Putin Is Obliterating Biden's Political Standing

And another Russian troll outs himself.

Biden isn't looking bad, but YOU are.
Desperate Nazi spouts bullshit again. Xiden is looking REALLY bad right now, and it’s only going to get worse. 26% approval of his handling of this. Any American casualties will put him under 15% approval.
Yeah, it really looks like he's backing down. Trump said it best last night when being interviewed by Laura: This would have never happened under my watch. This action was because of the way Biden Fd up the Afghanistan war and Putin sees Dementia as an easy target.
He won’t back down either. He has Germany over a barrel. Shut off his pipeline and they’ll be in big trouble. So they’ll do nothing.
You're so brainwashed and clueless you think that Trump's slavering devotion to Putin has NOTHING to do with this.

What's completely false. Who, beside YOU, and the rest of the Trump Cult, and Fox News, are praising Putin. Even the Chinese have said what he's doing is wrong.

Disgusting! But then you did vote for Trump.
Stop lying you idiot. You’re a Nazi lover so you can just STFU. Trump has nothing to do with this. Note that Putin waited until the pants shitter was in office to do anything. You’re disgusting. But you do support a dictator wannabe who had police trample an elderly indigenous woman, beat an elderly man from honking his horn, the list goes on....
What a STUPID, STUPID suggestion. Jailing everyone who crosses your border illegally for 5 years.

977,000 people crossed the border illegally in 2019. $50,000 per year to keep them in federal prison, so that's $50,000 X 5 years = $250,000 X 977,000 prisoners. That's $48 billion per year, just for one' year's prisoners. Over the period of 5 years, you'd spend $245 billion keeping these people in jail.

That's in addition to the highest rates of incarceration in the entire world.

No stupid. The weakling President was the guy YOU elected. Donald Trump. The guy who tried to break up NATO.

Imagine where we would be today, if Trump had succeeded in pulling the USA out of NATO.

And then there's the slavering weaklings at FOX News praising Putin. Proving that they truly do hate the USA and want to see it destroyed, just like their hero, Vlad.
More lies. No surprise. Putin and Xi did nothing while Trump was in office. Putin took land while Obozo and Xiden were in charge. But you love you some dictator wannabe like pussy Turdeau. Acknowledging Putin made Xiden looked stupid is not supporting him. But a mental weakling like you just repeats your CNN talking points.....
Dementia can't do completely nothing. He's going to place sanctions on the country that's now supplying Europe and the US with oil. You know what that means, huge spikes in oil prices costing Americans hundreds of billions; not only in gasoline, but in increased transportation costs of all the goods we purchase because diesel fuel will be much more expensive.

More inflation, less money circulating in the country, the Democrats are doomed come election time.
There is one thing that Biden can do to prevent even higher gas prices from descending on us. That is he can approve the Keystone pipeline, and increase DRILLING, wherever possible.

He won't do that though, because he is too deeply tied to the Squad, and all those progressive fossil fuel haters. So the prices will skyrocket up, Biden's approval rate (what's left of it) will drop like a lead ball, a record number of House Democrats are quitting, and the Democratic party is in disassemble chaos.
You're so stupid you think that Putin is playing Biden???? Blind and stupid.

Putin has lost his mind and enbarked on an illegal war, which is being condemned by every first world nation in the world, including China.

The only first world support Putin has is from Donald Trump, FOX News and the American Republican Party. How shameful is that.

And all of Putin's faithful minions are coming here to call Joe Biden names, and to heap praise on Vladimir Putin, and to spread hate and lies about your President. What kind of an American are you to cheer her sworn enemy over your own President?

Disgraceful. Shameful.
Yes your constant lies are disgraceful and shameful. But a moron like you can’t stop crying about Trump while desperately avoiding the fact that this is ALL on Xiden and his fecklessness.
Those are Democrat polls. Inject the whole country, and you get 15% - if that (and dropping)
You just belive whatever the fuck you want to.

You have these insane notions and then have to make up more crazy shit to explain the reality of elections.
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You just belive whatever the fuck you want to.

You have these insane notions and then have to make up more crazy shit to explain the reality of elections.
The 2016 Hillary win predictions explained it quite well. 😐
There is one thing that Biden can do to prevent even higher gas prices from descending on us. That is he can approve the Keystone pipeline, and increase DRILLING, wherever possible.

He won't do that though, because he is too deeply tied to the Squad, and all those progressive fossil fuel haters. So the prices will skyrocket up, Biden's approval rate (what's left of it) will drop like a lead ball, a record number of House Democrats are quitting, and the Democratic party is in disassemble chaos.

The Communist party is so scared to death of the man that they refuse to do anything he would do or would have done to help the country. They'd sooner see this country burn to the ground than to revert to a successful Trump policy. I've never seen anything like this in my entire life. But it's not surprising. When has the Communist party ever been about country first-party second in the last couple of decades?
bidim destroyed US energy independence...

R we going to depend on Putin for gas some day?

the retard in chief doesn't give a rip... He can afford gas at just about any price..

We already are Russian dependent. The US imports between 12 million and 28 million barrels of Russian oil every month, and this is no accident either. If Biden gets too cocky with Putin, it goes down to 6 or 8 million barrels a month. Depending on what the future holds, we may see the highest national gasoline prices in our history.
The Communist party is so scared to death of the man that they refuse to do anything he would do or would have done to help the country. They'd sooner see this country burn to the ground than to revert to a successful Trump policy. I've never seen anything like this in my entire life. But it's not surprising. When has the Communist party ever been about country first-party second in the last couple of decades?
No Communist Party has ever been for Country first. That's because like 2022 Democrats, they are all INTERnationalists, just like their creator Karl Marx, who said >> "Workers of the WORLD unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains,".

As such, they don't believe in the concept of nations, or national borders. They see the world in terms of economic CLASSES, not nations. This is why Communist/GLOBALIST Biden is perfectly comfortable with inviting the whole world to cross our border and live here.

It also explains Obama's comment in a speech in Germany, when he said >> "
"I am a citizen of the world.", for which he was sharply criticized by 2012 conservative presidential candidate Virgil Goode, who said "You're supposed to be a citizen of the United States, and as a US president, representing the American people, not the world."

But Obama was too GLOBALIST-STUPID to even comprehend what Virgil Goode was telling him. Democrat-Globalist loons lost in a fog of globalist lunacy.
The ultra-lib female (she doesn't like to be called "lady" or "woman") next door came over to beg for some sour cream tonight.

She does that often - but usually for stuff like wheat-germ (which I don't have).

I couldn't resist asking her about Ukraine. It was hard to understand her at first until the mask got saturated and fell off.

She admitted she's in tears (they are HELL on paper masks) over NOTwhat Xiden has done with Ukraine. RATHER.....disappointed that he hasn't nationalized the grocery stores and mobilized the army to fix the broken supply chain. But truly angry that He hasn't opened re-education camps for the unvaccinated.

I asked if she's sorry she voted for Xiden.

She admitted she IS and wishes she had just stayed home.
Not voted for anyone - not even write in Mao-Tse-Dung (intentional).
At least, then, she caterwauled..........at least then you couldn't blame MEEeeeeeeeeeeee....
That "mee.eeeeeeeeee"....." strung out behind her like a tapeworm out of a cat's ass when the medicine kicks in.

I never knew she could move that fast!

BTW, I did have some sour cream left over from making coffee cake but she won't have seen the mold on it until she started stirring it in. But being a liberal and willing to overlook so much.....naw.....probably won't even.

Now I gotta go warn the other neithbors in case she's giving away coffee cake.....or trying to sell it to them by the slice.

I mean, just in case.......

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