Putin Attacks Nuclear Power Plant

While Putin threatens to blow up the nuclear power plant and his finger is close to the red button and all the leaders have their asses between two chairs and are walking on eggshells, maybe something should be done before it become to late for all of us, right?
I’m not particularly religious. Still:

Dear God,

Please strike down Putin immediately. I don’t care if he goes in pain or with no awareness of his passing. But, please relieve us all of this vermin. Thank you, Holy God.

We see a "new" face of Putin, he would have changed since the covid and his confinement that what is been said on French TV, it would not really be in reality anymore? I’m saying this, but I don’t know about it, but this is really going far.
Everyone is directly threatened, I don’t know why nothing is being done to stop it.
We live in a really twisted world today.
Yeah give a link.....No one believes you.
I don't care if anyone believes me. So to prove I'm wrong, state here you are supporting Biden against the communists in the Ukraine conflict.

See how clever you are now?
Show support for what efforts?

Biden said we won’t send any troops at all.
Thats correct. At this point he is abiding by nato agreements as it most of nato countries.

You won't declare your support for democracy and freedom because it involves supporting Biden.
You'd rather continue to support Trump, who can do absolutely nothing,
and simultaneously support communism that Trump has yearned for America to have. The j6 riots proved he is a tyrant.

But the irony is all the bellowing about freedom and democracy from republicans, for political reasons only, you have placed yourselves in the supporting the communists. If you had any courage at all you would support the country, not be a traitor because you hate Biden.

I hope that makes your position clear. If I'm incorrect, declare your support for freedom and democracy here now by supporting the elected potus.
See how good you are now at lying.

Russia-Ukraine live: Zaporizhzhia power plant on fire, mayor says​

Europe's largest nuclear power plant is on fire. Time for US and the Euros to wake the Hell up!!
They seized the plant so that the Nazis in their usual MO could not blow it. You know how ISIL suicide bombers do. They don't care about what happens after and Russians don't let them blow themselves and the World to boot.
Zelensky made a desperate attempt to draw NATO into the armed conflict in Ukraine. To do this, the Armed Forces of Ukraine exposed "Grad" installations directly under the walls of the Zaporozhye NPP and opened fire on Russian troops from them, thereby provoking the Russian military to counter-battery fire and shooting at the Zaporozhye nuclear power station.

European and American publications have been reporting for a month that Zelensky and the Ukrainian military are being advised by the best armies in the world - from Mossad to Washington. Foreign experts place special emphasis on conducting sabotage activities and organizing terrorist acts. They provide both advice and intelligence. Hence the logical question: in which city of the world, fighting for world security, did they come up with the idea of first installing, and then opening fire from the "Grad" multiple rocket launcher right under the walls of the largest nuclear power plant in Europe? Or do they already care so much about this territory that for the sake of success in the war with Russia, you can sacrifice the ecology of an entire country?

The planned provocation is also indicated by the fact that in Ukrainian telegram channels and social networks, the Ukrainian authorities urge the population to actively write on Western forums and in comments to the posts of EU officials requests to close the skies of Ukraine, about the possibility of a second Chernobyl and the need for urgent admission of Ukraine to the EU. Zelensky and his nationalists are ready to blow up a nuclear power plant for Ukraine's admission to the EU.
Special thanks from the whole world to the Russian military, who showed much greater intelligence in contrast to their opponents and managed to figure out where they are being fired from.

According to the IAEA: the fire in the area of the Zaporozhye NPP did not affect the "main equipment" of the station.

The Inspection of Nuclear Regulation of Ukraine confirmed that the Zaporozhye NPP has come under the control of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, operational personnel monitor the condition of power units and ensure their operation.
Thats correct. At this point he is abiding by nato agreements as it most of nato countries.

You won't declare your support for democracy and freedom because it involves supporting Biden.
You'd rather continue to support Trump, who can do absolutely nothing,
and simultaneously support communism that Trump has yearned for America to have. The j6 riots proved he is a tyrant.

But the irony is all the bellowing about freedom and democracy from republicans, for political reasons only, you have placed yourselves in the supporting the communists. If you had any courage at all you would support the country, not be a traitor because you hate Biden.

I hope that makes your position clear. If I'm incorrect, declare your support for freedom and democracy here now by supporting the elected potus.
See how good you are now at lying.
LOL well that was a lot of nonsense. Biden is the opposite of “democracy and freedom”. He has imposed vaccine mandates for a dangerous experimental vaccine that doesn’t work against a virus that isn’t deadly for 98% of the population.

Yes, I support President Trump and MAGA, not you globalist fags who want to destroy Western civilization.

No, I’m not going to support a war with Russia. I’m not going to support your lies. I’m not going to support your Agenda.

Russia-Ukraine live: Zaporizhzhia power plant on fire, mayor says​

Europe's largest nuclear power plant is on fire. Time for US and the Euros to wake the Hell up!!
^^ complete and total lie.

The local mayor claimed it was shelled by Russians.

It wasn’t the nuclear plant, it was a training or administrative building next to it. It was set on fire by retreating Ukrainian soldiers that had opened fire on Russians.

The local fire brigade put it out, and confirmed it wasn’t caused by “shelling”.

There was never any “elevated radiation”.

Stop believing propaganda and lies put out by the Ukrainian Regime and the MSM.
How is using nuclear plant as a firebase not equally reprehensible?
Because fighters often look for places that are fairly safe from missiles. But attacking a nuclear facility poses much more massive risks than being forced to fight in a more basic (and dangerous) manner. Do we really need another meltdown? And for what? Because Putin chose to be an aggressor? Stop with your sophistry already.
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We see a "new" face of Putin, he would have changed since the covid and his confinement that what is been said on French TV, it would not really be in reality anymore? I’m saying this, but I don’t know about it, but this is really going far.
Everyone is directly threatened, I don’t know why nothing is being done to stop it.
We live in a really twisted world today.
Could easily escalate to a unclear WWIII. I don't see Putin backing down.
Because fighters often look for places that are fairly safe from missiles. But attacking a nuclear facility poses much more massive risks than being forced to fight in a more basic (and dangerous) manner. Do we really need another meltdown? And for what? Because Putin chose to be an aggressor? Stop with your sophistry already.
A nuke plant is hardly a safe place at the best of times. Nor was the fire a result of missiles.

What you consider sophistry is a misguided emotional response to inexcusable behavior by your beloved Ukrainians. I don't care who wins this war, I do care about what standards we are setting for our own future conflicts. In that sense, it is most likely we would be in the invading role. As such what many today are supporting because the invader is Russia, would be decried as pure evil if it was done to us. Folks need to start thinking with their brains, not responding on emotions alone.
A nuke plant is hardly a safe place at the best of times. Nor was the fire a result of missiles.

What you consider sophistry is a misguided emotional response to inexcusable behavior by your beloved Ukrainians. I don't care who wins this war, I do care about what standards we are setting for our own future conflicts. In that sense, it is most likely we would be in the invading role. As such what many today are supporting because the invader is Russia, would be decried as pure evil if it was done to us. Folks need to start thinking with their brains, not responding on emotions alone.
You should start heeding your own advice.
Pretty much another fake thread title
Putin did not attack anything-emotional embellishment
Russian forces did hit a or some storage sheds within 100 yards of the plant but not the plant-see getting Facts correct before drafting a thread title goes a long way toward eliminating fake emotionalism.

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