
Give Peace a chance you warmonger.

Tell THAT to eastern Ukrainians.............You fuckheads NOW see Russia as the world's "peacemakers" and "peace-seekers".....ALL because of your desire to protect YOUR orange clown.....Go figure !!!...........LOL

The Eastern Ukraine, even ALL OF THE Ukraine, is not a justification for a new Cold War.

Everything else in your post was between you and the voices in your head, nothing to do with me.

The Russians and Iranians are working against the US in the Mid-East. Russia has backed a number of violent coups in Eastern Europe, they have interfered in elections in the US, Netherlands and France. They are putting our troops in in Afghanistan in danger. Russia wants to dominate the world at our expense.
And the pos in our WH is giving Russia and China a great chance
You really need to stop watching so much CNN...this was almost immediately made out to be what it is, again - Fake News.
Trump did not "accept" Putin's response. But obviously he was not going to call him a liar, nor did he say (paraphrase)..."agreeing to you would make me look bad now, but after the election when it can't hurt me, I will be able to give in more' like Obama did. And THAT is not fake news.
No one except your fucked up news sources thinks that Trump's meeting with Putin made the US look good. Your diplomatically retarded president just showed Putin how horrible he is at maintaining our position n the world, we are much diminished by his ignorance.
That's what happens when you watch fake news: You get a totally distorted picture of reality.
show us where Russia hacked into ours.

true.....ALL of our intelligence agencies are anti-trump and they lie, LIE, LIE all the time just to piss you trump ass kissers off.....LOL

Great link.

Pull that out of your ass too?

Did they hack the election, or the DNC computers?
Not only our elections but maybe even our power grid Are you so thick you can't recognize russia is our enemy??

I knew it when Romney pointed it out to Obama.

But Obama seemed to believe the 'JV team' was more of a threat.

Something else that bit him in the ass his last year on office.
Trump is succeeding beyond anyone's expectations

NO...NO........Trump is meeting ALL of Putin's expectations........LOL

In that he is not living in the past and realizes that hte Cold War is over?

i agree.

The Cold War was never over. Merely warmed temporarily, and the players have changed a bit.

The Cold War is still over. We are still at the stage when the warmongers can LOSE.

We should pull back and we certainly need to stop fucking with RUssia.

When is Russia going to stop fucking with us? When the US steps back, thugs like Putin fill the void.
1. Leaking the truth about what an evil bitch Hillary is, which is the most they MIGHT have done, is not much interference, and less than we have done in their back yard.

2. Russia is going to have an interest in nations with a large russian population. To get them to stop that, is to choose to have a new Cold War. There is not any American interests at stake to justify that.

3. Trump won the election, and if it wasn't fair and square there was far worse behavior by the anti-Trumpers.

DO you WANT another Cold War? With all the risk and expense that comes with it, and this time for no good reason?
Putin wants a cold war and he is going to have it. Your man just lost a crucial battle. He should have went into that meeting ready to counter anything but instead he basically showed Putin just how easy it is to Bullshit an American President.

After all, you were there.

"... should have went ..."? :laugh:
1. Leaking the truth about what an evil bitch Hillary is, which is the most they MIGHT have done, is not much interference, and less than we have done in their back yard.

2. Russia is going to have an interest in nations with a large russian population. To get them to stop that, is to choose to have a new Cold War. There is not any American interests at stake to justify that.

3. Trump won the election, and if it wasn't fair and square there was far worse behavior by the anti-Trumpers.

DO you WANT another Cold War? With all the risk and expense that comes with it, and this time for no good reason?
Putin wants a cold war and he is going to have it. Your man just lost a crucial battle. He should have went into that meeting ready to counter anything but instead he basically showed Putin just how easy it is to Bullshit an American President.

Putin wants America to strongly resist every move Putin takes to increase Russian power?

Putin wants American to strongly resist every move Putin takes to increase Russian wealth?

PUtin wants America to ring Russia with strong forces and alliances to threaten RUssia?

Cause that's what a Cold War is, and only no reasonable person would think that PUtin wants that.

PUtin wants good relations with the US and there is no reason to not have them.

Give Peace a chance you warmonger.

Every time Russia comes up on this board it's almost like every conservative has totally forgotten who we are dealing with. We are being set up for a fall and Trump is just going to let it happen, when it does you people will still find some way to make it all Obama's fault.

bullshit. Trump is dealing with Russia the same way Reagan dealt with them. From strength and truth.

Bullys like Putin only understand and respect one thing, strength. Obama was weak and was not respected by any world power.

The fact is that Russia is at war with us and Trump seems to want to ignore it. You are pushing bullshit. Reagan was a adult, Trump is a petulant child as is his supporters.
Russia is at war with us?

Obama mocked Romney for saying Russia was an adversary and telling Putin he'd have more flexibility. Who's the Russian stooge again?
Trump is succeeding beyond anyone's expectations

NO...NO........Trump is meeting ALL of Putin's expectations........LOL

In that he is not living in the past and realizes that hte Cold War is over?

i agree.

The Cold War was never over. Merely warmed temporarily, and the players have changed a bit.

The Cold War is still over. We are still at the stage when the warmongers can LOSE.

We should pull back and we certainly need to stop fucking with RUssia.

When is Russia going to stop fucking with us? When the US steps back, thugs like Putin fill the void.
When the US steps back, thugs like Putin fill the void.

Obama should have considered that when he told Romney ISIS was a bigger threat.
The election was never hacked asshole. And prove Russia did it. If you have evidence get it to the FBI will you? Because they don't have it either.

yet ANOTHER impatient right winger chopping at the bit for Mueller to finish his investigation.......patience, my dear, patience.....Watergate took years.

We know you snowflakes all want this investigation to drag on for the next 7 1/2 years, and, sadly, it probably will.
Obama mocked Romney for saying Russia was an adversary and telling Putin he'd have more flexibility. Who's the Russian stooge again?

Once again...for the fucked up right wingers......Obama was CORRECT for mocking Romney when this latter guy stated that Russian....and NOT A-Q was the greatest geopolitical threat...........You morons should know they were talking about Al-Qaeda and NOT ISIS.....maybe.....
The Podesta group is a registered agent for Russia, after all..

Registered???? A bit MORE honest than Flynn, Manafort and Stone, don't you think....

So, you Nazis spew slander and libel over Russia, but it is the HILLARY side that was actually in bed with Russia...

You lying scum are such fucking hypocrites. This alone proves beyond all doubt that you Nazis have no principles, you say shit ONLY to attack those you hate, the Americans.

Trump Davidians are hateful as well. Apparently a number of people at CNN are receiving death threats. Trump Davidians at work We also have Trump Davidians who are trying to spin the fact that red and blue states have said they will not provide any information that is on their voter rolls.
Who sanctioned russia and wanted to make sanctions stronger?? and which punk wants to weaken or take them off completely??
Obama mocked Romney for saying Russia was an adversary and telling Putin he'd have more flexibility. Who's the Russian stooge again?

Once again...for the fucked up right wingers......Obama was CORRECT for mocking Romney when this latter guy stated that Russian....and NOT A-Q was the greatest geopolitical threat...........You morons should know they were talking about Al-Qaeda and NOT ISIS.....maybe.....
Is that why lefties want open borders with ISIS controlled regions?
show us where Russia hacked into ours.

true.....ALL of our intelligence agencies are anti-trump and they lie, LIE, LIE all the time just to piss you trump ass kissers off.....LOL
The hacks who ran them under the Obama administration certainly are anti-Trump, and they're the only ones who support your narrative. Of course, they haven't got a shred of evidence to support their claims, just like you.
show us where Russia hacked into ours.

true.....ALL of our intelligence agencies are anti-trump and they lie, LIE, LIE all the time just to piss you trump ass kissers off.....LOL

Great link.

Pull that out of your ass too?

Did they hack the election, or the DNC computers?
Not only our elections but maybe even our power grid Are you so thick you can't recognize russia is our enemy??

So is ISIS and Iran but Obambi took it up the ass repeatedly from them.....and he LOVED him some Pootie until it became expedient not to.
Trump inherited a mess from Obama not only with the economy but a weak disastrous foreign policy. It will take him awhile to fix all the things that Obama broke.

The Moon Bats were absolute idiots electing that worthless Obama scumbag to the Presidency. They need to beg us all for forgiveness.
We know you snowflakes all want this investigation to drag on for the next 7 1/2 years, and, sadly, it probably will.

Well, maybe a bit shorter than Whitewater.....Benghazi.....Watergate, what do you "think" middlefingerbaby???

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