putin killed GRU- Wager´s boss Prigozhin I Moscow announced that Prigozhin and Utkin died in the plane crash in Moscow's Tver region.

America must not waste any time establishing without doubt that Putin is responsible!
Looks to me like another false flag same as Litvenenko and the Skripals, it was probably a Western terror attack, if Putin wanted to kill the man why all the collateral damage? he could have just had him arrested or shot at the airport, or had him taken out when he win Africa.
Looks to me like another false flag same as Litvenenko and the Skripals, it was probably a Western terror attack, if Putin wanted to kill the man why all the collateral damage? he could have just had him arrested or shot at the airport, or had him taken out when he win Africa.

So you figure it was Biden or Zelensky? How about Israel or … the King of England?

What took so long..?
This was well planned. Putin gained Prigozhin's trust, let him travel around Russia and make him think he is not in danger. There are rumors that he was in St. Petersburg right after the attempted coup, the Wagner plane was there for sure, and there are reports of him being there a couple of weeks after as well.

Then by moving the main Wagner troops to Bielorus their direct threat also eliminated .

Putin could have tried to shoot him or poison him, but that had more of a chance of failing.
This was well planned. Putin gained Prigozhin's trust, let him travel around Russia and make him think he is not in danger. There are rumors that he was in St. Petersburg right after the attempted coup, the Wagner plane was there for sure, and there are reports of him being there a couple of weeks after as well.

Then by moving the main Wagner troops to Bielorus their direct threat also eliminated .

Putin could have tried to shoot him or poison him, but that had more of a chance of failing.
Lots of top slots opening lately in the Russian military. As Russian pay and benefits go, probably pretty good, but about the damned worst retirement plan, I ever heard of.
Lots of top slots opening lately in the Russian military. As Russian pay and benefits go, probably pretty good, but about the damned worst retirement plan, I ever heard of.
They often get promised money, but never get paid, or only partially.
Russia has the best paid military and Prigozhin will not be missed . You have to hand it to Dear Uncle P, he seems to win every time . Politically he will now be even stronger and his coffers will be billions a year richer with Priggy not receiving his extras from the Defense budget for a variety of contracts. It is almost academic who might have arranged the incident beause either Piss Pants is the dangerous puppet escalating matters or Volodya himself remains an ucompromising strong man whom nobody should ever cross .Which we all knew .
He never got on the plane. He is hanging upside down from chains in an abandoned factory somewhere near Siberia.
More proof that everyone that Putin surrounds himself with are just a bunch of bumbling idiots. Even Prighozin, who couldhave been the president of Russia right now wasn't smart enough to continue onto Moscow when he had the best chance to topple the Putin regime. Did Putin promise him a quick and painless death for his betrayal, and Prighozin took it? Why did he think he had any chance to live after what he did?
More proof that everyone that Putin surrounds himself with are just a bunch of bumbling idiots. Even Prighozin, who couldhave been the president of Russia right now wasn't smart enough to continue onto Moscow when he had the best chance to topple the Putin regime. Did Putin promise him a quick and painless death for his betrayal, and Prighozin took it? Why did he think he had any chance to live after what he did?

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