putin killed GRU- Wager´s boss Prigozhin I Moscow announced that Prigozhin and Utkin died in the plane crash in Moscow's Tver region.

NOT really, Utkin could easy take Moscow . they stopped just in 40 min from Moscow

They couldn't take Moscow you Muppet, one airstike could have halted that convoy miles from Moscow, for some reason they allowed it to continue.
There was no indication of a surface to air missile according to the U.S. Pentagon, and there is video of the aircraft falling from the sky, like a stone. Video looks like the plane likely suffered structural damage and maybe lost a wing from a bomb placed on the aircraft. Do you think any of the other passengers were in fear for their lives being in such close proximity to Prigozhin on an airplane?

I bet they were, and rightfully so.
I don't understand how nobody can liquidate Putin? he must be hated by many in the Kremlin, among the Moscow subjects .

It's damned easy to kill Putin. All you have to do is tap him on the shoulder unexpectedly and he dies of shock. The problem is to go around, to go aound and to go around the table to do so.

I would really like to see him in front of a fair process in the international court. This I would whish for all tyrants. All this senseless and counterproductive tyranny since thousands of years has to end.
You Nazis are having a fine time with your invented nonsense . More and more it looks like the most unlikely cause is the correct one -- an engine fault . If I was looking for a different answer, I would be following the textbook and following the money . Which immediately brings in the possibility of French involvement --- think the whole of Africa and not just Niger . Though how anybody got around the safety and security protocols handled only by Chekalov is impossible to fathom . The bomb and missile explanations become soppy guesses once you understand these protocols which were always followed scrupulously .Such explanations then become groundless .

You are on your own nothing else than only one big "fake news"-producer (= liar).

Putin is a tyrant - so you work for a tyrant - against Russia, against the Ukraine, against Europe and the complete western world. Indeed you are working against the whole planet and all and every life on this planet because you increase the risks of a future nuclear war. So why do you do all this bullshit which you are doing? Do you need money for to make holidays in hell?
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You Nazis

Do you call me personally a Nazi?

are having a fine time with your invented nonsense . More and more it looks like the most unlikely cause is the correct one -- an engine fault . If I was looking for a different answer, I would be following the textbook and following the money . Which immediately brings in the possibility of French involvement --- think the whole of Africa and not just Niger . Though how anybody got around the safety and security protocols handled only by Chekalov is impossible to fathom . The bomb and missile explanations become soppy guesses once you understand these protocols which were always followed scrupulously .Such explanations then become groundless .

Weird. Very, very weird. Whatever your problem might be, Russian: Start to solve it by leaving the Ukraine with all of your soldiers - now or yesterday.
There was no indication of a surface to air missile according to the U.S. Pentagon, and there is video of the aircraft falling from the sky, like a stone. Video looks like the plane likely suffered structural damage and maybe lost a wing from a bomb placed on the aircraft. Do you think any of the other passengers were in fear for their lives being in such close proximity to Prigozhin on an airplane?

I bet they were, and rightfully so.
They all were ......
I would really like to see him in front of a fair process in the international court. This I would whish for all tyrants
a good point, do you agree that our main goal is decolonization of Moscow empire ?
Putin is a tyrant - so you work for a tyrant - against Russia, against the Ukraine, against Europe and the complete western world. Indeed you are working against the whole planet and all and every life on this planet because you increase the risks of a future nuclear war. So why do you do all this bullshit which you are doing? Do you need money for to make holidays in hell?
You must seek help for your persecution complex . Just learn to listen to people who have many more times your Knowledge and experience and you might learn something . Leave out the childish comments and do proper research . BTW, your rant is very amateurish even for someone with English only as a second language .
How could he have been the President of Russia? and do you really think a convoy of a few trucks and hundreds of fighters could have overthrown the elected Government of Russia? don't be ridiculous, we don't even know enough about what that incident was about, i doubt it was about trying to overthrow the State. that's like saying the Capital hill mob could have overthrown the US Government.

US Capitol police were better trained and armed but they were overrun by numbers. Same with the FSB, but they were also outgunned as well. No one could stop Prigozhin. Putin tried and failed.
US Capitol police were better trained and armed but they were overrun by numbers. Same with the FSB, but they were also outgunned as well. No one could stop Prigozhin. Putin tried and failed.
Of course they could have stopped him, the army could and like i said one airstrike would have finished it there and then, there is something about the whole incident that just doesn't ring true.
I don't understand how nobody can liquidate Putin? he must be hated by many in the Kremlin, among the Moscow subjects .
Hated? is that why he keeps winning elections Obergruppenfuhrer? also you seem to think it's ok to murder other Countries presidents.

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