Putin kills 298 people while r-wingers admire him here and elect him President.


Who do you trust?

When everything are lies, all that is left are political opinions.

Shouldn't you be back in your playpen by now?
What do Reagan and Putin have in common?

Both are rightwing heroes
Both shot down a commercial aircraft
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Romney was right while liberals followed along with BO and mocked him for it. Don't lump conservatives in as Putin cheerleaders
But... but... but... I thought Shrub was the Great Divider, and Obumble was to be the Great Uniter !!!???

Do ya'll feel sufficiently 'united' yet?
And the obomanation GIVES WEAPONS to Al Qaeda in Syria....your point????


Point is that you consider one to be fine and the other as not.

Regan admitted it

You suspect Obama did it. Thats the difference

No, you fool, he DID IT!

Obama Bypasses Terrorism Rule To Give Weapons To Syrian Rebels | FDL News Desk

President Obama, in order to arm Al-Qaeda linked Syrian rebels, has waived a provision of federal law designed to prevent the supply of arms to terrorist groups. Not surprisingly, federal law currently bans giving weapons to terrorists. Though it seems Obama does have the authority to bypass the restriction and he is choosing to do so by arming the Syrian rebels who have links to Al Qaeda, a group still listed as supporting terrorism.
The president, citing his authority under the Arms Export Control Act, announced today that he would “waive the prohibitions in sections 40 and 40A of the AECA related to such a transaction.”
Those two sections prohibit sending weaponry to countries described in section 40(d): “The prohibitions contained in this section apply with respect to a country if the Secretary of State determines that the government of that country has repeatedly provided support for acts of international terrorism,” Congress stated in the Arms Control Export Act.

The Syrian rebels not only include factions that are explicitly loyal to Al Qaeda but, according to US intelligence and experts analysts, those factions are now dominant within the opposition. So it is highly likely that some of the arms being shipped into Syria right now by the CIA will fall into the hands of Syrian rebels loyal to Al Qaeda.
The law allows the president to waive those prohibitions if he “determines that the transaction is essential to the national security interests of the United States.”
Under section 40(g) of the AECA, the Obama team must also provide Congress — at least 15 days before turning over the weapons — “the name of any country involved in the proposed transaction, the identity of any recipient of the items to be provided pursuant to the proposed transaction, and the anticipated use of those items,” along with a list of the weaponry to be provided, when they will be delivered, and why the transfer is key to American security interests.

Essential? I thought it was made pretty clear to the president and friends that America did not have any vital national security interests at stake in Syria. That’s why Obama pulled the bill, it was going down. And that bill was related to chemical weapons not arming the rebels to undermine the Assad government. How is undermining the Assad government essential to the national security interests of the United States?
President Bashar al-Assad has already said that by arming the rebels President Obama will kill the chemical weapons deal. Now bans on arming terrorists are being waved to justify dubious activity that might blow up a peace deal? Looks like war with Syria is still very much on the table as the US government gives weapons to groups loyal to the people that attacked America on 9/11.

could we please see the list of countries , if in fact, Mexico is included as a terrorist country..


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What do Reagan and Putin have in common?

Both are rightwing heroes
Both shot down a commercial aircraft

Neither bombed an aspirin factory or the Chinese embassay jn Belgrade!

The commercial airliners didn't need to be shot down. Bin Laden's so called "aspirin" factory had the ability to produce WMD. In addition the CIA claimed to have soil samples that indicated it had in fact been involved with producing chemical weapons. The Chinese Embassy had been providing electronic and satellite data and intelligence to a country we were in military conflict with.
Point is that you consider one to be fine and the other as not.

Regan admitted it

You suspect Obama did it. Thats the difference

No, you fool, he DID IT!

Obama Bypasses Terrorism Rule To Give Weapons To Syrian Rebels | FDL News Desk

President Obama, in order to arm Al-Qaeda linked Syrian rebels, has waived a provision of federal law designed to prevent the supply of arms to terrorist groups. Not surprisingly, federal law currently bans giving weapons to terrorists. Though it seems Obama does have the authority to bypass the restriction and he is choosing to do so by arming the Syrian rebels who have links to Al Qaeda, a group still listed as supporting terrorism.
The president, citing his authority under the Arms Export Control Act, announced today that he would “waive the prohibitions in sections 40 and 40A of the AECA related to such a transaction.”
Those two sections prohibit sending weaponry to countries described in section 40(d): “The prohibitions contained in this section apply with respect to a country if the Secretary of State determines that the government of that country has repeatedly provided support for acts of international terrorism,” Congress stated in the Arms Control Export Act.

The Syrian rebels not only include factions that are explicitly loyal to Al Qaeda but, according to US intelligence and experts analysts, those factions are now dominant within the opposition. So it is highly likely that some of the arms being shipped into Syria right now by the CIA will fall into the hands of Syrian rebels loyal to Al Qaeda.
The law allows the president to waive those prohibitions if he “determines that the transaction is essential to the national security interests of the United States.”
Under section 40(g) of the AECA, the Obama team must also provide Congress — at least 15 days before turning over the weapons — “the name of any country involved in the proposed transaction, the identity of any recipient of the items to be provided pursuant to the proposed transaction, and the anticipated use of those items,” along with a list of the weaponry to be provided, when they will be delivered, and why the transfer is key to American security interests.

Essential? I thought it was made pretty clear to the president and friends that America did not have any vital national security interests at stake in Syria. That’s why Obama pulled the bill, it was going down. And that bill was related to chemical weapons not arming the rebels to undermine the Assad government. How is undermining the Assad government essential to the national security interests of the United States?
President Bashar al-Assad has already said that by arming the rebels President Obama will kill the chemical weapons deal. Now bans on arming terrorists are being waved to justify dubious activity that might blow up a peace deal? Looks like war with Syria is still very much on the table as the US government gives weapons to groups loyal to the people that attacked America on 9/11.

could we please see the list of countries , if in fact, Mexico is included as a terrorist country..


22 U.S. Code § 2751 - Need for international defense cooperation and military export controls; Presidential waiver; report to Congress; arms sales policy | LII / Legal Information Institute

[SIZE=+1]On Fast & Furious, "Blame Bush" is a Lie[/SIZE]
Townhall.com ^

Throughout today's House Oversight Committee hearings on possible contempt charges for Attorney General Eric Holder, Democrat members repeatedly asserted and imtimated that the deadly gun-running program had originated under the previous administration. Their clear aim was to muddy the waters on who is ultimately culpable for this blood-stained travesty, to suggest that Republicans are engaged in a shameless partisan witch hunt, and to feed the pliant mainstream media a handy alternate narrative as they begin to cover the controversy. Katie documented why this variant of "Blame Bush!" isn't remotely applicable to Fast & Furious in [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Fast-Furious-Bloodiest-Shameless-Cover-Up/dp/1596983213"]her book[/ame], and former federal prosector Andy McCarthy [ame="http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/282606/fast-furious-was-bushs-fault-andrew-c-mccarthy#"]exposed and distilled[/ame] the Left's deliberate obtuseness on this subject last November:

The key to [Democrats'] strategy is conflating two very different programs: Operation Fast & Furious and a Bush era ATF initiative known as “Operation Wide Receiver.” In the questions from Judiciary Committee Democrats (principally, Senators Dianne Feinstein and Chuck Schumer — there may have been others but, again, I didn’t see the entire hearing), it emerged that Wide Receiver began in 2006, when Alberto Gonzales was the Bush administration attorney general...Wide Receiver actually involved not gun-walking but controlled delivery. Unlike gun-walking, which seems (for good reason) to have been unheard of until Fast & Furious, controlled delivery is a very common law enforcement tactic. Basically, the agents know the bad guys have negotiated a deal to acquire some commodity that is either illegal itself (e.g., heroin, child porn) or illegal for them to have/use (e.g., guns, corporate secrets). The agents allow the transfer to happen under circumstances where they are in control — i.e., they are on the scene conducting surveillance of the transfer, and sometimes even participating undercover in the transfer. As soon as the transfer takes place, they can descend on the suspects, make arrests, and seize the commodity in question — all of which makes for powerful evidence of guilt. Senator Schumer’s drawing of an equivalence between “tracing” in a controlled-delivery situation and “tracing” in Fast & Furious is laughable. In a controlled delivery firearms case, guns are traced in the sense that agents closely and physically follow them — they don’t just note the serial numbers or other identifying markers. The agents are thus able to trace the precise path of the guns from, say, American dealers to straw purchasers to Mexican buyers.
To the contrary, Fast & Furious involved uncontrolled deliveries — of thousands of weapons. It was an utterly heedless program in which the feds allowed these guns to be sold to straw purchasers — often leaning on reluctant gun dealers to make the sales. The straw purchasers were not followed by close physical surveillance; they were freely permitted to bulk transfer the guns to, among others, Mexican drug gangs and other violent criminals — with no agents on hand to swoop in, make arrests, and grab the firearms. The inevitable result of this was that the guns have been used (and will continue to be used) in many crimes, including the murder of Brian Terry, a U.S. border patrol agent. In sum, the Fast & Furious idea of “trace” is that, after violent crimes occur in Mexico, we can trace any guns the Mexican police are lucky enough to seize back to the sales to U.S. straw purchasers … who should never have been allowed to transfer them (or even buy them) in the first place. That is not law enforcement; that is abetting a criminal rampage.
Another crucial distinction: The Bush-era gun tracing program known as "Wide Receiver" was executed in concert with the Mexican government, which was fully involved at every step of the process. "Fast & Furious" was conceived and launched without the knowledge of the Mexican government -- and its citizens have paid a very dear price as a result. Even Holder himself was acknowledged that Fast & Furious was entirely an Obama-era endeavor:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bESZcRMCBKk&feature=player_embedded"]Holder contradicts Bush did it too.wmv[/ame]
That clip is from a hearing in the fall of 2011, putting to lie the contention that Republicans are merely trying to capitalize on an election year "fishing expedition." Investigators have been "fishing" for the truth for some time. The family of those killed -- including US Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry -- deserve nothing less. I'll leave you with two (additional) flashback instances of our transparency-loving president decrying the invocation of Executive Privilege, which is precisely the tactic he employed today to scuttle a legitimate Congressional investigation of his supposedly non-partisan Department of Justice.


"The Freedom of Information Act should be administered with a clear presumption: In the face of doubt, openness prevails. The Government should not keep information confidential merely because public officials might be embarrassed by disclosure, because errors and failures might be revealed, or because of speculative or abstract fears." - President Barack H. Obama
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Vh2XpljktMk"]Obama 2005: Attorney General's job is not to pursue the President's political agenda[/ame]
The president is not the Attorney General's client. The people are." - Senator Barack H. Obama
So the thread title and OP are correct. Posters like Vigilante will regurgitate endless post and off topic anti Obama stuff to deflect away from Putin shooting down a commercial airline.
So the thread title and OP are correct. Posters like Vigilante will regurgitate endless post and off topic anti Obama stuff to deflect away from Putin shooting down a commercial airline.

:lol: She likes cartoons. She thinks it somehow proves her point, but we all know it is deflection and a sign that she cannot think for herself. What else is there to expect to people with double digit IQs
We all know that Putin would never make a move like this without consulting alphamale Obama, so why did Obama give Putin the ok.
Let's see....

Obama has been restrained in his international policy refusing to overcomit to any crisis

Putin has grossly overplayed his hand and gotten in deeper than he can handle

Guess who conservatives love?
Let's see....

Obama has been restrained in his international policy refusing to overcomit to any crisis

Putin has grossly overplayed his hand and gotten in deeper than he can handle

Guess who conservatives love?

One word=====Syria

You can't be this dense, but then, a 2 digit IQ does wonders for subversives... perhaps you'll understand...perhaps not!
-Faggot cartoons removed -

I get it...it is you and the pathetic teapers who don't!



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