
Gnatty, like the Pope claims infallibility. He don't need no stinkin "links", what he says is simply true because he says it.

idiot.....your fellow moron demanded a link to the Onion........Do you have onions instead of brain cells in your head????? LOL
So, what exactly do you WANT from Russia?

For Russia to STOP the interference in the U.S. and European elections
For Russia to STOP the belligerence in trying to rebuild a Soviet empire...and
For Russia to STOP placing stooges like Trump in charge of her opponents.
Well, number three is a delusional statement. It isn't happening. The rest of it will require a war.

So, you are in favor of going to war with Russia. Got it.
President Trump Confirms His Commitment to NATO's Article 5 Mutual Defense Pact

Which would then be a Trump fucking FLIP-FLOP, don't you think?????

European leaders shocked as Trump slams NATO and E.U., raising ...

No. Here's the quote right from the article you linked me to.

Trump offered mixed messages about the NATO defense alliance, which is dominated by the United States, calling it “obsolete” and saying it is “very unfair to the United States” that most nations are not meeting their voluntary defense spending commitments.

“With that being said, NATO is very important to me,” Trump said

European leaders shocked as Trump slams NATO and E.U., raising fears of transatlantic split
Suddenly they have a talk and NOW THEY ARE SUPREME POWER...........Where the hell do you come up with your talking points.

Thanks to Trump, Putin has fully regained super-power status....After all, Putin now has a stooge in the oval office to do his bidding......
Or at least Putin has a stooge in the Oval Office who won’t oppose Putin’s foreign policy agenda in Ukraine, Syria, and expanding Russia’s sphere of influence in the ME.

Indeed, Putin has a stooge in the Oval Office whose support of NATO is questionable.

The stooge was that pussy Obama asshole that never confronted Putin with anything. Everything from nothing of substance in the Ukraine to that worthless red line in the sand in Syria that everybody laughted at.

Obama also didn't want to rock the boat for Crooked Hillary, who had gotten millions out of Russia for that sweetheart uranium deal.

Any problems we have with Russia is Obama's doing for the most part. Trump inherited a mess because of Obama's weakness.

However, Trump is trying to fix what Obama broke. He confronted Putin with the election tampering and he got a cease fire in Syria which is a whole lot more than that incompetent chickenshit affirmative action worthless asshole Obama ever did.
Obama mocked Romney for saying Russia was an adversary, then told Putin he'd have more flexibility after the election.

NO, moron........Obama slammed clueless Romney when Romney "thought" that Russia....and NOT ISIS was the more immediate threat......

Check with hannity before posting.....

Was that before, or after, Obama called ISIS the 'JV team'?
Obama mocked Romney for saying Russia was an adversary, then told Putin he'd have more flexibility after the election.

NO, moron........Obama slammed clueless Romney when Romney "thought" that Russia....and NOT ISIS was the more immediate threat......

Check with hannity before posting.....
ISIS interfering in our elections? Sending bombers into our airspace?

So the open borders left says what about ISIS again, dufus?
Obama mocked Romney for saying Russia was an adversary, then told Putin he'd have more flexibility after the election.

NO, moron........Obama slammed clueless Romney when Romney "thought" that Russia....and NOT ISIS was the more immediate threat......

Check with hannity before posting.....

Source it Gnatty old boy or you are simply lying.

For the life of me this new cold war is idiotic. The only reason I can figure that Obama and EU policies pushed this new cold war is so that they could go back to having a Snowball.

Remember Animal Farm? Then they could blame anything and everything on Russia/Snowball.
Gnatty, like the Pope claims infallibility. He don't need no stinkin "links", what he says is simply true because he says it.

idiot.....your fellow moron demanded a link to the Onion........Do you have onions instead of brain cells in your head????? LOL

You put your rant in " ", and I seem to remember that means a direct quote.

the only 'news' outlet I could think of that would make a statement like that is the satire site, the Onion.

What is it today with people pulling 'direct quotes' out of their asses?
And you can lose liberties without being put in camp. Every time you give the federal government power to control your life when they have no authority to, you've given up your liberty to them.

Moron.......besides your bitching about the ACA HC mandate (a republican idea) WHAT "freedoms" did Obama take away from your sorry hide???

One of the very first thing Obama did as an executive order ,was raise taxes on cigarettes, that lead to the death of a man in N.Y. city to get killed from selling individual cigarettes.
It harmed the poor by government micro managing lives, all because social libs think they know better.
You really need to stop watching so much CNN...this was almost immediately made out to be what it is, again - Fake News.
Trump did not "accept" Putin's response. But obviously he was not going to call him a liar, nor did he say (paraphrase)..."agreeing to you would make me look bad now, but after the election when it can't hurt me, I will be able to give in more' like Obama did. And THAT is not fake news.

You are fake news you lying little weasel. We saw exactly what Trump thinks in the press conference. Press conferences show exactly what a individual thinks. Anyone can write a speech but responses in a press conference can't be scripted. Trump criticized our intelligence agencies and said we don't know who hacked our elections. He is more interested in his fantasies that he won the popular vote rather than the fact that Russia is trying to hack our state elections commissions.

By the way, you are aware of the fact that Obama placed sanctions on Russia. They may have been weak but for a pacifist like Obama, it was major. Trump is being taken to the cleaners by Putin and being left to the laundry bill. Putin is a adult and Trump is a petulant child.

Trump had no problem with bringing up the fantasy that Mexico is going to pay for the wall while he was meeting with the Mexican President. Trump ha no idea who are enemies are. Putin is laughing all the way to the bank.
From the much awaited Putin-Trump meeting, we can conclude that Putin got ALL that he wanted, and the first hint of what was to happen could be discerned from the lack of transparency regarding what the meeting really addressed.

Putin got what he wanted.......To have Russia, once again, be recognized as a world power in par with the U.S.

Regarding the Russian hacking, Trump has long "cleared" Putin of any wrong doings, as Putin clearly wanted..............Had this meeting yielded a thorough transcript of Trump .....as a "strong" leader........stating, "Look Putin, my intelligence agencies are very good and they tell me that you DID interfere in our elections and this MUST STOP or Russia will be subjected to additional sanctions and retaliatory actions against the Russian Government...."...........and had that exchange been recorded, Trump would have GAINED respect for both the left and the right in our country.......But, instead, Trump opted to be Putin's stooge and simply concluded that whatever the past may or may not be....."let's proceed as if nothing happened"...

The U.S. "lost" and Putin "won"........If anything, this meeting was strictly a business one, where Rex probably got a nod from the Russian to drill in the arctic, and conceded that Russia could be belligerent all that country may want regarding the Ukraine and other Russian bordering countries. (and, of course, installing any missile defense in Poland is just another "gift" to both our military complex spending AND a great tool for Putin to also claim to be the "defender" of Russian sovereignty along that border.)

Bottom line.........Putin comes off stronger, and the U.S. as compliant....Some "art of the deal", don't you think?

Why are you fucking Socialists always trying to start a war with the Communists. This shit has been going on for over a century now. Putin got the message. So instead of trying to ruff him up and make our relationship worse Trump is looking for common ground. And it's damn refreshing to not watch Russia kick sand in our president's face like he did Obamakov.

You think that hacking our elections is a way of saying how friendly we are. You are a fucking traitor to this country you Putin loving bastard. Why don't you move to Russia if you think Putin is so friendly. Get your traitorous ass out of this country you traitor.
One of the very first thing Obama did as an executive order ,was raise taxes on cigarettes, that lead to the death of a man in N.Y. city to get killed from selling individual cigarettes.
It harmed the poor by government micro managing lives, all because social libs think they know better.

Just AMAZING the evil that Obama wrought on us by raising the tax on cigarettes.
You are fake news you lying little weasel. We saw exactly what Trump thinks in the press conference. Press conferences show exactly what a individual thinks. Anyone can write a speech but responses in a press conference can't be scripted. Trump criticized our intelligence agencies and said we don't know who hacked our elections. He is more interested in his fantasies that he won the popular vote rather than the fact that Russia is trying to hack our state elections commissions.

By the way, you are aware of the fact that Obama placed sanctions on Russia. They may have been weak but for a pacifist like Obama, it was major. Trump is being taken to the cleaners by Putin and being left to the laundry bill. Putin is a adult and Trump is a petulant child.

Trump had no problem with bringing up the fantasy that Mexico is going to pay for the wall while he was meeting with the Mexican President. Trump ha no idea who are enemies are. Putin is laughing all the way to the bank.

Again, you need to stop watching so much CNN.
The intelligence agencies do NOT know 100% who did it because the DNC has yet to turn their servers over to the FBI. All we have is Democrat operatives saying THEY have evidence it came from Russia, so Trump is absolutely correct that intelligence agencies do not know.
Everything else is CNN, NYT and the alphabet fake news hypothesizing and repeating "some say" "we have reason to believe" etc. etc.
Also, if it is true that it came from Russia, and it probably did, that does not prove that the Russian government was involved let alone that Trump colluded with them...which is absolutely nothing more than theory.
The Russian mafia for instance, does a LOT of hacking worldwide. It is reasonable to believe there is a possibility they did it. But we will never know unless the DNC releases the servers.

Stop drinking the Kool Aid and embarrassing yourself.
So, what exactly do you WANT from Russia?

For Russia to STOP the interference in the U.S. and European elections
For Russia to STOP the belligerence in trying to rebuild a Soviet empire...and
For Russia to STOP placing stooges like Trump in charge of her opponents.

All countries try to influence elections in other countries. The USA has been doing that for over 200 years. Do you want us to stop?

So you want us to control Russian activity? How exactly would that operate? War?

Trump is no one's stooge. The stooge was Obama. The stoogeette was Hillary.

I understand that you hate Trump. But you make yourself look like a complete fool with bullshit talking point posts like the one above.

Tell us where we have hacked into another country's voting systems. You are a typical Trump traitor. Reagan stood up to the Soviets and defeated them without firing a shot. He didn't do it by letting the Russians run wild.
From the much awaited Putin-Trump meeting, we can conclude that Putin got ALL that he wanted, and the first hint of what was to happen could be discerned from the lack of transparency regarding what the meeting really addressed.

Putin got what he wanted.......To have Russia, once again, be recognized as a world power in par with the U.S.

Regarding the Russian hacking, Trump has long "cleared" Putin of any wrong doings, as Putin clearly wanted..............Had this meeting yielded a thorough transcript of Trump .....as a "strong" leader........stating, "Look Putin, my intelligence agencies are very good and they tell me that you DID interfere in our elections and this MUST STOP or Russia will be subjected to additional sanctions and retaliatory actions against the Russian Government...."...........and had that exchange been recorded, Trump would have GAINED respect for both the left and the right in our country.......But, instead, Trump opted to be Putin's stooge and simply concluded that whatever the past may or may not be....."let's proceed as if nothing happened"...

The U.S. "lost" and Putin "won"........If anything, this meeting was strictly a business one, where Rex probably got a nod from the Russian to drill in the arctic, and conceded that Russia could be belligerent all that country may want regarding the Ukraine and other Russian bordering countries. (and, of course, installing any missile defense in Poland is just another "gift" to both our military complex spending AND a great tool for Putin to also claim to be the "defender" of Russian sovereignty along that border.)

Bottom line.........Putin comes off stronger, and the U.S. as compliant....Some "art of the deal", don't you think?

Why are you fucking Socialists always trying to start a war with the Communists. This shit has been going on for over a century now. Putin got the message. So instead of trying to ruff him up and make our relationship worse Trump is looking for common ground. And it's damn refreshing to not watch Russia kick sand in our president's face like he did Obamakov.

You think that hacking our elections is a way of saying how friendly we are. You are a fucking traitor to this country you Putin loving bastard. Why don't you move to Russia if you think Putin is so friendly. Get your traitorous ass out of this country you traitor.

Until the intelligence agencies actually examine the DNC servers and produce evidence of the hackers nationality we won't know who hacked the server.
One of the very first thing Obama did as an executive order ,was raise taxes on cigarettes, that lead to the death of a man in N.Y. city to get killed from selling individual cigarettes.
It harmed the poor by government micro managing lives, all because social libs think they know better.

Just AMAZING the evil that Obama wrought on us by raising the tax on cigarettes.

Missed the point of getting killed?
From the much awaited Putin-Trump meeting, we can conclude that Putin got ALL that he wanted, and the first hint of what was to happen could be discerned from the lack of transparency regarding what the meeting really addressed.

Putin got what he wanted.......To have Russia, once again, be recognized as a world power in par with the U.S.

Regarding the Russian hacking, Trump has long "cleared" Putin of any wrong doings, as Putin clearly wanted..............Had this meeting yielded a thorough transcript of Trump .....as a "strong" leader........stating, "Look Putin, my intelligence agencies are very good and they tell me that you DID interfere in our elections and this MUST STOP or Russia will be subjected to additional sanctions and retaliatory actions against the Russian Government...."...........and had that exchange been recorded, Trump would have GAINED respect for both the left and the right in our country.......But, instead, Trump opted to be Putin's stooge and simply concluded that whatever the past may or may not be....."let's proceed as if nothing happened"...

The U.S. "lost" and Putin "won"........If anything, this meeting was strictly a business one, where Rex probably got a nod from the Russian to drill in the arctic, and conceded that Russia could be belligerent all that country may want regarding the Ukraine and other Russian bordering countries. (and, of course, installing any missile defense in Poland is just another "gift" to both our military complex spending AND a great tool for Putin to also claim to be the "defender" of Russian sovereignty along that border.)

Bottom line.........Putin comes off stronger, and the U.S. as compliant....Some "art of the deal", don't you think?

Why are you fucking Socialists always trying to start a war with the Communists. This shit has been going on for over a century now. Putin got the message. So instead of trying to ruff him up and make our relationship worse Trump is looking for common ground. And it's damn refreshing to not watch Russia kick sand in our president's face like he did Obamakov.

You think that hacking our elections is a way of saying how friendly we are. You are a fucking traitor to this country you Putin loving bastard. Why don't you move to Russia if you think Putin is so friendly. Get your traitorous ass out of this country you traitor.

The election was never hacked asshole. And prove Russia did it. If you have evidence get it to the FBI will you? Because they don't have it either.

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