his petty fantasies not the US.
You really need to stop watching so much CNN...this was almost immediately made out to be what it is, again - Fake News.
Trump did not "accept" Putin's response. But obviously he was not going to call him a liar, nor did he say (paraphrase)..."agreeing to you would make me look bad now, but after the election when it can't hurt me, I will be able to give in more' like Obama did. And THAT is not fake news.
He didn't accept?? Did the punk confront Putin leader of the country who our agencies said hacked our elections and maybe even more??
According to Tillerson,yes.

Do you have proof otherwise?
So, what exactly do you WANT from Russia?

For Russia to STOP the interference in the U.S. and European elections
For Russia to STOP the belligerence in trying to rebuild a Soviet empire...and
For Russia to STOP placing stooges like Trump in charge of her opponents.

All countries try to influence elections in other countries. The USA has been doing that for over 200 years. Do you want us to stop?

So you want us to control Russian activity? How exactly would that operate? War?

Trump is no one's stooge. The stooge was Obama. The stoogeette was Hillary.

I understand that you hate Trump. But you make yourself look like a complete fool with bullshit talking point posts like the one above.

Tell us where we have hacked into another country's voting systems. You are a typical Trump traitor. Reagan stood up to the Soviets and defeated them without firing a shot. He didn't do it by letting the Russians run wild.
show us where Russia hacked into ours.
Trump knows He was shown proof of putins involvement by our TOP intelligence agencies The punk turned tail when putin denied it
For Russia to STOP the interference in the U.S. and European elections
For Russia to STOP the belligerence in trying to rebuild a Soviet empire...and
For Russia to STOP placing stooges like Trump in charge of her opponents.

1. Leaking the truth about what an evil bitch Hillary is, which is the most they MIGHT have done, is not much interference, and less than we have done in their back yard.

2. Russia is going to have an interest in nations with a large russian population. To get them to stop that, is to choose to have a new Cold War. There is not any American interests at stake to justify that.

3. Trump won the election, and if it wasn't fair and square there was far worse behavior by the anti-Trumpers.

DO you WANT another Cold War? With all the risk and expense that comes with it, and this time for no good reason?
Putin wants a cold war and he is going to have it. Your man just lost a crucial battle. He should have went into that meeting ready to counter anything but instead he basically showed Putin just how easy it is to Bullshit an American President.

After all, you were there.

"... should have went ..."? :laugh:
For Russia to STOP the interference in the U.S. and European elections
For Russia to STOP the belligerence in trying to rebuild a Soviet empire...and
For Russia to STOP placing stooges like Trump in charge of her opponents.

1. Leaking the truth about what an evil bitch Hillary is, which is the most they MIGHT have done, is not much interference, and less than we have done in their back yard.

2. Russia is going to have an interest in nations with a large russian population. To get them to stop that, is to choose to have a new Cold War. There is not any American interests at stake to justify that.

3. Trump won the election, and if it wasn't fair and square there was far worse behavior by the anti-Trumpers.

DO you WANT another Cold War? With all the risk and expense that comes with it, and this time for no good reason?
Putin wants a cold war and he is going to have it. Your man just lost a crucial battle. He should have went into that meeting ready to counter anything but instead he basically showed Putin just how easy it is to Bullshit an American President.

Putin wants America to strongly resist every move Putin takes to increase Russian power?

Putin wants American to strongly resist every move Putin takes to increase Russian wealth?

PUtin wants America to ring Russia with strong forces and alliances to threaten RUssia?

Cause that's what a Cold War is, and only no reasonable person would think that PUtin wants that.

PUtin wants good relations with the US and there is no reason to not have them.

Give Peace a chance you warmonger.

Every time Russia comes up on this board it's almost like every conservative has totally forgotten who we are dealing with. We are being set up for a fall and Trump is just going to let it happen, when it does you people will still find some way to make it all Obama's fault.

bullshit. Trump is dealing with Russia the same way Reagan dealt with them. From strength and truth.

Bullys like Putin only understand and respect one thing, strength. Obama was weak and was not respected by any world power.

The fact is that Russia is at war with us and Trump seems to want to ignore it. You are pushing bullshit. Reagan was a adult, Trump is a petulant child as is his supporters.
So, what exactly do you WANT from Russia?

For Russia to STOP the interference in the U.S. and European elections
For Russia to STOP the belligerence in trying to rebuild a Soviet empire...and
For Russia to STOP placing stooges like Trump in charge of her opponents.

All countries try to influence elections in other countries. The USA has been doing that for over 200 years. Do you want us to stop?

So you want us to control Russian activity? How exactly would that operate? War?

Trump is no one's stooge. The stooge was Obama. The stoogeette was Hillary.

I understand that you hate Trump. But you make yourself look like a complete fool with bullshit talking point posts like the one above.

Tell us where we have hacked into another country's voting systems. You are a typical Trump traitor. Reagan stood up to the Soviets and defeated them without firing a shot. He didn't do it by letting the Russians run wild.
show us where Russia hacked into ours.
Trump knows He was shown proof of putins involvement by our TOP intelligence agencies The punk turned tail when putin denied it

What should he have done?

Taken a ball bat and beaten it out of him?
involvement in what?
Give Peace a chance you warmonger.

Tell THAT to eastern Ukrainians.............You fuckheads NOW see Russia as the world's "peacemakers" and "peace-seekers".....ALL because of your desire to protect YOUR orange clown.....Go figure !!!...........LOL

The Eastern Ukraine, even ALL OF THE Ukraine, is not a justification for a new Cold War.

Everything else in your post was between you and the voices in your head, nothing to do with me.

The Russians and Iranians are working against the US in the Mid-East. Russia has backed a number of violent coups in Eastern Europe, they have interfered in elections in the US, Netherlands and France. They are putting our troops in in Afghanistan in danger. Russia wants to dominate the world at our expense.
show us where Russia hacked into ours.

true.....ALL of our intelligence agencies are anti-trump and they lie, LIE, LIE all the time just to piss you trump ass kissers off.....LOL

Great link.

Pull that out of your ass too?

Did they hack the election, or the DNC computers?
Not only our elections but maybe even our power grid Are you so thick you can't recognize russia is our enemy??
Great link.

Pull that out of your ass too?

Did they hack the election, or the DNC computers?

No, NO.....Russia and Putin have our "best interests" at heart.....Its those lefties who have the nerve to blame that sweetheart Putin....bad...BAD.......LOL

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