Putin kills 298 people while r-wingers admire him here and elect him President.

The only response of which this thread is worthy is to say that this thread is not worthy of a response or even serious consideration…

so you respond ... :lol:

if the boards resident traitors can't worship a Communist who allows his thugs to invade peaceful countries and shoot down commercial flights, then who can they worship?

Who are the "resident traitors," anyone who criticizes dear leader?

You can't be this dense, but then, a 2 digit IQ does wonders for subversives... perhaps you'll understand...perhaps not!





Have you not heard? Putin gave in to Obama's threats of military strikes against Assad and forced Assad to give up his CW arsenal in the middle of a civil war. Those 1,300 tons of CW have been removed from the war zone in six the months since Putin agreed at the UNSC to force Syria into compliance. Because the CW have been removed 100% from Syria means those cartoons are outdated and fully missing the point.
Now we know. Putin didn't kill anyone. It was fired from inside Ukraine. If anyone is at fault it was the pilot who changed course into a war zone to save gas.
The only response of which this thread is worthy is to say that this thread is not worthy of a response or even serious consideration…

so you respond ... :lol:

if the boards resident traitors can't worship a Communist who allows his thugs to invade peaceful countries and shoot down commercial flights, then who can they worship?

Who are the "resident traitors," anyone who criticizes dear leader?

Teaper...the correct answer is teaper or tea partier or tea bagger or - for those who think teaper is a bad word - douchebag.
Let's see....

Obama has been restrained in his international policy refusing to overcomit to any crisis

Putin has grossly overplayed his hand and gotten in deeper than he can handle

Guess who conservatives love?

Is "restrained" a euphemism for doing nothing?

I don't know any conservatives who love Putin. They just think Obama is far worse.
Romney was right while liberals followed along with BO and mocked him for it. Don't lump conservatives in as Putin cheerleaders

What was Romney right about? Russia is a "biggest geopolitical threat" to the US in something only on the order of a Sarah Palin mind.
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I told you before the right values bluster, zingers and displays of perceived toughness more than substance.

Thats why Palin is always throwing out zingers and the right mentions how hawt she is...What else matters?
They love Putin because he takes his shirt off and stomps around like a mad man. Must be tough if you are shirtless, right?
They loved when Bush would clear brush..."like a man!" on his estate...err...Ranch! (Manly)

They are like popular school girls who value labels over all

The one thing I just can't stand is how some RWs have so consistently sided with Pootin against their own country.

I'd like to ship all the Pootarians to Russia and see how long they last without President Obama protecting them.
I told you before the right values bluster, zingers and displays of perceived toughness more than substance.

Thats why Palin is always throwing out zingers and the right mentions how hawt she is...What else matters?
They love Putin because he takes his shirt off and stomps around like a mad man. Must be tough if you are shirtless, right?
They loved when Bush would clear brush..."like a man!" on his estate...err...Ranch! (Manly)

They are like popular school girls who value labels over all

The one thing I just can't stand is how some RWs have so consistently sided with Pootin against their own country.

I'd like to ship them all to Russia and see how long they last without President Obama protecting them.

When given a choice between Putin and a Democratic President

Republicans will take a dictatorial tyrant every time
I told you before the right values bluster, zingers and displays of perceived toughness more than substance.

Thats why Palin is always throwing out zingers and the right mentions how hawt she is...What else matters?
They love Putin because he takes his shirt off and stomps around like a mad man. Must be tough if you are shirtless, right?
They loved when Bush would clear brush..."like a man!" on his estate...err...Ranch! (Manly)

They are like popular school girls who value labels over all

The one thing I just can't stand is how some RWs have so consistently sided with Pootin against their own country.

I'd like to ship all the Pootarians to Russia and see how long they last without President Obama protecting them.

Ed Snowden is doing just fine. Better than Michael Hastings.
so you respond ... :lol:

if the boards resident traitors can't worship a Communist who allows his thugs to invade peaceful countries and shoot down commercial flights, then who can they worship?

Who are the "resident traitors," anyone who criticizes dear leader?

Teaper...the correct answer is teaper or tea partier or tea bagger or - for those who think teaper is a bad word - douchebag.

Anyone who uses the term "teabagger" is automatically a worthless piece of shit, as far as I'm concerned.

So what traitorous acts have members of the TEA party committed, ask the President to follow the Constitution? Demand that Congress balance the budget?
I told you before the right values bluster, zingers and displays of perceived toughness more than substance.

Thats why Palin is always throwing out zingers and the right mentions how hawt she is...What else matters?
They love Putin because he takes his shirt off and stomps around like a mad man. Must be tough if you are shirtless, right?
They loved when Bush would clear brush..."like a man!" on his estate...err...Ranch! (Manly)

They are like popular school girls who value labels over all

The one thing I just can't stand is how some RWs have so consistently sided with Pootin against their own country.

I'd like to ship all the Pootarians to Russia and see how long they last without President Obama protecting them.

Can you provide an example of one these "pootarians" siding with Putin?

When has Obama ever protected any American? It seems to me he has done precisely the opposite.

You can't be this dense, but then, a 2 digit IQ does wonders for subversives... perhaps you'll understand...perhaps not!





Have you not heard? Putin gave in to Obama's threats of military strikes against Assad and forced Assad to give up his CW arsenal in the middle of a civil war. Those 1,300 tons of CW have been removed from the war zone in six the months since Putin agreed at the UNSC to force Syria into compliance. Because the CW have been removed 100% from Syria means those cartoons are outdated and fully missing the point.

Oh, Really! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Report: Despite clearing inspection process, Syria still has WMD

Special to WorldTribune.com June 30, 2914!

TEL AVIV — Syria, despite a clean bill of health from the international community, still possesses weapons of mass destruction, a report said.
The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies asserted that the regime of President Bashar Assad still retained chemical and biological weapons facilities.
Contractors work on the hydrolysis systems tasked with eliminating Syrian chemical weapons. /Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images

In a report, author Dany Shoham said the regime has avoided international inspections of CW facilities amid the Sunni revolt in Syria.
“Although Assad may have relinquished the majority of his chemical weapons stockpile, the regime most probably possesses additional ‘undeclared’ chemical and biological weapon facilities, creating a complex situation with consequences that cannot be ignored,” the report, titled “Has Syria’s Chemical Weapons Arsenal Truly Been Dismantled?” said.

Shoham, a reserve intelligence officer and leading Israeli analyst on
WMD, said Syria has not cooperated with international inspectors in the
disposal of CW. He expressed doubt over how much of Syria’s WMD capacity was transferred or destroyed by the June 30 deadline. In September 2013, Assad declared 23 CW sites as well as 1,300 tons of chemical precursors and agents.

“It is not clear whether since September 2013 production of CW was
entirely stopped throughout Syria,” the report said. “Additionally, reports by the Syrian opposition claiming hidden CW — mainly VX agent-loaded — in the area of Hama cannot be ignored. The opposition’s claim that at least 20 percent of the Syrian CW arsenal was not declared might be true.”

The report said Assad did not declare BW agents. Shoham, who called for an international takeover of WMD facilities, said such agents were “probably present in the Syrian arsenal.”

“Besides, it is highly likely that Syria also continues to maintain
certain pathogens as deployable biological warfare agents,” the report said.

The report said Assad’s allies, particularly Iran and Russia, would not
stop Syria from concealing CW assets. He said the international community has halted inspections to verify Assad’s claims of the destruction of the sites.

“Assad is reluctant to give up the remaining declared CW production
facilities, and probably additional undeclared chemical armament,” the
report said. “For now, the job done by the inspectors is notable, but is far from complete.”

Report: Despite clearing inspection process, Syria still has WMD - World Tribune | World Tribune
I don't know any conservatives who love Putin. They just think Obama is far worse.

Who is in the better position right now in the world of global politics with regard to the US versus the Russian Federation positions on Ukraine?

How about with regard to ISIS versus Iraq? ISIS vs Syria? Hamas vs Libya? Hamas vs Egpyt? America vs Honduras, Guatamala and El Salvador?
I told you before the right values bluster, zingers and displays of perceived toughness more than substance.

Thats why Palin is always throwing out zingers and the right mentions how hawt she is...What else matters?
They love Putin because he takes his shirt off and stomps around like a mad man. Must be tough if you are shirtless, right?
They loved when Bush would clear brush..."like a man!" on his estate...err...Ranch! (Manly)

They are like popular school girls who value labels over all

The one thing I just can't stand is how some RWs have so consistently sided with Pootin against their own country.

I'd like to ship them all to Russia and see how long they last without President Obama protecting them.

When given a choice between Putin and a Democratic President

Republicans will take a dictatorial tyrant every time

Wrong, they wouldn't take Obama.
Who are the "resident traitors," anyone who criticizes dear leader?

Teaper...the correct answer is teaper or tea partier or tea bagger or - for those who think teaper is a bad word - douchebag.

Anyone who uses the term "teabagger" is automatically a worthless piece of shit, as far as I'm concerned.

So what traitorous acts have members of the TEA party committed, ask the President to follow the Constitution? Demand that Congress balance the budget?

Teapers root for the failure of the United States. They praise Putin and Russia. They obstruct in hopes of failure. They threaten armed insurrection and say they will use women as human shields like terrorists. They have zero respect for the Office of the President (you don't have to respect Obama to respect the Office). All of this for political gain. Yep, Teapers are traitors and they are perverting conservatism to the point we may never see a Republican President again and close to the point that we will not take over the Senate this November. Because of Teapers...we lost to Obama TWICE. TWICE! After for years of failure...the Teapers fucked it up and made the GOP lose again for 4 more years of failure. Fucking idiot teapers.

Oh, I don't like Tea Bagger either...that is why I use Teaper. Isn't it a more friendly term for a bunch of racist asswipes who hate America?
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