Putin Declares War on the Ukraine

So, it appears you think our "hypocrisy" should stop us from taking legitimate action this time around? How foolish.
Sorry buddy, you have always been one of my favorite members, but the establishment propaganda has affected your ability to think clearly.

If you had a thief, that peacefully broke into your house, and stole something every day while you were away at work, but then, one day, you had the day off, and went to the store and came home to find him taking something and decided to lay into him. . .

Someone saying that you are not taking "legitimate action," is just a POV.

Your view on justice, and who should have the natural right to self-defense, or the ability to strike first, as if Russia or China should not have the right, but we should?

I do not understand your logic.
So Europe is now bowing down to yet another ambitious Hitler... only this time instead of the Jews, they'll go after somebody else. Who might that be? Checklist of communists...

and who may that be?
girlie men, dark skin color,
wealthy, royalty

(Line of Russian soldiers)

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"Gazprom" reports on gas supplies via Ukraine in normal mode
Gas transit through Ukraine is carried out in the normal mode, Gazprom reported. Compared to yesterday, the application for pumping gas even increased: the day before it was 60 million cubic meters. m per day, February 24 - 83 million cubic meters. m.
Business is business...
Specifications of latest Russian Terminator Tanks. Despite what it says below, I read the other day 600 of them are in the vicinity of the Ukraine, more may be in Europe as Putin strikes down opposition From the Baltic Sea Estonia, Latvia, Lithuwania, Poland, (Belarus part of Russia already and too close for comfort), the Ukraine. And this near-indestructable tank is how he is going to terminate his opponents within 325 miles of the nearest BMPT Terminator:

Guess where all this technology came from? Guess who passed America's warfare technology to poor little ol' China? President Bill Clinton in his day and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in hers. Guess who little old China shares American Tech with Russia frequently and copiously (for a few dollars more, of course). Guess who gave 20% of America's best uranium to Russia for a $325,000,000. gift to the Clinton Library Foundation to fund Hillary Clinton's payments to the Press, extravaganda parties for the coochie coo press, the Hate-conservatives press, the Impeach President Trump Press, money to the Democrat Party to pay for the Steel Dossier by Hillary's old war-room Press, and Obama's gift of EXTREMELY OIL-RICH ALLEUTIAN ISLANDS bought and paid for by the United States as part of the 1867 "Seward's Ice Box" Alaska Purchase that included all of the Aleutian Islands Russia had no use for at that time. Guess where they will have ample oil to put in their Terminator Tanks? Yeah. This takeover of Europe, who will protest the termination of governments in the Baltic countries many of them share borders with, and put Communism as the unloving religion that will destroy everything and every person who objects to Russian (I keel you) communism? Hillary "I forget" Clinton did this assassinine thing. Her failure to account for her crimes against the United States are not known yet, but by the time America figures it out, Hillary will be President of Communist America, because Europe including Brexit will be decimated if they don't go along with the Racially purging, genderbender-hating Russian Termination. Somebody keeps erasing the SEVERAL terminator CAPABILITIES lists I have put in my post as I am typing this. Somebody may not want you to know Russia has gone nuclear in their termination plans, because somebody else might stop them, and Hillary was WELL DAMN PAID to destroy America with benefits! AMERICA YOU BEEN HAD.

BMPT specifications​

Dimensions7.2 x3.37 x3.80 m (23x 11x 12 ft)
Total weight, battle ready48 tonnes
Crew5 (driver, gunner, commander, 2 operators)
PropulsionV12 multifuel V-92S2 diesel, 1,000 hp (736 kW), 20 hp/t, turbocharger
SuspensionTorsion bars
Speed (road)60 km/h (37 mph)
Range550 km (340 mi)
Armament2 x2A42 30mm autocannons
4 ×130 mm Ataka-T launchers
Coaxial 7.62mm PKTM
2x AG-17D grenade launchers
ArmorSee notes
Total productionAt least 15 built
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We are partly dependent on Russia for our energy. As always, enemy democrats preen, we pay the price.

The air strikes have started. Russia is shelling missiles. I have heard idiotic, stupid people say the situation has spiraled out of control. Not true. Putin has it firmly in control.
Putin has it out of control.
Under Obama, Putin took Crimea
Under Trump, Putin did nothing…Trump killed 90 Russian mercs in Syria.
Under Biden, Putin attacks Ukraine

And somehow Trump is a Putin asset?

Fuck all the way off, lefties. You are so full of shit.
They're repainting the Trump Twice Impeachment of Categoric Lies. Their Commie Leader Nancy Pelosi teaches her minions to teach the unwise stalking techniques to create an alternative narrative to the truth, which is they are communist aggregators of political character assassination.
She doesn't make much sense and so do you beautress. Senseless.
I'm wise to Communist card-carrying Pelosi and Clinton's commie opener that "It takes a village to raise a child" that mirrors communist techniques of tearing up the family to institute brainwashing and loyalty from family values and caring. Do you know what the suicide rate is in countries that get absorbed by communism? Europe is about to find out. American communists are busy creating their narratives that fall far short of the truth. You are on a path to murder of conservative Americans who oppose group takeover by oligarchs. Communist oligarchies become killers of masses of people and they're well on their way to poisoning the well of the greatest nation that ever gave freedom to human beings this world has ever known--America the equality country, America the just, and America the beautiful family-loving country, That's already destroyed by the narratives of Hollywood that follow an Astarte cult--kill unborn to erase genes of the founders, destroy founder statues and memorials, send information to America's jealous haters and critics, pay off the papers to carry false narratives to make their new generation of commies so brainwashed they won't know civility that Christianity teaches, oh, yes, and you will burn bibles in Hitler fashion if the party tells you to, and in time, they will. Communism has a pattern, and its followers do not stray from its dictatorship-by-trickery.

I didn't make the rules, honey, but I know what the reality of communism is, and it's being preached in almost every university on this continent by stealthy communists who feather each other's nest into power over the entire faculty's administrative duties.
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