Putin Crushes CNN Smartass Fareed Zakaria On Trump And US Elections [VIDEO]...

its a damn shame that hillary has created an atmosphere in the world that puts Putin's word so highly regarded. But she has
That bitch is going to end up getting a lot of U.S citizens killed

Lol highly regarded? You mean by the American conservatives and Assad regime?

Europe imposed economic sanctions against Russia, that's high regard?
No other nation on earth invades and kills more than the US does. Americans are in no position to cast stones. Period, end of story.

Right or wrong America has been busy intervening around the world for quite a while now, but you have to go back far in history to find Americans land grabbing the way Russia has been.

Unlike Russia, our neighbors ACTUALLY LIKE US. Crazy concept.
No other nation on earth invades and kills more than the US does. Americans are in no position to cast stones. Period, end of story.

Right or wrong America has been busy intervening around the world for quite a while now, but you have to go back far in history to find Americans land grabbing the way Russia has been.

Unlike Russia, our neighbors ACTUALLY LIKE US. Crazy concept.

No offense, but that's some pretty lame justification for constant invading and killing. The US currently spends almost ten times more on its Military than Russia does. It currently has hundreds of bases around the world, while Russia only has four foreign bases.

The US is by far the most meddlesome nation on earth. No other nation is even close. Russia is no threat. The US/West Military Industrial Complex has just created another Boogeyman to demonize. It has to get the Sheeple to stay on board supporting Permanent War.
I personally dont think that Russia is the big bad scary country that the U.S citizens have been taught to believe.

It's no threat. Watch Putin try get through to a Western Media puppet. Who's the biggest aggressor in the world?...

Are libertarians now required to worship all authoritarians, or just Putin and Trump? I'm just wondering what the official party platform is now.
Are libertarians now required to worship all authoritarians, or just Putin and Trump? I'm just wondering what the official party platform is now.

Just pointing out that Americans only receive one side of stories. They're so uninformed. They're being duped by the American Government/Corporate Media.
It's pretty bad when Putin of all people has to school the DNC on how to hold democratic, transparent elections.

Ignoramus let me explain something to you, democracy is not defined by people merely voting. Democracy as explained by political scientists is when country has true, competetive political opposition. Russia doesn't have that and is in effect a semi-totalitarian oligarchy.

Putin, like all two bit totalitarians cares first and foremost about holding on to power. That is why instead of stepping aside at the end of his term he has put in a puppet to keep his seat warm for a few years and then resumed his well kept throne once again.

For all the pretense to valuing democracy, fact is that his party has been running Russia for 18 years with no real opposition and news organizations in Russia are still state-owned propaganda outlets.
So. As you explain it, Putin is a Democrat.

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