Putin has died. Report trending Russian Internet

Bad back?

I read that rumour too,... a possible back operation.... but if that was the case, after all these days he would be able to appear in front of the cameras,, sitting down, showing his face.

I am inclined to believe that there is a certain truth in the rumour Putin has been removed from power!

I'm serious.... was Putin removed from power? anybody knows anything??

One of the sources I trust a little more than most has this to say:

Vladimir Putin missing Rumours suggest president has flu and is lying low at Valdai outside Moscow - Europe - World - The Independent

It could be true or it might mean a coup in progress. Lack of other activities by top leadership contenders and that none of those have vanished suggests some truth to the illness accounts though perhaps not flu. Could Obama's CIA have somehow infected Putin with Ebola? We could start one hell of a conspiracy gig on that single thought.

Other reports in Europe are saying Putin was on the brink of going nuclear in Crimea and that caused a deep rift in leadership. Many in horror, wanting him out for even thinking it but more resenting his NOT doing it. If Putin is out there may be great dismay over what comes IN. History suggests the chances of a new Stalin are greater than those of a new Gorby.
Can you imagine the leader of a country being unaccountable for 10 days??

This is surreal!!! :cuckoo:
I heard he tried to ride the wrong bear....:dunno:

This is truly a bizarre turn of events. First a political opponent of Vladimir Putin's was assassinated in front of the Kremlin. Now a report on the internet is a story trending Russian internet - that Vladimir Putin has died.

Others are speculating that the person who assassinated his opponent has now turned on him and he is in fear for his life - in hiding. Other reports claim he is sick and the Kremlin does not want the public to find out. To be clear there is a range of stories coming out about Vladimir Putin right now but the biggest one appears to be that there are Russians who believe he has died! What do you think about that? Here is one story reported today about his disappearance.He's been missing since March 5, 2015.

Here are the best theories about why Putin has disappeared - Yahoo Finance

Putin's absence might have no larger significance, and rumors of his illness or even death could be overblown. But the speculation surrounding his health shows just how fragile Putin's system really is — as well as its dependency on a single individual.

Even an absence of a few days raises some startling possibilities about what could really be going on in Moscow.

"While the talk is pretty speculative and quite wild now, it is clearly irking the Russians," Mark Galeotti, a New York University professor specializing in global affairs and Russian and Slavic studies, told Business Insider by email. "If Putin doesn't show in the next day or so or if all we get are some press stills, then that will suggest something serious is up — and the succession struggle begins."
Tom Nichols, a professor at the US Naval War College and a senior associate at the Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs, echoed Galeotti's view.

"I have no idea whether Putin is dead, but there is clearly something going on that the Kremlin is working hard to hide," Nichols told Business Insider.

Here are the best theories about why Putin has disappeared - Yahoo Finance
This absence has prompted rumors and speculation across the Russian blogosphere. "Putin has died" is now trending across the Russian internet, but there is no credible information citing what, if anything, might be afflicting him.

This kind of speculation may be natural given the secretive and autocratic nature of Putin's leadership. "These are the kinds of things that happen when a governing system is so dependent on the image of and physical person of one man," Hannah Thoburn, a Eurasia analyst with the Foreign Policy Initiative, told Business Insider. "This is certainly not the first time that similar rumors have happened. They happened under Yeltsin as well (although he really was in very poor health)."

If Putin is incapacitated, the Kremlin may try to keep that information tightly under wraps until all factions within the government have agreed to a successor.

Constitutionally, "Medvedev would take over as acting president for 90 days," Nichols said. "It's how Putin himself became president in 1999."

"But no, there is no way the Kremlin would announce [Putin's death] until all the deals have been cut," Nichols added.

Here are the best theories about why Putin has disappeared - Yahoo Finance

Oh he has decided alright. It's America's funeral he is planning and Michael's communist Pope will be happy to do the funeral service. After all, this is what the Vatican is waiting for. (to bury us)

I'm not seeing the red menace...
where is he

where.... this is not right ...to leave the whole world hanging on a wire...like this..

where is Putin...Kremlin please tell us if you are reading this!
Anyone ask Brian Williams if he can drop Putin a note on his next Parliament meeting at the Kremlin?

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