Putin Is Obliterating Biden's Political Standing

You are very ignorant to campaigning.

All leaders embrace religion because thevstuoid godbotherers take comfort for thinking the leader is on their side.
Remember trump grandstanding in front of the church waving a bible? His popularity increases. Jesus junkies like you loved it.
He has as much religion in him as my dog and you fell for it.

The irony of both instances is teump went in to be defeated even with his pussy grabbing sins and Putin goes ahead and slaughters people at will.
Yet you think a dose of religion solves it all and you give them your blessing.
You're as dumb as dogshit.
They conned you son.
Stick with your filthy bible and let the adults set the agenda.

Sounds great, but why don't you find an adult that understands you don't have to be religious to support the liberty of those who wish to practice their religion. Trump has never been a police officer either, but he supports their cause. He's never been in the military, but strongly supports our men and women that serve this country.

I was born and raised as a Catholic. I went to private Catholic grade school; was even an altar boy, but I don't follow the religion today and haven't in many years. I still have a strong belief in God, it's just that I never subscribed to the writings of the Holy Bible. After all, it was written by man and rewritten dozens of times.

For the most part people like myself and those who follow any particular religion only ask to be left alone. We believe in a superior being and you can believe you are some sort of advanced primate (not that your posts don't reflect that) and everybody is happy.
Obama is obliterating Biden's political standing having set the stage in Ukraine the way he did...ILLEGALLY. The Russian presence in Ukraine now is nothing but karma doing its job, a country overtly taking back what was covertly ousted from them for someone else's business interests.
You have yet to condemn Putin's action because you support him.
You know I'm right and you haven't the guts to admit it.
You spineless turd.
I don't care about about Putin. I care about the cretin that is our illegitimate president fucking absolutely everything up. You dumbass.
Not that Biden has much political standing in America, as his train wreck presidency has given him a dismal 33% approval rate. And his deployment of US troops to Europe is getting even worse numbers than that (26%). If we see US troops fighting and getting killed, I could see Biden's numbers dropping to single digits of less than 10%.

I wonder if this is Putin's game plan. Manipulate the weak-minded Biden to act, in such a way that would bring about Russian responses to Bidens' actions. And what might these responses entail? Already some people are forecasting $8/gallon gas prices, among other repercussions painful to the American people.

Is Putin trying to help Trump for 2024 ? One thing is for sure - Biden is looking really BAD in all of this, and it's going to get worse.
Conservatives side with Putin against the United States, no surprise there.
I don't care about about Putin.
Yes you do. It's your biggest weapon to destroy Biden.
I care about the cretin that is our illegitimate president fucking absolutely everything up. You dumbass.
There was no fraud and your party agreed to that.
You're upset because I'm right up your nose with truth and you can't take the heat. Suck eggs.
Of course not and that's why not one has condemned his actions.
It must be just me being a synic.
I'm a big enough idiot to expose you frauds.
Why should anyone condemn his actions? Do you think Putin gives a rats ass how anyone feels?
Why should anyone condemn his actions? Do you think Putin gives a rats ass how anyone feels?
Because if you believe in freedom like you all belch about, You should care.
You cared enough about Vietnam to send 55000 boys to their deaths but not Ukrainians.

I think the whole subject is a bit deep for you to understand. Not to mention your hypocrisy for political reasons.
Putin is obliterating his own standing. as WaPo's Christian Caryl writes in a piece i'll summarize:

So, President Putin, you’ve finally done what the world long feared you would do: You have launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

You haven’t made a secret of your intentions. You want to put an end to the existence of an independent and democratic Ukraine, and make sure that it will never join the West. And you want to guarantee that Moscow will once again be in a position — as it was throughout the life of the Soviet empire — to run things in Kyiv. You want to be able, once again, to tell Ukrainians who they are, what their history is and what their values should be.

You have made a terrible mistake. Many people will give their lives for this act of folly. But of one thing I am sure: Your assault in Ukraine will ultimately lead to the very outcomes you hoped to avoid.

Your 2014 annexation of Crimea and the proxy war in Donbas that you launched that same year succeeded in making Ukrainians more patriotic, more pro-European, and more protective of their statehood and their freedoms than ever before. Before 2014, support for NATO membership in Ukraine was lukewarm; since then, Russia’s actions have convinced many doubters that seeking better relations with the alliance is a must.

In my own dealings with Ukrainians, I have seen little evidence that they hate Russians, despite your efforts to convince the world they do. But over the past few years, Ukrainians (and the rest of the world) have seen more and more clearly the crass divide between your protestations of pan-Slavic brotherhood and the cynicism and corruption of your regime. Your speeches in recent days, in which you depicted Ukrainians as citizens of a half-imaginary country whose fate should be determined by the Kremlin, will only deepen the rupture between Russians and Ukrainians. Your insults sit deep.

Ukrainians now know what to expect from you and your regime. You can try to seize power through force and fear and lies — but you have already lost the war of ideas
Because if you believe in freedom like you all belch about, You should care.
You cared enough about Vietnam to send 55000 boys to their deaths but not Ukrainians.

I think the whole subject is a bit deep for you to understand. Not to mention your hypocrisy for political reasons.
If you believed in freedom Biden would not be president. Say something intelligent or just get lost.
If you believed in freedom Biden would not be president. Say something intelligent or just get lost.
Could you elaborate exactly How you arrive at that?
Isn't democracy providing enough freedom for you?
Is that why you supported the j6 riots?
To give you freedom from democracy?
How do you think or do you think at all.
It even works on the brainless. The post you replied to proves that.

Actually it only works on the brainless. People with control of their own will can't be brainwashed. Once brainwashed, people will walk into a pit of fire if instructed.

30 million dollar investigation paid for by us taxpayers to prove Trump had nothing to do with the Russians.
Prior investigations reveal the only collusion with the Russians was Hillary and the DNC.
Trump had sanction after sanction on Russia while President.
Biden got in and allowed Russia to open up their pipeline.
Biden closed down our pipeline to make sure we couldn't compete with Russia.
The US now has to import between 12 and 28 million barrels of Russian oil every single month.
Putin indirectly threatened the US if we got involved in Ukraine.

And after all that, the puppets are repeating how Republicans are with Putin. Only somebody under complete mind control could ever say something that stupid.
Could you elaborate exactly How you arrive at that?
Isn't democracy providing enough freedom for you?
Is that why you supported the j6 riots?
To give you freedom from democracy?
How do you think or do you think at all.
You are talking out of your ass. Go away.

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