Putin Attacks Nuclear Power Plant

The only photographic evidence that I saw of the attack was that a flare came down between the nuclear plants Admin. Building and an open space to the left of it. Concentrated fire then came into the Admin. Building which caught on fire. It was at night.
Ukrainians have blown their own bridges approaching Kiev, so who can say for sure that the concentrated fire wasn't coming from Ukrainians themselves?
Bottom line is, you can't.
Quite the about face in the last few days. How about providing us with clips from a week ago that don’t show Republicans toting Putin’s water.
Scroll down on the page you linked. The fire is out, it was an outbuilding. The reactor is safely shut down. It's all right on the same page.

The US needs to stay as from these folks as possible.

Exactly right!

Also, if Russia wanted to destroy that nuclear power plant they could have bombed it from the air. :dunno:

Anybody that claims that Russia wanted to destroy the reactor is giving you false information!
There isnt any, that Komrad is just another lying bastard!
They're just playing word games at this point because they cannot produce evidence that Republicans are cheering Putin. They are doing the tried and true Marxist strategy, when asked for proof, they ask to prove what's not happening. Like I said cheap trick.
Then you haven’t been looking and I refuse to be gaslighted.
You are the one gaslighting, stop your Marxist strategy, it's stupid and weak. Instead provide evidence that Republicans are either cheering Putin or cheering for more war, or go away a liar.
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Russia's intention is not to destroy the plant.

Komsomolskaya Pravda 2022 Mar 4, 12

12 minutes ago:
'Peskov zaiavil, chto Rossiia ne namerena delit' Ukrainu na chasti.
Peskov said that Russia does not intend to divide Ukraine into parts.'

23 minutes ago:
'Zelenskii nastaivaet, chto nakhoditsia v Kiev i nikuda ne sbegal.
Zelenskiy insists that he is in Kiev and did not run anywhere.'
Update: None of the reactors was compromised. First reports overblown. Still, there is fighting at the nuclear facility.
Notice how quickly this event was seized upon by Ukrainian flaks and
our own MSM. Like many other aspects of this engagement.
Where Lies and innuendo spread faster than california wildfires.
Thankfully We the People are used to this Democrat/MSM tactic.
Putin is not however.
The propaganda rages on both sides, and KP is definitely pro-Russian:

Komsomolskaya Pravda 2022 Mar 4

'Pri etom, Mariupol eshche mozhno pokinut', v kol'tse est' nemalo dyrok, kak v preslovutom "Debal'tsevskom kotle", dyrki eti kak by namekaiut : begite iz Mariupolia, poka est' takaia vozmozhnost'!
At the same time, you can still leave Mariupol, there are many holes, as in the "Debalstevo cauldron" these holes seem to hint: "Run away from Mariupol while there is such an opportunity!" '

'....On 18 February 2015, after the Battle of Debaltsevo, the town was captured by Donetsk People's Republic separatist forces.'

Komsomolskaya Pravda, 2002 Mar 4
'Mariupol'tsev vygoniaiut iz podvalov Ukrainskie voennye: "My vashi zashchitniki, my dolzny zhit!"
Mariupol residents are driven out of basements by the Ukrainian military: "We are your defenders, we must live!" '
Dude. all one has to do is negate the protective safety features to 'salvo the core'....like I indicated.

That good enough for you 'Admiral'.....?

So when did you become a qualified nuclear engineer? Those containment building are usually built to with stand the direct impact of an airliner. What safety features could be damaged without scrammng the reactor? Do you think the Russians have that much detailed knowledge to target those devices?

Your term "salvo" is not applicable to your scenario. You went one definition too far!
Try this: salvo - "a simultaneous discharge of artillery or other guns in a battle".

Have a nice day!
So when did you become a qualified nuclear engineer? Those containment building are usually built to with stand the direct impact of an airliner. What safety features could be damaged without scrammng the reactor? Do you think the Russians have that much detailed knowledge to target those devices?

Your term "salvo" is not applicable to your scenario. You went one definition too far!
Try this: salvo - "a simultaneous discharge of artillery or other guns in a battle".

Have a nice day!

Your reference for 'salvo' also defines what I posted.

Yes I do think Spetznaz posses that information. Who do you think took possesion of the reactor, Russian Boy Scouts?

Intentional sabotage of the rods would do what I indicated. I wasn't referring to Ivan, either.
Your reference for 'salvo' also defines what I posted.

Yes I do think Spetznaz posses that information. Who do you think took possesion of the reactor, Russian Boy Scouts?

Intentional sabotage of the rods would do what I indicated. I wasn't referring to Ivan, either.



Might I recommend a spelling course. The correct spelling of those words are possesses, possession, and Spetsnaz.

The Russians were far outside of the plant at the time Your imagination is running away with you.
You should start heeding your own advice.
Additionally, the nuclear plant was hit by missiles. Look up the definition of “missiles.”

And the fact that they came too damn close is the point, not whether a crucial structure got damaged. Russia is fucking totally reckless. Putin must be pressured to immediately withdraw if he should be officially labeled a war criminal; and that would make him perfectly eligible to be targeted for death.

It is time to end this and Putin is the one who must go. None of this is a tough concept.

It’s obvious. It’s true. And it is imperative.
Provide a link that republicans are cheering Putin. I have asked you numerous times, you can't provide it so we know you are bloviating and bullshitting. I don't have to prove you wrong you did that yourself.

I've asked numerous times for you to declare your support for America and you won't because youre supporting Trump and the communists. Don't deny it.
The evidence I have is everywhere on this forum. None of you have said any different.. you have wedged yourselves between freedom and democracy and now supporting communism purely for political reasons. And you call yourselves patriots.
You are nothing short of treasonous parasites on good democracy that real Americans defend, who fought and died for, all over the world. But no. Because Trump was chucked out, you can't let go of the idiot. Now who do you think is wrong.

Here's a clip to explain what's happening and don't deny it. Go to Google and read other articles the same.

No one believes in those Democrat talking point fairy tales.
Ok. See how much courage you have.
Declare here who your support in Ukraine.
Here's your choice.

Putin who is supported by Trump and doesn't care about freedom and democracy.

Or Biden who is attempting to maintain it.

Home of the brave ay?
I'll bet you don't have the courage to reply because you know I'm right

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