Putin Announces Suspension of Sinai Flights

Another demonstration of stupidity.
quite ineffective - this action of Ukraine in Crimea =) )

You're confusing . Russia has never accepted the role of world policeman . We fought only with those Muslims who attacked us .
For example the Crimean Tatars.
Crimean–Nogai raids into East Slavic lands - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The global war against Muslims Crusades - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
US and allies fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya.

So what? Russia has eliminated Muslim extremism inside its territory?
Another demonstration of stupidity.
quite ineffective - this action of Ukraine in Crimea =) )

You're confusing . Russia has never accepted the role of world policeman . We fought only with those Muslims who attacked us .
For example the Crimean Tatars.
Crimean–Nogai raids into East Slavic lands - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The global war against Muslims Crusades - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
US and allies fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya.
So what? Russia has eliminated Muslim extremism inside its territory?
Armed gangs - yes.
Terrorists acting alone. No.
And I dont think that's possible.

Putin has done a lot for safety. But sometimes he acts too soft.
I am glad that the country kicked Ukrainians living here illegally.
It was really funny.

See how they illegally earned money here.
Or hiding from conscription into the Ukrainian army)))
In a country with which Ukraine is "at war" =)))

Armed gangs - yes.
Terrorists acting alone. No.
And I dont think that's possible.

Really? So why from time to time the so-called “режимКТО» is introduced in some districts of North Caucasus? Also more than 870 servicemen have been killed in North Caucasus since 2010 during various special operations. It may be called a victory, of course.
На Северном Кавказе с 2010 года погибли более 870 силовиков

See how they illegally earned money here.
Or hiding from conscription into the Ukrainian army)))
In a country with which Ukraine is "at war" =)))


I will tell you more interesting thing. In September Russia imposed a ban on delivering diesel fuel to Ukraine because the fuel could be used by Ukrainian armed forces in Donbas. The most interesting is that the ban existed neither in 2014 nor in the first half of 2015 (the period of active fighting). Moreover, in 2015 the Russians overcame the Belarusians (former leaders) in supplies.

Circus, huh?

I am glad that the country kicked Ukrainians living here illegally.
It was really funny.

Yeah, unfortunately such things exist only in your wild imagination.

BTW, this theme about Egypt. I understand that you can’t live even a day without Ukraine, but try to forget about it. You don’t need to anyone here. :itsok:
Really? So why from time to time the so-called “режимКТО» is introduced in some districts of North Caucasus?
Did you read what I wrote?
Terrorists acting alone. No.
And I dont think that's possible
Remember y wrote about a monument to the Dzerzhinsk?
Here same history.
Chechnya and Dagestan always had the high level of crime.
The Chechen society consists of teips.
Teip - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
These teips can be at war among themselves.

For example.
2014 Grozny clashes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
killed 10-20 Chechen police officers.
Why these fighters attacked Grozny? Why Chechens killed Chechens?
Why terrorists didn't go to the Russian city?

Wild are the tribes that dwell in those defiles
Freedom their God, and Strife their only Law!
In friendship firm, in vengeance firmer still
Not theirs the master’s teaching them above –
They render good for good, for evil – ill
And Hate with them is limitless as love

Lermontoff, Ismail Bey 1832

800 people in 6 years? It is 140 in a year.
I m more afraid of some morons who ride on our roads =)
Did you read what I wrote?

Yes, I did. And I think it is another piece of bullshit Russian “patriots” are full of.
Read something about “Имарат Кавказ” organization, for example.

800 people in 6 years? It is 140 in a year.
I m more afraid of some morons who ride on our roads =)

Yeah, more than a company being killed annually during special operations in peaceful Russian Caucasus, never mind. What do you say? Terrorists acting alone? And they are capable to kill more than 100 servicemen of “spetsnaz”? Well, then your spetsnaz really sucks.

Remember y wrote about a monument to the Dzerzhinsk?

Yes, I do. And?
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So what about Egypt, the A321, Syria, and the like? Since the beginning of the military operation in Syria, the Russian General Staff had claimed about tremendous successes there. These successes ended up evacuating Russian citizens from Egypt. What will be after a year of such successes? Evacuation from Moscow?
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Yes, I did. And I think it is another piece of bullshit Russian “patriots” are full of.
It well shows your relation.
Inability analyze information. And it is simple to quote that shit which you somewhere read.
I asked a logical question. Why Chechens attacked Chechens?
After all on the Ukrainian news say, what they against Russians?
I gave the answer. But you don't need difficult answers.
And you write.
it is another piece of bullshit Russian “patriots” are full of
You need only information shit.

Read something about “Имарат Кавказ” organization, for example.
You don't even understand logical conclusions... from this that you speak.

1) Read something about the Ottoman caliphate.
As I wrote - the idea isn't new.

2) Where now Ottoman caliphate?

3) Their leader promised act of terrorism at the Olympic Games in SOCHI. There was an act of terrorism? And where this leader?
Umarov died due to food poisoning on 7 September 2013.[2][40] He was succeeded by Aliaskhab Kebekov (killed April 2015)[41][25] and Magomed Suleymanov (killed August 2015).

I don't understand what do you want to tell?
I wrote - threats from Islamic radicals for Russians isnt news.
It I wrote to prove that your words (The last thing Putin wants to admit is that) - nonsense of the moron.
1) knows a little
2) doesn't think
3) doesn't want to know and think
Russia works inefficiently?
The USA and alliance are more effective?
Iraq + Libya = created the new terrorist state.
Good fellows =)
And if you didn't know, England too evacuated the tourists from Egypt. Why you don't write about it?=)

It is a lot of 180 police officers in a year?
Here 200 children for 1 time.

I still hope that it is installation
These successes ended up evacuating Russian citizens from Egypt. What will be after a year of such successes?
England too evacuates the citizens. England worked in the union with alliance. Why you don't write it?
Russians will have a rest more in Sochi now.
And in the Crimea.
As for efficiency. Yes you are right.
It is difficult to Russia to compete to Ukraine.
Revolution of advantage. Degraded for 1 year on 20 years ago.
The Crimea was lost. Donets and Lugansk lost. Arranged war.
Circus for the whole world.
Parade of fascists.
Fights in Rada =))
100 people killed in the center of the capital - nobody knows who it was.
The Ukrainian Deputy knocked the colleague a bottle on the head)
Mer Kiyeva - the real moron. It not an insult, but medical fact. He speaks hardly.

Think what will be with you. In a year.
Mer Kiyeva told to prepare for the earth. (he confused word). =)))
You need only information shit.
No, dummy, I just don’t expect from YOU any better than that. And you always meet my expectations. You wrote that there are no extremist organizations acting in North Caucasus, when I mentioned one you began posting senseless statements trying to prove your nonsense.

And if you didn't know, England too evacuated the tourists from Egypt. Why you don't write about it?=)

Yes, unfortunately a monkey with a grenade causes problems not only for itself.

England too evacuates the citizens. England worked in the union with alliance. Why you don't write it?
Russians will have a rest more in Sochi now.
And in the Crimea.
As for efficiency. Yes you are right.
It is difficult to Russia to compete to Ukraine.
Revolution of advantage. Degraded for 1 year on 20 years ago.
The Crimea was lost. Donets and Lugansk lost. Arranged war.
Circus for the whole world.
Parade of fascists.
Fights in Rada =))
100 people killed in the center of the capital - nobody knows who it was.
The Ukrainian Deputy knocked the colleague a bottle on the head)
Mer Kiyeva - the real moron. It not an insult, but medical fact. He speaks hardly.

Think what will be with you. In a year.
Mer Kiyeva told to prepare for the earth. (he confused word). =)))


Yeah, again Ukraine. God, why “vata” is so stupid and boring? Пока, дефективный.
You wrote that there are no extremist organizations acting in North Caucasus

Why are you lying on the forum? Where so easy to check the lie ?

Russia has eliminated Muslim extremism inside its territory?
I answered
Armed gangs - yes.
Terrorists acting alone. No.

when I mentioned one...

...I gave you a list of the leadership of this organization, who are all dead.
Conclusions doing? Brain enough?

Yeah, again Ukraine. God, why “vata” is so stupid and boring? Пока, дефективный.

Of course. I do not understand. Explain .
Ukraine's independence from Russia 25 years . The result - you in the ass .
Very deep.
What have you achieved in these 25 years?
If the level of life in Ukraine was like in Switzerland
I would understand your arguments.

But you're sitting in shit. According to the throat.
And when you say shit poured into y mouth.

But talking about Russia.
And if you're telling the truth, I would have understood.
But you write lies and nonsense.

How the story of the monument to Dzerzhinsky.
By I prove that this is a lie.

you can not.

Because you know that I'm telling the truth.
And about the mayor-moron.
And about the fact that Poroshenko has not sold the factory and the TV channel.
It is ridiculous to criticize Putin for RT when Poroshenko has a personal TV channel.
It is ridiculous to criticize the dictator Putin when the Ukrainian parliament deputies hit the bottle on her head. Turn off the microphone.
And about the fact that the governor of Odessa was appointed Georgian. Although his people did not choose.
And Saakashvili appoints his ministers.
What do you say to that clown?
You first get out of your ass. And then talk about other countries.[/quote][/quote]
...I gave you a list of the leadership of this organization, who are all dead.
Conclusions doing? Brain enough?

Yes, Russia kills some leaders of Islamist groups in North Caucasus from time to time, but does it automatically mean that these groups cease to exist in result of that? For example, Bin Laden has been killed, but does it mean that Al Qaeda has ceased to exist? The same with Taliban and its leaders.
Or you are so stupid that you even don’t understand that? (It is a rhetorical question, though).

Of course. I do not understand. Explain .
Ukraine's independence from Russia 25 years . The result - you in the ass .
Very deep.
What have you achieved in these 25 years?
If the level of life in Ukraine was like in Switzerland
I would understand your arguments.

Have you ever heard a saying: “Самый страшный враг хохла – это хохол”?

How the story of the monument to Dzerzhinsky.
By I prove that this is a lie.

What did you prove, idiot? If you want, we can go to that thread.

Because you know that I'm telling the truth.

And about the mayor-moron.
And about the fact that Poroshenko has not sold the factory and the TV channel.
It is ridiculous to criticize Putin for RT when Poroshenko has a personal TV channel.
It is ridiculous to criticize the dictator Putin when the Ukrainian parliament deputies hit the bottle on her head. Turn off the microphone.
And about the fact that the governor of Odessa was appointed Georgian. Although his people did not choose.
And Saakashvili appoints his ministers.
What do you say to that clown?
You first get out of your ass. And then talk about other countries.

Dummy, don’t you find it ridiculous to compare Ukraine (state 404 as you Russian “patriots” love to call it) with Russia (the center of “Русский мир”, Third Rome, global superpower, according to these “patriots”)?

And yes, silly, if I want to ask somebody about what I should write and what I shouldn’t, you will be the last person I will ask about it.
Dummy, don’t you find it ridiculous to compare Ukraine (state 404 as you Russian “patriots” love to call it) with Russia (the center of “Русский мир”, Third Rome, global superpower, according to these “patriots”)?
How much crap.

1) I have not heard about the "state 404" .
2) I'm not familiar with the concept of the "Russian world".
3) Russia for me is not the Third Rome. This is my mother. My child. My friends.

But now you have shown how much garbage in your head. How many stupid propaganda.
Well done. Thank you for the demonstration. I could not show it better.

what right has this scum threatened to kill my mother, my child?
Without shit. About Putin. About Russian world.

But now you have shown how much garbage in your head. How many stupid propaganda.
Well done. Thank you for the demonstration. I could not show it better.

You are welcome.
Also, you can read Russian political forums (for example sevpolitforum.ru and politforums.net) to understand what some of your compatriots think (at least those part whom I call Russian “patriots”).

what right has this scum threatened to kill my mother, my child?
Without shit. About Putin. About Russian world.

It is impossible to explain that without “Putin and Russian world”, dummy. Have you seen the date the video was shot? It was in March of 2014. Do you remember the events in Crimea, “green men”? These events caused the wave of anti-Russian sentiments (though, in Western Ukraine pro-Russian feelings hadn’t been very high in previous times). The events in Donbas didn’t serve to cause the love for Russia, quite the contrary. During these events it was quite common to demonstrate anti-Russian sentiments.
Are you pleased by this explanation?

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