Putin Attacks Nuclear Power Plant

Your reference for 'salvo' also defines what I posted.

Yes I do think Spetznaz posses that information. Who do you think took possesion of the reactor, Russian Boy Scouts?

Intentional sabotage of the rods would do what I indicated. I wasn't referring to Ivan, either.
So you think Putin wants to cause a meltdown, causing unimaginable radiation to spread across Ukraine, his own troops, and the western part of Russia? If you weren't referring to Ivan who do you think is going to take over the reactor that is already in Russia's area of conquest?

How will these "people" access the rods without dying of radiation poisoning?

You don't know shit about reactors, so why not slink off the forum without embarrassing yourself further?
I've asked numerous times for you to declare your support for America and you won't because youre supporting Trump and the communists. Don't deny it.
The evidence I have is everywhere on this forum. None of you have said any different.. you have wedged yourselves between freedom and democracy and now supporting communism purely for political reasons. And you call yourselves patriots.
You are nothing short of treasonous parasites on good democracy that real Americans defend, who fought and died for, all over the world. But no. Because Trump was chucked out, you can't let go of the idiot. Now who do you think is wrong.

Here's a clip to explain what's happening and don't deny it. Go to Google and read other articles the same.

I don't support YOUR Marxist America. Stop prevaricating and obfuscating. Prove your statement that Republicans are supporting Putin. That's is the subject at hand not all the other crap you just posted. I asked you many times to provide proof or any link to prove that Republicans are cheering Putin. So far you have failed miserably, stop trying to change the fucking subject.
Ok. See how much courage you have.
Declare here who your support in Ukraine.
Here's your choice.

Putin who is supported by Trump and doesn't care about freedom and democracy.

Or Biden who is attempting to maintain it.

Home of the brave ay?
I'll bet you don't have the courage to reply because you know I'm right
You are truly delusional. I don't wish to participate in your fantasies.
Could easily escalate to a unclear WWIII. I don't see Putin backing down.
I do not believe either that he could back down and everyone seems to watch Putin becomes more and more a wounded beast and the worst as the end floats in the air .
Like if someone would make a bad move and it’s over.
I do not believe either that he could back down and everyone seems to watch Putin becomes more and more a wounded beast and the worst as the end floats in the air .
Like if someone would make a bad move and it’s over.
Putin seems unhinged. He has a 'moon face' typical of people on steroids. He could be seriously ill. Unless he is somehow unseated and removed, he commands a nuclear arsenal. One can only hope one of his generals does something about this disaster for Russia and it's people. Whatever happens, this will not go well for Russia.
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Putin seems unhinged. He has a 'moon face' typical of people on steroids. He could be seriously ill. Unless he is somehow unseated and removed, he commands a nuclear arsenal. One can only hope one of his generals does something about this disaster for Russia and it's people. Whatever happens, this will not go well for Russia.
Yes, I think that many did not expect this complete invasion of urkaine by Putin + Biden it is not up to the task, the worst can only happen one could wonder if someone close to Putin could stand up to him? it is doubtful, I think
Yes, I think that many did not expect this complete invasion of urkaine by Putin + Biden it is not up to the task, the worst can only happen one could wonder if someone close to Putin could stand up to him? it is doubtful, I think
Yes, the 'experts' were saying that Putin only wanted to create a barrier from NATO. Then the same 'experts' estimated Putin's military convoy to be 15 miles. Then 'experts' said the convoy is now 40 miles but stalled. Biden isn't living in reality. He is only being managed by drugs and handlers. I pray for the Ukranian people.
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You are truly delusional. I don't wish to participate in your fantasies.
Of course not because you have no guts. You are supporting the Trump communist regime who will be defeated in Ukraine and 2024.
Again, youve got no guts.
The Ukrainian Volkssturm is shooting at journalists.
Sir, I'm sure you have a real Education, which is why you teach History at an American school..
But you are not a military man.
I'm giving you an Idea - a New Story is about to be written. Start studying carefully, you will earn a lot of dollars and get a good Pension, which is very necessary in America, since American pensioners are really poor guys :cool:
I am not a military man?

I served in the US Navy and Reserves for 23 years.

I volunteered as a "role player' for 11 years most of the time providing OP4 for special operations units learning MOTU for the Army, Navy and Air Force. This was, while I was a public school teacher and taught one year at the dependent's school on the Army post.

I currently work as a civilian contractor for the US Army and have for almost 4 years now.

I guess someone who has served 38 years cannot be considered to know what he is talking about.

BTW, my son was an 11B sergeant in Afghanistan in a Stryker brigade. My daughter is a Captain in logistics and deployed to Iraq and now commands a unit in the 101st Airborne. They don't know anything about the military either.
You are the one gaslighting, stop your Marxist strategy, it's stupid and weak. Instead provide evidence that Republicans are either cheering Putin or cheering for more war, or go away a liar.
You’re gaslighting, if you deny a huge about face in conservative attitudes over the last week in response to the negative backlash their Putin-love provoked.
Dude. all one has to do is negate the protective safety features to 'salvo the core'....like I indicated.

That good enough for you 'Admiral'.....?

For perspective ? I don't tink so.I listen to Talk Radio.
Hugh Hewitt is a Teacher's Pet know-it all.Mike Gallagher is hourly
worshiping at the altar of All things Mike Lindell { My Pillow }
And Dennis Prager who is The biggest critic of " leftists " in America.
Rightfully so. But that does not mean just because they are committed
Conservatives they aren't wrong.On occasion.
Prager loves to brag how " Clarity & Wisdom " guide his every thought.
However he got something wrong in the extreme.
Concerning Nuclear energy and why German Chancellor Angela Merkel
and her obstinate refusal to see the benefits and safety of Nuclear Power plants.
Then he went One Step Beyond.Claiming that even the Horrific Japanese disaster
{ Fukushima Nuclear Disaster } was example of how safe Nuclear Power is.
Even when a disaster, like that,where no one died was proof as to how
safe and beneficial Nuclear Power is.How many Japanese suffered *cancer which
takes years to expose itself.Got very sick.And that Plant { Daiichi } is still not out
of the woods over 10 years later.

* Radiation exposure is serious stuff.Most often deadly.I mean,one doen't
need to watch early 60's Horror movies like - Hand of Death - { 1962 }
to understand this.Or Stephen Kings favorite TV Series - Outer Limits -.{1963-65 }
You’re gaslighting, if you deny a huge about face in conservative attitudes over the last week in response to the negative backlash their Putin-love provoked.
Stop with the " gaslighting " No one but me used that word 5-6 years ago
at another message board.I had to explain what it entailed every time I used it.
Plus How Obama's Harvard mentor { Professor Derrick Bell } was a big proponent
of Critical Race Theory.A concocted extension of the Post WWI Era's
Critical Theory.Imported from Germany's Frankfurt School.
Andrew Breitbart almost explained in detail how those Frankfurt School
Philosophers managed to use it as a way of discombobulating elements
of Society.Particularly Capitalism.Where Mark levin picked up recently with his
Best Seller - American Marxism - with numerous notes.
Even examples of " Latino and Latina Critical Race Theory : An
Annotated Bibliography".
Jonathan Butcher and Mike Gonzalez, " Critical RAce Theory,The New
Intolerance,and it's Grip on America ".
Derrick A. Bell. " Who's Afraid of Critical Race Theory "
Even Steve Klinsky, " The Civil Rights Legend who Opposed Critical Race Theory "
That and a whole lot more for all yuz ...
New Bourgeoi-sie.
A new moving disease.Out and about.No need to salute ...
Why do you think any of that is not true? I am 61 years old, and served during the Cold War and Desert Storm.

You are a rookie on this board. How about a little respect for your betters?
A paid Russian propagandists since they're looking really bad in the world today. We all hoped Russia was maturing since the cold war
A paid Russian propagandists since they're looking really bad in the world today. We all hoped Russia was maturing since the cold war
No different than what Trump was forced to endure.Where a far majority of
Americans now appreciate what he was all about.Trump was about Stopping war.
Or ending it quickly.Sparing Miltary causalties.Biden is a jackassed Clown.
Couldn't even bring his stupefied persona to mention the 13 who died in
Afghanistan due entirely to his bungling of a Withdrawal.
At his dumbassed SOTU depressor.
Ukraine has more than enough propagandist to spread around their
maypole.Now add Kamala Harris to that bunch.
Trump was about Deal-making.With even hardnosed Heads of State like Putin.
Biden is barely capable of getting up early in the morn.Or retiring without
his daily - sippy drinkeepooh.
Trump was all about Protecting our Border and Keeping out Illegals.
Biden could care less.And it shows.
Trump was all about making sure we maintained Oil Production and
increased it when and where Possible.
Biden couldn't care less.
That's it in a nutshell.Even Lovable Chipmunks who are always
getting into things like Alvin Get it.
I don't know what Biden Gets.Maybe that's he's virtually a Born

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