Putin Finds Saddam's WMDs

Since 99% of the Iraq war supporters on the right on this board have spent the last 2 weeks insisting that the possession of chemical weapons and the use of them on one's own people

is NOT sufficient cause for the US to take military action,

why would they now be so keen to resurrect the conspiracy theory that Saddam sent chemical weapons to Syria?

You're right.. it is not by itself sufficient cause... when Syria violates terms of cease fire with us.. let me know, and I will put my support behind military intervention
Barry Hussein has done what no other president has ever accomplished. He managed to make the US look stupid and indecisive and turn a Russian thug into an international statesman. Way to go Hussein.

Obama played Putin into doing this. It's amazing how you cannot see this. It must be your absolute hatred of the Black man.
Even if Hussein did move chemical weapons to Syria, those chemicals have long since expired. Not even sarin precursors last more than five years.

You're welcome.

Tell you what......if you are so confidant in the expiration date, take a bath in the chemicals and let us know who that turns out for you.

Didn't think so.
It's not costing us blood and treasure to find these weapons, let Russia do it.

It wouldn't have cost us $600 billion in treasure and 3,000 more lives if people obviously like you and these TRAITORS helped prolong the barbarism of terrorists who put bombs on kids that blew up when reaching for candy from soldiers and you encouraged these actions when you supported THESE traitorous statements..calling our troops "terrorists", war is lost.. cold blooded killers!

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

I just don't understand NOT one of us RWers would EVERY criticize our troops like these traitors DID and no Obama is C-I-C asking these same methodical air-raiding villages killing civilians MILITARY to do the same in Syria!!
That is totally wrong!

Traitors to American ideals are folks who continuously take quotes like those completely out of context for purely partisan political bull shit, like you.
Barry Hussein has done what no other president has ever accomplished. He managed to make the US look stupid and indecisive and turn a Russian thug into an international statesman. Way to go Hussein.

Obama played Putin into doing this. It's amazing how you cannot see this. It must be your absolute hatred of the Black man.

You poor deluded boobie. Putin has played Obama like Sergey Krylov playing a Stradivarius.
Since 99% of the Iraq war supporters on the right on this board have spent the last 2 weeks insisting that the possession of chemical weapons and the use of them on one's own people

is NOT sufficient cause for the US to take military action,

why would they now be so keen to resurrect the conspiracy theory that Saddam sent chemical weapons to Syria?

You're right.. it is not by itself sufficient cause... when Syria violates terms of cease fire with us.. let me know, and I will put my support behind military intervention

Got a link to any cease fire agreement Iraq had with us?
Since 99% of the Iraq war supporters on the right on this board have spent the last 2 weeks insisting that the possession of chemical weapons and the use of them on one's own people

is NOT sufficient cause for the US to take military action,

why would they now be so keen to resurrect the conspiracy theory that Saddam sent chemical weapons to Syria?

You're right.. it is not by itself sufficient cause... when Syria violates terms of cease fire with us.. let me know, and I will put my support behind military intervention

Got a link to any cease fire agreement Iraq had with us?

Your knowledge of history is sadly lacking.
Since 99% of the Iraq war supporters on the right on this board have spent the last 2 weeks insisting that the possession of chemical weapons and the use of them on one's own people

is NOT sufficient cause for the US to take military action,

why would they now be so keen to resurrect the conspiracy theory that Saddam sent chemical weapons to Syria?

where are you suggesting Syria got these weapons from?
Since 99% of the Iraq war supporters on the right on this board have spent the last 2 weeks insisting that the possession of chemical weapons and the use of them on one's own people

is NOT sufficient cause for the US to take military action,

why would they now be so keen to resurrect the conspiracy theory that Saddam sent chemical weapons to Syria?

where are you suggesting Syria got these weapons from?

Unicorns and leprechauns from over the rainbow.
Since 99% of the Iraq war supporters on the right on this board have spent the last 2 weeks insisting that the possession of chemical weapons and the use of them on one's own people

is NOT sufficient cause for the US to take military action,

why would they now be so keen to resurrect the conspiracy theory that Saddam sent chemical weapons to Syria?

You're right.. it is not by itself sufficient cause... when Syria violates terms of cease fire with us.. let me know, and I will put my support behind military intervention

What ceasefire constraints was Iraq under in 1988?
yes, if you recall one of the things surveillence noticed just prior to our going into iraq were convoys of trucks leaving iraq into syria. The belief was it was chemical weapons and potentially elements of other WMD's

Interesting. I don't remember that. I'd love to read more. Anything you have you can share?

(Full Disclaimer: I know you are the king of making up 'facts', so I'm fairly confident you can't provide a credible link)

Seriously??? And you wonder why I insult your stoopidity? You don't remember the lead up to the Iraq war?

This bears repeating, "Were you in a coma or partisan stupor prior to Dear Leader being elected? Of course you were."

Since you are too lazy or ignorant to know how to use Google.

CNN.com - Kay: No evidence Iraq stockpiled WMDs - Jan. 26, 2004

January 26, 2004

"Kay also raised the possibility -- one he first discussed in a weekend interview with "The Sunday Telegraph" of London -- that clues about banned weapons programs might reside across Iraq's western border.

"There is ample evidence of movement to Syria before the war -- satellite photographs, reports on the ground of a constant stream of trucks, cars, rail traffic across the border. We simply don't know what was moved," Kay said.

But, he said, "the Syrian government there has shown absolutely no interest in helping us resolve this issue."

Kay acknowledged that the truth might never be revealed. Widespread looting in Baghdad after the invasion destroyed many government records. "There's always going to be unresolved ambiguity here.""

You're welcome.

this is not evidence of chemical or any other weapon. you have nothing but speculation.
Saddam was hiding his WMD's in Syria?

yes, if you recall one of the things surveillence noticed just prior to our going into iraq were convoys of trucks leaving iraq into syria. The belief was it was chemical weapons and potentially elements of other WMD's

belief is not evidence.
speculation is not fact.

Colin Powell had some awesome pictures of WMD's he took to the UN too. Fake pictures.
The parroting piss drinkers are too retarded to know it is physically impossible for Assad's chemical weapons to have come from Saddam Hussein. What we are seeing in this topic is sheer magical thinking.

I like magic, don't you?

Keep in mind, conservatives have never once been wrong about anything in the entire 6000 year history of the universe.
Saddam was hiding his WMD's in Syria?

yes, if you recall one of the things surveillence noticed just prior to our going into iraq were convoys of trucks leaving iraq into syria. The belief was it was chemical weapons and potentially elements of other WMD's

belief is not evidence.
speculation is not fact.

Yet you guys elected the Obama not once.....but twice exactly on belief and speculation.
yes, if you recall one of the things surveillence noticed just prior to our going into iraq were convoys of trucks leaving iraq into syria. The belief was it was chemical weapons and potentially elements of other WMD's

belief is not evidence.
speculation is not fact.

Yet you guys elected the Obama not once.....but twice exactly on belief and speculation.

deflection, but thanks for admitting you and the OP have nothing
yes, if you recall one of the things surveillence noticed just prior to our going into iraq were convoys of trucks leaving iraq into syria. The belief was it was chemical weapons and potentially elements of other WMD's

belief is not evidence.
speculation is not fact.

Colin Powell had some awesome pictures of WMD's he took to the UN too. Fake pictures.

Tell us again......what evidence has the Obama laid out before the American people to win them over to his war?

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