Putin Attacks Nuclear Power Plant

Stop with the " gaslighting " No one but me used that word 5-6 years ago
at another message board.I had to explain what it entailed every time I used it.
Plus How Obama's Harvard mentor { Professor Derrick Bell } was a big proponent
of Critical Race Theory.A concocted extension of the Post WWI Era's
Critical Theory.Imported from Germany's Frankfurt School.
Andrew Breitbart almost explained in detail how those Frankfurt School
Philosophers managed to use it as a way of discombobulating elements
of Society.Particularly Capitalism.Where Mark levin picked up recently with his
Best Seller - American Marxism - with numerous notes.
Even examples of " Latino and Latina Critical Race Theory : An
Annotated Bibliography".
Jonathan Butcher and Mike Gonzalez, " Critical RAce Theory,The New
Intolerance,and it's Grip on America ".
Derrick A. Bell. " Who's Afraid of Critical Race Theory "
Even Steve Klinsky, " The Civil Rights Legend who Opposed Critical Race Theory "
That and a whole lot more for all yuz ...
New Bourgeoi-sie.
A new moving disease.Out and about.No need to salute ...
What does CRT have to do with Ukraine? Not gaslighting, answer that question.
Someone is lying about the cease-fire:

Mariupol Chron
'2022 marta 5, 19hours/20 minutes: Minoborony Rossii: Po koridoram bezopasnosti iz Mariupolia i Volnovakhi ne smog vyiti ni odin mirnyi zhitel', nationalisticheskie Batal'ony vospol'zovalis "rezhimom tishiny" dlia ukrepleniia svoikh pozitsii.
Russian Ministry of Defense: Civilians could not leave Mariupol and Volnovakha along security corridors, the nationalist batalions took advantage of the "silence regime" at 18:00 Moscow time, the offensive operations were resumed.'
Mariupol Chron, 5 marta 2022 cont.

'18 hours 45 minutes: Rossiiskie voennosluzhashchie vziali pon kontrol' voennuiu bazu VSU pod Khersonom soobshchilo MO RF.
Russian military personnel took control of the entire military base at Kherson, reported MO of the Russian Federaion.

16 hours 15 minutes: Putin: Rabota po unichtozheniiu voennoi infrastruktury na Ukraine pochti zavershena.
Putin: Work to destroy the military infrastructure of Ukraine is almost complete.

16 hours 13 minutes: Na Ukraine rasstrelivaiut bez suda i sledstviia tekh, kto vystupaet protiv voennykh destvii protivv RF zaiavil Putin.
Ukraine shoots without trial those who oppose military action against the Russian Federation, Putin said.

16 hours, 3 minutes: Neitral'nye status Ukrainy nuzhen, chtoby strana ne vystupila v nato, zaiavil Putin.
The neutral status of the Ukraine is needed so that the country does not join NATO, Putin said.
Posledstviia konflikta Rossii v NATO, eslie by on proizoshel "dlia vsekh poniatnyi"
Consequences of the conflict between Russia and NATO, if it happened would be "consequences for everyone."

16 hours 1 minute: Putin nazval teatrom absurda utverzhdeniia, chto Rossiia ne sobiralas' vypolniat' minskie soglasheniia.
Putin called the assertion that Russia was not going to comply with the Minsk Agreements, a "theater of absurdity." '
So you think Putin wants to cause a meltdown, causing unimaginable radiation to spread across Ukraine, his own troops, and the western part of Russia? If you weren't referring to Ivan who do you think is going to take over the reactor that is already in Russia's area of conquest?

How will these "people" access the rods without dying of radiation poisoning?

You don't know shit about reactors, so why not slink off the forum without embarrassing yourself further?

This the same Putin who basically sentenced workers to death by forcing them to go into a very hot Chernobyl?
We can't send troops because that would be an act of war with Russia which could lead to a nuclear confrontation. It's too late really, Biden should have NEVER have curtailed American fossil fuels in the first place. Biden has completely mishandled this so far. The beef was between the Ukraine and Putin. Before the invasion by Putin, the Ukraine filed a NATO Membership Action Plan (2008). Zalensky left the door open for Ukraine membership in NATO in 2020 which probably triggered Putin. That, along with the billions Putin gets from fuel sales, and a doddering American POTUS, gave him the impetus to invade.
This is the third time I have posted the following fact, so sorry for anyone allergic to redundancy, but I can’t get over the following aspect: where are the NATO members speaking out publicly that no country can be allowed membership that has territories under dispute? NATO members have surely not forgotten this and ever since 2000 1314 with disputed Crimea, they know this is the case?

A public statement would’ve gone viral about this and reached Putin‘s ears. It would also remove one of Putin‘s justification that he’s mentioned, that Ukraine becoming a NATO member is his backyard and only neutrality would be a satisfying outcome. Leaders need to have some sense of a win to end the war, unless they’re completely defeated. Why are the countries stalling and don’t want this war to end?

Why should I believe that Zelensky, the Ukrainian president is a “democratic hero”, when he jailed his political opposition (the mayor who placed 2nd) after winning, and shut down 4 oppositional news stations for criticizing him? Ukraine has never been a democracy.

My question remains (while continuing to scour the Internet) can people living in Ukraine speak out publicly against Zelensky without being jailed?

Live footage on TikTok depict many claiming to be Ukrainian living in Kyiv and in other parts of Ukraine. Video footage also supports the claim that Poland is placing “Ukrainians first, Indians second, and Africans third” in acceptance for a train ride to Poland.

The problem is there is no way to verify individual footage, particularly nowadays with shysters, although many appear to be legit. Some footage supports Zelensky, others not so much. US soldiers stationed in Poland are also providing info live, according to their take.

It is a sad day when you cannot 100% know if primary statements made by Ukrainians on live feeds are truthful or not, and which side is telling the truth. The truth on the ground in Kyiv must come out directly from the Ukrainian citizens and Ukrainian/Russians, not from various governmental posturing.
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Why don't you declare your support of Boris Johnson to prove you are for Freedom and Democracy?
I will. I support Johnson unreservedly.
Now big mouth, put your support behind Biden to do the same.

You haven't got the guts because you know you are supporting communism.
JoeXi Biden's son is, like the Ukrainian president, a cocaine addict. Does Hunter also snort a Ukrainian favorite, poppy straw?

Ukraine: Poppy Straw Extract

There is, by default, a drug bust now going down in Ukraine. Duh why do you think they call it dope?
But off topic there.
Get on with openly supporting freedom and democracy. Youve got no guts.

How can we be sure Russian troops attacked the power plant instead of it being Ukrainian agents setting off charges then claiming it was the Russians to draw us into a war with Russia?


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View attachment 611194

How can we be sure Russian troops attacked the power plant instead of Ukrainian agents who set off charges to draw us into a war by claiming it was the Russians?



Here we go. Start blaming Ukrainians for destroying their own infrastructure.

Republicans will never admit they are supporting the invaders because they want Biden to fail.
What a bunch of squalid opportunists you are.
Here we go. Start blaming Ukrainians for destroying their own infrastructure.

Republicans will never admit they are supporting the invaders because they want Biden to fail.
What a bunch of squalid opportunists you are.

And American patriots never set up British troops in Boston in an attempt to provoke Americans to revolt.


This the same Putin who basically sentenced workers to death by forcing them to go into a very hot Chernobyl?
How many was that? I am betting you don't know.

Oh, I guess I will go head and tell you. The answer is zero. Two workers and 28 firefighters died within a few months but they were trying to PREVENT the disaster from getting bigger.

BTW, how did Putin order them to do anything. He was a KGB agent at the time.
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For perspective ? I don't tink so.I listen to Talk Radio.
Hugh Hewitt is a Teacher's Pet know-it all.Mike Gallagher is hourly
worshiping at the altar of All things Mike Lindell { My Pillow }
And Dennis Prager who is The biggest critic of " leftists " in America.
Rightfully so. But that does not mean just because they are committed
Conservatives they aren't wrong.On occasion.
Prager loves to brag how " Clarity & Wisdom " guide his every thought.
However he got something wrong in the extreme.
Concerning Nuclear energy and why German Chancellor Angela Merkel
and her obstinate refusal to see the benefits and safety of Nuclear Power plants.
Then he went One Step Beyond.Claiming that even the Horrific Japanese disaster
{ Fukushima Nuclear Disaster } was example of how safe Nuclear Power is.
Even when a disaster, like that,where no one died was proof as to how
safe and beneficial Nuclear Power is.How many Japanese suffered *cancer which
takes years to expose itself.Got very sick.And that Plant { Daiichi } is still not out
of the woods over 10 years later.

* Radiation exposure is serious stuff.Most often deadly.I mean,one doen't
need to watch early 60's Horror movies like - Hand of Death - { 1962 }
to understand this.Or Stephen Kings favorite TV Series - Outer Limits -.{1963-65 }

Don't forget how Doctor No's hand got messed up.
Stay on topic son.
I know its hard to accept you are supporting communism but admit it will set you free.


I am on topic. I'm questioning the claim that Russian troops fired upon the power plant.

Do you have absolute proof that it was the Russian troops who fired on the plant or are you just going to go on committing libel in a pathetic attempt to shut me up?

If you're so keen on starting a war with Russia then enlist now
so your fearless leader can send you to the Ukraine or shut up.


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Here we go. Start blaming Ukrainians for destroying their own infrastructure.

Republicans will never admit they are supporting the invaders because they want Biden to fail.
What a bunch of squalid opportunists you are.
Your statement reads as a blanket label that all Ukrainians support President Zelensky. Although media techniques via trickery make it harder to uncover the truth, directly hearing from citizens of Kyiv and equally if not more importantly (in my opinion) hearing directly from Ukrainians who live outside of Kyiv will be closer to the truth. The citizens of Kyiv voted in the current president, so there would be expected pro-president rhetoric. Consider that after Kiev’s presidential election the mayor (who ran a close second to Zelensky’s win) was jailed. Reportedly, the mayor’s office has continued to be frequently raided. Just because there’s one egomaniac in the mix doesn’t mean there’s not more than one willing to risk major loss of life. Somebody else’s life.
How many was that? I am betting you don't know.

Oh, I guess I will go head and tell you. The answer is zero. Two workers and 28 firefighters died within a few months but they were trying to PREVENT the disaster from getting bigger.

BTW, how did Putin order them to do anything. He was a KGB agent at the time.

Excuse me Sir, you misspelled ahead.

Not according to the LA Times:

“No one in the world knows that we existed and what we went through,” he said. “And all for nothing. All so stupid and futile. We didn’t save anyone. We didn’t clean up anything.

“All those I personally know and have kept track of all these years are either badly sick like myself or dead by now. My driver who accompanied me on all the convoys was discharged and died at 28. My fellow deputy brigade commander, … who was also dealing with contaminated equipment, died [in 1995] of cancer. Warrant Officer Petro Pozyura went blind. And so on and so forth. I have a heart ailment and every year spend a couple of weeks in hospital.”

The cardiologist who has been treating Chershnev for the last few years once asked him to retrieve his Chernobyl-era medical records from the military. But Chershnev was told that the records no longer exist.

“Here I am on a pension with a monthly Chernobyl health compensation of about $11 a month,” he concluded bitterly. “It is not even enough to buy a bottle of decent vodka, let alone medicines.”

The official death toll related to the explosion is listed as 39, but out of the officially registered 3.2 million people who were exposed to radiation in Ukraine alone, 1.3 million have died in the last 33 years, said Vladimir Kobchik, a former Chernobyl cleanup worker who is now a leader of a group that aims to protect the rights of fellow survivors.
What does CRT have to do with Ukraine? Not gaslighting, answer that question.
What did Dudley Moore have to with Vladimir.
- Arthur - { 1981 }
" Do you have any objection to naming a child Vladimir, even
if a girl " As he proposed to the Girl his Family Insists he marry.
I guess one had to be there.Maybe Putin could find some comic relief
in that.Maybe not.
This is the third time I have posted the following fact, so sorry for anyone allergic to redundancy, but I can’t get over the following aspect: where are the NATO members speaking out publicly that no country can be allowed membership that has territories under dispute? NATO members have surely not forgotten this and ever since 2000 1314 with disputed Crimea, they know this is the case?

A public statement would’ve gone viral about this and reached Putin‘s ears. It would also remove one of Putin‘s justification that he’s mentioned, that Ukraine becoming a NATO member is his backyard and only neutrality would be a satisfying outcome. Leaders need to have some sense of a win to end the war, unless they’re completely defeated. Why are the countries stalling and don’t want this war to end?

Why should I believe that Zelensky, the Ukrainian president is a “democratic hero”, when he jailed his political opposition (the mayor who placed 2nd) after winning, and shut down 4 oppositional news stations for criticizing him? Ukraine has never been a democracy.

My question remains (while continuing to scour the Internet) can people living in Ukraine speak out publicly against Zelensky without being jailed?

Live footage on TikTok depict many claiming to be Ukrainian living in Kyiv and in other parts of Ukraine. Video footage also supports the claim that Poland is placing “Ukrainians first, Indians second, and Africans third” in acceptance for a train ride to Poland.

The problem is there is no way to verify individual footage, particularly nowadays with shysters, although many appear to be legit. Some footage supports Zelensky, others not so much. US soldiers stationed in Poland are also providing info live, according to their take.

It is a sad day when you cannot 100% know if primary statements made by Ukrainians on live feeds are truthful or not, and which side is telling the truth. The truth on the ground in Kyiv must come out directly from the Ukrainian citizens and Ukrainian/Russians, not from various governmental posturing.
Seems NATO wanted Ukraine to join NATO alliance even though it did not qualify. You are correct IMO we are not getting the whole truth. It seems that NATO wanted this conflict.

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