Putin Didn't Hack Us

I once shot communists for a living, bitch....and no, Trump has never said PUTIN hacked us...not once.

Read and weep.

"“As far as hacking, I think it was Russia,” Trump said. “Hacking’s bad, and it shouldn’t be done. But look at the things that were hacked, look at what was learned from that hacking.”

Trump admits to Russian hacking even as he attacks U.S. intelligence community
To all you Liberals clinging to the Russian Hacker blankee, you do realize that it is a common ploy for hackers to spoof the source address to make it appear as if the hack came from one source when it actually came from another. You do know that, right?​

You do know that you are a cracked pot. The fact is that Trump's own NSA found evidence of Russia's continued hacking into state voter rolls. You do know that you are a Russian troll right?
Still no proof provided. Regardless if it happened or not, this is nothing new. As you know, Obama interfered with elections all over the world.
The CIA's UMBRAGE project can leave any kind of "fingerprint" they want on an intrusion.

You've got that quite right, Tom. Umbrage can hack a computer and make it appear as though the hack came from anywhere in the world, and it will fool even themselves. Digital technology is fluid, in the digital domain, nothing is truly real.

How long are you allowed out of the looney bin? You really hate America don't you. The fact is that the CIA would have helped Clinton not Trump.
WHY are folks defending PUTIN over our own agencies and people?

Yes you couldn't imagine this moment if you tried.

People defending a Russian dictator over America. THIS is where we are with these people that pretend to be Americans now. Being a traitor has been normalized.

View attachment 137969

Perhaps people are tired of being lied too by the devils in the progressive community, and would prefer to believe a devil they can understand and perhaps even halfway trust.



How can you halfway trust Putin, a man who very likely bombed apartments in Russia so he could blame it on terrorists and get catapulted into power? You don't trust our own country and you'd rather believe a known liar who opposes our interests?

Nobody "trusts" Putin. I'm operating from the reality of how Russian Intel operates. Look up the phrase Kompromat. Putin helped design that Cold War strategy.

If the Kremlin HAD the DNC emails -- they'd SIT ON THEM in order to use them as blackmail against Pres Hillary. FAR more damage caused to American Leadership by blackmail rather than picking between 2 losers who pitted against each other in an election.

THAT'S their "mode of operation". They don't WANT merely to FAVOR a candidate. Their goal is to work to dig the dirt on ANY influential American leader in order to BLACKMAIL them into favorable policy WHEN they ARE in power...
To all you Liberals clinging to the Russian Hacker blankee, you do realize that it is a common ploy for hackers to spoof the source address to make it appear as if the hack came from one source when it actually came from another. You do know that, right?​

You do know that you are a cracked pot. The fact is that Trump's own NSA found evidence of Russia's continued hacking into state voter rolls. You do know that you are a Russian troll right?
Still no proof provided. Regardless if it happened or not, this is nothing new. As you know, Obama interfered with elections all over the world.

Who's servers did he hack? You are nothing but Trump trash that needs to be gotten rid off.
I'd think it would be a relief to the American people to find out the Russians didn't "hack" us. I'd also think it would be a relief to realize Hillary Clinton was too dangerous to ever sit in the Oval Office and our own security apparatus made sure she wouldn't. Like I said before the CIA are assholes but they ain't traitors...except Brennan...I believe he is a traitor. So Hillary loses and the left goes into a deep psychosis after thinking they had finally succeeded in taking down traditional America. They needed a boogeyman and though they loath Trump, Putin is much more sinister....Snidely Whiplash. The left chases their tail, and eventually slink off into their hovels. Nobody gets hurt...nobody gets nuked, who cares what Putin thinks of us anyway? :dunno:

The traitor even talked to them from the stage.
Let's say that Trump gave the Russians the go ahead to release hacked information about Hillary. they didn't need his collusion but let's say they did. What is treasonous about that? Did it hurt the country did it help the country? Anything but Hillary.

But what about a sitting president that tells Russia that after he wins the election he can be more flexible. In other words after he wins the election f..k what the American people think. Now that be some real treasonous talk.

Or how about a President that sends millions of unmarked bills as ransom? I can't imagine the stink you folks would raise if Trump even suggested doing the same.

Obama did place sanctions on Russia. As mild as they were, Putin has been trying to get rid of the sanctions since they were put in place. Putin interfered in elections in the US, Netherlands and France to put people in place that would roll back the sanctions.

Putin is a murdering thug. The fact that you are trying to defend him shows how crooked and evil you are.
To all you Liberals clinging to the Russian Hacker blankee, you do realize that it is a common ploy for hackers to spoof the source address to make it appear as if the hack came from one source when it actually came from another. You do know that, right?​

You do know that you are a cracked pot. The fact is that Trump's own NSA found evidence of Russia's continued hacking into state voter rolls. You do know that you are a Russian troll right?
Still no proof provided. Regardless if it happened or not, this is nothing new. As you know, Obama interfered with elections all over the world.

Who's servers did he hack? You are nothing but Trump trash that needs to be gotten rid off.
I don't remember you whining about Obama's interference in foreign elections. Your faux outrage is entertaining.

Curious about "needs to be gotten rid of". Did you work for the Sanders campaign and do you own weapons?
To all you Liberals clinging to the Russian Hacker blankee, you do realize that it is a common ploy for hackers to spoof the source address to make it appear as if the hack came from one source when it actually came from another. You do know that, right?​

You do know that you are a cracked pot. The fact is that Trump's own NSA found evidence of Russia's continued hacking into state voter rolls. You do know that you are a Russian troll right?
Still no proof provided. Regardless if it happened or not, this is nothing new. As you know, Obama interfered with elections all over the world.

The fact is that the evidence is overwhelming. Trump Davidians like yourself will never admit it because it would require you to think for yourself. You put your glorious leader der fuerher above the interests of the country. You are a treasonous, lying little weasel. Again name a election where Obama hacked e-mail servers in a foreign election.
How can you halfway trust Putin, a man who very likely bombed apartments in Russia so he could blame it on terrorists and get catapulted into power? You don't trust our own country and you'd rather believe a known liar who opposes our interests?

The same way Roosevelt trusted Stalin...when you're in a gang war you enlist skilled killers. We don't have to deal with Putin on any level other than to keep him away from an alliance with China against us. And China is coming after us....don't doubt that for a moment, especially when President Trump starts closing our markets to them for not helping us with NK.
To all you Liberals clinging to the Russian Hacker blankee, you do realize that it is a common ploy for hackers to spoof the source address to make it appear as if the hack came from one source when it actually came from another. You do know that, right?​

You do know that you are a cracked pot. The fact is that Trump's own NSA found evidence of Russia's continued hacking into state voter rolls. You do know that you are a Russian troll right?
Still no proof provided. Regardless if it happened or not, this is nothing new. As you know, Obama interfered with elections all over the world.

The fact is that the evidence is overwhelming. Trump Davidians like yourself will never admit it because it would require you to think for yourself. You put your glorious leader der fuerher above the interests of the country. You are a treasonous, lying little weasel. Again name a election where Obama hacked e-mail servers in a foreign election.
Obama hacked US election systems. What should we do about Obama? Exile or prosecution?
WHY are folks defending PUTIN over our own agencies and people?

Yes you couldn't imagine this moment if you tried.

People defending a Russian dictator over America. THIS is where we are with these people that pretend to be Americans now. Being a traitor has been normalized.

View attachment 137969

Perhaps people are tired of being lied too by the devils in the progressive community, and would prefer to believe a devil they can understand and perhaps even halfway trust.



How can you halfway trust Putin, a man who very likely bombed apartments in Russia so he could blame it on terrorists and get catapulted into power? You don't trust our own country and you'd rather believe a known liar who opposes our interests?


You have proof that he bombed those apartments or is this from one of the trusted advisors who can not be named that leaked information from the White House?

At least I know Putin will keep his word if he has something to gain even if I won't trust him to watch my back.

I can't say the same for progressives...

I can't trust progressives to keep their word and sure as hell won't trust them to watch my back.


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To all you Liberals clinging to the Russian Hacker blankee, you do realize that it is a common ploy for hackers to spoof the source address to make it appear as if the hack came from one source when it actually came from another. You do know that, right?​

You do know that you are a cracked pot. The fact is that Trump's own NSA found evidence of Russia's continued hacking into state voter rolls. You do know that you are a Russian troll right?
Still no proof provided. Regardless if it happened or not, this is nothing new. As you know, Obama interfered with elections all over the world.

Who's servers did he hack? You are nothing but Trump trash that needs to be gotten rid off.

Hard to tell since the DNC wont give em up.....
WHY are folks defending PUTIN over our own agencies and people?

Yes you couldn't imagine this moment if you tried.

People defending a Russian dictator over America. THIS is where we are with these people that pretend to be Americans now. Being a traitor has been normalized.

View attachment 137969

Perhaps people are tired of being lied too by the devils in the progressive community, and would prefer to believe a devil they can understand and perhaps even halfway trust.



How can you halfway trust Putin, a man who very likely bombed apartments in Russia so he could blame it on terrorists and get catapulted into power? You don't trust our own country and you'd rather believe a known liar who opposes our interests?

Nobody "trusts" Putin. I'm operating from the reality of how Russian Intel operates. Look up the phrase Kompromat. Putin helped design that Cold War strategy.

If the Kremlin HAD the DNC emails -- they'd SIT ON THEM in order to use them as blackmail against Pres Hillary. FAR more damage caused to American Leadership by blackmail rather than picking between 2 losers who pitted against each other in an election.

THAT'S their "mode of operation". They don't WANT merely to FAVOR a candidate. Their goal is to work to dig the dirt on ANY influential American leader in order to BLACKMAIL them into favorable policy WHEN they ARE in power...

Untrue. French President Macron had his e-mail server hacked and e-mails released. Putin provided cash to Macron's opponent Le Pen.

The Russian strategy has been clear. They want to get rid of the sanctions that Obama placed on them. Their strategy has been to influence elections in other countries. First the US, then Netherlands, and France.
WHY are folks defending PUTIN over our own agencies and people?

Yes you couldn't imagine this moment if you tried.

People defending a Russian dictator over America. THIS is where we are with these people that pretend to be Americans now. Being a traitor has been normalized.

View attachment 137969

Perhaps people are tired of being lied too by the devils in the progressive community, and would prefer to believe a devil they can understand and perhaps even halfway trust.



How can you halfway trust Putin, a man who very likely bombed apartments in Russia so he could blame it on terrorists and get catapulted into power? You don't trust our own country and you'd rather believe a known liar who opposes our interests?

Nobody "trusts" Putin. I'm operating from the reality of how Russian Intel operates. Look up the phrase Kompromat. Putin helped design that Cold War strategy.

If the Kremlin HAD the DNC emails -- they'd SIT ON THEM in order to use them as blackmail against Pres Hillary. FAR more damage caused to American Leadership by blackmail rather than picking between 2 losers who pitted against each other in an election.

THAT'S their "mode of operation". They don't WANT merely to FAVOR a candidate. Their goal is to work to dig the dirt on ANY influential American leader in order to BLACKMAIL them into favorable policy WHEN they ARE in power...

Untrue. French President Macron had his e-mail server hacked and e-mails released. Putin provided cash to Macron's opponent Le Pen.

The Russian strategy has been clear. They want to get rid of the sanctions that Obama placed on them. Their strategy has been to influence elections in other countries. First the US, then Netherlands, and France.

The Podesta clan was being paid to do exactly what you allege.
WHY are folks defending PUTIN over our own agencies and people?

Not defending Putin. The reason they are skeptical is that OUR "own agencies and people" were NEVER USED to examine the primary evidence of these intrusions. IN FACT -- "our own agencies and people" like the 4 or 5 Counter Cyber Groups were NEVER TASKED to investigate or to issue GUIDANCE to the victims and potential victims. It never BECAME a priority until election night..

Why is that Coyote???

Yes Trump and his followers have made it clear that they believe and support Puttin over the democrats since day one. Why do you think we are so angry? Trump has been feeding that anger everyday.

Trump knew about the attempts, why do you think Trump was already whining, until he won? We all know that the Righties would be having a cow if Hillary won..

It is a fact that Russia sent out millions of fake news bots..

The paper, by two members of Facebook's threat intelligence team and its chief security officer, noted that "fake news" has been incorrectly applied as a catch-all for a variety of techniques used to influence users of the platform. The company now divides these techniques into four specific groups:

  • "Information (or Influence) Operations - Actions taken by governments or organized non-state actors to distort domestic or foreign political sentiment."
  • "False News - News articles that purport to be factual, but which contain intentional misstatements of fact with the intention to arouse passions, attract viewership, or deceive."
  • "False Amplifiers - Coordinated activity by inauthentic accounts with the intent of manipulating political discussion (e.g., by discouraging specific parties from participating in discussion, or amplifying sensationalistic voices over others)."
  • "Disinformation - Inaccurate or manipulated information/content that is spread intentionally. This can include false news, or it can involve more subtle methods, such as false flag operations, feeding inaccurate quotes or stories to innocent intermediaries, or knowingly amplifying biased or misleading information."
Facebook, for the first time, acknowledges election manipulation
WHY are folks defending PUTIN over our own agencies and people?

Yes you couldn't imagine this moment if you tried.

People defending a Russian dictator over America. THIS is where we are with these people that pretend to be Americans now. Being a traitor has been normalized.

View attachment 137969

Perhaps people are tired of being lied too by the devils in the progressive community, and would prefer to believe a devil they can understand and perhaps even halfway trust.



How can you halfway trust Putin, a man who very likely bombed apartments in Russia so he could blame it on terrorists and get catapulted into power? You don't trust our own country and you'd rather believe a known liar who opposes our interests?

Nobody "trusts" Putin. I'm operating from the reality of how Russian Intel operates. Look up the phrase Kompromat. Putin helped design that Cold War strategy.

If the Kremlin HAD the DNC emails -- they'd SIT ON THEM in order to use them as blackmail against Pres Hillary. FAR more damage caused to American Leadership by blackmail rather than picking between 2 losers who pitted against each other in an election.

THAT'S their "mode of operation". They don't WANT merely to FAVOR a candidate. Their goal is to work to dig the dirt on ANY influential American leader in order to BLACKMAIL them into favorable policy WHEN they ARE in power...

Untrue. French President Macron had his e-mail server hacked and e-mails released. Putin provided cash to Macron's opponent Le Pen.

The Russian strategy has been clear. They want to get rid of the sanctions that Obama placed on them. Their strategy has been to influence elections in other countries. First the US, then Netherlands, and France.

Putin looked at Barry and saw a pussy. When he looks at Trump he sees a monster...a guy who gets whatever he wants same as Putin does. Together the two of them can rule the rest of the world if they want to....I say let them.
WHY are folks defending PUTIN over our own agencies and people?

Yes you couldn't imagine this moment if you tried.

People defending a Russian dictator over America. THIS is where we are with these people that pretend to be Americans now. Being a traitor has been normalized.

View attachment 137969

Perhaps people are tired of being lied too by the devils in the progressive community, and would prefer to believe a devil they can understand and perhaps even halfway trust.



How can you halfway trust Putin, a man who very likely bombed apartments in Russia so he could blame it on terrorists and get catapulted into power? You don't trust our own country and you'd rather believe a known liar who opposes our interests?

Nobody "trusts" Putin. I'm operating from the reality of how Russian Intel operates. Look up the phrase Kompromat. Putin helped design that Cold War strategy.

If the Kremlin HAD the DNC emails -- they'd SIT ON THEM in order to use them as blackmail against Pres Hillary. FAR more damage caused to American Leadership by blackmail rather than picking between 2 losers who pitted against each other in an election.

THAT'S their "mode of operation". They don't WANT merely to FAVOR a candidate. Their goal is to work to dig the dirt on ANY influential American leader in order to BLACKMAIL them into favorable policy WHEN they ARE in power...

Untrue. French President Macron had his e-mail server hacked and e-mails released. Putin provided cash to Macron's opponent Le Pen.

The Russian strategy has been clear. They want to get rid of the sanctions that Obama placed on them. Their strategy has been to influence elections in other countries. First the US, then Netherlands, and France.

What I said can NOT be untrue. Because that's the Modus Operandi of the Russian game. The name is Kompromat.. Literally, blackmail for favors. SO -- you want sanctions reduced? You don't just pick one turkey over another. You LEASH UP BOTH turkeys with compromising information so that you GET your favor. You don't "dump it to the press"...

LOTS of "Russian hackers".. Just like there's LOTS of American hackers. They don't ALL coordinate with the govt..

If you launch an INTEL attack on a target, you don't PLAN to get caught. Because you don't want to compromise your operatives. It's not as clear and fully decided as the press reports make it appear...

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