Putin is about to launch the Russian version of Shock & Awe on Ukraine

do you agree that you dirty maskal rats are on the run ? or i´d post here the maps ? Izum etc.
Do you squeal for Azov?

When will Poland annex Lviv, Loser?
Biden, or Biden's handlers at the WEF are trying to provoke Putin into launching a tactical nuke or two, they want that so Biden may mobilize the full might of the US against Russia, and thus "suspend next months elections" which will if not stopped, likely result in the extermination of the fascist democrat party... The damage Biden has wrought upon the world in just twenty-months time has been absolutely profound!
C'mon man.
He's a lifeguard
I was listening to an old America something to do with the military tonight and funnily enough he also believes that Russia is only getting started. Various reasons for this. One being that Putin did not want to be any more destructive than necessary. According to him an enormous amount of people in Ukraine have neither water nor electricity and they are leaving in droves. He says they also took away several areas which were about the war and he believes on the one side we have NATO/Ukraine which wants total war with Russia and Russia which he believes will now take everything on the east and south side including Odessa. It did not need to be that much but Putin has not been happy with the way it has been impossible to get people to either to talk to him or to agree to negotiations. He says that the Russian A squad army, he didn't call it that but the best Russian soldiers have not been fighting. They will come in when the ground gets frozen in November then big changes. I have not a clue whether he is right or not but that is what he said.
No, I'm not.
I'm seeing the usual pro-war lies in the MSM aimed at convincing the gullible that Russia has NOT expanded its control of Ukraine from 8% last February to 20% today.

‘Now, all of you are Azov’: ‘openly neo-Nazi’ Ukrainian delegation meets Congress, tours U.S. | MR Online
I'm amused by your take on things, George! The Russians are losing territory all over Ukraine and now they're going to try and stem those losses with conscripts that want to fight even less than the regular troops that are now getting their asses kicked by a highly motivated and energized Ukrainian military fighting for their homeland!

Putin thinks he can cow the Ukrainian people by targeting civilian targets. It's a bad miscalculation. What he's managed to do is make the average Ukrainian HATE Russia with a burning passion! Russia is going to lose this war. The only question now is how badly.
I was listening to an old America something to do with the military tonight and funnily enough he also believes that Russia is only getting started. Various reasons for this. One being that Putin did not want to be any more destructive than necessary. According to him an enormous amount of people in Ukraine have neither water nor electricity and they are leaving in droves. He says they also took away several areas which were about the war and he believes on the one side we have NATO/Ukraine which wants total war with Russia and Russia which he believes will now take everything on the east and south side including Odessa. It did not need to be that much but Putin has not been happy with the way it has been impossible to get people to either to talk to him or to agree to negotiations. He says that the Russian A squad army, he didn't call it that but the best Russian soldiers have not been fighting. They will come in when the ground gets frozen in November then big changes. I have not a clue whether he is right or not but that is what he said.
With all due respect, Alexa? Think about what you just posted! Would Putin risk widespread unrest throughout Russia by conscripting 300,000 Russian men if he had an "A" rated army to send in to crush Ukraine? The premise is flawed on it's face. Putin has a serious problem because his hard liners want him to win no matter the cost...even if it means using nuclear weapons...while the vast majority of Russians never wanted the invasion of Ukraine in the first place! He may very well not survive this and I would have never thought that a few months ago but he's dug a hole and he doesn't appear to know what to do except dig it deeper!
you and your bosses in Moscow, bad news for you and your fav despotic oriental Moscow tyrants , worst than prostate cancer

how it feels? dont lie this time
Raytheon whore war monger... go away.... better yet why don't you get on a plane and go fight the Russians?.... coward....
Russia which he believes will now take everything on the east and south side including Odessa. He says that the Russian A squad army, he didn't call it that but the best Russian soldiers have not been fighting. They will come in when the ground gets frozen in November then big changes.
I agree with this part of what the guy said 100%
Up until now Putin has been fighting a limited war which is why he called it a special military operation.
But with the U.S. and NATO continually pouring in weapons and billions of dollars to Ukraine and the terrorist attack on the civilian bridge in the Russian territory of Crimea.
Putin is stepping up his war game by assembling a large number of trained soldiers and weapons while waiting for the cold weather to freeze the ground solid which is perfect for mass assaults by tanks and other tracked fighting vehicles.
Also, starting yesterday, Russian military forces have been launching dozens of long range missiles that are hitting and destroying communication centers, supply warehouses, electrical power stations, water facilities, etc.
Russian army doctrine is to pound the enemy with massive artillery barrages that can last for days, then follow it up with an assault by huge numbers of infantry soldiers, tanks, and other armored vehicles.
Once the Russian army unleashes this offensive sometime in November or early December, the Ukrainian forces will be decimated and Zelensky begging Putin for a Truce within 90 days.
Would Putin risk widespread unrest throughout Russia by conscripting 300,000 Russian men if he had an "A" rated army to send in to crush Ukraine?
Russia isn't conscripting 300,000 men.
That's just U.S. media and Ukraine's ministry of propaganda nonsense.
200,000 of the men being called up are trained military reservists. Much like our National Guard soldiers.
The other 100,000 conscripts according to the Russian government will be used in non combat roles, such as cooks, truck drivers, supply and warehouse personal, and other behind the lines logistical jobs.
It's been estimated that only about 20% of Russia's standing army is currently deployed in Ukraine, with the other 80% of the military posted in military bases throughout the huge country, and could easily be ordered to Ukraine if needed.
Russia isn't conscripting 300,000 men.
That's just U.S. media and Ukraine's ministry of propaganda nonsense.
200,000 of the men being called up are trained military reservists. Much like our National Guard soldiers.
The other 100,000 conscripts according to the Russian government will be used in non combat roles, such as cooks, truck drivers, supply and warehouse personal, and other behind the lines logistical jobs.
It's been estimated that only about 20% of Russia's standing army is currently deployed in Ukraine, with the other 80% of the military posted in military bases throughout the huge country, and could easily be ordered to Ukraine if needed.
Why would you send the conscripts to Ukraine if you could "easily" order other military posted in military bases there? You actually BELIEVE the Russian propaganda...don't you, Sunni?
Let me give you a hint! If the Russians admit that they've lost almost 60,000 soldiers in Ukraine? That number is probably three times that. The Russian military is reduced to firing long range rockets and artillery shells at the Ukrainians because when they go head to head with the Ukrainians...they're getting their asses handed to them! You've got one side that's willing to fight to the death and the other side simply wants to survive and go home!
Why would you send the conscripts to Ukraine if you could "easily" order other military posted in military bases there?
Like I clearly said, the conscripts will be doing non combat rear echelon jobs that do not require much training. Thus freeing up more regular army soldiers to participate in the fighting.
Also, I clearly stated that large numbers of Russian army soldiers posted to military bases throughout the country "could" easily be ordered to Ukraine "if" needed.
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... :link: from objective source. (not U.S. media or Ukraine ministry of propaganda)
What do you want me to link? That the Russians have said they've lost almost 60,000 men fighting in this war? That given the history of Russian propaganda that total is almost certainly undercounted?
Like I clearly said, the conscripts will be doing non combat rear echelon jobs that do not require much training. Thus freeing up more regular army soldiers to participate in the fighting.
Also, I clearly stated that large numbers of Russian army soldiers posted to military bases throughout the country "could" easily be ordered to Ukraine "if" needed.
So it makes sense to you that they would rush 300,000 men through training and ship them off to fight in Ukraine when they have 80% of their armed forces in reserve? It doesn't to me. You don't call up civilians and stir unrest unless you're desperate. Putin IS desperate! This was a war that he thought would be over in a matter of weeks and now it's turned into a meat grinder that is shredding his vaunted army!
What do you want me to link? That the Russians have said they've lost almost 60,000 men fighting in this war? That given the history of Russian propaganda that total is almost certainly undercounted?
Again, a credible :link: from a 3rd party objective source.
(meaning not pro Russian or pro Ukrainian)
So it makes sense to you that they would rush 300,000 men through training and ship them off to fight in Ukraine when they have 80% of their armed forces in reserve?
Once again, 200,000 are fully trained military reservists much like our national guard. We called up NG reservists during the Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan conflicts.
100,000 are conscripts for non combat rear echelon jobs that require very little training, like truck drivers, cooks, clerks, warehouse and supply personal, etc. which frees up the regular army soldiers for front line combat.
As of now, deploying soldiers from other military bases to Ukraine isn't required, but that "could" change "if" they are needed.
Question: are you really this obtuse or just trolling? ... :dunno:
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With all due respect, Alexa? Think about what you just posted! Would Putin risk widespread unrest throughout Russia by conscripting 300,000 Russian men if he had an "A" rated army to send in to crush Ukraine?
What I just posted was what I said it was. I also said I did not know if it was true and of course why I do not know if this is true is partly because I do not as yet know these people, so do not know how reliable they are and because of other things we have heard which you speak of.

He also said for instance that 100,000 Ukranian soldiers had been killed and far more injured.

The premise is flawed on it's face. Putin has a serious problem because his hard liners want him to win no matter the cost...even if it means using nuclear weapons...
I am no longer feeling so concerned about Putin using nukes. I guess because that conversation last night made me think that he was not in the situation I had thought with nothing to offer but nukes. I am aware that as you are saying he is not the Dictator we always describe him as but rather has to answer to others who want results. As to whether they want to push it to nuclear war or not is a different question. To me it has seemed that NATO is pushing it that way given from what is now widely said as fact along the left alternative media, NATO via Boris Johnson demanded Zelensky not accept the peace agreement he had made with Russia which was basically the Minsk Agreement. This apparently was sorted in April but Boris told Zelensky not to accept it as the time. I know Putin has been asking for talks since he came into Ukraine because I hear it every night even from Western Media so the side who is not wanting this sorted definitely seems to me to be ours. The important thing about the army coming in after the frost was apparently the amount of mud that heavy vehicles got stuck in in Ukraine so that made sense. If Putin was not wanting major war in Ukraine given the close historic situation it would make sense that having discovered that this looked necessary he would wait until the ground was right. No, there is plenty in what that guy said which sounds genuine and that had Putin being extremely savvy. I believe it is our side which is willing to push this to nuclear war in order to get what they want which is for Russia to no longer be a Superpower. Anyway Russian Troups are now moving in to engage in practice in Belarus. I am sure we will get minute to minute coverage of how that goes on (sarcasm)

The other big difference of course is that when the West describes things which have happened from the air attacks, the West makes it out to be trivial and something which will be sorted in a minute whereas he says these are very serious and likely to take a very long time to fix having already resulted in many Ukrainians leaving. He presented an alternative which I found a definite possibility and which I did not dislike as I feel NATO have been pushing us towards thermal nuclear war. IMO it could be right but it also may not have any truth in it. It is an alternative voice. We will soon find out if it is true. Obviously if I knew the people better I would be able to have a better idea of their truthfulness but I will just be waiting till we find out, In this scenario however Putin changes from being the fool we have been led to believe he is back to how he has usually been understood which is not as a fool.

P.S I wrote this before I saw Sunni Man's post to me. I also had felt those bits sounded credible.
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For the last several months Putin's special military operation was a model of how to wage a humanitarian war. He directed the Russian army to avoid killing Ukrainian citizens and bombing infrastructure targets as much as possible.

But the psycho Zelensky's terrorist bombing attack on the Kerch bridge inside the Russian territory of Crimea is a game changer.

Putin is going to take a page out of the U.S. military's playbook on conducting war like they did in Iraq and Afghanistan
Basically, pick up a sledge hammer and destroy everything in Ukraine, buildings, power plants, electric grid, warehouses, dams, municipal water plants, etc.

Putin is currently assembling and training hundreds of thousands of new Russian soldiers and arming them with new tanks, missiles, artillery, drones, small arms weapons, and a massive amount of ammo.

All that Putin is waiting for is temperatures to start falling and freeze the ground.
So the Russian tanks, armored assault vehicles, and supply trucks won't get stuck in the mud and the entire country of Ukraine will be like a cement highway swarming with the steadily advancing Russian army.

In less than 90 days the psycho criminal Zelensky will be begging Putin for a truce and huge POW camps quickly built to house all the Ukrainian prisoners of war.

How much do you get paid to write this DRIVEL?
Humanitarian war? Fuck off, no war is "humanitarian", a pointless fucking war just to make Putin look like a strongman, to regain the SHIT USSR, the war was never going to be humanitarian.
And when the moron of a Russian president says that the attack by the Ukraine on a bridge that only exists because the Russians illegally took the Crimea in 2014, as "terrorism", when he FUCKING INVADED THE UKRAINE.


Russia has been killing for fun. And now, it sees a bridge destroyed, so it goes and kills for even more fun.
And what's funny is that Russia isn't attacking strategic targets. It's doing (ironically and not for the first time) a Hitler of getting pissy that it got attacked, so is going off target and doing pointless shit that's costing money, taking up military resources just like Hitler after the UK bombed Berlin, so Hitler switched to attacking civilian targets. How'd that work out of dickfuck Hitler?
What I just posted was what I said it was. I also said I did not know if it was true and of course why I do not know if this is true is partly because I do not as yet know these people, so do not know how reliable they are and because of other things we have heard which you speak of.

He also said for instance that 100,000 Ukranian soldiers had been killed and far more injured.

I am no longer feeling so concerned about Putin using nukes. I guess because that conversation last night made me think that he was not in the situation I had thought with nothing to offer but nukes. I am aware that as you are saying he is not the Dictator we always describe him as but rather has to answer to others who want results. As to whether they want to push it to nuclear war or not is a different question. To me it has seemed that NATO is pushing it that way given from what is now widely said as fact along the left alternative media, NATO via Boris Johnson demanded Zelensky not accept the peace agreement he had made with Russia which was basically the Minsk Agreement. This apparently was sorted in April but Boris told Zelensky not to accept it as the time. I know Putin has been asking for talks since he came into Ukraine because I hear it every night even from Western Media so the side who is not wanting this sorted definitely seems to me to be ours. The important thing about the army coming in after the frost was apparently the amount of mud that heavy vehicles got stuck in in Ukraine so that made sense. If Putin was not wanting major war in Ukraine given the close historic situation it would make sense that having discovered that this looked necessary he would wait until the ground was right. No, there is plenty in what that guy said which sounds genuine and that had Putin being extremely savvy. I believe it is our side which is willing to push this to nuclear war in order to get what they want which is for Russia to no longer be a Superpower. Anyway Russian Troups are now moving in to engage in practice in Belarus. I am sure we will get minute to minute coverage of how that goes on (sarcasm)

The other big difference of course is that when the West describes things which have happened from the air attacks, the West makes it out to be trivial and something which will be sorted in a minute whereas he says these are very serious and likely to take a very long time to fix having already resulted in many Ukrainians leaving. He presented an alternative which I found a definite possibility and which I did not dislike as I feel NATO have been pushing us towards thermal nuclear war. IMO it could be right but it also may not have any truth in it. It is an alternative voice. We will soon find out if it is true. Obviously if I knew the people better I would be able to have a better idea of their truthfulness but I will just be waiting till we find out, In this scenario however Putin changes from being the fool we have been led to believe he is back to how he has usually been understood which is not as a fool.

P.S I wrote this before I saw Sunni Man's post to me. I also had felt those bits sounded credible.
With all due respect, Alexa? NATO isn't who invaded a sovereign nation killing thousands of civilians with rocket and artillery barrages! That was Putin and the Russians. Putin's actions in this conflict have been criminal and he simply doesn't care. He threatens the world with nuclear weapons because his conventional forces are losing badly. As for blaming "mud" for his armor being bogged down? His tanks are being destroyed by the Javelin anti tank systems that Ukraine has been given. Frozen ground won't stop that from happening. The truth is...whenever Russian troops have had to fight in close proximity to Ukrainian forces...they are losing badly. Morale is awful on the Russian side because their troops don't want to be in Ukraine fighting against people who were their allies a few short years ago!

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