
From the much awaited Putin-Trump meeting, we can conclude that Putin got ALL that he wanted, and the first hint of what was to happen could be discerned from the lack of transparency regarding what the meeting really addressed.

Putin got what he wanted.......To have Russia, once again, be recognized as a world power in par with the U.S.

Regarding the Russian hacking, Trump has long "cleared" Putin of any wrong doings, as Putin clearly wanted..............Had this meeting yielded a thorough transcript of Trump .....as a "strong" leader........stating, "Look Putin, my intelligence agencies are very good and they tell me that you DID interfere in our elections and this MUST STOP or Russia will be subjected to additional sanctions and retaliatory actions against the Russian Government...."...........and had that exchange been recorded, Trump would have GAINED respect for both the left and the right in our country.......But, instead, Trump opted to be Putin's stooge and simply concluded that whatever the past may or may not be....."let's proceed as if nothing happened"...

The U.S. "lost" and Putin "won"........If anything, this meeting was strictly a business one, where Rex probably got a nod from the Russian to drill in the arctic, and conceded that Russia could be belligerent all that country may want regarding the Ukraine and other Russian bordering countries. (and, of course, installing any missile defense in Poland is just another "gift" to both our military complex spending AND a great tool for Putin to also claim to be the "defender" of Russian sovereignty along that border.)

Bottom line.........Putin comes off stronger, and the U.S. as compliant....Some "art of the deal", don't you think?

Why are you fucking Socialists always trying to start a war with the Communists. This shit has been going on for over a century now. Putin got the message. So instead of trying to ruff him up and make our relationship worse Trump is looking for common ground. And it's damn refreshing to not watch Russia kick sand in our president's face like he did Obamakov.

You think that hacking our elections is a way of saying how friendly we are. You are a fucking traitor to this country you Putin loving bastard. Why don't you move to Russia if you think Putin is so friendly. Get your traitorous ass out of this country you traitor.

Until the intelligence agencies actually examine the DNC servers and produce evidence of the hackers nationality we won't know who hacked the server.

Bullshit. I suppose the tooth fairy gave WikiLeaks the hacked e-mails.

Everyone in intel agrees that a country that's hacking can make themselves look like another country. Former CIA director Woolsey said China in particular excelled at that.

And no way in hell should anyone beleive jack shit from CrowdStike. The are DNC employees anti Russian and funded in large part by a Ukrainian oligarch who is tied at the hip with the Clinton Fundation.
After all, you were there.

"... should have went ..."? :laugh:
Putin wants America to strongly resist every move Putin takes to increase Russian power?

Putin wants American to strongly resist every move Putin takes to increase Russian wealth?

PUtin wants America to ring Russia with strong forces and alliances to threaten RUssia?

Cause that's what a Cold War is, and only no reasonable person would think that PUtin wants that.

PUtin wants good relations with the US and there is no reason to not have them.

Give Peace a chance you warmonger.

Every time Russia comes up on this board it's almost like every conservative has totally forgotten who we are dealing with. We are being set up for a fall and Trump is just going to let it happen, when it does you people will still find some way to make it all Obama's fault.

bullshit. Trump is dealing with Russia the same way Reagan dealt with them. From strength and truth.

Bullys like Putin only understand and respect one thing, strength. Obama was weak and was not respected by any world power.

The fact is that Russia is at war with us and Trump seems to want to ignore it. You are pushing bullshit. Reagan was a adult, Trump is a petulant child as is his supporters.
Russia is at war with us?

Obama mocked Romney for saying Russia was an adversary and telling Putin he'd have more flexibility. Who's the Russian stooge again?
The Russia we faced in 2012 was not the Russia we now have to deal with. They had not yet invaded Ukraine, annexed Crimea, increased the misery of the Syrian conflict or mounted an espionage operation against our electoral process. Seriously, quit worrying about what Obama did and start worrying about how your messiah is dealing with Putin right now. Putin has made a calculation that to make Russia a world power again he must push us aside and Trump is helping him with your full unquestioning support.
The only real 'pal' that Putin has is Merkel.....a friendship based on oil...
You are fake news you lying little weasel. We saw exactly what Trump thinks in the press conference. Press conferences show exactly what a individual thinks. Anyone can write a speech but responses in a press conference can't be scripted. Trump criticized our intelligence agencies and said we don't know who hacked our elections. He is more interested in his fantasies that he won the popular vote rather than the fact that Russia is trying to hack our state elections commissions.

By the way, you are aware of the fact that Obama placed sanctions on Russia. They may have been weak but for a pacifist like Obama, it was major. Trump is being taken to the cleaners by Putin and being left to the laundry bill. Putin is a adult and Trump is a petulant child.

Trump had no problem with bringing up the fantasy that Mexico is going to pay for the wall while he was meeting with the Mexican President. Trump ha no idea who are enemies are. Putin is laughing all the way to the bank.

Again, you need to stop watching so much CNN.
The intelligence agencies do NOT know 100% who did it because the DNC has yet to turn their servers over to the FBI. All we have is Democrat operatives saying THEY have evidence it came from Russia, so Trump is absolutely correct that intelligence agencies do not know.
Everything else is CNN, NYT and the alphabet fake news hypothesizing and repeating "some say" "we have reason to believe" etc. etc.
Also, if it is true that it came from Russia, and it probably did, that does not prove that the Russian government was involved let alone that Trump colluded with them...which is absolutely nothing more than theory.
The Russian mafia for instance, does a LOT of hacking worldwide. It is reasonable to believe there is a possibility they did it. But we will never know unless the DNC releases the servers.

Stop drinking the Kool Aid and embarrassing yourself.

You are embarrassing yourself. Mike Pence is not a Democrat operative and he looked at the intelligence and concluded it was true as well. Whether Trump colluded or not is the issue. The Russians interfered in our elections and are continuing to do so.

Evidence of what? Russia may have hacked something, but do we know what it hacked? No, all we have are some claims that are supported only by super duper double top secret evidence that no one can see.
You are fake news you lying little weasel. We saw exactly what Trump thinks in the press conference. Press conferences show exactly what a individual thinks. Anyone can write a speech but responses in a press conference can't be scripted. Trump criticized our intelligence agencies and said we don't know who hacked our elections. He is more interested in his fantasies that he won the popular vote rather than the fact that Russia is trying to hack our state elections commissions.

By the way, you are aware of the fact that Obama placed sanctions on Russia. They may have been weak but for a pacifist like Obama, it was major. Trump is being taken to the cleaners by Putin and being left to the laundry bill. Putin is a adult and Trump is a petulant child.

Trump had no problem with bringing up the fantasy that Mexico is going to pay for the wall while he was meeting with the Mexican President. Trump ha no idea who are enemies are. Putin is laughing all the way to the bank.

Again, you need to stop watching so much CNN.
The intelligence agencies do NOT know 100% who did it because the DNC has yet to turn their servers over to the FBI. All we have is Democrat operatives saying THEY have evidence it came from Russia, so Trump is absolutely correct that intelligence agencies do not know.
Everything else is CNN, NYT and the alphabet fake news hypothesizing and repeating "some say" "we have reason to believe" etc. etc.
Also, if it is true that it came from Russia, and it probably did, that does not prove that the Russian government was involved let alone that Trump colluded with them...which is absolutely nothing more than theory.
The Russian mafia for instance, does a LOT of hacking worldwide. It is reasonable to believe there is a possibility they did it. But we will never know unless the DNC releases the servers.

Stop drinking the Kool Aid and embarrassing yourself.

You are embarrassing yourself. Mike Pence is not a Democrat operative and he looked at the intelligence and concluded it was true as well. Whether Trump colluded or not is the issue. The Russians interfered in our elections and are continuing to do so.

Evidence of what? Russia may have hacked something, but do we know what it hacked? No, all we have are some claims that are supported only by super duper double top secret evidence that no one can see.
You mock our intelligence agencies too?? You and dump should take a long walk off a short pier
You are fake news you lying little weasel. We saw exactly what Trump thinks in the press conference. Press conferences show exactly what a individual thinks. Anyone can write a speech but responses in a press conference can't be scripted. Trump criticized our intelligence agencies and said we don't know who hacked our elections. He is more interested in his fantasies that he won the popular vote rather than the fact that Russia is trying to hack our state elections commissions.

By the way, you are aware of the fact that Obama placed sanctions on Russia. They may have been weak but for a pacifist like Obama, it was major. Trump is being taken to the cleaners by Putin and being left to the laundry bill. Putin is a adult and Trump is a petulant child.

Trump had no problem with bringing up the fantasy that Mexico is going to pay for the wall while he was meeting with the Mexican President. Trump ha no idea who are enemies are. Putin is laughing all the way to the bank.

Again, you need to stop watching so much CNN.
The intelligence agencies do NOT know 100% who did it because the DNC has yet to turn their servers over to the FBI. All we have is Democrat operatives saying THEY have evidence it came from Russia, so Trump is absolutely correct that intelligence agencies do not know.
Everything else is CNN, NYT and the alphabet fake news hypothesizing and repeating "some say" "we have reason to believe" etc. etc.
Also, if it is true that it came from Russia, and it probably did, that does not prove that the Russian government was involved let alone that Trump colluded with them...which is absolutely nothing more than theory.
The Russian mafia for instance, does a LOT of hacking worldwide. It is reasonable to believe there is a possibility they did it. But we will never know unless the DNC releases the servers.

Stop drinking the Kool Aid and embarrassing yourself.

You are embarrassing yourself. Mike Pence is not a Democrat operative and he looked at the intelligence and concluded it was true as well. Whether Trump colluded or not is the issue. The Russians interfered in our elections and are continuing to do so.

Evidence of what? Russia may have hacked something, but do we know what it hacked? No, all we have are some claims that are supported only by super duper double top secret evidence that no one can see.
You mock our intelligence agencies too?? You and dump should take a long walk off a short pier
You mock our intelligence agencies too?? You and dump should take a long walk off a short pier

File that under IRAQ WMD
Does the angry left really want to play the "we can conclude" game after they concluded that Hillary would win?

When ALL else fails......fucked up right wingers will always bring up Hillary....
be proud, right wingers.....LOL,
Conservatives: masters of the red herring fallacy.

Actually there are several branches of conservatism. One are the fake conservatives. These are people who claim to be conservatives but have swallowed the Trump Kool-Aid all the way. They are fake conservatives. Then there are those of us who have not abandoned our principles. We are the true conservatives.

Trump is a big government Progressive for the most part. These Moon Bats should love him. He will not dismantle this filthy ass welfare state and restore the Constitution but he sure as hell will do a better job than that filthy ass Crooked Hillary bitch.

As a Conservative I hope that at the end of his his eight years I will regret not voting for him and that he will actually undo many of the things that Obama, the Democrats and the RINOs broke.
Trump inherited a mess from Obama not only with the economy but a weak disastrous foreign policy. It will take him awhile to fix all the things that Obama broke.

The Moon Bats were absolute idiots electing that worthless Obama scumbag to the Presidency. They need to beg us all for forgiveness.
inherited a mess You are republican nutz He inherited a good and rising economy with sanctions on Russia Now our punk wants to play buddy buddy with our enemy? The moron has seperated us from those who were our friends No more are we the leader of the free world Thanks vile republicans

You are confused Moon Bat. Maybe not only confused but also delusional.

First of all I and not a Republican so you are wrong there.

Second of all during Obama's failed administration we had increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and dismal economic growth. Obama's foreign policy was a complete disaster. That is what Trump inherited.

Trump has a tremendous job ahead of him to fix all the things in our country that Obama broke.
Yes we did have some of those you mentioned BUT you failed to mention we were coming out of our greatest recession ever or in many years Obama was given a shit sandwich by Republicans and gwb
FACE IT republicans Poland was among one of the only places that trump wouldn't be booed and made to look like the punk he is
Yeah Will they loved him in Germany lol

Talking to yourself now? I get it, you speak and understand idiot. It makes sense.
Doc that was for the dope who rated my post funny

Ok, sorry.
The guys a mod so I have to be careful with him
Pussy. There are some mods I openly mock.
You are fake news you lying little weasel. We saw exactly what Trump thinks in the press conference. Press conferences show exactly what a individual thinks. Anyone can write a speech but responses in a press conference can't be scripted. Trump criticized our intelligence agencies and said we don't know who hacked our elections. He is more interested in his fantasies that he won the popular vote rather than the fact that Russia is trying to hack our state elections commissions.

By the way, you are aware of the fact that Obama placed sanctions on Russia. They may have been weak but for a pacifist like Obama, it was major. Trump is being taken to the cleaners by Putin and being left to the laundry bill. Putin is a adult and Trump is a petulant child.

Trump had no problem with bringing up the fantasy that Mexico is going to pay for the wall while he was meeting with the Mexican President. Trump ha no idea who are enemies are. Putin is laughing all the way to the bank.

Again, you need to stop watching so much CNN.
The intelligence agencies do NOT know 100% who did it because the DNC has yet to turn their servers over to the FBI. All we have is Democrat operatives saying THEY have evidence it came from Russia, so Trump is absolutely correct that intelligence agencies do not know.
Everything else is CNN, NYT and the alphabet fake news hypothesizing and repeating "some say" "we have reason to believe" etc. etc.
Also, if it is true that it came from Russia, and it probably did, that does not prove that the Russian government was involved let alone that Trump colluded with them...which is absolutely nothing more than theory.
The Russian mafia for instance, does a LOT of hacking worldwide. It is reasonable to believe there is a possibility they did it. But we will never know unless the DNC releases the servers.

Stop drinking the Kool Aid and embarrassing yourself.

You are embarrassing yourself. Mike Pence is not a Democrat operative and he looked at the intelligence and concluded it was true as well. Whether Trump colluded or not is the issue. The Russians interfered in our elections and are continuing to do so.

Evidence of what? Russia may have hacked something, but do we know what it hacked? No, all we have are some claims that are supported only by super duper double top secret evidence that no one can see.

Left are just pissed America learned the truth about Hillary. Whoever did it should get a medal.

You learned nothing about Hillary because her emails weren't hacked. You learned what the Russians wanted you to learned - nothing more. You learned that the Party wanted a. Democrat to win the nomination, not an independent. And that the Clinton campaign disagreed with doing so.

You saw discussions designed to make the Clinton Campaign look bad but not the outcome if those discussions.

Had the hackers released the stuff they founded on the RNC servers, you would have had much more salacious material given the lengths they went to trying stop Trump from becoming their nominee.

Putin wanted TRump and now you've seen why.
Last edited:
You are fake news you lying little weasel. We saw exactly what Trump thinks in the press conference. Press conferences show exactly what a individual thinks. Anyone can write a speech but responses in a press conference can't be scripted. Trump criticized our intelligence agencies and said we don't know who hacked our elections. He is more interested in his fantasies that he won the popular vote rather than the fact that Russia is trying to hack our state elections commissions.

By the way, you are aware of the fact that Obama placed sanctions on Russia. They may have been weak but for a pacifist like Obama, it was major. Trump is being taken to the cleaners by Putin and being left to the laundry bill. Putin is a adult and Trump is a petulant child.

Trump had no problem with bringing up the fantasy that Mexico is going to pay for the wall while he was meeting with the Mexican President. Trump ha no idea who are enemies are. Putin is laughing all the way to the bank.

Again, you need to stop watching so much CNN.
The intelligence agencies do NOT know 100% who did it because the DNC has yet to turn their servers over to the FBI. All we have is Democrat operatives saying THEY have evidence it came from Russia, so Trump is absolutely correct that intelligence agencies do not know.
Everything else is CNN, NYT and the alphabet fake news hypothesizing and repeating "some say" "we have reason to believe" etc. etc.
Also, if it is true that it came from Russia, and it probably did, that does not prove that the Russian government was involved let alone that Trump colluded with them...which is absolutely nothing more than theory.
The Russian mafia for instance, does a LOT of hacking worldwide. It is reasonable to believe there is a possibility they did it. But we will never know unless the DNC releases the servers.

Stop drinking the Kool Aid and embarrassing yourself.

You are embarrassing yourself. Mike Pence is not a Democrat operative and he looked at the intelligence and concluded it was true as well. Whether Trump colluded or not is the issue. The Russians interfered in our elections and are continuing to do so.

Evidence of what? Russia may have hacked something, but do we know what it hacked? No, all we have are some claims that are supported only by super duper double top secret evidence that no one can see.
You are fake news you lying little weasel. We saw exactly what Trump thinks in the press conference. Press conferences show exactly what a individual thinks. Anyone can write a speech but responses in a press conference can't be scripted. Trump criticized our intelligence agencies and said we don't know who hacked our elections. He is more interested in his fantasies that he won the popular vote rather than the fact that Russia is trying to hack our state elections commissions.

By the way, you are aware of the fact that Obama placed sanctions on Russia. They may have been weak but for a pacifist like Obama, it was major. Trump is being taken to the cleaners by Putin and being left to the laundry bill. Putin is a adult and Trump is a petulant child.

Trump had no problem with bringing up the fantasy that Mexico is going to pay for the wall while he was meeting with the Mexican President. Trump ha no idea who are enemies are. Putin is laughing all the way to the bank.

Again, you need to stop watching so much CNN.
The intelligence agencies do NOT know 100% who did it because the DNC has yet to turn their servers over to the FBI. All we have is Democrat operatives saying THEY have evidence it came from Russia, so Trump is absolutely correct that intelligence agencies do not know.
Everything else is CNN, NYT and the alphabet fake news hypothesizing and repeating "some say" "we have reason to believe" etc. etc.
Also, if it is true that it came from Russia, and it probably did, that does not prove that the Russian government was involved let alone that Trump colluded with them...which is absolutely nothing more than theory.
The Russian mafia for instance, does a LOT of hacking worldwide. It is reasonable to believe there is a possibility they did it. But we will never know unless the DNC releases the servers.

Stop drinking the Kool Aid and embarrassing yourself.

You are embarrassing yourself. Mike Pence is not a Democrat operative and he looked at the intelligence and concluded it was true as well. Whether Trump colluded or not is the issue. The Russians interfered in our elections and are continuing to do so.

Evidence of what? Russia may have hacked something, but do we know what it hacked? No, all we have are some claims that are supported only by super duper double top secret evidence that no one can see.
You mock our intelligence agencies too?? You and dump should take a long walk off a short pier
You are fake news you lying little weasel. We saw exactly what Trump thinks in the press conference. Press conferences show exactly what a individual thinks. Anyone can write a speech but responses in a press conference can't be scripted. Trump criticized our intelligence agencies and said we don't know who hacked our elections. He is more interested in his fantasies that he won the popular vote rather than the fact that Russia is trying to hack our state elections commissions.

By the way, you are aware of the fact that Obama placed sanctions on Russia. They may have been weak but for a pacifist like Obama, it was major. Trump is being taken to the cleaners by Putin and being left to the laundry bill. Putin is a adult and Trump is a petulant child.

Trump had no problem with bringing up the fantasy that Mexico is going to pay for the wall while he was meeting with the Mexican President. Trump ha no idea who are enemies are. Putin is laughing all the way to the bank.

Again, you need to stop watching so much CNN.
The intelligence agencies do NOT know 100% who did it because the DNC has yet to turn their servers over to the FBI. All we have is Democrat operatives saying THEY have evidence it came from Russia, so Trump is absolutely correct that intelligence agencies do not know.
Everything else is CNN, NYT and the alphabet fake news hypothesizing and repeating "some say" "we have reason to believe" etc. etc.
Also, if it is true that it came from Russia, and it probably did, that does not prove that the Russian government was involved let alone that Trump colluded with them...which is absolutely nothing more than theory.
The Russian mafia for instance, does a LOT of hacking worldwide. It is reasonable to believe there is a possibility they did it. But we will never know unless the DNC releases the servers.

Stop drinking the Kool Aid and embarrassing yourself.

You are embarrassing yourself. Mike Pence is not a Democrat operative and he looked at the intelligence and concluded it was true as well. Whether Trump colluded or not is the issue. The Russians interfered in our elections and are continuing to do so.

Evidence of what? Russia may have hacked something, but do we know what it hacked? No, all we have are some claims that are supported only by super duper double top secret evidence that no one can see.
You mock our intelligence agencies too?? You and dump should take a long walk off a short pier
You mock our intelligence agencies too?? You and dump should take a long walk off a short pier

File that under IRAQ WMD
You mean the false evidence gwb used to attack Iraq who had nothing Now NK has the goods and your weakling president gives them lip service
You are fake news you lying little weasel. We saw exactly what Trump thinks in the press conference. Press conferences show exactly what a individual thinks. Anyone can write a speech but responses in a press conference can't be scripted. Trump criticized our intelligence agencies and said we don't know who hacked our elections. He is more interested in his fantasies that he won the popular vote rather than the fact that Russia is trying to hack our state elections commissions.

By the way, you are aware of the fact that Obama placed sanctions on Russia. They may have been weak but for a pacifist like Obama, it was major. Trump is being taken to the cleaners by Putin and being left to the laundry bill. Putin is a adult and Trump is a petulant child.

Trump had no problem with bringing up the fantasy that Mexico is going to pay for the wall while he was meeting with the Mexican President. Trump ha no idea who are enemies are. Putin is laughing all the way to the bank.

Again, you need to stop watching so much CNN.
The intelligence agencies do NOT know 100% who did it because the DNC has yet to turn their servers over to the FBI. All we have is Democrat operatives saying THEY have evidence it came from Russia, so Trump is absolutely correct that intelligence agencies do not know.
Everything else is CNN, NYT and the alphabet fake news hypothesizing and repeating "some say" "we have reason to believe" etc. etc.
Also, if it is true that it came from Russia, and it probably did, that does not prove that the Russian government was involved let alone that Trump colluded with them...which is absolutely nothing more than theory.
The Russian mafia for instance, does a LOT of hacking worldwide. It is reasonable to believe there is a possibility they did it. But we will never know unless the DNC releases the servers.

Stop drinking the Kool Aid and embarrassing yourself.

You are embarrassing yourself. Mike Pence is not a Democrat operative and he looked at the intelligence and concluded it was true as well. Whether Trump colluded or not is the issue. The Russians interfered in our elections and are continuing to do so.

Evidence of what? Russia may have hacked something, but do we know what it hacked? No, all we have are some claims that are supported only by super duper double top secret evidence that no one can see.
Again, you need to stop watching so much CNN.
The intelligence agencies do NOT know 100% who did it because the DNC has yet to turn their servers over to the FBI. All we have is Democrat operatives saying THEY have evidence it came from Russia, so Trump is absolutely correct that intelligence agencies do not know.
Everything else is CNN, NYT and the alphabet fake news hypothesizing and repeating "some say" "we have reason to believe" etc. etc.
Also, if it is true that it came from Russia, and it probably did, that does not prove that the Russian government was involved let alone that Trump colluded with them...which is absolutely nothing more than theory.
The Russian mafia for instance, does a LOT of hacking worldwide. It is reasonable to believe there is a possibility they did it. But we will never know unless the DNC releases the servers.

Stop drinking the Kool Aid and embarrassing yourself.

You are embarrassing yourself. Mike Pence is not a Democrat operative and he looked at the intelligence and concluded it was true as well. Whether Trump colluded or not is the issue. The Russians interfered in our elections and are continuing to do so.

Evidence of what? Russia may have hacked something, but do we know what it hacked? No, all we have are some claims that are supported only by super duper double top secret evidence that no one can see.
You mock our intelligence agencies too?? You and dump should take a long walk off a short pier
Again, you need to stop watching so much CNN.
The intelligence agencies do NOT know 100% who did it because the DNC has yet to turn their servers over to the FBI. All we have is Democrat operatives saying THEY have evidence it came from Russia, so Trump is absolutely correct that intelligence agencies do not know.
Everything else is CNN, NYT and the alphabet fake news hypothesizing and repeating "some say" "we have reason to believe" etc. etc.
Also, if it is true that it came from Russia, and it probably did, that does not prove that the Russian government was involved let alone that Trump colluded with them...which is absolutely nothing more than theory.
The Russian mafia for instance, does a LOT of hacking worldwide. It is reasonable to believe there is a possibility they did it. But we will never know unless the DNC releases the servers.

Stop drinking the Kool Aid and embarrassing yourself.

You are embarrassing yourself. Mike Pence is not a Democrat operative and he looked at the intelligence and concluded it was true as well. Whether Trump colluded or not is the issue. The Russians interfered in our elections and are continuing to do so.

Evidence of what? Russia may have hacked something, but do we know what it hacked? No, all we have are some claims that are supported only by super duper double top secret evidence that no one can see.
You mock our intelligence agencies too?? You and dump should take a long walk off a short pier
You mock our intelligence agencies too?? You and dump should take a long walk off a short pier

File that under IRAQ WMD
You mean the false evidence gwb used to attack Iraq who had nothing Now NK has the goods and your weakling president gives them lip service
Thanks for reminding us why Dems lost 1500 seats and Trump is President.
From the much awaited Putin-Trump meeting, we can conclude that Putin got ALL that he wanted, and the first hint of what was to happen could be discerned from the lack of transparency regarding what the meeting really addressed.

Putin got what he wanted.......To have Russia, once again, be recognized as a world power in par with the U.S.

Regarding the Russian hacking, Trump has long "cleared" Putin of any wrong doings, as Putin clearly wanted..............Had this meeting yielded a thorough transcript of Trump .....as a "strong" leader........stating, "Look Putin, my intelligence agencies are very good and they tell me that you DID interfere in our elections and this MUST STOP or Russia will be subjected to additional sanctions and retaliatory actions against the Russian Government...."...........and had that exchange been recorded, Trump would have GAINED respect for both the left and the right in our country.......But, instead, Trump opted to be Putin's stooge and simply concluded that whatever the past may or may not be....."let's proceed as if nothing happened"...

The U.S. "lost" and Putin "won"........If anything, this meeting was strictly a business one, where Rex probably got a nod from the Russian to drill in the arctic, and conceded that Russia could be belligerent all that country may want regarding the Ukraine and other Russian bordering countries. (and, of course, installing any missile defense in Poland is just another "gift" to both our military complex spending AND a great tool for Putin to also claim to be the "defender" of Russian sovereignty along that border.)

Bottom line.........Putin comes off stronger, and the U.S. as compliant....Some "art of the deal", don't you think?
Your crude defamatory anti-USA disinformation is pathetic.
You are fake news you lying little weasel. We saw exactly what Trump thinks in the press conference. Press conferences show exactly what a individual thinks. Anyone can write a speech but responses in a press conference can't be scripted. Trump criticized our intelligence agencies and said we don't know who hacked our elections. He is more interested in his fantasies that he won the popular vote rather than the fact that Russia is trying to hack our state elections commissions.

By the way, you are aware of the fact that Obama placed sanctions on Russia. They may have been weak but for a pacifist like Obama, it was major. Trump is being taken to the cleaners by Putin and being left to the laundry bill. Putin is a adult and Trump is a petulant child.

Trump had no problem with bringing up the fantasy that Mexico is going to pay for the wall while he was meeting with the Mexican President. Trump ha no idea who are enemies are. Putin is laughing all the way to the bank.

Again, you need to stop watching so much CNN.
The intelligence agencies do NOT know 100% who did it because the DNC has yet to turn their servers over to the FBI. All we have is Democrat operatives saying THEY have evidence it came from Russia, so Trump is absolutely correct that intelligence agencies do not know.
Everything else is CNN, NYT and the alphabet fake news hypothesizing and repeating "some say" "we have reason to believe" etc. etc.
Also, if it is true that it came from Russia, and it probably did, that does not prove that the Russian government was involved let alone that Trump colluded with them...which is absolutely nothing more than theory.
The Russian mafia for instance, does a LOT of hacking worldwide. It is reasonable to believe there is a possibility they did it. But we will never know unless the DNC releases the servers.

Stop drinking the Kool Aid and embarrassing yourself.

You are embarrassing yourself. Mike Pence is not a Democrat operative and he looked at the intelligence and concluded it was true as well. Whether Trump colluded or not is the issue. The Russians interfered in our elections and are continuing to do so.
Russia has been interfering with our elections since the 50's, dufus.

So tell us why Obama interfering with Israels election was OK

You are the dufus. The internet in its current form was not around in the 50's. We are now talking about Russia hacking our voter rolls. Clearly they are seeing how far they can go. This is a direct attack on the country.
You are fake news you lying little weasel. We saw exactly what Trump thinks in the press conference. Press conferences show exactly what a individual thinks. Anyone can write a speech but responses in a press conference can't be scripted. Trump criticized our intelligence agencies and said we don't know who hacked our elections. He is more interested in his fantasies that he won the popular vote rather than the fact that Russia is trying to hack our state elections commissions.

By the way, you are aware of the fact that Obama placed sanctions on Russia. They may have been weak but for a pacifist like Obama, it was major. Trump is being taken to the cleaners by Putin and being left to the laundry bill. Putin is a adult and Trump is a petulant child.

Trump had no problem with bringing up the fantasy that Mexico is going to pay for the wall while he was meeting with the Mexican President. Trump ha no idea who are enemies are. Putin is laughing all the way to the bank.

Again, you need to stop watching so much CNN.
The intelligence agencies do NOT know 100% who did it because the DNC has yet to turn their servers over to the FBI. All we have is Democrat operatives saying THEY have evidence it came from Russia, so Trump is absolutely correct that intelligence agencies do not know.
Everything else is CNN, NYT and the alphabet fake news hypothesizing and repeating "some say" "we have reason to believe" etc. etc.
Also, if it is true that it came from Russia, and it probably did, that does not prove that the Russian government was involved let alone that Trump colluded with them...which is absolutely nothing more than theory.
The Russian mafia for instance, does a LOT of hacking worldwide. It is reasonable to believe there is a possibility they did it. But we will never know unless the DNC releases the servers.

Stop drinking the Kool Aid and embarrassing yourself.

You are embarrassing yourself. Mike Pence is not a Democrat operative and he looked at the intelligence and concluded it was true as well. Whether Trump colluded or not is the issue. The Russians interfered in our elections and are continuing to do so.

Evidence of what? Russia may have hacked something, but do we know what it hacked? No, all we have are some claims that are supported only by super duper double top secret evidence that no one can see.

Left are just pissed America learned the truth about Hillary. Whoever did it should get a medal.

You learned nothing about Hillary because her emails weren't hacked. You learned what the Russians wanted you to learned - nothing more. You learned that the Party wanted a. Democrat to win the nomination, not an independent. And that the Clinton campaign disagreed with doing so.
Americans learned truth. Why does the left hate truth?
You are fake news you lying little weasel. We saw exactly what Trump thinks in the press conference. Press conferences show exactly what a individual thinks. Anyone can write a speech but responses in a press conference can't be scripted. Trump criticized our intelligence agencies and said we don't know who hacked our elections. He is more interested in his fantasies that he won the popular vote rather than the fact that Russia is trying to hack our state elections commissions.

By the way, you are aware of the fact that Obama placed sanctions on Russia. They may have been weak but for a pacifist like Obama, it was major. Trump is being taken to the cleaners by Putin and being left to the laundry bill. Putin is a adult and Trump is a petulant child.

Trump had no problem with bringing up the fantasy that Mexico is going to pay for the wall while he was meeting with the Mexican President. Trump ha no idea who are enemies are. Putin is laughing all the way to the bank.

Again, you need to stop watching so much CNN.
The intelligence agencies do NOT know 100% who did it because the DNC has yet to turn their servers over to the FBI. All we have is Democrat operatives saying THEY have evidence it came from Russia, so Trump is absolutely correct that intelligence agencies do not know.
Everything else is CNN, NYT and the alphabet fake news hypothesizing and repeating "some say" "we have reason to believe" etc. etc.
Also, if it is true that it came from Russia, and it probably did, that does not prove that the Russian government was involved let alone that Trump colluded with them...which is absolutely nothing more than theory.
The Russian mafia for instance, does a LOT of hacking worldwide. It is reasonable to believe there is a possibility they did it. But we will never know unless the DNC releases the servers.

Stop drinking the Kool Aid and embarrassing yourself.

You are embarrassing yourself. Mike Pence is not a Democrat operative and he looked at the intelligence and concluded it was true as well. Whether Trump colluded or not is the issue. The Russians interfered in our elections and are continuing to do so.
Russia has been interfering with our elections since the 50's, dufus.

So tell us why Obama interfering with Israels election was OK

You are the dufus. The internet in its current form was not around in the 50's. We are now talking about Russia hacking our voter rolls. Clearly they are seeing how far they can go. This is a direct attack on the country.
And we have Ivanka sitting in for dad UN fn believable
You are fake news you lying little weasel. We saw exactly what Trump thinks in the press conference. Press conferences show exactly what a individual thinks. Anyone can write a speech but responses in a press conference can't be scripted. Trump criticized our intelligence agencies and said we don't know who hacked our elections. He is more interested in his fantasies that he won the popular vote rather than the fact that Russia is trying to hack our state elections commissions.

By the way, you are aware of the fact that Obama placed sanctions on Russia. They may have been weak but for a pacifist like Obama, it was major. Trump is being taken to the cleaners by Putin and being left to the laundry bill. Putin is a adult and Trump is a petulant child.

Trump had no problem with bringing up the fantasy that Mexico is going to pay for the wall while he was meeting with the Mexican President. Trump ha no idea who are enemies are. Putin is laughing all the way to the bank.

Again, you need to stop watching so much CNN.
The intelligence agencies do NOT know 100% who did it because the DNC has yet to turn their servers over to the FBI. All we have is Democrat operatives saying THEY have evidence it came from Russia, so Trump is absolutely correct that intelligence agencies do not know.
Everything else is CNN, NYT and the alphabet fake news hypothesizing and repeating "some say" "we have reason to believe" etc. etc.
Also, if it is true that it came from Russia, and it probably did, that does not prove that the Russian government was involved let alone that Trump colluded with them...which is absolutely nothing more than theory.
The Russian mafia for instance, does a LOT of hacking worldwide. It is reasonable to believe there is a possibility they did it. But we will never know unless the DNC releases the servers.

Stop drinking the Kool Aid and embarrassing yourself.

You are embarrassing yourself. Mike Pence is not a Democrat operative and he looked at the intelligence and concluded it was true as well. Whether Trump colluded or not is the issue. The Russians interfered in our elections and are continuing to do so.

Pence at one point in time beleived the bullshit that the intel agencies were saying. So did a lot of people. Now that many realize that the DNC servers were never examined by their own agencies and they were relying completely on DNC employees word on it, they are changing their minds.

AND when one realizes how political these agencies had become they are not to be trusted implicitly any more. When even Diane Feinstein called for an investigation into Loretta Lynch you know all hell is about to break loose.

Where has Mike Pence changed his mind? Please provide a link. The fact is that no one has changed their minds. That is a weak and pathetic argument. To support your glorious leader, you are willing to demean Americans who are working hard tp protect our freedom. They have not been polluted by politics. You are trying to play politics. The leak of a report showing how Russians are now hacking state electoral systems shows that it is reality.
From the much awaited Putin-Trump meeting, we can conclude that Putin got ALL that he wanted, and the first hint of what was to happen could be discerned from the lack of transparency regarding what the meeting really addressed.

Putin got what he wanted.......To have Russia, once again, be recognized as a world power in par with the U.S.

Regarding the Russian hacking, Trump has long "cleared" Putin of any wrong doings, as Putin clearly wanted..............Had this meeting yielded a thorough transcript of Trump .....as a "strong" leader........stating, "Look Putin, my intelligence agencies are very good and they tell me that you DID interfere in our elections and this MUST STOP or Russia will be subjected to additional sanctions and retaliatory actions against the Russian Government...."...........and had that exchange been recorded, Trump would have GAINED respect for both the left and the right in our country.......But, instead, Trump opted to be Putin's stooge and simply concluded that whatever the past may or may not be....."let's proceed as if nothing happened"...

The U.S. "lost" and Putin "won"........If anything, this meeting was strictly a business one, where Rex probably got a nod from the Russian to drill in the arctic, and conceded that Russia could be belligerent all that country may want regarding the Ukraine and other Russian bordering countries. (and, of course, installing any missile defense in Poland is just another "gift" to both our military complex spending AND a great tool for Putin to also claim to be the "defender" of Russian sovereignty along that border.)

Bottom line.........Putin comes off stronger, and the U.S. as compliant....Some "art of the deal", don't you think?

Why are you fucking Socialists always trying to start a war with the Communists. This shit has been going on for over a century now. Putin got the message. So instead of trying to ruff him up and make our relationship worse Trump is looking for common ground. And it's damn refreshing to not watch Russia kick sand in our president's face like he did Obamakov.

You think that hacking our elections is a way of saying how friendly we are. You are a fucking traitor to this country you Putin loving bastard. Why don't you move to Russia if you think Putin is so friendly. Get your traitorous ass out of this country you traitor.

Until the intelligence agencies actually examine the DNC servers and produce evidence of the hackers nationality we won't know who hacked the server.

Bullshit. I suppose the tooth fairy gave WikiLeaks the hacked e-mails.

Everyone in intel agrees that a country that's hacking can make themselves look like another country. Former CIA director Woolsey said China in particular excelled at that.

And no way in hell should anyone beleive jack shit from CrowdStike. The are DNC employees anti Russian and funded in large part by a Ukrainian oligarch who is tied at the hip with the Clinton Fundation.
From the much awaited Putin-Trump meeting, we can conclude that Putin got ALL that he wanted, and the first hint of what was to happen could be discerned from the lack of transparency regarding what the meeting really addressed.

Putin got what he wanted.......To have Russia, once again, be recognized as a world power in par with the U.S.

Regarding the Russian hacking, Trump has long "cleared" Putin of any wrong doings, as Putin clearly wanted..............Had this meeting yielded a thorough transcript of Trump .....as a "strong" leader........stating, "Look Putin, my intelligence agencies are very good and they tell me that you DID interfere in our elections and this MUST STOP or Russia will be subjected to additional sanctions and retaliatory actions against the Russian Government...."...........and had that exchange been recorded, Trump would have GAINED respect for both the left and the right in our country.......But, instead, Trump opted to be Putin's stooge and simply concluded that whatever the past may or may not be....."let's proceed as if nothing happened"...

The U.S. "lost" and Putin "won"........If anything, this meeting was strictly a business one, where Rex probably got a nod from the Russian to drill in the arctic, and conceded that Russia could be belligerent all that country may want regarding the Ukraine and other Russian bordering countries. (and, of course, installing any missile defense in Poland is just another "gift" to both our military complex spending AND a great tool for Putin to also claim to be the "defender" of Russian sovereignty along that border.)

Bottom line.........Putin comes off stronger, and the U.S. as compliant....Some "art of the deal", don't you think?

Why are you fucking Socialists always trying to start a war with the Communists. This shit has been going on for over a century now. Putin got the message. So instead of trying to ruff him up and make our relationship worse Trump is looking for common ground. And it's damn refreshing to not watch Russia kick sand in our president's face like he did Obamakov.

You think that hacking our elections is a way of saying how friendly we are. You are a fucking traitor to this country you Putin loving bastard. Why don't you move to Russia if you think Putin is so friendly. Get your traitorous ass out of this country you traitor.

Until the intelligence agencies actually examine the DNC servers and produce evidence of the hackers nationality we won't know who hacked the server.

Bullshit. I suppose the tooth fairy gave WikiLeaks the hacked e-mails.

Everyone in intel agrees that a country that's hacking can make themselves look like another country. Former CIA director Woolsey said China in particular excelled at that.

And no way in hell should anyone beleive jack shit from CrowdStike. The are DNC employees anti Russian and funded in large part by a Ukrainian oligarch who is tied at the hip with the Clinton Foundation.

Another crazy conspiracy theory. Your pointy little head must ache sometimes from the tinfoil hats that you have to wear.
You are fake news you lying little weasel. We saw exactly what Trump thinks in the press conference. Press conferences show exactly what a individual thinks. Anyone can write a speech but responses in a press conference can't be scripted. Trump criticized our intelligence agencies and said we don't know who hacked our elections. He is more interested in his fantasies that he won the popular vote rather than the fact that Russia is trying to hack our state elections commissions.

By the way, you are aware of the fact that Obama placed sanctions on Russia. They may have been weak but for a pacifist like Obama, it was major. Trump is being taken to the cleaners by Putin and being left to the laundry bill. Putin is a adult and Trump is a petulant child.

Trump had no problem with bringing up the fantasy that Mexico is going to pay for the wall while he was meeting with the Mexican President. Trump ha no idea who are enemies are. Putin is laughing all the way to the bank.

Again, you need to stop watching so much CNN.
The intelligence agencies do NOT know 100% who did it because the DNC has yet to turn their servers over to the FBI. All we have is Democrat operatives saying THEY have evidence it came from Russia, so Trump is absolutely correct that intelligence agencies do not know.
Everything else is CNN, NYT and the alphabet fake news hypothesizing and repeating "some say" "we have reason to believe" etc. etc.
Also, if it is true that it came from Russia, and it probably did, that does not prove that the Russian government was involved let alone that Trump colluded with them...which is absolutely nothing more than theory.
The Russian mafia for instance, does a LOT of hacking worldwide. It is reasonable to believe there is a possibility they did it. But we will never know unless the DNC releases the servers.

Stop drinking the Kool Aid and embarrassing yourself.

You are embarrassing yourself. Mike Pence is not a Democrat operative and he looked at the intelligence and concluded it was true as well. Whether Trump colluded or not is the issue. The Russians interfered in our elections and are continuing to do so.

Pence at one point in time beleived the bullshit that the intel agencies were saying. So did a lot of people. Now that many realize that the DNC servers were never examined by their own agencies and they were relying completely on DNC employees word on it, they are changing their minds.

AND when one realizes how political these agencies had become they are not to be trusted implicitly any more. When even Diane Feinstein called for an investigation into Loretta Lynch you know all hell is about to break loose.

Where has Mike Pence changed his mind? Please provide a link. The fact is that no one has changed their minds. That is a weak and pathetic argument. To support your glorious leader, you are willing to demean Americans who are working hard tp protect our freedom. They have not been polluted by politics. You are trying to play politics. The leak of a report showing how Russians are now hacking state electoral systems shows that it is reality.
As well as rumors of hacking our power grids Simpleton repubs will ignore
You are fake news you lying little weasel. We saw exactly what Trump thinks in the press conference. Press conferences show exactly what a individual thinks. Anyone can write a speech but responses in a press conference can't be scripted. Trump criticized our intelligence agencies and said we don't know who hacked our elections. He is more interested in his fantasies that he won the popular vote rather than the fact that Russia is trying to hack our state elections commissions.

By the way, you are aware of the fact that Obama placed sanctions on Russia. They may have been weak but for a pacifist like Obama, it was major. Trump is being taken to the cleaners by Putin and being left to the laundry bill. Putin is a adult and Trump is a petulant child.

Trump had no problem with bringing up the fantasy that Mexico is going to pay for the wall while he was meeting with the Mexican President. Trump ha no idea who are enemies are. Putin is laughing all the way to the bank.

Again, you need to stop watching so much CNN.
The intelligence agencies do NOT know 100% who did it because the DNC has yet to turn their servers over to the FBI. All we have is Democrat operatives saying THEY have evidence it came from Russia, so Trump is absolutely correct that intelligence agencies do not know.
Everything else is CNN, NYT and the alphabet fake news hypothesizing and repeating "some say" "we have reason to believe" etc. etc.
Also, if it is true that it came from Russia, and it probably did, that does not prove that the Russian government was involved let alone that Trump colluded with them...which is absolutely nothing more than theory.
The Russian mafia for instance, does a LOT of hacking worldwide. It is reasonable to believe there is a possibility they did it. But we will never know unless the DNC releases the servers.

Stop drinking the Kool Aid and embarrassing yourself.

You are embarrassing yourself. Mike Pence is not a Democrat operative and he looked at the intelligence and concluded it was true as well. Whether Trump colluded or not is the issue. The Russians interfered in our elections and are continuing to do so.

Evidence of what? Russia may have hacked something, but do we know what it hacked? No, all we have are some claims that are supported only by super duper double top secret evidence that no one can see.
You mock our intelligence agencies too?? You and dump should take a long walk off a short pier

Damn straight. When those agencies become political with an agenda they deserve to be distrusted and insulted. McCabe is under investigation now for the political targeting of Flynn.

Comey will be under investigation for Flynn being targeted by the FBI for revenge.

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