putin killed GRU- Wager´s boss Prigozhin I Moscow announced that Prigozhin and Utkin died in the plane crash in Moscow's Tver region.

As others have pointed out, the Wagner General and actual founder Utkin was also listed on the manifest of the downed Embraer Jet. But it is still too early to know for sure if both Wagner leaders are dead, or what this will mean longterm.

There were — at least according to some early reports —reportedly two Prigozhin jets involved. Personally I’m hoping the one downed by missile or bomb was only a decoy.

At this point a continuing civil war between siloviki loyal to Prigozhin and Putin’s own gangsters would probably best serve the long-run interests of Russian civil society, and of Ukrainian nationalism too.
if Utkin is not dead , he´d get putin one way or another

If Putin had him taken out; it just demonstrates his commitment to consolidating his power to prosecute this special military exercise. It could spell bad news for the Ukes.
If Putin had him taken out; it just demonstrates his commitment to consolidating his power to prosecute this special military exercise. It could spell bad news for the Ukes.
are you sure , or you just tell us what you see in your wet dreams ?
Somewhere out there. In a cold, dark, Moscow cell - Igor girkin & strelkov screams through the window bars: “I FUCKING TOLD YOU SO”
America must not waste any time establishing without doubt that Putin is responsible!
America must not waste any time establishing without doubt that Putin is responsible!


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