Putin Didn't Hack Us

Why would anybody believe our intel community about Russian hacking when every other department of Hussein's government was crooked as Willy's willie? (according to Monica). Look at the DOJ, the IRS, FBI, EPA....each and all full of leftist turds implementing the Kenyan's agenda. So who did hack us? Nobody. The phishing expedition Podesta fell into was our own intel community's doing to stop Hillary from becoming president....thank God for that. Had to pin it on somebody...so who? Duh.

The CIA's UMBRAGE project can leave any kind of "fingerprint" they want on an intrusion...and they did.


Read all about it: 'UMBRAGE' might be the most terrifying secret revealed by the new WikiLeaks files

Why would anyone believe the guy who ism an enemy of this country and used to run the KGB, you insane twit?
The intelligence community in Russia is a trustworthy ally to the conservatives..
I personally will never know the truth about the supposed attempt to interfere in our election.

But, I will say this. I don't trust Obama lying snakes....Rice, Clapper, Brennan, Jarrett, and of course Obama himself....one single bit more than I do Vlad Putin.

And plenty of other Americans agree. Sad!
I have been talking about that leak since it came out. Not many seem to care.. Or maybe understand?
The dirty little secret is that the CIA and probably a half a dozen other federal "intelligence" bureaucracies engage in cyber warfare every day 24/7. It's possible that Hillary's e mails, which were routed through a mom and pop operation in a freaking bathroom, could have been hacked by a high school kid but strangely enough the DNC doesn't want to talk about it and the criminal conspiracy in the MSM isn't asking the DNC the tough questions.. It's possible and quite likely that gangs of motivated and skilled hackers are better than the jerks we have in our federal appointed bureaucracies but that's an argument for another time.
WHY are folks defending PUTIN over our own agencies and people?
WHY are folks defending PUTIN over our own agencies and people?

Yes you couldn't imagine this moment if you tried.

People defending a Russian dictator over America. THIS is where we are with these people that pretend to be Americans now. Being a traitor has been normalized.

The traitor even talked to them from the stage.
Let's say that Trump gave the Russians the go ahead to release hacked information about Hillary. they didn't need his collusion but let's say they did. What is treasonous about that? Did it hurt the country did it help the country? Anything but Hillary.

But what about a sitting president that tells Russia that after he wins the election he can be more flexible. In other words after he wins the election f..k what the American people think. Now that be some real treasonous talk.

Or how about a President that sends millions of unmarked bills as ransom? I can't imagine the stink you folks would raise if Trump even suggested doing the same.
WHY are folks defending PUTIN over our own agencies and people?

Not defending Putin. The reason they are skeptical is that OUR "own agencies and people" were NEVER USED to examine the primary evidence of these intrusions. IN FACT -- "our own agencies and people" like the 4 or 5 Counter Cyber Groups were NEVER TASKED to investigate or to issue GUIDANCE to the victims and potential victims. It never BECAME a priority until election night..

Why is that Coyote???
Putin hacked us.
Putin hacked the DNC.
Putin hacked the RNC.

Covfefe with two scoops please..Vlad the Impaler would never do anything like that..His hired henchmen would though...But what strikes me as stupid, is to believe that you would believe that Trump doesn't emulate a man that is richer than himself..

So would Donny Two Scoops but yes, it came from the top. It came from Putin.

Have those chicken shits at the DNC turned over the allegedly hacked servers?
Why would anybody believe our intel community about Russian hacking when every other department of Hussein's government was crooked as Willy's willie? (according to Monica). Look at the DOJ, the IRS, FBI, EPA....each and all full of leftist turds implementing the Kenyan's agenda. So who did hack us? Nobody. The phishing expedition Podesta fell into was our own intel community's doing to stop Hillary from becoming president....thank God for that. Had to pin it on somebody...so who? Duh.

The CIA's UMBRAGE project can leave any kind of "fingerprint" they want on an intrusion...and they did.


Read all about it: 'UMBRAGE' might be the most terrifying secret revealed by the new WikiLeaks files

The people in our intelligence community work hard to protect us from foreign enemies. Putin is one of them. Mike Pence agrees that the Russians hacked us. Trump's CIA Director believes the Russians hacked us. Trash America First is your motto you in-American pig.
Why would anybody believe our intel community about Russian hacking when every other department of Hussein's government was crooked as Willy's willie? (according to Monica). Look at the DOJ, the IRS, FBI, EPA....each and all full of leftist turds implementing the Kenyan's agenda. So who did hack us? Nobody. The phishing expedition Podesta fell into was our own intel community's doing to stop Hillary from becoming president....thank God for that. Had to pin it on somebody...so who? Duh.

The CIA's UMBRAGE project can leave any kind of "fingerprint" they want on an intrusion...and they did.


Read all about it: 'UMBRAGE' might be the most terrifying secret revealed by the new WikiLeaks files

The people in our intelligence community work hard to protect us from foreign enemies. Putin is one of them. Mike Pence agrees that the Russians hacked us. Trump's CIA Director believes the Russians hacked us. Trash America First is your motto you in-American pig.
Lol. Such a drama queen. Why did the DNC hide the alleged hacking?
WHY are folks defending PUTIN over our own agencies and people?

Yes you couldn't imagine this moment if you tried.

People defending a Russian dictator over America. THIS is where we are with these people that pretend to be Americans now. Being a traitor has been normalized.


Perhaps people are tired of being lied too by the devils in the progressive community, and would prefer to believe a devil they can understand and perhaps even halfway trust.


To all you Liberals clinging to the Russian Hacker blankee, you do realize that it is a common ploy for hackers to spoof the source address to make it appear as if the hack came from one source when it actually came from another. You do know that, right?​

You do know that you are a cracked pot. The fact is that Trump's own NSA found evidence of Russia's continued hacking into state voter rolls. You do know that you are a Russian troll right?
So, when Trump tells you something you want to believe, he's telling the truth. When he says something to the contrary, he's a stark raving idiot.

True....true....Trumpo IS a fucking psychopath who lies and lies and lies.....LOL
WHY are folks defending PUTIN over our own agencies and people?

Yes you couldn't imagine this moment if you tried.

People defending a Russian dictator over America. THIS is where we are with these people that pretend to be Americans now. Being a traitor has been normalized.

View attachment 137969

Perhaps people are tired of being lied too by the devils in the progressive community, and would prefer to believe a devil they can understand and perhaps even halfway trust.



How can you halfway trust Putin, a man who very likely bombed apartments in Russia so he could blame it on terrorists and get catapulted into power? You don't trust our own country and you'd rather believe a known liar who opposes our interests?

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