putin killed GRU- Wager´s boss Prigozhin I Moscow announced that Prigozhin and Utkin died in the plane crash in Moscow's Tver region.

You must seek help for your persecution complex .

A what? "Verfolgungswahn"? Aha - you don't know psychology.

Just learn to listen to people who have many more times your Knowledge and experience and you might learn something .

Idtiot, what about if you would slowly start to say what you like to say?

Leave out the childish comments and do proper research . BTW, your rant is very amateurish even for someone with English only as a second language .

Oh ... You said here just simple nothing. That's not a lot.

Litwin. What "the USA" believes or not believes is uninteresting for me. The USA is a country. A country is not a psychological entity - it's a place in space and time. Who are the US officials who said so? The government of the USA? Who thinks about a missile and why thinks he so?
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I will never understand why people exist who deny that monkeys and human beings have a common ancestor. Here it is. Including two handholds for a disposable head. Has this idiot really a tattoo with an inverted SS-rune? The so called sig-rune or Sieg-rune (Sieg=victory) never had really existed. It is no rune. It is a spoof.

And this is Richard Wagner (1813-1883 AD):

PS: I guess now I understand this strange white Z sign on the Russian tanks. It seems to be nothing else than a kind of lying sig-rune.
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I will never understand why people exist who deny that monkeys and human beings have a common ancestor. Here it is. Including two handholds for a disposable head. Has this idiot really a tattoo with an inverted SS-rune? The so called sig-rune or Sieg-rune (Sieg=victory) never had really existed. It is no rune. It is a spoof.

And this is Richard Wagner (1813-1883 AD):


The Guy in the photo is not Utkin, it's an image the anti Russian Brigade have used many times.
The Guy in the photo is not Utkin,

A what? "Verfolgungswahn"? Aha - you don't know psychology.
I suppose having a B.A. degree in Psychology with Post Graduate work somehow does not count in your low humdrum world . Always check facts first if you are not that bright -- and you are not -- and have a habit of making yourself look a clown . So , Hop It , as we say .
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The Guy in the photo is not Utkin, it's an image the anti Russian Brigade have used many times.

Aha - or better to say "anti-Aha". What is "the anti Russian Brigade"? This idiot is Utkin (alias "Wagner") as far as I can see.

Anti-Semitism and Richard Wagner is by the way mainly a story of jealousy and enviousness. And I warn in this context now all Israeli not to make wrong conclusions - otherwise for example Israel should forbid also all Lutherans to visit Israel because of the anti-Semitism of Martin Luther - what would make not any sense. As well Martin Luther and Richard Wagner had nothing to do with Nazis. The leading Nazis had been without any doubt also against all Christians - but they used the anti-Semitic speeches of Martin Luther (a result of his low frustration tolerance and his choleric temperament) for their propaganda. Lutheran Christians are normally only ashamed about this side of Martin Luther - nevertheless they stay to be Lutherans. Anti-Semitism in the Christian churches always is wrong and always had been wrong. Most simple reason: Who hates all Jews hates Jesus. And who thinks music hates Jews is for sure extraordinary stupid told me my good old friend and grandfather David, the singing king.

Galop infernal:

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Aha - or better to say "anti-Aha". What is "the anti Russian Brigade"? This idiot is Utkin (alias "Wagner") as far as I can see.

Anti-Semitism and Richard Wagner is by the way mainly a story of jealousy and enviousness. And I warn in this context now all Israeli not to make wrong conclusions - otherwise for example Israel should forbid also all Lutherans to visit Israel because of the anti-Semitism of Martin Luther - what would make not any sense. As well Martin Luther and Richard Wagner had nothing to do with Nazis. The leading Nazis had been without any doubt also against all Christians - but they used the anti-Semitic speeches of Martin Luther (a result of his low frustration tolerance and his choleric temperament) for their propaganda. Lutheran Christians are normally only ashamed about this side of Martin Luther - nevertheless they stay to be Lutherans. Anti-Semitism in the Christian churches always is wrong and always had been wrong. Most simple reason: Who hates all Jews hates Jesus. And who thinks music hates Jews is for sure extraordinary stupid told me my good old friend and grandfather David, the singing king.

Galop infernal:


The anti Russian Brigade are those who never give Russia credit for anything, including winning WW2, and if you think that clown in the photo is Utkin go to Specsavers.

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