Putin Didn't Hack Us

BOMBSHELL: New Report Shows Guccifer 2.0-DNC Files Were Copied Locally—Not Hacked

BOMBSHELL: New Report Shows Guccifer 2.0-DNC Files Were Copied Locally—Not Hacked

A mysterious IT specialist, who goes by the name The Forensicator, published a detailed report that appears to disprove the theory that the DNC was hacked by Russia.
The documents were copied on July 5th, five days before Seth Rich was murdered.

The Forensicator summarized the complex report into 10 bullet points.

The most important aspect about the report is the “estimated speed of transfer (23 MB/s)” at which the documents were copied. It’s inconceivable DNC documents could have been copied at such speed from a remote location.

The report as laid out by The Forensicator:

Based on the analysis that is detailed below, the following key findings are presented:

  • On 7/5/2016 at approximately 6:45 PM Eastern time, someone copied the data that eventually appears on the “NGP VAN” 7zip file (the subject of this analysis). This 7zip file was published by a persona named Guccifer 2, two months later on September 13, 2016.

  • Due to the estimated speed of transfer (23 MB/s) calculated in this study, it is unlikely that this initial data transfer could have been done remotely over the Internet.

  • The initial copying activity was likely done from a computer system that had direct access to the data. By “direct access” we mean that the individual who was collecting the data either had physical access to the computer where the data was stored, or the data was copied over a local high speed network (LAN).

  • They may have copied a much larger collection of data than the data present in the NGP VAN 7zip. This larger collection of data may have been as large as 19 GB. In that scenario the NGP VAN 7zip file represents only 1/10th of the total amount of material taken.

  • This initial copying activity was done on a system where Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) settings were in force. Most likely, the computer used to initially copy the data was located somewhere on the East Coast.

  • The data was likely initially copied to a computer running Linux, because the file last modified times all reflect the apparent time of the copy and this is a characteristic of the the Linux ‘cp’ command (using default options).

  • A Linux OS may have been booted from a USB flash drive and the data may have been copied back to the same flash drive, which will likely have been formatted with the Linux (ext4) file system.

  • On September 1, 2016, two months after copying the initial large collection of (alleged) DNC related content (the so-called NGP/VAN data), a subset was transferred to working directories on a system running Windows. The .rar files included in the final 7zip file were built from those working directories.

  • The computer system where the working directories were built had Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) settings in force. Most likely, this system was located somewhere on the East Coast.

  • The .rar files and plain files that eventually end up in the “NGP VAN” 7zip file disclosed by Guccifer 2.0 on 9/13/2016 were likely first copied to a USB flash drive, which served as the source data for the final 7zip file. There is no information to determine when or where the final 7zip file was built.
There is still ZERO EVIDENCE of Hacking. And Trump imo asked Putin if Russia had tried to Hack The Election because THE LEFT predicted he would never do that.
Trump is like a cat owner with a laser pointer, and the Fake Media is the cat.
The President is a lot more politically in tune than The Media and Left realizes.
He pretty much toys with them at will.

WHY are folks defending PUTIN over our own agencies and people?

Not defending Putin. The reason they are skeptical is that OUR "own agencies and people" were NEVER USED to examine the primary evidence of these intrusions. IN FACT -- "our own agencies and people" like the 4 or 5 Counter Cyber Groups were NEVER TASKED to investigate or to issue GUIDANCE to the victims and potential victims. It never BECAME a priority until election night..

Why is that Coyote???

Yes Trump and his followers have made it clear that they believe and support Puttin over the democrats since day one. Why do you think we are so angry? Trump has been feeding that anger everyday.

Trump knew about the attempts, why do you think Trump was already whining, until he won? We all know that the Righties would be having a cow if Hillary won..

It is a fact that Russia sent out millions of fake news bots..

The paper, by two members of Facebook's threat intelligence team and its chief security officer, noted that "fake news" has been incorrectly applied as a catch-all for a variety of techniques used to influence users of the platform. The company now divides these techniques into four specific groups:

  • "Information (or Influence) Operations - Actions taken by governments or organized non-state actors to distort domestic or foreign political sentiment."
  • "False News - News articles that purport to be factual, but which contain intentional misstatements of fact with the intention to arouse passions, attract viewership, or deceive."
  • "False Amplifiers - Coordinated activity by inauthentic accounts with the intent of manipulating political discussion (e.g., by discouraging specific parties from participating in discussion, or amplifying sensationalistic voices over others)."
  • "Disinformation - Inaccurate or manipulated information/content that is spread intentionally. This can include false news, or it can involve more subtle methods, such as false flag operations, feeding inaccurate quotes or stories to innocent intermediaries, or knowingly amplifying biased or misleading information."
Facebook, for the first time, acknowledges election manipulation

Total BullCrap.. Show me ONE fake Russian news story that is TRACED back to Russia Intel services.. I NEVER SAW them. Not one leftist can PROVIDE them. All that I've been shown when asked was a bunch of stuff from TEENAGERS in MOLDOVA trying to earn money for band equipment.

If the stories are not in the public conciousness, they must have been sublimal or something huh? Maybe your tablet broadcasted them to your ears while you were sleeping.. :rolleyes:

And BTW -- RT doesn't count. Number of folks watching RT on their cable net are less than people listening to Nat Weather Service broadcasts..
WHY are folks defending PUTIN over our own agencies and people?

Not defending Putin. The reason they are skeptical is that OUR "own agencies and people" were NEVER USED to examine the primary evidence of these intrusions. IN FACT -- "our own agencies and people" like the 4 or 5 Counter Cyber Groups were NEVER TASKED to investigate or to issue GUIDANCE to the victims and potential victims. It never BECAME a priority until election night..

Why is that Coyote???

Yes Trump and his followers have made it clear that they believe and support Puttin over the democrats since day one. Why do you think we are so angry? Trump has been feeding that anger everyday.

Trump knew about the attempts, why do you think Trump was already whining, until he won? We all know that the Righties would be having a cow if Hillary won..

It is a fact that Russia sent out millions of fake news bots..

The paper, by two members of Facebook's threat intelligence team and its chief security officer, noted that "fake news" has been incorrectly applied as a catch-all for a variety of techniques used to influence users of the platform. The company now divides these techniques into four specific groups:

  • "Information (or Influence) Operations - Actions taken by governments or organized non-state actors to distort domestic or foreign political sentiment."
  • "False News - News articles that purport to be factual, but which contain intentional misstatements of fact with the intention to arouse passions, attract viewership, or deceive."
  • "False Amplifiers - Coordinated activity by inauthentic accounts with the intent of manipulating political discussion (e.g., by discouraging specific parties from participating in discussion, or amplifying sensationalistic voices over others)."
  • "Disinformation - Inaccurate or manipulated information/content that is spread intentionally. This can include false news, or it can involve more subtle methods, such as false flag operations, feeding inaccurate quotes or stories to innocent intermediaries, or knowingly amplifying biased or misleading information."
Facebook, for the first time, acknowledges election manipulation
Lol! Facebook made you vote for Trump. Lol! That is awesome. What else has Facebook forced you to do?
Lemme see if I have this straight. The Russian Intel Cyber groups attacked the DNC server and got caught. They attacked Podesta's Phone and got caught. They attacked Macron's email campaign email and got caught and they attacked 30 or 40 state registrars offices and got caught EVERY TIME..

Only one conclusion.. Russian Intel CyberWar groups TRULY SUCK. They are laughably INCOMPETENT. And they should be ashamed of themselves.. :haha:

Here's a clue. Because I know a bit about the competence and awesomeness of Intel capabilities of govts around the world. In their Govts, they are ALWAYS the most capable, competent organizations in their nations. And you DON'T expect them to "get caught"...
They don't ALL coordinate with the govt.

That is a not-too-small fact repeatedly overlooked by the Press.

In FACT -- another basic truth about Russian hacking is that those Oligarchs and Mafioso run their OWN little "foreign operations". And there are HUNDREDS of them competing for markets and turf and favorable foreign policy. THEY are the guys that hire the "Guccifers" and super star private "consultants"....

So many possibilities. So many Mental Midgerts in the Press corps and US Govt.. This is basically "propaganda". NOT an intelligent discussion of events.
Putin is looking out for him self, looking to gather more power, money & land mass. forgetting that his job is to help his people. same go's for us. Russia did hack, keep your eye on the ball, forget our in fighting. find some place to come together. lets not let those with the most money and power take away more from us regular working Americans.
The ONE man Putin is afraid of...Ramzan A. Kadyrov, his protege and President of Chechnya


When the journalist was murdered outside the Kremlin, suspicion quickly centered on Putin but somebody in Putin's entourage shifted the blame to Kadyrov. Infuriated, Kadyrov made it known that Putin should watch his step. Putin disappeared for two weeks and didn't reappear until Kadyrov had been awarded some new Russian medals for various activities. Did Kadyrov do Putin a solid by clipping an annoying journalist? Probably....he's a total psychopath, a muslim, and not somebody even Putin wants to cross.
Yes Trump and his followers have made it clear that they believe and support Puttin over the democrats since day one. Why do you think we are so angry? Trump has been feeding that anger everyday.

Trump knew about the attempts, why do you think Trump was already whining, until he won? We all know that the Righties would be having a cow if Hillary won..

It is a fact that Russia sent out millions of fake news bots..

The paper, by two members of Facebook's threat intelligence team and its chief security officer, noted that "fake news" has been incorrectly applied

You know Eagle, I just have to make a few comments:

  1. We believe and support Putin? Over the Democrats? I don't know ANYONE who believes much less supports anything Putin says or does. That is not to say that it is mutually exclusive that we believe him or you. One thing certain about Democrats is the party has lied, lied, lied about everything, and is 100% committed to trying to destroy Trump at any cost. In my mind, that puts the DNC on a level hard to separate from a foreign threat itself. If anyone is feeding any anger, the Dems, the Libs and MSM need only look into their own mirrors. The fact that you guys continue to not see that is a really big liability for you because much of the public does see it! And you're angry because we don't take your word?
  2. You don't know what Trump knew. Don't even go there trying to fool us with your own foolishness. Trump was whining because of the long-proven facts that the DNC was cheating all over the place. Hillary and the DNC were even cheating in the debates.
  3. I bet half a dozen countries sent out fake news bots. I deal with misinformation all of the time! Sometimes even by people trying to do an honest job that just get things wrong because there is so much bad info out there. Some of the books printed for use in schools and colleges has bad information in them! This is nothing new--- the ultimate responsibility lies with the persons reading and digesting the stuff. FLASH------ the Internet is the least reliable and last place I go to for information.
  4. Facebook: I'm sure their IT people are competent, even good, but they don't have access to the kinds of tools, skills and knowledge employed at the national intelligence level. It is silly to believe otherwise.
BOTTOM LINE: As said elsewhere, your foreign intelligence staff, especially in large superpowers like Russia, are the Best Of The Best. They can get into just about anywhere. THAT IS THE NATURE OF THE INTERNET. It was designed to SHARE information. Once they get in, if they are good at all, they rarely get detected, if so, long after they are gone. That is the nature of a vulnerability. If they want to, they can hack into YOUR computer and then break into another system and make it look like YOU did it. The CIA deals with a thousand cyber attacks a day. Companies employ hackers to try to get the scoop on their competition.

Shades of Watergate, just moved about 40 years into the future. Welcome to the Internet Age. You no longer have to pick locks and go through drawers.

So, asking Putin if he hacked our election is a frivolous pursuit at best. If neither the Pres. or Secretary of State has that evidence, then WHO DOES? Facebook? The New York Times? If such proof existed at all, it would be SPLASHED all over the front page of every anti-Trump paper in the nation trying to connect him to Hillary's loss! So the best thing is to move on and address your attention at improving the election system to make it less susceptible to attack, because Russia and several other countries are not going to ever stop trying.

But why then does the DNC refuse to share their hacked server? Why did Hillary keep her government email outside the government system? There can only be one explanation: there is stuff in there they don't want others to know. Maybe that the server was never hacked at all. In the end, while the Trump Administration and GOP have spent the past half-year trying to advance the nation, the ONLY thing the DNC has tried to do is create baseless scandal after scandal.

Which do you think the voters will respond most to come 2018?
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At least I know Putin will keep his word if he has something to gain even if I won't trust him to watch my back.

I can't say the same for progressives...

I can't trust progressives to keep their word and sure as hell won't trust them to watch my back.

Despite all else, you don't see compromised intelligence flying out of Russia like you do this country. Maybe they have better security, tighter laws or better patriots. But progressives here prove on a daily basis that their only agenda is the further advancing of their own power at any cost.
WHY are folks defending PUTIN over our own agencies and people?

Yes you couldn't imagine this moment if you tried.

People defending a Russian dictator over America. THIS is where we are with these people that pretend to be Americans now. Being a traitor has been normalized.

View attachment 137969

Perhaps people are tired of being lied too by the devils in the progressive community, and would prefer to believe a devil they can understand and perhaps even halfway trust.



How can you halfway trust Putin, a man who very likely bombed apartments in Russia so he could blame it on terrorists and get catapulted into power? You don't trust our own country and you'd rather believe a known liar who opposes our interests?

Nobody "trusts" Putin. I'm operating from the reality of how Russian Intel operates. Look up the phrase Kompromat. Putin helped design that Cold War strategy.

If the Kremlin HAD the DNC emails -- they'd SIT ON THEM in order to use them as blackmail against Pres Hillary. FAR more damage caused to American Leadership by blackmail rather than picking between 2 losers who pitted against each other in an election.

There was nothing in those emails that was sufficient to blackmail - it was mostly noise, innuendo and distraction and it served their purpose - sow chaos, distrust in our institutions (media, intelligence, electoral system) by hacking, dissiminating through wikileaks, and propogating fake news. In fact, the latest is propogating fake documents to feed the media, who jump on it, report it without checking closely and further ruin their trustworthyness. Putin deserves a round of applause for these very effective tactics - and we are lagging way behind in addressing and countering them.

THAT'S their "mode of operation". They don't WANT merely to FAVOR a candidate. Their goal is to work to dig the dirt on ANY influential American leader in order to BLACKMAIL them into favorable policy WHEN they ARE in power...

Their goal is also to get the sanctions lifted - that's hurting them. Putin hates Clinton because she came down tough on Russia's actions in Ukraine. There is no way she would lift the sanctions.

The problem with Putin, and credibility...is this.

You have the following stating unamibiously that Russia was behind it and Russia's purpose was to attempt to affect our election and Russia's made multiple hacking attempts on mutliple entities: All the US Intelligence agencies, Congress, President Obama, a broad selection of reputable media sources, the intelligence agencies of other countries who have had similar attacks....

You have the following stating Russia wasn't behind it.....Trump, Putin, Wikileaks....and they are somehow more trustworthy?

Not to mention, you have to concieve of a huge conspiracy of birther-size in order to cover it all up. All the intelligence agencies, Congress, Obama, and the media in collusion? All of these people who are professionals at their job, many serving under multiple administrations in positions of trust suddenly - are corrupted where as before they weren't? That people can't do a professional nonpartisan job solely because they vote D or R?

Which requires a larger leap of faith?

And...speaking of noise, smoke and distraction - that's largely what the collusion arguments are and the Obama arguments are - they're focusing attention away from the REAL issue - how can we address this problem before the next election? Prevent further disruptions and protect the integrity of our most fundamental institution of democracy.
At least I know Putin will keep his word if he has something to gain even if I won't trust him to watch my back.

I can't say the same for progressives...

I can't trust progressives to keep their word and sure as hell won't trust them to watch my back.

Despite all else, you don't see compromised intelligence flying out of Russia like you do this country. Maybe they have better security, tighter laws or better patriots. But progressives here prove on a daily basis that their only agenda is the further advancing of their own power at any cost.

Putin has a habit of killing people...journalists who investigate to closely...political opponents...whistle blowers.
At least I know Putin will keep his word if he has something to gain even if I won't trust him to watch my back.

I can't say the same for progressives...

I can't trust progressives to keep their word and sure as hell won't trust them to watch my back.

Despite all else, you don't see compromised intelligence flying out of Russia like you do this country. Maybe they have better security, tighter laws or better patriots. But progressives here prove on a daily basis that their only agenda is the further advancing of their own power at any cost.
You mess with Russia you find yourself flying out of 5,6 and7 story buildings
Putin Didn't Hack Us

neither did Earl Pitts ...but the KGB did.
There was nothing in those emails that was sufficient to blackmail - it was mostly noise, innuendo and distraction and it served their purpose - sow chaos, distrust in our institutions (media, intelligence, electoral system) by hacking, dissiminating through wikileaks, and propogating fake news

Which would have MORE effective if Clinton had gained POWER and was trying to run an Admin. There was ENOUGH in those DNC emails to cause a chain of resignations, and DOMINATE the news cycle for months. Had all the jabs at Bernie's campaign been released as BLACKMAIL to get favorable deals from a Clinton Admin, it most CERTAINLY would cast doubt on the validity of her election and hobble her effectiveness..

Their goal is also to get the sanctions lifted - that's hurting them. Putin hates Clinton because she came down tough on Russia's actions in Ukraine. There is no way she would lift the sanctions.

And yet -- as you've been told by various posters here and in other threads. Getting sanctions lifted is EXACTLY what the Podesta Group was hired to do. During the fucking campaign. So how sincere was Clinton's commitment to being "tough on Russia" when her CAMPAIGN MGR is a paid lobbyist for SberBank controlling 1/3 of the total assets in Russia?

This is likely LESS about Putin and MORE about the way the Russian economy is run and controlled by several HUNDRED oligarchs and Mafioso types that Putin is buddies with. They all compete. They ALL hire influence in foreign govts and they all conduct their OWN "foreign intel". INDEPENDENT of FSB/GRU/KGB... For instance, Manafort and Podesta COMPETED for consulting status with some of these same Oligarchy interests. Both in Russia and in the Ukraine. There's a LOT more here than Putin having a circus of inept, incapable clowns in his Intel CyberWar groups.

And there were US investments and money at stake in WHO dominated in the Russian markets. See the huge number of shares of Russian stocks GIVEN to Podesta for his efforts..

All the intelligence agencies, Congress, Obama, and the media in collusion? All of these people who are professionals at their job, many serving under multiple administrations in positions of trust suddenly - are corrupted where as before they weren't? That people can't do a professional nonpartisan job solely because they vote D or R?

Nope.. Only requires the CONCENTRATED power vested in proven deviants and liars as James Clapper. HE was the POLITICAL appointee that tasked all the agencies for Admin goals and policies. He's a POLITICAL operative at that point. Despite his years of actual service to these agencies. His NEW job gave him "cross program" access that LITERALLY -- less than a dozen people possess. So just that ONE and maybe a few flaming partisans in other areas like the FBI or DOJ or HSecurity would be sufficient to CORRUPT and weaponize the Intel agencies for political hijinks...

THAT is nightmare of EVERY faithful patriotic person who has served in the Intel areas. And for DECADES the chances of that EVER happening were close to Nil.. Until 9/11 and the Patriot Act and the consolidation of POLITICAL power in Admin controlled new positions and groups were created. Along with that awesome Big Brother Domestic spying operation we ALL have to cope with.. It's a doomsday scenario. An Intel infrastructure political insurgency could take this Republic down in a year...
Besides, most of the NEWER sanctions didn't go on until AFTER the elections. And since they "spilled the beans" for virtually nothing (or so the story goes) -- what do they have NOW to compromise Prez Trump?

No doubt they have it.. Because the sanctions and punishments are BIGGER and BADDER than before they "allegedly" Dumped the Podesta/DNC emails to the world... That's a pretty stupid move -- isn't it? Putin's not that stupid...
At least I know Putin will keep his word if he has something to gain even if I won't trust him to watch my back.

I can't say the same for progressives...

I can't trust progressives to keep their word and sure as hell won't trust them to watch my back.

Despite all else, you don't see compromised intelligence flying out of Russia like you do this country. Maybe they have better security, tighter laws or better patriots. But progressives here prove on a daily basis that their only agenda is the further advancing of their own power at any cost.

Putin has a habit of killing people...journalists who investigate to closely...political opponents...whistle blowers.

Wonder who has the longest kill list?
Putin or hillary...
At least I know Putin will keep his word if he has something to gain even if I won't trust him to watch my back.

I can't say the same for progressives...

I can't trust progressives to keep their word and sure as hell won't trust them to watch my back.

Despite all else, you don't see compromised intelligence flying out of Russia like you do this country. Maybe they have better security, tighter laws or better patriots. But progressives here prove on a daily basis that their only agenda is the further advancing of their own power at any cost.

Putin has a habit of killing people...journalists who investigate to closely...political opponents...whistle blowers.

That falls under the category of "tighter laws." ;) His methods work and he would not tolerate otherwise; draconian to us, but you know he looks at us, our leaks, our problems, our turmoil unresolved month after month, year after year, and rather than admire our "freedom," he sees it as a weakness of ours to exploit..

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