Putin is about to launch the Russian version of Shock & Awe on Ukraine

What percentage of Russia's standing army is currently deployed to Ukraine?
Putin isn't calling me up with those numbers, George! (eye roll) Let's just say that it's become a big enough issue that Putin has been forced to call up 300,000 Russian men...give them two weeks training and then send them off to fight against the Ukrainians! A move that is not going over well at home! The Russian people don't get the REAL news...they get whatever Vlad wants them to get but even with the smoke Putin's propagandists are blowing up the Russian public's ass...that public is savvy enough to know that thousands of Russians are dying in the Ukraine and the war is dragging on and on and on! Even more dangerous for Putin however is that the Oligarchs that support him are having property seized around the world and they're being banned from travel or doing business in the West! If those Oligarchs decide that Putin's expansions are "bad for business" then Vlad is walking out on a rather small limb carrying a rather large anvil!
I don't know where you get your news from, George but it's almost comical. Putin is in serious trouble in the Ukraine and that trouble will not be alleviated by sending poorly trained and completely unmotivated troops to fight there. The more Russians he sacrifices...the quicker his demise will come.
People from Ukraine don't like people talking about them as 'the Ukraine'. Just saying
I don't see any evidence for that Ukrainian victory.
If you have some, show it.

Of course you do. The Ukrainian army is making steady progress in both the south and northeast and the Russian forces are in steady retreat. The Ukrainians have been following a successful strategy of preventing Russia from resupplying its front line troops which is creating weak spots all along the Russian lines and brilliant tactical moves that force the Russians to move troops to further create weak spots along the Russian lines. So far Russian commoners seem to have no strategy at all to guide their movements. There is no reason to think this trend can be reversed.
Three things can be watched for a long time:
A burning wood in the fireplace,
ocean waves rushing ashore
and echelons with russian military equipment moving towards Ukraine...

The first question I would have about your "echelons" is when were all those videos taken? If it was the buildup to the invasion of Ukraine then most of that armor is either destroyed or is now wearing a Ukrainian yellow and blue flag!
Of course you do. The Ukrainian army is making steady progress in both the south and northeast and the Russian forces are in steady retreat. The Ukrainians have been following a successful strategy of preventing Russia from resupplying its front line troops which is creating weak spots all along the Russian lines and brilliant tactical moves that force the Russians to move troops to further create weak spots along the Russian lines. So far Russian commoners seem to have no strategy at all to guide their movements. There is no reason to think this trend can be reversed.

George is a tankie. Google that if you don’t know what it means.
People from Ukraine don't like people talking about them as 'the Ukraine'. Just saying
I'm one of the people paying to send them billions of dollars in aid, Alexa! I've got a feeling that they could really give a shit about whether someone uses a "the" in front of Ukraine if that person is sending them weapons! Just saying....
Three things can be watched for a long time:
A burning wood in the fireplace,
ocean waves rushing ashore
and echelons with russian military equipment moving towards Ukraine...

The Ukrainians look forward to the arrival of this equipment and will enjoy using it after retreating Russian soldiers abandon it in their rush to reach the border.
I'm one of the people paying to send them billions of dollars in aid, Alexa! I've got a feeling that they could really give a shit about whether someone uses a "the" in front of Ukraine if that person is sending them weapons! Just saying....
I think it is important if you are supporting them for what they want rather than what you believe you can give them.
When Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union (USSR), some Soviets referred to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (UkSSR) as “the Ukraine.” However, since the collapse of the USSR, Ukraine has become a sovereign country and referring it to as “the Ukraine” is incorrect. Ukraine is the correct name of the country.

Ukraine’s name is thought to come from the Slavic word for borderland, so saying THE borderland makes sense. However, the use of the extra “the” irritates many Ukrainians because they think it makes them sound like they are a territory to another country and not a country themselves.

I am also one of those people paying to send them billions. All people of NATO countries are and some more than others, My country has spent an enormous amount on them, so much that it is unlikely we will be able to adequately supply ourselves with back up weapons for a long time and added to everything else, something my grand children will be paying for as long as they are able to work given Climate Disaster.
I think it is important if you are supporting them for what they want rather than what you believe you can give them.

I am also one of those people paying to send them billions. All people of NATO countries are and some more than others, My country has spent an enormous amount on them, so much that it is unlikely we will be able to adequately supply ourselves with back up weapons for a long time and added to everything else, something my grand children will be paying for as long as they are able to work given Climate Disaster.
What is "Climate Disaster"?
It's just a fanboy compilation video.

SOURCE: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
SOURCE: Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation / mil.ru
Credit to Russian MoD
MUSIC SOURCE: Audio Library YouTube
✅ Video/Thumbnail Picture Just For Illustration
Video Editing by: OdoPuiuEvents
- None of these images, music & video clips were created/owned by us.
- This video is purely fan-made, if you (owners) have seen your content and want to remove this video, please message us privately before doing anything. We will respectfully remove it immediately.
It is too late for a stalemate. Russia is losing the war and there is no way Russia can reverse the trend. Russia will either agree to withdraw from Ukraine or be driven out, and then Ukraine will become a member of NATO but by formally accepting these conditions, Russia can try to negotiate some relief from the sanctions.
When will Nazis retake Mariupol?
Of course you do. The Ukrainian army is making steady progress in both the south and northeast and the Russian forces are in steady retreat.
Got any credible evidence for that?
Which side is being accused of using Al-Qaeda terrorists in Ukraine?

Terrorists from Syria go to Ukraine to fight Russia: will Turkey suffer?

"'The main problem is the foreign fighters, they have nowhere to go,' said Sinan Ulgen, a former Turkish diplomat and analyst with Carnegie Europe.

"Sending the terrorists to Ukraine is one solution that the US and NATO are using. Just as the Obama administration used the Al Qaeda terrorists to fight the Syrian government for regime change, those same terrorists can be utilized to fight the Russians in Ukraine and Idlib."
How much money are you making from the deaths of tens of thousands of Ukrainians? How about the displacement of millions of innocent Ukrainian civilians, more or less than your ROI in Iraq and Afghanistan?
As you know, Toro is a deluded pro-war dumb fuck.

With any luck the anti-war movement in the US has awakened, and hopefully kicks the ever lasting shit out of the fucking warmongers.
Got any credible evidence for that?
Which side is being accused of using Al-Qaeda terrorists in Ukraine?

Terrorists from Syria go to Ukraine to fight Russia: will Turkey suffer?

"'The main problem is the foreign fighters, they have nowhere to go,' said Sinan Ulgen, a former Turkish diplomat and analyst with Carnegie Europe.

"Sending the terrorists to Ukraine is one solution that the US and NATO are using. Just as the Obama administration used the Al Qaeda terrorists to fight the Syrian government for regime change, those same terrorists can be utilized to fight the Russians in Ukraine and Idlib."
Your link has been taken down. Says “under maintenance.”
If they were capable of shocking and aweing Ukraine they would have done so by now.

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