Putin, It's Enough!

After it you should make fart and laught :)))

Yeah, I have to admit that sometimes I can’t help but laugh reading your posts.

'Sick dreams', 'woodhead'...

It is sad but true. I think you should be grateful that you are told the truth about who you are in reality.
Don’t worry we won’t judge you too severely.

No. Ukraina didn't left Varjag 'for a while' - just sold it at the price of raw metal. It's a brilliant example of west-ukrainian approach to the all problems :)

It may be a thousand times true, but what does it have to do with you or your country? Why are you so upset about a Ukrainian aircraft carrier? Are you a Ukrainian patriot?

So, you haven’t found additional words to say something about the hover? Don’t worry, I will help you. Just say that “Folks, I screwed up about the hover. Don’t judge me too severely because at least I have the balls to admit that”.

I'm just enjoying, how you distorting the facts from message to messase :)

What I said:
By example, China is able to build much battle hovers from Soviet drawings, which would transport China soldiers to West Coast by a several hours...
Rocket hover "Loon" makes 500 km/h, so it able to reach Frisco for about a day

What you said:
So, in order to get to the US in 7 hours, the hover has to have the speed: 9870 km / 7 hours = 1410 km/h. It is incredible! It is more incredible, if we take into consideration that the speed of sound is merely 1192 km/h.

Where I was talking about 7 hours? :) Nowhere :) Wake up, dude, here's not Ukraine, where you can lie anything you want :)
Sbiker asked:
"HOW can I separate Ukrainians from Russian? "

The Ukrainians will separate you!

You proved it. There are no other ethnic cleanses on Ukraine, except the crimes of Ukrainian ultra-nazi 'right sector' scums.

You are mistaken, the OUN-B group were not Nazi; they hated Nazis too. However, they were Fascist Nationalistic scum, like Putin & most of his followers.
Your Putin scumbags from Russia are illegally fucking over innocent Ukrainian citizens, both ethnic Russians as well as ethnic Ukrainians.
You proved it. There are no other ethnic cleanses on Ukraine, except the crimes of Ukrainian ultra-nazi 'right sector' scums.

You are mistaken, the OUN-B group were not Nazi; they hated Nazis too. However, they were Fascist Nationalistic scum, like Putin & most of his followers.
Your Putin scumbags from Russia are illegally fucking over innocent Ukrainian citizens, both ethnic Russians as well as ethnic Ukrainians.

I don't support ethnic cleansing of any kind, and what Putin is responsible for in eastern Ukraine is ethnic cleansing of Ukrainians, who lived peacefully with their Russian neighbors in Donbass until the Russian nationalists invaded.

BLA BLA BLA and so on... :)

Please, choose a single point of view before next discussion.... :)))
I'm just enjoying, how you distorting the facts from message to messase :)

What I said:
By example, China is able to build much battle hovers from Soviet drawings, which would transport China soldiers to West Coast by a several hours...
Rocket hover "Loon" makes 500 km/h, so it able to reach Frisco for about a day

What you said:
So, in order to get to the US in 7 hours, the hover has to have the speed: 9870 km / 7 hours = 1410 km/h. It is incredible! It is more incredible, if we take into consideration that the speed of sound is merely 1192 km/h.

Where I was talking about 7 hours? :) Nowhere :) Wake up, dude, here's not Ukraine, where you can lie anything you want :)

I think it would be fair to post here all our conversation about the theme so that every claim about distortion may be excluded.

You: China and India - both have above billion people, both are boosts their progress in economics, both are making strong army, large resource interests and unpredictable way of thinking. And ocean would not be defence from they, because, I think, they also bought all the technologies, allows to cross it faster than USA navy reaction. By example, China is able to build much battle hovers from Soviet drawings, which would transport China soldiers to West Coast by a several hours...

While we have an conflict, sanctions, Ukraine, oil wars and so on - they grow rapid, with their armies and ambitions....

I: I have been reading this thread silently and haven’t had any intention of writing here, but the last statement has definitely changed my mind.

So, we get to know about hovers from the Soviet drawings which are able to get to the US West Coast from China in several hours. It is amazing. I don’t know what the respectable author of the statement meant by saying several hours, but let’s consider that it means 7 hours, for example. The distance from Shanghai to San Francisco, according to Yandex Maps, is 9870 km (it is the shortest way through Japan’ and Russian’ waters). So, in order to get to the US in 7 hours, the hover has to have the speed: 9870 km / 7 hours = 1410 km/h. It is incredible! It is more incredible, if we take into consideration that the speed of sound is merely 1192 km/h.

I wonder if geography and elementary arithmetic are in Russian schools’ curriculum at the present time.

Sorry, I forgot that miles are used in the US for the measurement of distance. 1 kilometre = 0.62 miles.

You: Thank's for approving!

Rocket hover "Loon" makes 500 km/h, so it able to reach Frisco for about a day :)

I: I don’t want to upset you, but the maximal range of this beast is 1900 kilometres (1200 miles). So, it will be difficult to reach the US from China on it. But don’t worry, Russian engineers can propose the Chinese to use paddles for the rest of distance. I am sure the engineers already have the necessary drawings.

You: This beast lived in USSR, I know nothing about China, except the fact of buying one of aviacarriers of USSR in Ukraine by a price of raw metal :)

I: What do you mean by saying ‘I know nothing about China’? A couple of posts above you said that China had drawings of super-duper hovers which could take Chinese soldiers to the US in the course of several hours. And now you are saying ‘I know nothing about China’. I think this case should be clarified completely, because it dramatically changes the balance of power in the region.

Here is a link:
Dialogue with Putin. More US Politicians and Experts Talk about Better Relations with Russia Page 3 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

After that you decided not to engage in our dialogue go away with the head held high.

So, if understand correctly you disagree with the fact that I used 7 hours for calculations. No problem. You can offer your figure which according to your fillings more fits the term ‘several’. Then we can ask English-native speakers which of the two figures – yours or mine - more fits the term.

And I also have one more question – what about the maximal range?
I'm just enjoying, how you distorting the facts from message to messase :)

What I said:
By example, China is able to build much battle hovers from Soviet drawings, which would transport China soldiers to West Coast by a several hours...
Rocket hover "Loon" makes 500 km/h, so it able to reach Frisco for about a day

What you said:
So, in order to get to the US in 7 hours, the hover has to have the speed: 9870 km / 7 hours = 1410 km/h. It is incredible! It is more incredible, if we take into consideration that the speed of sound is merely 1192 km/h.

Where I was talking about 7 hours? :) Nowhere :) Wake up, dude, here's not Ukraine, where you can lie anything you want :)

I think it would be fair to post here all our conversation about the theme so that every claim about distortion may be excluded.

You: China and India - both have above billion people, both are boosts their progress in economics, both are making strong army, large resource interests and unpredictable way of thinking. And ocean would not be defence from they, because, I think, they also bought all the technologies, allows to cross it faster than USA navy reaction. By example, China is able to build much battle hovers from Soviet drawings, which would transport China soldiers to West Coast by a several hours...

While we have an conflict, sanctions, Ukraine, oil wars and so on - they grow rapid, with their armies and ambitions....

I: I have been reading this thread silently and haven’t had any intention of writing here, but the last statement has definitely changed my mind.

So, we get to know about hovers from the Soviet drawings which are able to get to the US West Coast from China in several hours. It is amazing. I don’t know what the respectable author of the statement meant by saying several hours, but let’s consider that it means 7 hours, for example. The distance from Shanghai to San Francisco, according to Yandex Maps, is 9870 km (it is the shortest way through Japan’ and Russian’ waters). So, in order to get to the US in 7 hours, the hover has to have the speed: 9870 km / 7 hours = 1410 km/h. It is incredible! It is more incredible, if we take into consideration that the speed of sound is merely 1192 km/h.

I wonder if geography and elementary arithmetic are in Russian schools’ curriculum at the present time.

Sorry, I forgot that miles are used in the US for the measurement of distance. 1 kilometre = 0.62 miles.

You: Thank's for approving!

Rocket hover "Loon" makes 500 km/h, so it able to reach Frisco for about a day :)

I: I don’t want to upset you, but the maximal range of this beast is 1900 kilometres (1200 miles). So, it will be difficult to reach the US from China on it. But don’t worry, Russian engineers can propose the Chinese to use paddles for the rest of distance. I am sure the engineers already have the necessary drawings.

You: This beast lived in USSR, I know nothing about China, except the fact of buying one of aviacarriers of USSR in Ukraine by a price of raw metal :)

I: What do you mean by saying ‘I know nothing about China’? A couple of posts above you said that China had drawings of super-duper hovers which could take Chinese soldiers to the US in the course of several hours. And now you are saying ‘I know nothing about China’. I think this case should be clarified completely, because it dramatically changes the balance of power in the region.

Here is a link:
Dialogue with Putin. More US Politicians and Experts Talk about Better Relations with Russia Page 3 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

After that you decided not to engage in our dialogue go away with the head held high.

So, if understand correctly you disagree with the fact that I used 7 hours for calculations. No problem. You can offer your figure which according to your fillings more fits the term ‘several’. Then we can ask English-native speakers which of the two figures – yours or mine - more fits the term.

And I also have one more question – what about the maximal range?

Yes! Now you understand, 'several' is not 'seven'! :)

And about range. Loon had 2000 km operative range - it's about 4000 km of one-way range. So, I agree, 'Loon' is able to reach USA from China with 2 of full reloads ;)

If you re-read thread, I spoke not about 'Loon' as is, but 'battle hovers from Soviet drawings'. Which may not to carry anti-ship missiles and have capacious tanks (or be able refuelled in air, like plains) and landing compartment for China soldiers.

And at last, why I remember 'Varjag'. Because after transportation it was claimed as 'floating casino' and about 8 years China "didn't have any aviacarriers", but then they've got almost finished aviacarrier "at one moment" without any building time. Maybe, they "dont' have any hovers" now is similar manner? :)
Battle hovers? Russia has put school of retards online. Should worry about world getting ready to bite Russia over veto of UN tribunal for MH-17.
Battle hovers? Russia has put school of retards online. Should worry about world getting ready to bite Russia over veto of UN tribunal for MH-17.

Forget it. Consider it as bullshit from retards. I'm completely agree with you. Battle hovers is too fantastic!

Battle hovers? Russia has put school of retards online. Should worry about world getting ready to bite Russia over veto of UN tribunal for MH-17.

Forget it. Consider it as bullshit from retards. I'm completely agree with you. Battle hovers is too fantastic!

They have a function and purpose and are great assets for what they are designed for. They are not designed for being a massive fleet to cross the pacific for invasion of America. Not until they reach super stealth capabilities. They will, or at least could probably be used by China for use in regional conflicts, which is what they are designed for.
Battle hovers? Russia has put school of retards online. Should worry about world getting ready to bite Russia over veto of UN tribunal for MH-17.

Forget it. Consider it as bullshit from retards. I'm completely agree with you. Battle hovers is too fantastic!

They have a function and purpose and are great assets for what they are designed for. They are not designed for being a massive fleet to cross the pacific for invasion of America. Not until they reach super stealth capabilities. They will, or at least could probably be used by China for use in regional conflicts, which is what they are designed for.

Btw, about MH-17:

David L. Stern s phone talks before Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 plane crash
You proved it. There are no other ethnic cleanses on Ukraine, except the crimes of Ukrainian ultra-nazi 'right sector' scums.

You are mistaken, the OUN-B group were not Nazi; they hated Nazis too. However, they were Fascist Nationalistic scum, like Putin & most of his followers.
Your Putin scumbags from Russia are illegally fucking over innocent Ukrainian citizens, both ethnic Russians as well as ethnic Ukrainians.

I don't support ethnic cleansing of any kind, and what Putin is responsible for in eastern Ukraine is ethnic cleansing of Ukrainians, who lived peacefully with their Russian neighbors in Donbass until the Russian nationalists invaded.

BLA BLA BLA and so on... :)

Please, choose a single point of view before next discussion.... :)))

What don't you understand?
I am against Nationalistic ethnic cleansing, whether it was by Stalin in 1930's (5,000,000), Hitler in 1940's (6,000,000), Lebed/OUN-B in 1940's (80,000), or by Putin's strategy in eastern Ukraine (2014-15).
You proved it. There are no other ethnic cleanses on Ukraine, except the crimes of Ukrainian ultra-nazi 'right sector' scums.

You are mistaken, the OUN-B group were not Nazi; they hated Nazis too. However, they were Fascist Nationalistic scum, like Putin & most of his followers.
Your Putin scumbags from Russia are illegally fucking over innocent Ukrainian citizens, both ethnic Russians as well as ethnic Ukrainians.

I don't support ethnic cleansing of any kind, and what Putin is responsible for in eastern Ukraine is ethnic cleansing of Ukrainians, who lived peacefully with their Russian neighbors in Donbass until the Russian nationalists invaded.

BLA BLA BLA and so on... :)

Please, choose a single point of view before next discussion.... :)))

What don't you understand?
I am against Nationalistic ethnic cleansing, whether it was by Stalin in 1930's (5,000,000), Hitler in 1940's (6,000,000), Lebed/OUN-B in 1940's (80,000), or by Putin's strategy in eastern Ukraine (2014-15).

So, which ethnic cleansing were performed by Stalin or Putin? If, how we found, there are no any ways to separate Ukrainian from Russian?
Watch, Sbiker, PK (as he claimed before):
-is not Ukrainian;
-doesn't know Russian well;
-but uses Russian keyboard once in a while.
All above do not go well together. Liar, liar, liar...
I have a feeling he is writing from the hills of Muckachevo, where Right Sector is hiding from Ukrainian authorities... So, writing on USMB about non-existence of Nazis in Ukraine, he potentially could be just one of them:

"A pro-government Ukrainian militia accused of neo-Nazism has fought a gun battle with the country’s security forces that left at least three dead and several police vehicles destroyed by rocket-propelled grenades.

The fighting marks the first clash between Kiev and one of the country’s “volunteer battalions” who have led the fight against pro-Russian separatists.

The fierce confrontation in the city of Mukachevo, near Ukraine’s western border, involved members of Right Sector, a controversial nationalist group. Three policemen were among six injured, officials from the Ukrainian interior ministry said."

Kiev forced to fight its own fascist militias The Times
Last edited:
Watch, Sbiker, PK (as he claimed before):
-is not Ukrainian;
-doesn't know Russian well;
-but uses Russian keyboard once in a while.
All above do not go well together. Liar, liar, liar...
I have a feeling he is writing from the hills of Muckachevo, where Right Sector is hiding from Ukrainian authorities...

I think, we cannot claim him as criminal before the justice do it, but if it happens, I would not be surprised :)
Battle hovers? Russia has put school of retards online. Should worry about world getting ready to bite Russia over veto of UN tribunal for MH-17.

Forget it. Consider it as bullshit from retards. I'm completely agree with you. Battle hovers is too fantastic!

They have a function and purpose and are great assets for what they are designed for. They are not designed for being a massive fleet to cross the pacific for invasion of America. Not until they reach super stealth capabilities. They will, or at least could probably be used by China for use in regional conflicts, which is what they are designed for.

Btw, about MH-17:

David L. Stern s phone talks before Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 plane crash

Btw, about the Pressbox material:

"Disclaimer: Pressbox disclaims any inaccuracies in the content contained in these releases."

Let the UN tribunal proceed then!
So, why is Putin against the UN tribunal on the MH17 shoot-down?
That's against even the Russian people's preferences!

Check out the Levada survey on Russian opinions about the
mh17 Tribunal In the UN ...

Last edited:
Yes! Now you understand, 'several' is not 'seven'!
Where did I say that ‘several’ is actually seven?

And about range. Loon had 2000 km operative range - it's about 4000 km of one-way range. So, I agree, 'Loon' is able to reach USA from China with 2 of full reloads ;)

What? Do you understand Russian?
Here is an article in Russian about the super-duper hover (though, it turned out to be an ekranoplan):

Here is an article about what ‘дальность плавания’ means:

And now tell us please how you understand this statement:

Дальность плавания— одна из основных характеристик судна. Определяется как максимальное расстояние, которое может пройти корабль (судно) без дозаправки топливом и смазочными материалами, а также пополнения запасов котельной воды (для пароходов и паротурбинных кораблей).

"Wake up, dude, here's not Russia, where you can lie anything you want"

If you re-read thread, I spoke not about 'Loon' as is, but 'battle hovers from Soviet drawings'. Which may not to carry anti-ship missiles and have capacious tanks (or be able refuelled in air, like plains) and landing compartment for China soldiers.

Unless I am mistaken, it is you mentioned about Loon as an example. But, anyway, it is no problem.
Do you have any information about these hovers? Or it is just some other bullshit?

And at last, why I remember 'Varjag'. Because after transportation it was claimed as 'floating casino' and about 8 years China "didn't have any aviacarriers", but then they've got almost finished aviacarrier "at one moment" without any building time. Maybe, they "dont' have any hovers" now is similar manner?

There is one problem about your statement. The Variag existed in nature ant that time and it was sold to the Chinese. But your super-duper hovers which are able to get to the US from China in the course of several hours or a day exist only in your statements. Please remind me – have I already told you about your sick dreams?
Last edited:
You proved it. There are no other ethnic cleanses on Ukraine, except the crimes of Ukrainian ultra-nazi 'right sector' scums.

You are mistaken, the OUN-B group were not Nazi; they hated Nazis too. However, they were Fascist Nationalistic scum, like Putin & most of his followers.
Your Putin scumbags from Russia are illegally fucking over innocent Ukrainian citizens, both ethnic Russians as well as ethnic Ukrainians.

I don't support ethnic cleansing of any kind, and what Putin is responsible for in eastern Ukraine is ethnic cleansing of Ukrainians, who lived peacefully with their Russian neighbors in Donbass until the Russian nationalists invaded.

BLA BLA BLA and so on... :)

Please, choose a single point of view before next discussion.... :)))

What don't you understand?
I am against Nationalistic ethnic cleansing, whether it was by Stalin in 1930's (5,000,000), Hitler in 1940's (6,000,000), Lebed/OUN-B in 1940's (80,000), or by Putin's strategy in eastern Ukraine (2014-15).

So, which ethnic cleansing were performed by Stalin or Putin? If, how we found, there are no any ways to separate Ukrainian from Russian?

No way to separate? Nice try.
In the Stalin & Putin cases, you only need to look at the deaths in Russia vs Ukraine territories. Duh!
Yes! Now you understand, 'several' is not 'seven'!
Where did I say that ‘several’ is actually seven?

And about range. Loon had 2000 km operative range - it's about 4000 km of one-way range. So, I agree, 'Loon' is able to reach USA from China with 2 of full reloads ;)

What? Do you understand Russian?
Here is an article in Russian about the super-duper hover (though, it turned out to be an ekranoplan):

Here is an article about what ‘дальность плавания’ means:

And now tell us please how you understand this statement:

Дальность плавания— одна из основных характеристик судна. Определяется как максимальное расстояние, которое может пройти корабль (судно) без дозаправки топливом и смазочными материалами, а также пополнения запасов котельной воды (для пароходов и паротурбинных кораблей).

"Wake up, dude, here's not Russia, where you can lie anything you want"

If you re-read thread, I spoke not about 'Loon' as is, but 'battle hovers from Soviet drawings'. Which may not to carry anti-ship missiles and have capacious tanks (or be able refuelled in air, like plains) and landing compartment for China soldiers.

Unless I am mistaken, it is you mentioned about Loon as an example. But, anyway, it is no problem.
Do you have any information about these hovers? Or it is just some other bullshit?

And at last, why I remember 'Varjag'. Because after transportation it was claimed as 'floating casino' and about 8 years China "didn't have any aviacarriers", but then they've got almost finished aviacarrier "at one moment" without any building time. Maybe, they "dont' have any hovers" now is similar manner?

There is one problem about your statement. The Variag existed in nature ant that time and it was sold to the Chinese. But your super-duper hovers which are able to get to the US from China in the course of several hours or a day exist only in your statements. Please remind me – have I already told you about your sick dreams?

Ok, 2000 and 3 reloads :) Or construct something as Be-2500 and reach Frisco without reload. How can you believe in meaning of details, if we speaking about hypotethic things? Are you able to separate dreams from reality?

But your super-duper hovers which are able to get to the US from China in the course of several hours or a day exist only in your statements.

God-damn, offcourse! You got it! After week of discussion you've got the main idea! :) Congratulations :)))
You proved it. There are no other ethnic cleanses on Ukraine, except the crimes of Ukrainian ultra-nazi 'right sector' scums.

You are mistaken, the OUN-B group were not Nazi; they hated Nazis too. However, they were Fascist Nationalistic scum, like Putin & most of his followers.
Your Putin scumbags from Russia are illegally fucking over innocent Ukrainian citizens, both ethnic Russians as well as ethnic Ukrainians.

I don't support ethnic cleansing of any kind, and what Putin is responsible for in eastern Ukraine is ethnic cleansing of Ukrainians, who lived peacefully with their Russian neighbors in Donbass until the Russian nationalists invaded.

BLA BLA BLA and so on... :)

Please, choose a single point of view before next discussion.... :)))

What don't you understand?
I am against Nationalistic ethnic cleansing, whether it was by Stalin in 1930's (5,000,000), Hitler in 1940's (6,000,000), Lebed/OUN-B in 1940's (80,000), or by Putin's strategy in eastern Ukraine (2014-15).

So, which ethnic cleansing were performed by Stalin or Putin? If, how we found, there are no any ways to separate Ukrainian from Russian?

No way to separate? Nice try.
In the Stalin & Putin cases, you only need to look at the deaths in Russia vs Ukraine territories. Duh!

And what?
God-damn, offcourse! You got it! After week of discussion you've got the main idea! :) Congratulations :)))

Main idea? By saying it you mean that you screwed up again and don’t have the balls to admit it directly? Don’t worry, castrated troll, it has been well known from the start.
Battle hovers? Russia has put school of retards online. Should worry about world getting ready to bite Russia over veto of UN tribunal for MH-17.

Forget it. Consider it as bullshit from retards. I'm completely agree with you. Battle hovers is too fantastic!

They have a function and purpose and are great assets for what they are designed for. They are not designed for being a massive fleet to cross the pacific for invasion of America. Not until they reach super stealth capabilities. They will, or at least could probably be used by China for use in regional conflicts, which is what they are designed for.

Btw, about MH-17:

David L. Stern s phone talks before Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 plane crash

Btw, about the Pressbox material:

"Disclaimer: Pressbox disclaims any inaccuracies in the content contained in these releases."

Let the UN tribunal proceed then!
So, why is Putin against the UN tribunal on the MH17 shoot-down?
That's against even the Russian people's preferences!

Check out the Levada survey on Russian opinions about the
mh17 Tribunal In the UN ...


A few hours ago, cowardly Russia vetoed a UN resolution for a criminal tribunal on the MH17 disaster.
Gee, I wonder why?
If innocent, Russia would not want to insult the relatives of the dead.

Putin is a real scumbag. He made this ridiculous statement after flight MH17 was shot down a year ago:
"The state over whose territory this happened is responsible for this terrible tragedy," with reference to the government in Kiev.
Supplying his Russian comrades in the Donbass with lethal weapons carries no responsibility?
Wow, what a fucking scumbag.

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