'Putin Laughs Off Obama'

GOP is also behind Obamas sanctions.

The one hold out is the Donald .
The one that counts.
That's exactly why Putin wanted him elected.


What does that have to do with anything I have said?

I don't recall having Trump in my original op.
And you're the only complaining about about being on topic. my my

Your op is a seven word sentence . We have no choice but to read into it.
I'm quoting,

Putin to Obama: When you go low , we go high. ;)

One again, Putin making Obama look like the ass that he is!

Bravo Putin, good move and very well done! :clap::clap:
Where's dat kissy imoge?...

... Uncle Ferd standin' under a mistletoe...

... blowin' kisses to Miss skye
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Again, Putin got his guy in the White House. He won. No need to expel anybody. He should throw U.S. Diplomats in Russia a party. He successfully crippled the executive branch of the American government for at least 1 year, maybe up to 4. Russia and their allies will make great gains against the U.S. under Trump's childlike idea of leadership.
When a draconian dictator is seen like a moral hero compared to our leader... perhaps it's time to change the leader!

Ah, Trump, just in time before these guys decide to do something really stupid like declare a war with Russia.
Let me get this straight, you find it funny that some racist murderous dictator laughs at our president, while the entire planet, including some little hungry 3 year old retard from some 3rd world country is mortified and laughing hysterically at you white ingrates all across the planet for voting for the simple minded, ie Tweet being one of em'.....and? If anybody is laughing dear, its at you white whores whinning cause the privilege card has expired...now that's some funny shit, bitch!!

^ Almost Mammy Speak. E for effort
What is the threat?

What is the proof?

Serious question. The man who leaked the emails claimed they were given to him by a democrat who worked at the DNC. Granted, I've seen no proof of that either but it seems as viable a story as any other.
And ultimately what are we "punishing" Russia for? Exposing democrats double speak?
Granpa you're as unpatriotic as dump
So you have no answer then?
Meddling into our election deserves no punishment granpa?? You are the same as the dump garbage you foisted on america
I didn't say that. I asked you for the crime & evidence of it. Simple request really
Go ask the 17 agencies that know OR do you think obama is so dumb as to strike back without evidence ?? If so you're not as smart as you think you are

No matter how many times you bed wetters parrot that it won't become true.

The one that counts.
That's exactly why Putin wanted him elected.


What does that have to do with anything I have said?

I don't recall having Trump in my original op.
And you're the only complaining about about being on topic. my my

Your op is a seven word sentence . We have no choice but to read into it.

And you're not "we"

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