'Putin Laughs Off Obama'

Putin is getting bitch slapped. Only the dimwitted Obama haters and trump cultist don't see it.
"Putin Stunner: "We Will Not Expel Anyone; We Refuse To Sink To Obama's Level"

President Obama has still not shown the International Community difinitive proof that the Russians 'hacked the election'.

They have denied it.

Julian Assange has stated the leak was a Democratic Party INSIDER.

Yet Obama has openly talked about going to war with Russia, sanctioning them, and has ejected Russian representatives.

Putin is winning the diplomatic 'chess match', and by 'laughing off' Obama his is making him look like a joke no one takes seriously.

Face it - he / the US because of him is no longer respected and/or feared. He is a failure, and it is way past time for him to go.

Putin Stunner: "We Will Not Expel Anyone; We Refuse To Sink To 'Kitchen' Diplomacy" | Zero Hedge

"Following this morning's reports that Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov would recommend to Russian President Vladimir Putin a retaliation in kind, and expel 35 American diplomats, saying that “we cannot leave such acts unanswered. Reciprocity is part of diplomatic law" with Putin spokesman Peskov adding that "there is no doubt that Russia's adequate and mirror response will make Washington officials feel very uncomfortable as well", it was ultimately up to Putin to decide how to respond to the US.

Which he did on Friday morning, when in a stunning reversal, the Russian leader took the high road, rejected the Lavrov proposal, and in a statement posted by the Kremlin said that Russia won’t expel any Americans in retaliation to US moves, in a brutal demonstration of just how irrelevant Obama's 11th hour decision is for US-Russian relations."
Yes Putin is waiting for the republican traitor Dump to come to office How dare this repub ah not address this russian threat to our democracy> Scum just like many of those who voted for him
What is the threat?

What is the proof?

Serious question. The man who leaked the emails claimed they were given to him by a democrat who worked at the DNC. Granted, I've seen no proof of that either but it seems as viable a story as any other.
And ultimately what are we "punishing" Russia for? Exposing democrats double speak?
Granpa you're as unpatriotic as dump
So you have no answer then?
Meddling into our election deserves no punishment granpa?? You are the same as the dump garbage you foisted on america
I didn't say that. I asked you for the crime & evidence of it. Simple request really
Here's your break missourian NO COUNTRY who messes with our election system should ever get away with it ....If it was GWB or CHUMP doing it instead of obama you'd be kissing their butts

Where's the proof? Is this another Benghazi Youtube video? Had they not bald face lied about that for POLITICAL motives, I'd be more apt to believe them here. But they did, which leads me to believe they are doing the same again...backed by what has been reported and what we know about Obama's political motivation to undermine President Trump.

You know Podesta's email was hacked using a simple phishing scheme, right? Not some cloak and dagger backdoor hi tech method...an email that said "An unauthorized access to your email account has been detected, click the link below to reset your password...".

He was hacked because he is an idiot, and his people are idiots. Who doesn't know NEVER CLICK THE LINK?

If this is the level of State run Russian hacking capability, we should be REJOICING...not retaliating.

The phishing email that hacked the account of John Podesta

The DNC emails were given to Wikileaks by a disgruntled Sanders Supporter....and they had every reason to be disgruntled, judging by the emails to which they were privy.

WikiLeaks operative claims Russia did NOT provide Hillary Clinton emails | Daily Mail Online

Now, if you have some proof that these are false other than "Obama said so", I'll be happy to read it... but Obama flushed his credibility down the crapper with the CIA talking points Benghazi Youtube video deception...which was totally to cover his ass, not for the sake of national security.

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Let me get this straight, you find it funny that some racist murderous dictator laughs at our president, while the entire planet, including some little hungry 3 year old retard from some 3rd world country is mortified and laughing hysterically at you white ingrates all across the planet for voting for the simple minded, ie Tweet being one of em'.....and? If anybody is laughing dear, its at you white whores whinning cause the privilege card has expired...now that's some funny shit, bitch!!
Well, TBH, we're also laughing at you.
Let me get this straight, you find it funny that some racist murderous dictator laughs at our president, while the entire planet, including some little hungry 3 year old retard from some 3rd world country is mortified and laughing hysterically at you white ingrates all across the planet for voting for the simple minded, ie Tweet being one of em'.....and? If anybody is laughing dear, its at you white whores whinning cause the privilege card has expired...now that's some funny shit, bitch!!

Actually, it's more fun laffing at leftist spoon fed Obama lapdogs like you. Why, this is such a BIG ISSUE that Barry went on vacation.

Putin isn't going to do anything, because he knows they're GUILTY--lol If he chased out American diplomats that wouldn't give him close access to his Comrade Trump.

This is far from over. Right now you have investigative reporters working 24 hours a day 7 days a week trying to prove collusion with the Trump campaign to do a cyber attack on the United States, and they may already have something.

You may even have Russian diplomats that are being chased out, trying to contact Senate intelligence, and higher levels within the Obama administration trying to avoid being sent back to the motherland offering to spill the beans on the Trump campaign.

Putin is no dummy--he knows this is bad, and he may offer up Trump on a silver platter.

If Trump gets sworn into office, and is later impeached, the entire Republican party will die a thousand different deaths.


Graham: 99 percent of senators believe Russia interfered in election
hopefully it will be death of 1000 cuts
Yes Putin is waiting for the republican traitor Dump to come to office How dare this repub ah not address this russian threat to our democracy> Scum just like many of those who voted for him
What is the threat?

What is the proof?

Serious question. The man who leaked the emails claimed they were given to him by a democrat who worked at the DNC. Granted, I've seen no proof of that either but it seems as viable a story as any other.
And ultimately what are we "punishing" Russia for? Exposing democrats double speak?
Granpa you're as unpatriotic as dump
So you have no answer then?
Meddling into our election deserves no punishment granpa?? You are the same as the dump garbage you foisted on america
I didn't say that. I asked you for the crime & evidence of it. Simple request really
Go ask the 17 agencies that know OR do you think obama is so dumb as to strike back without evidence ?? If so you're not as smart as you think you are
Here's your break missourian NO COUNTRY who messes with our election system should ever get away with it ....If it was GWB or CHUMP doing it instead of obama you'd be kissing their butts

Where's the proof? Is this another Benghazi Youtube video? Had they not bald face lied about that for POLITICAL motives, I'd be more apt to believe them here. But they did, which leads me to believe they are doing the same again...backed by what has been reported and what we know about Obama's political motivation to undermine President Trump.

You know Podesta's email was hacked using a simple phishing scheme, right? Not some cloak and dagger backdoor hi tech method...an email that said "An unauthorized access to your email account has been detected, click the link below to reset your password...".

He was hacked because he is an idiot, and his people are idiots. Who doesn't know NEVER CLICK THE LINK?

If this is the level of State Russian hacking ability, we should be REJOICING...not retaliating.

The phishing email that hacked the account of John Podesta

The DNC emails were given to Wikileaks by a disgruntled Sanders Supporter....and they had every reason to be disgruntled, judging by the emails to which they were privy.

WikiLeaks operative claims Russia did NOT provide Hillary Clinton emails | Daily Mail Online

Now, if you have some proof that these are false other than "Obama said so", I'll be happy to read it... but Obama flushed his credibility down the crapper with the CIA talking points Benghazi Youtube video deception...which was totally to cover his ass, not for the sake of national security.

I wonder how much bs you'd post if it was russia giving out info on chump??
I don't really wonder
What is the threat?

What is the proof?

Serious question. The man who leaked the emails claimed they were given to him by a democrat who worked at the DNC. Granted, I've seen no proof of that either but it seems as viable a story as any other.
And ultimately what are we "punishing" Russia for? Exposing democrats double speak?
Granpa you're as unpatriotic as dump
So you have no answer then?
Meddling into our election deserves no punishment granpa?? You are the same as the dump garbage you foisted on america
I didn't say that. I asked you for the crime & evidence of it. Simple request really
Go ask the 17 agencies that know OR do you think obama is so dumb as to strike back without evidence ?? If so you're not as smart as you think you are
I don't think I'm smart, I know I'm intelligent. All I'm asking for is proof. Simply saying sonso said does not equate to proof.
Granpa you're as unpatriotic as dump
So you have no answer then?
Meddling into our election deserves no punishment granpa?? You are the same as the dump garbage you foisted on america
I didn't say that. I asked you for the crime & evidence of it. Simple request really
Go ask the 17 agencies that know OR do you think obama is so dumb as to strike back without evidence ?? If so you're not as smart as you think you are
I don't think I'm smart, I know I'm intelligent. All I'm asking for is proof. Simply saying sonso said does not equate to proof.
Some will be shown when they're ready to show it, IP addresses etc etc ,and some retaliation won't be made public
Granpa you're as unpatriotic as dump
So you have no answer then?
Meddling into our election deserves no punishment granpa?? You are the same as the dump garbage you foisted on america
I didn't say that. I asked you for the crime & evidence of it. Simple request really
Go ask the 17 agencies that know OR do you think obama is so dumb as to strike back without evidence ?? If so you're not as smart as you think you are
I don't think I'm smart, I know I'm intelligent. All I'm asking for is proof. Simply saying sonso said does not equate to proof.
Well you have started threads with less...
So you have no answer then?
Meddling into our election deserves no punishment granpa?? You are the same as the dump garbage you foisted on america
I didn't say that. I asked you for the crime & evidence of it. Simple request really
Go ask the 17 agencies that know OR do you think obama is so dumb as to strike back without evidence ?? If so you're not as smart as you think you are
I don't think I'm smart, I know I'm intelligent. All I'm asking for is proof. Simply saying sonso said does not equate to proof.
Some will be shown when they're ready to show it, IP addresses etc etc ,and some retaliation won't be made public
Question for you...

Do you think we spy on them? Or do you think only Russia conducts cyber espionage?
Minority president-elect Donald Trump has given the impression that he will be far more accommodating to ex-KGB Vladimir Putin once he takes over the Oval Office. Trump is reluctant to admit that the intelligence staff are right about Putin helping him win the election.
Meddling into our election deserves no punishment granpa?? You are the same as the dump garbage you foisted on america
I didn't say that. I asked you for the crime & evidence of it. Simple request really
Go ask the 17 agencies that know OR do you think obama is so dumb as to strike back without evidence ?? If so you're not as smart as you think you are
I don't think I'm smart, I know I'm intelligent. All I'm asking for is proof. Simply saying sonso said does not equate to proof.
Some will be shown when they're ready to show it, IP addresses etc etc ,and some retaliation won't be made public
Question for you...

Do you think we spy on them? Or do you think only Russia conducts cyber espionage?
I think it goes both ways ,,,but not on a 50-50 basis
I didn't say that. I asked you for the crime & evidence of it. Simple request really
Go ask the 17 agencies that know OR do you think obama is so dumb as to strike back without evidence ?? If so you're not as smart as you think you are
I don't think I'm smart, I know I'm intelligent. All I'm asking for is proof. Simply saying sonso said does not equate to proof.
Some will be shown when they're ready to show it, IP addresses etc etc ,and some retaliation won't be made public
Question for you...

Do you think we spy on them? Or do you think only Russia conducts cyber espionage?
I think it goes both ways ,,,but not on a 50-50 basis
IF it is proven the Russians hacked the DNC then appropriate action should be taken. I submit that returning to cold war tactics is not the right action. Furthermore I find it hard to believe that this isn't just "political" posturing.
Russia, like Romney said & was mocked for, is a geo political enemy. Our goal should be to rectify that problem not exasperate it.
Go ask the 17 agencies that know OR do you think obama is so dumb as to strike back without evidence ?? If so you're not as smart as you think you are
I don't think I'm smart, I know I'm intelligent. All I'm asking for is proof. Simply saying sonso said does not equate to proof.
Some will be shown when they're ready to show it, IP addresses etc etc ,and some retaliation won't be made public
Question for you...

Do you think we spy on them? Or do you think only Russia conducts cyber espionage?
I think it goes both ways ,,,but not on a 50-50 basis
IF it is proven the Russians hacked the DNC then appropriate action should be taken. I submit that returning to cold war tactics is not the right action. Furthermore I find it hard to believe that this isn't just "political" posturing.
Russia, like Romney said & was mocked for, is a geo political enemy. Our goal should be to rectify that problem not exasperate it.
Already top republicans including McConnell and Ryan say it was necessary and needs more ,,Of course they also say it should have been done a while ago
Go ask the 17 agencies that know OR do you think obama is so dumb as to strike back without evidence ?? If so you're not as smart as you think you are
I don't think I'm smart, I know I'm intelligent. All I'm asking for is proof. Simply saying sonso said does not equate to proof.
Some will be shown when they're ready to show it, IP addresses etc etc ,and some retaliation won't be made public
Question for you...

Do you think we spy on them? Or do you think only Russia conducts cyber espionage?
I think it goes both ways ,,,but not on a 50-50 basis
IF it is proven the Russians hacked the DNC then appropriate action should be taken. I submit that returning to cold war tactics is not the right action. Furthermore I find it hard to believe that this isn't just "political" posturing.
Russia, like Romney said & was mocked for, is a geo political enemy. Our goal should be to rectify that problem not exasperate it.
The Kremlin hates America and will try to outfox Trump whom they believe to be unstable -- a disaster waiting to happen.
I don't think I'm smart, I know I'm intelligent. All I'm asking for is proof. Simply saying sonso said does not equate to proof.
Some will be shown when they're ready to show it, IP addresses etc etc ,and some retaliation won't be made public
Question for you...

Do you think we spy on them? Or do you think only Russia conducts cyber espionage?
I think it goes both ways ,,,but not on a 50-50 basis
IF it is proven the Russians hacked the DNC then appropriate action should be taken. I submit that returning to cold war tactics is not the right action. Furthermore I find it hard to believe that this isn't just "political" posturing.
Russia, like Romney said & was mocked for, is a geo political enemy. Our goal should be to rectify that problem not exasperate it.
Already top republicans including McConnell and Ryan say it was necessary and needs more ,,Of course they also say it should have been done a while ago
Months ago I started a thread about Russian hacking and said it needed to be addressed. Kicking out all the Russian diplomats is not a solution. All that accomplishes is temporary aggravation.

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