Putin Is Squeezing Them Dry


Sep 23, 2010
The vice president said:

The President and I also discussed our commitments as NATO allies. I came here today and will travel to Vilnius tomorrow to stand with our NATO allies and reconfirm and reaffirm our shared commitment to collective self-defense, to Article 5. I want to make it absolutely clear what it means to the Estonian people and all the people of the Baltics. President Obama and I view Article 5 of the NATO Treaty as an absolutely solemn commitment which we will honor -- we will honor.

The White House
Office of the Vice President
For Immediate Release
March 18, 2014​

Remarks to the Press by Vice President Joe Biden and President Toomas Ilves of Estonia
Warsaw Marriott Hotel
Warsaw, Poland​

The president said:

"We are not going to be getting into a military excursion in Ukraine.


Russia, right now, is violating International law . . .

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=d7TilcaBOfc]Obama Rules Out Military Action Over Ukraine - YouTube[/ame]​

Biden said the US will go to war for NATO. The president said the opposite. There is no reason to think that Biden, who is never right about anything, will break his losing streak.

Forget the possibility of war. Taqiyya the Liar, and Kerry the Traitor, repeatedly refer to violations of International law but neither they nor anyone else cites the specific law that was violated. So let’s try it this way.

Is Article 5 of the NATO Treaty international law? If so, how so since the treaty excludes Australia, Africa, all of Latin America, and all of Asia?

NOTE: United Nations headquarters in Manhattan is Socialism’s cathedral on par with Vatican City. So I use the upper case I in the word international wherever I think it is appropriate.

international (adjective)
Abbr. int., intl.

1. Of, relating to, or involving two or more nations: an international commission; international affairs.

2. Extending across or transcending national boundaries: international fame.

International (noun)

Any of several socialist organizations of international scope formed during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

In most instances the noun is appropriate whenever the topic is the UNIC (United Nations/ International Community), and in every instance when the topic is non-existent International law.

The con job is in speaking and reading. Most listeners hear the adjective when the speaker clearly means the noun.

The United Nations Security Council said:

Deputy UN Secretary General, Jan Eliasson, and UN Assistant Secretary General for Human Rights, Ivan Simonovic, briefed the Security Council on the latest developments in the Ukraine region, which they both had personally visited.

Mr. Eliasson warned that “the crisis has continued to deepen [and] tensions in Crimea and in eastern Ukraine continue to rise…we are now faced with risks of a dangerous further escalation that could have ramifications for international peace and security and have serious significance for this Council and for the United Nations.”


When his turn came to speak, Russia’s UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin came out swinging. After hailing the “historic” occasion of Russian re-unification with Crimea to correct a serious “injustice,” he once again dismissed the legality of the new government in Kiev . . .


U.S. Ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power, retorted: “The Representative of the Russian Federation began his intervention extolling the so-called referendum as embodying democratic procedures, and having been conducted without outside interference.”

Obama serving as lead insurance salesman for ObamaCare rather than on the deteriorating health of the world occurring under his watch
Another Wasted War of Words at UN Security Council Meeting on Ukraine
By Joseph A. Klein Thursday, March 20, 2014

Another Wasted War of Words at UN Security Council Meeting on Ukraine

You have to love watching American quislings tripping all over their tongues trying to find a way to put the United Nations in charge. If talking heads were wind turbines they would generate more electrical power than a nuclear power plant. All of their talk is about Russia’s intentions is designed to avoid stating one obvious truth. Every decision must conform to the New World Order crowd’s original blueprint for the United Nations. When that criterion is not met then the policy shifts to stall, stall, stall, until conditions change. The problem is that Putin won’t cooperate because he does not have to.

The fact is that Putin has the New World Order crowd by the balls by virtue of Russia’s seat on the PERMANENT SECURITY COUNCIL. That allows Putin to squeeze them for all they’re worth.

On the bright side the more Putin squeezes, the better the chance the quislings will finally realize their global government scheme is a colossal failure. Facing that one reality is what it will take to shut that place down. They better do it pretty soon or they won’t have any balls left.

Finally, when bankers —— who are the driving force behind the New World Order —— fail to bring Russia to its knees with economic sanctions they will have lost the last meaningful leverage they had. Once that is gone it is gone forever.

Younger Americans have only one thing to fear. The quislings might very well turn to war to salvage the decades they invested in establishing a global government. Defeating Russia will have the same result as did the North defeating the South in America’s Civil War. Every country will become subservient to a central government, i.e. the United Nations. Bottom line: If war comes it will come because there is no other way to save the United Nations just as the War Between the States was about saving the federal government.

p.s. Today’s moral horse manure is the equivalent of freeing the slaves during the Civil War. After every person on Earth is enslaved by United Nations bankers the propagandists will convince them that a global civil war freed them.
I see the only name spelled or used correctly is the authors lovebird Putin...
Could have checked to see which countries were members of NATO and which ones aren't before using all them words.
Could have checked to see which countries were members of NATO and which ones aren't before using all them words.

To Camp: When I need your advice on to emphasis a point I’ll ask for it.
Could have checked to see which countries were members of NATO and which ones aren't before using all them words.

To Camp: When I need your advice on to emphasis a point I’ll ask for it.

This time it looks like you didn't use enough word(s). What does "...on to emphasis a point..." mean? I am bad at grammer and spelling. This comment you made confuses me. I think you left out a word.
Don't worry about needing my advice and having to ask for it. I'm happy to help.
To Camp: When I need your advice on HOW to emphasis a point I’ll ask for it.

This time it looks like you didn't use enough word(s). What does "...on to emphasis a point..." mean? I am bad at grammer and spelling. This comment you made confuses me. I think you left out a word.
Don't worry about needing my advice and having to ask for it. I'm happy to help.[/QUOTE]

To Camp: Is that better?
Taqiyya the Liar won’t defend this country in the war Islam started; so there is not a chance he will enforce the Monroe Doctrine:

Away from the conflict in Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin is quietly seeking a foothold in Latin America, military officials warn.

To the alarm of lawmakers and Pentagon officials, Putin has begun sending navy ships and long-range bombers to the region for the first time in years.


“In Venezuela, a lot of the money that’s been able to prop up President Chavez and now Maduro has been Chinese money,” Kelly said.

Is Putin making moves in Latin America too?
posted at 10:41 am on March 21, 2014 by Bruce McQuain

Is Putin making moves in Latin America too? « Hot Air

There is also a possibility that Putin is playing into the hands of the New World Order crowd. They will only start a war if they can blame it on Putin or China. Americans will not buy another war in Europe for any reason, but they might bite if Putin’s actions come closer to home.

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