Putin is about to launch the Russian version of Shock & Awe on Ukraine

I don't recall where I first saw it, but the fact is that making a dash toward Kyiv without first securing his supply lines indicated that Putin expected a quick victory and a spectacular demonstration of incompetence.
Scott Ritter has made the claim the "dash toward Kyiv" was a fixing operation designed to pin down Ukrainian troops. blow up ammunition and fuel dumps while shaping the battlefield in Donbass. That strategy has worked and will likely continue working until Ukraine runs out of cannon fodder, and Zelensky gets on a plane for London or Miami.
So far the Ukrainians have out fought and out thought the Russian invaders so there is no reason to think that this retreating Russian army will be able to save itself by bombing civilian targets.
If that's true, why does Russia control 20% of Ukraine today instead of the 8% it controlled before last February; when do the Nazis retake Mariupol?
If that's true, why does Russia control 20% of Ukraine today instead of the 8% it controlled before last February; when do the Nazis retake Mariupol?
Putin is calling up raw conscripts and emptying Russia's prisons because he's running out of troops, George! If you think the regular Russian army wasn't willing to die for Putin do you really think forced conscripts and criminals will be? Russia has painted itself into a corner with this failed invasion and now Vlad is desperate. I think Russia loses every bit of land they took including Crimea. The Ukrainians HATE the Russians now. They'll fight tooth and nail until the last Russian has been killed, surrendered or ran back to where they came from! The Russian troops could care less about "winning" at this point...they just don't want to die for a cause they never believed in, in the first place!
Originally posted by para bellum
That's a nice bedtime story for Russia fanboys.

Yours is one of the explanations, interpretations of the historical fact that the ukrainian capital was not seriously bombed even though the city was well within the reach of the russian artillery:

Ukrainian soldiers fought like lions to defend their capital or the utter incompetence of the russian army or (most likely) both.

I lack basic knowledge of the internal communications of the russian and ukrainian armies to even have an opinion.
Yours is one of the explanations, interpretations of the historical fact that the ukrainian capital was not seriously bombed even though the city was well within the reach of the russian artillery:

Ukrainian soldiers fought like lions to defend their capital or the utter incompetence of the russian army or (most likely) both.

I lack basic knowledge of the internal communications of the russian and ukrainian armies to even have an opinion.
In fact, Kyiv was seriously shelled and there was a great deal of property damage and civilian casualties and there were several attempts to enter the city that were beaten back. They broke the siege because they never managed to secure their supply lines and if they had stayed, they would have run short of food and fuel and ammunition. It was the first great victory for the Ukrainian army.
Originally posted by toomuchtime
In fact, Kyiv was seriously shelled

That was not what the argentinian journalist said (and just about everybody who was in Kiev in March).
Putin is calling up raw conscripts and emptying Russia's prisons because he's running out of troops, George! If you think the regular Russian army wasn't willing to die for Putin do you really think forced conscripts and criminals will be?
I've heard that coming from some of the same sources that lied about Snake Island and the Ghost of Kiev; however, I've also heard the claim those 300,000 recruits all have previous experience in the Russian military.

It seem far more likely that Ukraine will run out of bodies long before Russia does.

Ukraine and Russia explained in maps and charts
Ukraine is getting modern weapons.
Russia is relying on a lot of Soviet-era equipment.
Ukrainians are fighting for their homes.
Most Russian soldiers don’t want to be there and aren’t sticking their necks out.
There are millions leaving Russia because they don’t want to be part of the conscription.
Replacement troops often desert.
Soldiers surrender, taking equipment with them to collect Ukrainian rewards.
So, you're predicting a corrupt oligarchic state staring at hyperinflation will defeat a continental superpower with a thousand nuclear weapons?

Ukraine Inflation June 2022
For the last several months Putin's special military operation was a model of how to wage a humanitarian war. He directed the Russian army to avoid killing Ukrainian citizens and bombing infrastructure targets as much as possible.

But the psycho Zelensky's terrorist bombing attack on the Kerch bridge inside the Russian territory of Crimea is a game changer.

Putin is going to take a page out of the U.S. military's playbook on conducting war like they did in Iraq and Afghanistan
Basically, pick up a sledge hammer and destroy everything in Ukraine, buildings, power plants, electric grid, warehouses, dams, municipal water plants, etc.

Putin is currently assembling and training hundreds of thousands of new Russian soldiers and arming them with new tanks, missiles, artillery, drones, small arms weapons, and a massive amount of ammo.

All that Putin is waiting for is temperatures to start falling and freeze the ground.
So the Russian tanks, armored assault vehicles, and supply trucks won't get stuck in the mud and the entire country of Ukraine will be like a cement highway swarming with the steadily advancing Russian army.

In less than 90 days the psycho criminal Zelensky will be begging Putin for a truce and huge POW camps quickly built to house all the Ukrainian prisoners of war.
Who do you get your propaganda from?
Russia has painted itself into a corner with this failed invasion and now Vlad is desperate. I think Russia loses every bit of land they took including Crimea. The Ukrainians HATE the Russians now.
Do you agree Russia is no longer fighting a Ukrainian army equipped by NATO, but a NATO army manned by Ukrainians?

Scott Ritter: Why Russia Will Still Win, Despite Ukraine's Gains - scheerpost.com

"Russia has fought three different styles of wars in the six months since it entered Ukraine.

"The first was a war of maneuver, designed to seize as much territory as possible to shape the battlefield militarily and politically.

"The operation was conducted with approximately 200,000 Russian and allied forces, who were up against an active-duty Ukrainian military of some 260,000 troops backed by up to 600,000 reservists.

"The standard 3:1 attacker-defender ratio did not apply — the Russians sought to use speed, surprise, and audacity to minimize Ukraine’s numerical advantage, and in the process hoping for a rapid political collapse in Ukraine that would prevent any major fighting between the Russian and Ukrainian armed forces."

Do you really believe Putin will be allowed to permit a hostile military alliance waging war on Russian soil?

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