Putin has died. Report trending Russian Internet

They seek him here, they seek him there
Those Forumers seek him everywhere
Is he in heaven or is he in hell?
That demned elusive Putinel
My apologies to anyone that had to google my above post.
I'm not apologising for posting it, even though I probably should, just sorry your brain is so tiny you have no fucking clue about anything.
I can't wait till Putin comes out and this dumb thread that belongs in a conspiracy section can be properly mocked and scorned.
Now I'm starting to get a little worried.
Putin is usually out there in front of the cameras giving a speech a day or maybe two or three
surrounded by his adoring worshippers.....

Oh wait....
That's another President....

Hoping all is well Vlad....
Putin is on safari. He is ok


Maybe Putin Could See Sarah Palin Sunbathing in her string bikini from his house, and made a visit?
The UK Daily mail is now suggesting a coup, or he's ill, or something else, but Coup is the play in the headline, even though they're just wildly guessing.
Vladimir Putin has been neutralised by a stealthy coup as rumours about his health and well-being continue to flourish Daily Mail Online

They name Nikolai Patrushev as the coup leader, suggesting he's been recruited by the United states to remove Putin.
Patrushev did visit the US, even though most senior Russians were banned from entering the country.
It should be noted, he's been very vocal in condemning the US, but politics is politics, so he could easily change his opinion if enough cash comes his way.
When one of the most powerful leaders in the world "disappears" something is up. I heard his girl friend gave birth to a commie. Here's my play on this, his opponent that was assassinated was not really him. It was a look alike. Putin was murdered. His opponent had surgery to make him look like Putin and will rule Russia. If you don't like my theory you never watched Mission Impossible.
Well, this should make most conservatives really sad.....they really loved Putin....they should probably send flowers...:eusa_clap:

I have to tell you, I have never understood how any American could admire the man or even suggest he would be a good leader for America. That is something I will never understand.

In comparison to Obama, he's a real man, not the weakling child-president Obama is. We're not just talking about physical stature, although Putin has likely killed men with his bare hands, but also strength of political will. Putin knows he's dealing with a strong nation lead by an incompetent monkey and he's using every opportunity to advance Russia's power and influence in his sphere. The admiration I have for Putin is the same admiration I would have for a wolverine taking on a bear 3 times his size.
Your admiration of Putin tells me all that I need to know about you. I've heard enough now.
When one of the most powerful leaders in the world "disappears" something is up. I heard his girl friend gave birth to a commie. Here's my play on this, his opponent that was assassinated was not really him. It was a look alike. Putin was murdered. His opponent had surgery to make him look like Putin and will rule Russia. If you don't like my theory you never watched Mission Impossible.

What is astounding is that the news report I read this morning has no mention of the girlfriend or Switzerland but rather that he is scheduled to make an appearance in a meeting on Monday. He was described as on "Sabbatical". I am amazed at their "choice of words." Truly.
The UK Daily mail is now suggesting a coup, or he's ill, or something else, but Coup is the play in the headline, even though they're just wildly guessing.
Vladimir Putin has been neutralised by a stealthy coup as rumours about his health and well-being continue to flourish Daily Mail Online

They name Nikolai Patrushev as the coup leader, suggesting he's been recruited by the United states to remove Putin.
Patrushev did visit the US, even though most senior Russians were banned from entering the country.
It should be noted, he's been very vocal in condemning the US, but politics is politics, so he could easily change his opinion if enough cash comes his way.

It is amazing they are pretending not to have heard about the article in New York Post which announced his girlfriend giving birth to his child in Switzerland. Do they live in some parallel universe or what?
This absence has prompted rumors and speculation across the Russian blogosphere. "Putin has died" is now trending across the Russian internet, but there is no credible information citing what, if anything, might be afflicting him.

This kind of speculation may be natural given the secretive and autocratic nature of Putin's leadership. "These are the kinds of things that happen when a governing system is so dependent on the image of and physical person of one man," Hannah Thoburn, a Eurasia analyst with the Foreign Policy Initiative, told Business Insider. "This is certainly not the first time that similar rumors have happened. They happened under Yeltsin as well (although he really was in very poor health)."

If Putin is incapacitated, the Kremlin may try to keep that information tightly under wraps until all factions within the government have agreed to a successor.

Constitutionally, "Medvedev would take over as acting president for 90 days," Nichols said. "It's how Putin himself became president in 1999."

"But no, there is no way the Kremlin would announce [Putin's death] until all the deals have been cut," Nichols added.

Here are the best theories about why Putin has disappeared - Yahoo Finance

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