Putin has died. Report trending Russian Internet

I do not hate you but you are showing signs of having been thoroughly brainwashed by your communist Roman Catholic Pope. He's a huge fan of Putin too and an enemy of the American people. You need to wake up. Or move to Russia. (one or the other)
This absence has prompted rumors and speculation across the Russian blogosphere. "Putin has died" is now trending across the Russian internet, but there is no credible information citing what, if anything, might be afflicting him.

This kind of speculation may be natural given the secretive and autocratic nature of Putin's leadership. "These are the kinds of things that happen when a governing system is so dependent on the image of and physical person of one man," Hannah Thoburn, a Eurasia analyst with the Foreign Policy Initiative, told Business Insider. "This is certainly not the first time that similar rumors have happened. They happened under Yeltsin as well (although he really was in very poor health)."

If Putin is incapacitated, the Kremlin may try to keep that information tightly under wraps until all factions within the government have agreed to a successor.

Constitutionally, "Medvedev would take over as acting president for 90 days," Nichols said. "It's how Putin himself became president in 1999."

"But no, there is no way the Kremlin would announce [Putin's death] until all the deals have been cut," Nichols added.

Here are the best theories about why Putin has disappeared - Yahoo Finance

Oh he has decided alright. It's America's funeral he is planning and Michael's communist Pope will be happy to do the funeral service. After all, this is what the Vatican is waiting for. (to bury us)

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I predicted back in November that Putin wouldn't live to see May Day. I've said he'd either be shot or poisoned by his own security apparatus. Whether he's still alive or not doesn't change my opinion. The russian people got a 20 year look at freedom and don't want a dictator again...Putin is nothing but a soviet pig, a relic of a system our president wishes he could lead.
I do not hate you but you are showing signs of having been thoroughly brainwashed by your communist Roman Catholic Pope. He's a huge fan of Putin too and an enemy of the American people. You need to wake up. Or move to Russia. (one or the other)

One, yes you do hate me, and you're just kidding yourself. Two, Pope Francis is not a "huge fan" of Putin nor an enemy of the American people. Three, it's my love for American that fuels my contempt for its current leader who through weakness of character and feebleness of inner mettle has caused America's prestige and influence to atrophy and has emboldened tyrants all over the world.

And you need to stop with the conspiracy theories. Thankfully most people understand that real Christians are nothing like you and your plastic dashboard Jesus.

To get why the gang of illuminati puppets playing communist leaders of China, the world's largest country in population, desperately repeat that Novorussians must accept to be slaughtered by the nazi Kiev regime:

Illuminati puppets playing presidents of Asia's smallest and world's largest country jailed the same day
Armageddon started 24th March 1999.
July 2013 - It took more than 14 years until the first illuminazi puppet playing head of UN recognized state was deposed and jailed: Morsi alias MorCIA, after 33 million freedom loving egyptians took on to the streets.

It took two more years until the second puppet was jailed. But hours later it was the turn of the third one, the biggest of the almost 200 fishes in the UN aquarium.
Hours after Asia's smallest country on both size and population, the Maledives, it's the turn of impostor "Putin", president not only of Asia's largest but also of the world's largest country in size.

March 15, 2015 - China Premier says respects Ukraine integrity,
China Premier says respects Ukraine integrity won t be drawn on Crimea - Yahoo News

Mubarak was "deposed" and "jailed". In other words: illuminati were forced to replace him with another puppet.
But unlike with Tunisia's Ben Ali, illuminati didn't take Mubarak out of Egypt.
In other words: Mubarak wasn't really jailed until Morsi was jailed, July 2013.
As with puppet Gaddaffi, although he was not only deposed but also executed the freedom fighters didn't yet get control of the whole country.

Netanyahu is a fake jew, a nazi agent, same as "Putin" and the gang playing communist leaders of China.
As for what really happened in Crimea, reminder of Last Prophet's words
Black Is White - have the human cattle robotically repeat it Illuminati s third commandment EU populace awakening to dictatorship rewritten as Ukraine fight to join the EU democracy
Does this mean we should stop buying stock in vodka?

If you had been buying stock in vodka to enjoy drinking it then, yes, it may be time to stop. But the actual vodka instead; it'll go down so much more easily than that dry paper.
I wonder if Dung Wing Wong Jan Jing of North Korea has already died from his 6700 calories a day diet?
Does this mean we should stop buying stock in vodka?

If you had been buying stock in vodka to enjoy drinking it then, yes, it may be time to stop. But the actual vodka instead; it'll go down so much more easily than that dry paper.
I wonder if Dung Wing Wong Jan Jing of North Korea has already died from his 6700 calories a day diet?
Remember the French Revolution. People will only starve so long before they overthrow their own government. Kim Jon Stepstool will be dragged through the street by an angry mob of his own countrymen.
The UK Daily mail is now suggesting a coup, or he's ill, or something else, but Coup is the play in the headline, even though they're just wildly guessing.
Vladimir Putin has been neutralised by a stealthy coup as rumours about his health and well-being continue to flourish Daily Mail Online

They name Nikolai Patrushev as the coup leader, suggesting he's been recruited by the United states to remove Putin.
Patrushev did visit the US, even though most senior Russians were banned from entering the country.
It should be noted, he's been very vocal in condemning the US, but politics is politics, so he could easily change his opinion if enough cash comes his way.

It is amazing they are pretending not to have heard about the article in New York Post which announced his girlfriend giving birth to his child in Switzerland. Do they live in some parallel universe or what?

Not really, they just want to sell papers, and a big story is read and believed.
Little things like evidence are of no matter when it comes to attracting advertisers through high circulation figures.

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