putin killed GRU- Wager´s boss Prigozhin I Moscow announced that Prigozhin and Utkin died in the plane crash in Moscow's Tver region.

its ok, qestion : why putin killed Utkin ?
You have no idea who is responsible or to assume that the incident was not a stunt .Which it could be , albeit unlikely . As usual, a Nothingburger individual-- you , Winkle the Titty , is clueless as to even the most likely scenarios .Putin , Shoigu , Chekalov, Budanov or the handlers for President Piss Pants
This was well planned. Putin gained Prigozhin's trust, let him travel around Russia and make him think he is not in danger. There are rumors that he was in St. Petersburg right after the attempted coup, the Wagner plane was there for sure, and there are reports of him being there a couple of weeks after as well.

Then by moving the main Wagner troops to Bielorus their direct threat also eliminated .

Putin could have tried to shoot him or poison him, but that had more of a chance of failing.
People should put their thinking caps on, i doubt Putin took this guy out, he wasn't a threat, if Putin had wanted him dead there were many ways he could have killed him, not at a time when the BRICS meeting is on in Africa, he could have had a road accident he could have been arrested and locked up forever, he could have been shot at anytime and place, there is a Russian investigation i will see what comes out of that.
More proof that everyone that Putin surrounds himself with are just a bunch of bumbling idiots. Even Prighozin, who couldhave been the president of Russia right now wasn't smart enough to continue onto Moscow when he had the best chance to topple the Putin regime. Did Putin promise him a quick and painless death for his betrayal, and Prighozin took it? Why did he think he had any chance to live after what he did?
How could he have been the President of Russia? and do you really think a convoy of a few trucks and hundreds of fighters could have overthrown the elected Government of Russia? don't be ridiculous, we don't even know enough about what that incident was about, i doubt it was about trying to overthrow the State. that's like saying the Capital hill mob could have overthrown the US Government.
How could he have been the President of Russia? and do you really think a convoy of a few trucks and hundreds of fighters could have overthrown the elected Government of Russia? don't be ridiculous, we don't even know enough about what that incident was about, i doubt it was about trying to overthrow the State. that's like saying the Capital hill mob could have overthrown the US Government.
Who knew the Clinton’s had such long reach?
People should put their thinking caps on, i doubt Putin took this guy out, he wasn't a threat, if Putin had wanted him dead there were many ways he could have killed him, not at a time when the BRICS meeting is on in Africa, he could have had a road accident he could have been arrested and locked up forever, he could have been shot at anytime and place, there is a Russian investigation i will see what comes out of that.
Either you are a Russian sympathizer, which you have sounded like since you've been here, or you are utterly clueless.

Which is it?
People should put their thinking caps on, i doubt Putin took this guy out, he wasn't a threat, if Putin had wanted him dead there were many ways he could have killed him, not at a time when the BRICS meeting is on in Africa, he could have had a road accident he could have been arrested and locked up forever, he could have been shot at anytime and place, there is a Russian investigation i will see what comes out of that.
A Russian investigation?….?..
OMFG......do they think their citizens are idiots?
yes and slaves .


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