Putin, It's Enough!

It's all just propaganda.
No. It's a fact - Ukrainian nationalists are guilty of Volyn massacre.
Propaganda here
"who fought against Stalin & Russian tyranny."
Those who are gutting pregnant women ... referred to as "heroes" who fought against Russian tyranny.

So, you're another Putin ass- kissing troller that joined this thread. Welcome to the FREE world!
Too bad those who voice opposition to Putin get killed in Russia, or poisoned elsewhere :-(

I bet you cannot say anything negative about popa Putin!! I can criticize Obama, Trump, or any American politician/businessman all I want with liberty. I am not afraid to do so.
Too bad smart-minded Russians don't have that luxury.

YES, the Lebed-led Ukrainian nationalists are responsible for the tragic murders of innocent Polish people in the early 1940's. Those radical UPA followers were inhuman assholes, killing approx 80,000 Poles.
What does that make Stalin, who was responsible for approx 5,000,000 deaths of Ukrainian people in the 1930's?
That does not excuse the OUN factions from their murders, but they may have been frustrated in their violent battles with Stalin, Nazis, and Poles who took away their Uki land & culture.

I don't support ethnic cleansing of any kind, and what Putin is responsible for in eastern Ukraine is ethnic cleansing of Ukrainians, who lived peacefully with their Russian neighbors in Donbass until the Russian nationalists invaded.

I personally think that all "nationalists" are stupid assholes, whether they are Ukrainian, Russian, or American.
I'm sorry to inform you that Putin is one of them.
Welcome to the FREE world!
I don't want to shock you.
But Russia more free country than America.

You know Russian?

Yes, you can criticize. a problem that it EVERYTHING that you can.

Your special services listen to your phones and read letters.
Your soldiers are sent as rams there where will want when want.

And you can't return them.
They will be killed for oil.
And you will criticize... at a forum. And to shout - you look, I am American. I can write - Bush you are a goat! And me for it will be nothing.

But if you try to go outside and els you black, the police officer can kill you as a dog.

Give. Leave. Also try to change something. Tomorrow at 12 o'clock in the afternoon.
I will look on news as you will lie in snivels and urine... poured by pepper gas... and the stun gun will stick out of your ass)
It's all just propaganda.
No. It's a fact - Ukrainian nationalists are guilty of Volyn massacre.
Propaganda here
"who fought against Stalin & Russian tyranny."
Those who are gutting pregnant women ... referred to as "heroes" who fought against Russian tyranny.

So, you're another Putin ass- kissing troller that joined this thread. Welcome to the FREE world!
Too bad those who voice opposition to Putin get killed in Russia, or poisoned elsewhere :-(

I bet you cannot say anything negative about popa Putin!! I can criticize Obama, Trump, or any American politician/businessman all I want with liberty. I am not afraid to do so.
Too bad smart-minded Russians don't have that luxury.

YES, the Lebed-led Ukrainian nationalists are responsible for the tragic murders of innocent Polish people in the early 1940's. Those radical UPA followers were inhuman assholes, killing approx 80,000 Poles.
What does that make Stalin, who was responsible for approx 5,000,000 deaths of Ukrainian people in the 1930's?
That does not excuse the OUN factions from their murders, but they may have been frustrated in their violent battles with Stalin, Nazis, and Poles who took away their Uki land & culture.

I don't support ethnic cleansing of any kind, and what Putin is responsible for in eastern Ukraine is ethnic cleansing of Ukrainians, who lived peacefully with their Russian neighbors in Donbass until the Russian nationalists invaded.

I personally think that all "nationalists" are stupid assholes, whether they are Ukrainian, Russian, or American.
I'm sorry to inform you that Putin is one of them.

If you are a part of FREE world, why do you abuse people, who like Putin? Do you understand, in FREE world ALL can have own opinion? Wake up, you're really not in your eternally unslaved West Ukraine... :)

So, I like Putin too, why I don't? He makes social programs, like gift of about 8000$ to every family, who have second child. He forbid harmful propagand for child. He really periodically shakes local officials for good work. Also, we have really free life in Russia now. I think, it's good for me, and Putin - my lovely president, it's my private opinion, like opinion of above 80% here.

What does that make Stalin, who was responsible for approx 5,000,000 deaths of Ukrainian people in the 1930's?

First - be responsible of yourself... The crimes of whole world are not a reason to ignore of yours :)
Second - you really mean, Stalin is a hand of God? :) Because tragedy of 1932-1933 years was really Heaven's purpose. Don't lie about "special Ukrainian tragedy", it was a tragedy of all South Russia, including Black Earth and Volga regions. But all, who allowed goverment to take grain - remained alive. Instead of "thrifty" Ukrainians, which took grain, poisoned by ergot, to earth holes. And then ate it, poisoned and have much facts of mindless behavior, like cannibalism, until their death.
What is the role of Stalin? Stalin just saved all 'not so thrifty' by centralized food supply. Do you know, at this season he bought grain in Iran, for the gold?

ethnic cleansing of Ukrainians

I ask you again - how can you differ Ukrainians from Russian? Not all Russian speak Ukrainians, but ALL Ukrainians speak Russian. I would believe in ethnic cleansing, just if you explain me, HOW to separate Ukrainians ethnically, or, at least, by language? :))))
nteresting Russian law? :) Planning to become a part of Russia? :) Don't believe in Poroshenko's forces and NATO supply? :))))

Actually, I don’t give a shit about Russian law. But it is sad that Russian “patriots” know nothing about it, and therefore an “Ukro-nazi patriot” has to explain some provisions of the law. Don’t tell that to your friends, because they won’t believe in it and will beat you. But if you eventually don’t take my advice and tell them and they will begin to beat you, ask them to beat your head because it is the most wooden part of your body.

Planning to become a part of Russia?

Only in a nightmare.

And where's aviacarrier Varjag, which was Ukrainian after USSR falling (and why) ? :) No problem, let's to continue :)

Leave alone Variag for a while. What can you add about the hover?

You have time to playing games on forum, not only to speak? Sure, you're really professional ukrainian troll with fixed hour rate! Instead of us "troll from secret school", which all have normal job and visit forum only for talking...

Yeah, I understand that it is difficult for you being a woodhead to make logical conclusions. Ask somebody to calculate an average amount of posts per day which you have and which I do. And then ask them to explain why you screwed up again.

So, I understand your emotions, when you, professional, lose me, just enthusiast, regularly

There is one problem about it, namely such things exist only in your sick dreams.
Question 1.How many questions were planning to discuss at referendum?


After this, the Communist Party was given 30 days to collect the signatures of 2% of the number of voters in Moscow (146 thousand). To hand over the documents necessary until 26 July.

Damn it. Are you crazy? There are already two links here which say that 146000 are 5%. Do you understand that? Five percent. Repeat after me, letter by letter – five percent, five percent, five percent. Is that enough?

If I understand correctly what is said in your article, the communists won’t give documents to the election committee now. They have an intention to demand that all three questions be included in the referendum.

Well Done. Do not forget. You're the daughter of an officer! =))

Okay, my little sister, I will remember that.
Why you didnt write that question was 3?
And 2% voted in favor of a referendum on three issues. And not just on the monument?

Damn it. Are you crazy? There are already two links here which say that 146000 are 5%. Do you understand that?
This question number two.
br 1 2015 -

In Moscow, 7.3 million voters.

1% = 73 000 voters
2%= 146 000

you write

"that 146000 are 5%"

Explain. Please.
Why you didnt write that question was 3?
And 2% voted in favor of a referendum on three issues. And not just on the monument?

Because Moscow Council rejected the other two questions, so there remained only one question – the question about Dzerzhinsky. It is written on the article you gave a link. Read it more thoroughly.

This question number two.
br 1 2015 -

In Moscow, 7.3 million voters.

1% = 73 000 voters
2%= 146 000

you write

"that 146000 are 5%"

Explain. Please.

It seems that you are right, there must be 2% and they have gathered 2% of voters. There is a mistake on the communists’ site and I didn’t understand correctly the information on the site of the Central Election Committee. I have to admit that. I am sorry.
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I ask you again - how can you differ Ukrainians from Russian? Not all Russian speak Ukrainians, but ALL Ukrainians speak Russian. I would believe in ethnic cleansing, just if you explain me, HOW to separate Ukrainians ethnically, or, at least, by language? :))))

Are you simply ignorant & a victim of Kremlin's nationalistic propaganda, or the Putin troll we believe you are?

Ukraine's official state language is UKRAINIAN, not Russian. Yes, Russian as a "minority" language is spoken by most Ukrainians (in addition to Ukrainian) in the eastern Donbas cities, due to forced Russification under the communist USSR.
However, many ethnic Ukrainians do not speak Russian in the western oblasts, especially in the rural areas.
Ethnic Russians (by family/culture & main language) were a MINORITY in the Donbas regions ... until asshole/Жopa Putin helped the Russian invaders cleanse the Ukrainians who wanted peace.

According to the 2001 Census, this map shows the areas in Ukraine that are predominantly Ukrainian (green) or other ethnicities.

nteresting Russian law? :) Planning to become a part of Russia? :) Don't believe in Poroshenko's forces and NATO supply? :))))

'Sick dreams', 'woodhead'... Such a predictable childgarden level :) After it you should make fart and laught :)))

Leave alone Variag for a while.

No. Ukraina didn't left Varjag 'for a while' - just sold it at the price of raw metal. It's a brilliant example of west-ukrainian approach to the all problems :)
I ask you again - how can you differ Ukrainians from Russian? Not all Russian speak Ukrainians, but ALL Ukrainians speak Russian. I would believe in ethnic cleansing, just if you explain me, HOW to separate Ukrainians ethnically, or, at least, by language? :))))

Are you simply ignorant & a victim of Kremlin's nationalistic propaganda, or the Putin troll we believe you are?

Yes, I'm troll, brainwashed by Kremlin and going to Ukraine as volunteer to perform ethnic cleansings. Just explain me, how I can at practic differ Ukrainian from Russian?

Ukraine's official state language is UKRAINIAN, not Russian.

Yes, I know, it official enough to allow about half of deputies of Rada speak Ukrainian with mistakes :)))

However, many ethnic Ukrainians do not speak Russian in the western oblasts, especially in the rural areas.

Are you sure? Ok, just explain, how about 4 million of guest workers works at constructions in Russia without speaking of Russian? :)

Almost all citizens from West Ukraine learnt Russian at schools and used Russian in life. I suspect, in front of a machine gun barrel ALL ukrainians will speak Russian well, including West Ukraine citizens too.

According to the 2001 Census, this map shows the areas in Ukraine that are predominantly Ukrainian (green) or other ethnicities.
View attachment 45848

Yes, and now see a language map. I'm going to Zaporizhia. Map says - most of citizens there are Ukrainians, but mostly speaking Russian. HOW can I separate Ukrainians from Russian?

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After it you should make fart and laught :)))

Yeah, I have to admit that sometimes I can’t help but laugh reading your posts.

'Sick dreams', 'woodhead'...

It is sad but true. I think you should be grateful that you are told the truth about who you are in reality.
Don’t worry we won’t judge you too severely.

No. Ukraina didn't left Varjag 'for a while' - just sold it at the price of raw metal. It's a brilliant example of west-ukrainian approach to the all problems :)

It may be a thousand times true, but what does it have to do with you or your country? Why are you so upset about a Ukrainian aircraft carrier? Are you a Ukrainian patriot?

So, you haven’t found additional words to say something about the hover? Don’t worry, I will help you. Just say that “Folks, I screwed up about the hover. Don’t judge me too severely because at least I have the balls to admit that”.
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Well, you stupid.
60% of Muscovites want to put a monument.
But for 1 month only 150,000 have signed.

You really dont understand that this is impossible?

If I understand correctly, it is my turn to ask questions.

Okay, what we have ascertained about the stuff? There were three questions which were supposed to be in the referendum – one about Dzerzhinsky and two about social issues. But Moscow Council agreed to include only the former question and rejected the latter two.

According to Russian law the organisers of a referendum (in this case it is the Communist party, unless I am mistaken) must gather signatures from 2% of the voters, and they have 30 days to do it. The organisers have succeeded in it – both in the percentage of the voters and in the term required.

After that the organisers have decided not to give the documents to an election committee, but to demand that all three questions be included in the poll.

Also, there are two sociological surveys (which were conducted not by the communists) which say that more than half of Muscovites support the idea of the monument.

And now here is my question:
How does all of that prove that it is impossible that more than half of Muscovites support the monument?
Sbiker asked:
"HOW can I separate Ukrainians from Russian? "

The Ukrainians will separate you!
Like they did the asshole Russian invaders in the Donbas who pretended to be Ukrainian-Russian (ethnic Russians living in Ukraine).
How? By your accent & other "strange behaviour".

Both Australians & New Zealanders speak English. Different countries.
How do they separate each other?
They also distinguished me from my accent and word usage.
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Sbiker asked:
"HOW can I separate Ukrainians from Russian? "

The Ukrainians will separate you!
Like they did the asshole Russian invaders in the Donbas who pretended to be Ukrainian-Russian (ethnic Russians living in Ukraine).
How? By your accent & other "strange behaviour".

Both Australians & New Zealanders speak English. Different countries.
How do they separate each other?
They also distinguished me from my accent and word usage.
Do you know Russian?
And now here is my question:
How does all of that prove that it is impossible that more than half of Muscovites support the monument?
Russell s teapot - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
- .Ru

As well as I predicted "Gazeta.Ru", communists refused delivery in the planned time of the signatures collected in support of a referendum on return of a monument to Dzerzhinsky to Lubyanka.
Just go to Minsk and see the Dzerzhinsky statue there. Great little celler pub on the same street. Feels like you are in the 50's or 60's with hammer and sickle posters and other symbols on all the walls.
1) I live in Moscow. I can not speak for Minsk.
2) Where do you live?
3) A Confederate flag is what year? Also 60... 1860...

interesting. What is your opinion about the United States can make, if only to see one this report?

Sbiker asked:
"HOW can I separate Ukrainians from Russian? "

The Ukrainians will separate you!
Like they did the asshole Russian invaders in the Donbas who pretended to be Ukrainian-Russian (ethnic Russians living in Ukraine).
How? By your accent & other "strange behaviour".

Both Australians & New Zealanders speak English. Different countries.
How do they separate each other?
They also distinguished me from my accent and word usage.
Do you know Russian?

Not very well; took Russian class for one year many years ago.
Sbiker asked:
"HOW can I separate Ukrainians from Russian? "

The Ukrainians will separate you!

You proved it. There are no other ethnic cleanses on Ukraine, except the crimes of Ukrainian ultra-nazi 'right sector' scums.

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