Putin likes Trump

Russia and Putin would love nothing more then for America to elect the wrong leader.

Putin didn't like Obama? Probably because Obama didn't kiss his ass. If Obama were weak and going along Putin wouldn't be publically dissing him. Putin pretended to like bush and bush fell for it.

Putin doesn't like Obama because Obama is weak and cannot be trusted. The world respects strong leaders, not pussies like Obama.

Actually it's the other way around. Obama punishing Russian with sanctions. I don't consider that weak and pussy but strong determination against bully.

So you think we should Nuke them?

No........ I don't think nuke is a good idea. Russians should kick Putin ass and stop killing his political opponents then have a real election. Give up some of his $40 billions that he rob from his people, stop raping his neighbors, stop selling arms to Iran and Syria.
How do we KNOW President Putin actually kills opponents and journalists? Why I just heard Mr. Trump make this excellent point! Where's the proof?

And, on that note, how do we know the holocaust actually happened? (-:
And how do you know you aren't just a computer simulation?

Russia and Putin would love nothing more then for America to elect the wrong leader.

Putin didn't like Obama? Probably because Obama didn't kiss his ass. If Obama were weak and going along Putin wouldn't be publically dissing him. Putin pretended to like bush and bush fell for it.

Putin doesn't like Obama because Obama is weak and cannot be trusted. The world respects strong leaders, not pussies like Obama.

Actually it's the other way around. Obama punishing Russian with sanctions. I don't consider that weak and pussy but strong determination against bully.

So you think we should Nuke them?

No........ I don't think nuke is a good idea. Russians should kick Putin ass and stop killing his political opponents then have a real election. Give up some of his $40 billions that he rob from his people, stop raping his neighbors, stop selling arms to Iran and Syria.
How do we KNOW President Putin actually kills opponents and journalists? Why I just heard Mr. Trump make this excellent point! Where's the proof?

And, on that note, how do we know the holocaust actually happened? (-:

Okay! YOU HAVE PROVEN TO US ALL YOU ARE A LUNATIC. I thought the Iranians were the ones denying the Holocaust. You are clueless!
Put his country first...... Like what????? By invading Ukraine and Georgia, supplying arms to Syria and Iran, murdering civilians in Syria........... Keep trying you might impressed me.

Russia Is Killing Civilians, Not ISIS, in Syria

He wants to reconstitute the USSR. He is trying to make his country powerful once again. You may not like that, but it is what it is.

While here in the USA, Obama is doing everything he can to weaken this country and let radicals of all stripes take control.

Why won't your hero say the words "radical Islamic terrorists" ? Why wont he call the enemy what it is?

Good lord.... You were asking that we should all get along because of common goal. And here you are supporting Russian aggressions. Someone has to fight and stand against Russian aggressions.
Just because he is murdering 100s of Syrian and killing few ISIS. That doesn't him a hero but a murderer. Make his country great again? That just pure bullshit.

So, America, The World's POliceman?

Me? I see Russia as a regional problem. And not our region.

Here is the problem...... If we just let Russia or China roll over against any of their neighbors..... People like you and others will be bitchin. Obama is a pussy, he just sit and watch, sold his allies etc.
Now that we are standing against bully........ At the same time you don't like it? Or you just don't know what you are talking about?
Why don't you tell the Russians stop bullying in the first place? Why don't you tell Putin to stop meddling in ME? Why don't you tell Iran and Syria to stop supporting terrorism in the first place? Someone has to stop these bastards.
Maybe you can tell us why Russia's next door countries wants to join NATO for protection against Russia.

your post might make sense if we were in fact standing up against Putin and Russia. Did we stop them from taking Crimea and Ukraine? Duh, no.

Russia is retaliating against ISIS for killing Russians. Something obozo might try to copy.

But you are not making sense to me. Militarily Crimea is very important to Russia and they will go to war if needed. In order to stop Russia in Ukraine.
1. Send our forces to fight Russia right on their doorstep with unlimited source of man power. Meaning WW3.
2. Start sending heavy arms to Ukraine which will trigger a total invasion of Russia......The best option was to put pressure on Putin with crippling sanctions against Russia. Aside from that what is your suggestion? Nuke Russia?
Obama has been bombing ISIS in Syria since last year so I don't where you've been. Putin just start bombing last month. The difference between US bombing compared to Putin bombing are. 1. Putin is bombing (murdering) Syrians and some ISIS. 2. US is not in the business of killing civilians. We only bomb ISIS.
Since you and others are so fascinated about Putin bombing............ Why do you think ISIS are still capable of producing oil by the millions of gallon? Can you answer this question?
He wants to reconstitute the USSR. He is trying to make his country powerful once again. You may not like that, but it is what it is.

While here in the USA, Obama is doing everything he can to weaken this country and let radicals of all stripes take control.

Why won't your hero say the words "radical Islamic terrorists" ? Why wont he call the enemy what it is?

Good lord.... You were asking that we should all get along because of common goal. And here you are supporting Russian aggressions. Someone has to fight and stand against Russian aggressions.
Just because he is murdering 100s of Syrian and killing few ISIS. That doesn't him a hero but a murderer. Make his country great again? That just pure bullshit.

So, America, The World's POliceman?

Me? I see Russia as a regional problem. And not our region.

Here is the problem...... If we just let Russia or China roll over against any of their neighbors..... People like you and others will be bitchin. Obama is a pussy, he just sit and watch, sold his allies etc.
Now that we are standing against bully........ At the same time you don't like it? Or you just don't know what you are talking about?
Why don't you tell the Russians stop bullying in the first place? Why don't you tell Putin to stop meddling in ME? Why don't you tell Iran and Syria to stop supporting terrorism in the first place? Someone has to stop these bastards.
Maybe you can tell us why Russia's next door countries wants to join NATO for protection against Russia.

your post might make sense if we were in fact standing up against Putin and Russia. Did we stop them from taking Crimea and Ukraine? Duh, no.

Russia is retaliating against ISIS for killing Russians. Something obozo might try to copy.

But you are not making sense to me. Militarily Crimea is very important to Russia and they will go to war if needed. In order to stop Russia in Ukraine.
1. Send our forces to fight Russia right on their doorstep with unlimited source of man power. Meaning WW3.
2. Start sending heavy arms to Ukraine which will trigger a total invasion of Russia......The best option was to put pressure on Putin with crippling sanctions against Russia. Aside from that what is your suggestion? Nuke Russia?
I've already posted this today for another group of dumb liberals. Looks like I have to post same thing again in this thread:

Well, I’m from [Eastern] Ukraine (unfortunately) and I can tell you one thing: there are NO regular Russian troops there and never have been in Ukraine, it’s all invented by Western propaganda. Official Kiev (we call them the junta ) started the war against its own people and doesn’t want to stop it, because it brings them a lot of criminal money (looks like we are talking about Turkey, ha?). Without alleged "Russian aggression in Ukraine" how you think Ukrainian/Western propaganda would explain it to the whole world??? And Biden comes to Kiev a few times a year to make sure the war would not stop (his son Hunter Biden has commercial interests there too, Google him in case interested).

On Nov,12 2015 German TV channel Deutsche Welle has interviewed Poroshenko [Ukrainian president], who has had a hard time answering a lot of uncomfortable questions about ceasefire, corruption, TV channel and the chocolate factory he promised to sell but still owns, “pocket armies”, Right Sector and oligarchs he promised to get rid of but they all still exist and so on.

Watch the video attached (minute 10.47) and how Poroshenko is lying about violating Minsk agreements:

Journalist to Poroshenko: We’ve seen shelling, OSCE ( International Organization of Security and Cooperation of Europe) has been reporting a number of cease violations:
- you’re missing the deadlines.
- why are your Grads rocket launching still in territory where they should not to be now in November as cited by OSCE 2 days ago?
Why are your Grads missiles launching in the place they shouldn’t be? OSCE is reporting it.
So, the report is wrong? You say it’s wrong.
So, they got it wrong?
But you and OSCE can’t both be right.
So, you have a different interpretation of this from OSCE?
Poroshenko interview causes stir online | World | DW.COM | 13.11.2015

Now look how Putin answered a question about Russian possible military bases in Syria (Dec.17):

Some people in Europe and the US repeatedly said that our [military] base can remain there [in Syria] if we want it to. But I do not know if we need a base there. We have a 1,500-kilometre-range Kalibr sea-based missile and aircraft-carried Kh-101 missile with a 4,500-kilometre range.
So why would we need a base there? Should we need to reach somebody, we can do so without a base.
Vladimir Putin’s annual news conference

The answer is: he does not need his troops in Ukraine and he would be in Kiev in a day or twoif he wanted. The recent events in Syria have proved it pretty good.
Putin doesn't like Obama because Obama is weak and cannot be trusted. The world respects strong leaders, not pussies like Obama.

Actually it's the other way around. Obama punishing Russian with sanctions. I don't consider that weak and pussy but strong determination against bully.

So you think we should Nuke them?

No........ I don't think nuke is a good idea. Russians should kick Putin ass and stop killing his political opponents then have a real election. Give up some of his $40 billions that he rob from his people, stop raping his neighbors, stop selling arms to Iran and Syria.
How do we KNOW President Putin actually kills opponents and journalists? Why I just heard Mr. Trump make this excellent point! Where's the proof?

And, on that note, how do we know the holocaust actually happened? (-:

Okay! YOU HAVE PROVEN TO US ALL YOU ARE A LUNATIC. I thought the Iranians were the ones denying the Holocaust. You are clueless!
Well, that's what I mean. How do we know President Putin poisoned or otherwise killed journalists or that he ever had troops in the Ukraine. It could all be made up. He and the Big Quack may actually be right about everything.
He wants to reconstitute the USSR. He is trying to make his country powerful once again. You may not like that, but it is what it is.

While here in the USA, Obama is doing everything he can to weaken this country and let radicals of all stripes take control.

Why won't your hero say the words "radical Islamic terrorists" ? Why wont he call the enemy what it is?

Good lord.... You were asking that we should all get along because of common goal. And here you are supporting Russian aggressions. Someone has to fight and stand against Russian aggressions.
Just because he is murdering 100s of Syrian and killing few ISIS. That doesn't him a hero but a murderer. Make his country great again? That just pure bullshit.

So, America, The World's POliceman?

Me? I see Russia as a regional problem. And not our region.

Here is the problem...... If we just let Russia or China roll over against any of their neighbors..... People like you and others will be bitchin. Obama is a pussy, he just sit and watch, sold his allies etc.
Now that we are standing against bully........ At the same time you don't like it? Or you just don't know what you are talking about?
Why don't you tell the Russians stop bullying in the first place? Why don't you tell Putin to stop meddling in ME? Why don't you tell Iran and Syria to stop supporting terrorism in the first place? Someone has to stop these bastards.
Maybe you can tell us why Russia's next door countries wants to join NATO for protection against Russia.

your post might make sense if we were in fact standing up against Putin and Russia. Did we stop them from taking Crimea and Ukraine? Duh, no.

Russia is retaliating against ISIS for killing Russians. Something obozo might try to copy.

But you are not making sense to me. Militarily Crimea is very important to Russia and they will go to war if needed. In order to stop Russia in Ukraine.
1. Send our forces to fight Russia right on their doorstep with unlimited source of man power. Meaning WW3.
2. Start sending heavy arms to Ukraine which will trigger a total invasion of Russia......The best option was to put pressure on Putin with crippling sanctions against Russia. Aside from that what is your suggestion? Nuke Russia?
Obama has been bombing ISIS in Syria since last year so I don't where you've been. Putin just start bombing last month. The difference between US bombing compared to Putin bombing are. 1. Putin is bombing (murdering) Syrians and some ISIS. 2. US is not in the business of killing civilians. We only bomb ISIS.
Since you and others are so fascinated about Putin bombing............ Why do you think ISIS are still capable of producing oil by the millions of gallon? Can you answer this question?

^^^^^this is the result of getting you news from far left websites and the state controlled media known as CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, and MSNBC. They are filling your heads with lies trying to protect their chosen one, Barry Soetoro Obama.
We can't really say much if Russia wants to fuck with one of their neighbors. Not after Iraq.

Iraq was completely justified, morally and legally.

The point is Russia's neighbors are not ouR problem and not worth WWIII.

It was based on a lie. We attacked the wrong country. Even the Dunce Trump knows that.

Trump didn't say that.

Iraq was completely justified.

You are really pushing the old repub lie bartometer this morning. Everyone has seen him denouce the Iraq war.

Donald Trump: I Would Never Have Invaded Iraq

You really need to use Google before posting another lie...

Stating that you would have made a different choice is not the same as saying that a choice was not morally and legally justified.

As Iraq was.
LOL! Putin wants to rebuild the Warsaw Pact? LOL!

Link please.

I think he is smart enough to realize that is not possible.

And if he tries? Then Europe should do something about it.

We should leave NATO.

I'll be happy to sell Europe all the guns they want.


Do you get that joke?

You think putin will put his plans on the web? He us not as egotistical as Trump. But he is as dangerous. Trump is just ignorant.

SO, you're just guessing as to how far he thinks he can go.

IMO, he is interested in his neighbors especially if they have significant russian populations.

Poland? East Germany? Completely not in the cards, and he knows it.

That is not a threat to the US. It's hardly a thread to Western and Central Europe.

My joke was that I would be willing to sell Europe all the guns they want.

The joke is that they are too much of pussies to support a serious military force.

And that's on them.

US out of NATO, NOW!

Yes, that would make it easier for Putin to reassemble the old USSR, wouldn't it. Does he send you weekly or monthly checks?

You willing to fight a global nuclear war to stop him?

Cause I am not.

That is what Neville Chamberlain said about Hitler.

No, it really wasn't.
Iraq was completely justified, morally and legally.

The point is Russia's neighbors are not ouR problem and not worth WWIII.

It was based on a lie. We attacked the wrong country. Even the Dunce Trump knows that.

Trump didn't say that.

Iraq was completely justified.
Suuureee it was

Donald Trump: World would be '100%' better with Hussein, Gadhafi in power - CNNPolitics.com

Stating it didn't work out is not saying it was not morally and legally justified.
You're losing your credibility dumb shit.

“We should have never gone into Iraq. I’ve said it loud and clear. I was visited by people from the White House asking me to sort of, could I be silenced because I seem to get a disproportionate amount of publicity. I mean, I was very strong, though: ‘You’re going to destabilize the Middle East.’”

— Businessman Donald Trump, interview on Fox News, Oct. 6, 2015

And Trumps a liar anyways.

Donald Trump’s baseless claim that the Bush White House tried to ‘silence’ his Iraq War opposition in 2003

Disagreeing with a policy is not the same as saying that policy was morally wrong or legally wrong.

And you call me a dumb ass? LOL!
I said he is a good leader who puts his country first. That is a true statement.

Do those qualities apply to Obama? NO

its that simple.

Put his country first...... Like what????? By invading Ukraine and Georgia, supplying arms to Syria and Iran, murdering civilians in Syria........... Keep trying you might impressed me.

Russia Is Killing Civilians, Not ISIS, in Syria

He wants to reconstitute the USSR. He is trying to make his country powerful once again. You may not like that, but it is what it is.

While here in the USA, Obama is doing everything he can to weaken this country and let radicals of all stripes take control.

Why won't your hero say the words "radical Islamic terrorists" ? Why wont he call the enemy what it is?

Good lord.... You were asking that we should all get along because of common goal. And here you are supporting Russian aggressions. Someone has to fight and stand against Russian aggressions.
Just because he is murdering 100s of Syrian and killing few ISIS. That doesn't him a hero but a murderer. Make his country great again? That just pure bullshit.

So, America, The World's POliceman?

Me? I see Russia as a regional problem. And not our region.

Here is the problem...... If we just let Russia or China roll over against any of their neighbors..... People like you and others will be bitchin. Obama is a pussy, he just sit and watch, sold his allies etc.
Now that we are standing against bully........ At the same time you don't like it? Or you just don't know what you are talking about?
Why don't you tell the Russians stop bullying in the first place? Why don't you tell Putin to stop meddling in ME? Why don't you tell Iran and Syria to stop supporting terrorism in the first place? Someone has to stop these bastards.
Maybe you can tell us why Russia's next door countries wants to join NATO for protection against Russia.

So, you want risk nuclear war in order to deprive the REpublcans of a potential talking Point?

That is not a good reason.

Russia is not longer a threat to US.

The Cold War is over. US troops out of Europe.

Avoid foreign wars and entanglements.

Why do Russia's neighbors want to join NATO?

So we will fight RUssia for them.

Russia and Putin would love nothing more then for America to elect the wrong leader.

Putin didn't like Obama? Probably because Obama didn't kiss his ass. If Obama were weak and going along Putin wouldn't be publically dissing him. Putin pretended to like bush and bush fell for it.

Putin doesn't like Obama because Obama is weak and cannot be trusted. The world respects strong leaders, not pussies like Obama.

Actually it's the other way around. Obama punishing Russian with sanctions. I don't consider that weak and pussy but strong determination against bully.

So you think we should Nuke them?

No........ I don't think nuke is a good idea. Russians should kick Putin ass and stop killing his political opponents then have a real election. Give up some of his $40 billions that he rob from his people, stop raping his neighbors, stop selling arms to Iran and Syria.
How do we KNOW President Putin actually kills opponents and journalists? Why I just heard Mr. Trump make this excellent point! Where's the proof?

And, on that note, how do we know the holocaust actually happened? (-:

You've got to be kidding me.
I think you bendog, redfish and correll are one person.
Put his country first...... Like what????? By invading Ukraine and Georgia, supplying arms to Syria and Iran, murdering civilians in Syria........... Keep trying you might impressed me.

Russia Is Killing Civilians, Not ISIS, in Syria

He wants to reconstitute the USSR. He is trying to make his country powerful once again. You may not like that, but it is what it is.

While here in the USA, Obama is doing everything he can to weaken this country and let radicals of all stripes take control.

Why won't your hero say the words "radical Islamic terrorists" ? Why wont he call the enemy what it is?

Good lord.... You were asking that we should all get along because of common goal. And here you are supporting Russian aggressions. Someone has to fight and stand against Russian aggressions.
Just because he is murdering 100s of Syrian and killing few ISIS. That doesn't him a hero but a murderer. Make his country great again? That just pure bullshit.

So, America, The World's POliceman?

Me? I see Russia as a regional problem. And not our region.

Here is the problem...... If we just let Russia or China roll over against any of their neighbors..... People like you and others will be bitchin. Obama is a pussy, he just sit and watch, sold his allies etc.
Now that we are standing against bully........ At the same time you don't like it? Or you just don't know what you are talking about?
Why don't you tell the Russians stop bullying in the first place? Why don't you tell Putin to stop meddling in ME? Why don't you tell Iran and Syria to stop supporting terrorism in the first place? Someone has to stop these bastards.
Maybe you can tell us why Russia's next door countries wants to join NATO for protection against Russia.

So, you want risk nuclear war in order to deprive the REpublcans of a potential talking Point?

That is not a good reason.

Russia is not longer a threat to US.

The Cold War is over. US troops out of Europe.

Avoid foreign wars and entanglements.

Why do Russia's neighbors want to join NATO?

So we will fight RUssia for them.


You don't know what you are talking about. Read my post #425. Get yourself updated and get back to me.
Good lord.... You were asking that we should all get along because of common goal. And here you are supporting Russian aggressions. Someone has to fight and stand against Russian aggressions.
Just because he is murdering 100s of Syrian and killing few ISIS. That doesn't him a hero but a murderer. Make his country great again? That just pure bullshit.

So, America, The World's POliceman?

Me? I see Russia as a regional problem. And not our region.

Here is the problem...... If we just let Russia or China roll over against any of their neighbors..... People like you and others will be bitchin. Obama is a pussy, he just sit and watch, sold his allies etc.
Now that we are standing against bully........ At the same time you don't like it? Or you just don't know what you are talking about?
Why don't you tell the Russians stop bullying in the first place? Why don't you tell Putin to stop meddling in ME? Why don't you tell Iran and Syria to stop supporting terrorism in the first place? Someone has to stop these bastards.
Maybe you can tell us why Russia's next door countries wants to join NATO for protection against Russia.

your post might make sense if we were in fact standing up against Putin and Russia. Did we stop them from taking Crimea and Ukraine? Duh, no.

Russia is retaliating against ISIS for killing Russians. Something obozo might try to copy.

But you are not making sense to me. Militarily Crimea is very important to Russia and they will go to war if needed. In order to stop Russia in Ukraine.
1. Send our forces to fight Russia right on their doorstep with unlimited source of man power. Meaning WW3.
2. Start sending heavy arms to Ukraine which will trigger a total invasion of Russia......The best option was to put pressure on Putin with crippling sanctions against Russia. Aside from that what is your suggestion? Nuke Russia?
Obama has been bombing ISIS in Syria since last year so I don't where you've been. Putin just start bombing last month. The difference between US bombing compared to Putin bombing are. 1. Putin is bombing (murdering) Syrians and some ISIS. 2. US is not in the business of killing civilians. We only bomb ISIS.
Since you and others are so fascinated about Putin bombing............ Why do you think ISIS are still capable of producing oil by the millions of gallon? Can you answer this question?

^^^^^this is the result of getting you news from far left websites and the state controlled media known as CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, and MSNBC. They are filling your heads with lies trying to protect their chosen one, Barry Soetoro Obama.

In telling you the facts and reality not from your own theory. You have not or cannot answer my question........Or you just don't know what you are talking about.
Maybe if you pull your head out of the sand box you might know what is going on.
Actually it's the other way around. Obama punishing Russian with sanctions. I don't consider that weak and pussy but strong determination against bully.

So you think we should Nuke them?

No........ I don't think nuke is a good idea. Russians should kick Putin ass and stop killing his political opponents then have a real election. Give up some of his $40 billions that he rob from his people, stop raping his neighbors, stop selling arms to Iran and Syria.
How do we KNOW President Putin actually kills opponents and journalists? Why I just heard Mr. Trump make this excellent point! Where's the proof?

And, on that note, how do we know the holocaust actually happened? (-:

Okay! YOU HAVE PROVEN TO US ALL YOU ARE A LUNATIC. I thought the Iranians were the ones denying the Holocaust. You are clueless!
Well, that's what I mean. How do we know President Putin poisoned or otherwise killed journalists or that he ever had troops in the Ukraine. It could all be made up. He and the Big Quack may actually be right about everything.

You are clueless. The Russian soldiers are in Ukraine at the start of the conflict.

Vladimir Putin admits: Russian troops 'were in Ukraine'
We can't really say much if Russia wants to fuck with one of their neighbors. Not after Iraq.

Iraq was completely justified, morally and legally.

The point is Russia's neighbors are not ouR problem and not worth WWIII.

It was based on a lie. We attacked the wrong country. Even the Dunce Trump knows that.

Trump didn't say that.

Iraq was completely justified.

You are really pushing the old repub lie bartometer this morning. Everyone has seen him denouce the Iraq war.

Donald Trump: I Would Never Have Invaded Iraq

You really need to use Google before posting another lie...

Stating that you would have made a different choice is not the same as saying that a choice was not morally and legally justified.

As Iraq was.

You are nuts.
Good lord.... You were asking that we should all get along because of common goal. And here you are supporting Russian aggressions. Someone has to fight and stand against Russian aggressions.
Just because he is murdering 100s of Syrian and killing few ISIS. That doesn't him a hero but a murderer. Make his country great again? That just pure bullshit.

So, America, The World's POliceman?

Me? I see Russia as a regional problem. And not our region.

Here is the problem...... If we just let Russia or China roll over against any of their neighbors..... People like you and others will be bitchin. Obama is a pussy, he just sit and watch, sold his allies etc.
Now that we are standing against bully........ At the same time you don't like it? Or you just don't know what you are talking about?
Why don't you tell the Russians stop bullying in the first place? Why don't you tell Putin to stop meddling in ME? Why don't you tell Iran and Syria to stop supporting terrorism in the first place? Someone has to stop these bastards.
Maybe you can tell us why Russia's next door countries wants to join NATO for protection against Russia.

your post might make sense if we were in fact standing up against Putin and Russia. Did we stop them from taking Crimea and Ukraine? Duh, no.

Russia is retaliating against ISIS for killing Russians. Something obozo might try to copy.

But you are not making sense to me. Militarily Crimea is very important to Russia and they will go to war if needed. In order to stop Russia in Ukraine.
1. Send our forces to fight Russia right on their doorstep with unlimited source of man power. Meaning WW3.
2. Start sending heavy arms to Ukraine which will trigger a total invasion of Russia......The best option was to put pressure on Putin with crippling sanctions against Russia. Aside from that what is your suggestion? Nuke Russia?
I've already posted this today for another group of dumb liberals. Looks like I have to post same thing again in this thread:

Well, I’m from [Eastern] Ukraine (unfortunately) and I can tell you one thing: there are NO regular Russian troops there and never have been in Ukraine, it’s all invented by Western propaganda. Official Kiev (we call them the junta ) started the war against its own people and doesn’t want to stop it, because it brings them a lot of criminal money (looks like we are talking about Turkey, ha?). Without alleged "Russian aggression in Ukraine" how you think Ukrainian/Western propaganda would explain it to the whole world??? And Biden comes to Kiev a few times a year to make sure the war would not stop (his son Hunter Biden has commercial interests there too, Google him in case interested).

On Nov,12 2015 German TV channel Deutsche Welle has interviewed Poroshenko [Ukrainian president], who has had a hard time answering a lot of uncomfortable questions about ceasefire, corruption, TV channel and the chocolate factory he promised to sell but still owns, “pocket armies”, Right Sector and oligarchs he promised to get rid of but they all still exist and so on.

Watch the video attached (minute 10.47) and how Poroshenko is lying about violating Minsk agreements:

Journalist to Poroshenko: We’ve seen shelling, OSCE ( International Organization of Security and Cooperation of Europe) has been reporting a number of cease violations:
- you’re missing the deadlines.
- why are your Grads rocket launching still in territory where they should not to be now in November as cited by OSCE 2 days ago?
Why are your Grads missiles launching in the place they shouldn’t be? OSCE is reporting it.
So, the report is wrong? You say it’s wrong.
So, they got it wrong?
But you and OSCE can’t both be right.
So, you have a different interpretation of this from OSCE?
Poroshenko interview causes stir online | World | DW.COM | 13.11.2015

Now look how Putin answered a question about Russian possible military bases in Syria (Dec.17):

Some people in Europe and the US repeatedly said that our [military] base can remain there [in Syria] if we want it to. But I do not know if we need a base there. We have a 1,500-kilometre-range Kalibr sea-based missile and aircraft-carried Kh-101 missile with a 4,500-kilometre range.
So why would we need a base there? Should we need to reach somebody, we can do so without a base.
Vladimir Putin’s annual news conference

The answer is: he does not need his troops in Ukraine and he would be in Kiev in a day or twoif he wanted. The recent events in Syria have proved it pretty good.

Are you serious? You are from Ukraine...... And you don't know what you are talking about? Are you that dumb?
Russia doesn't need a military base? That's a joke. Russia can only afford few military base because he has only few allies that allows Russia. Bombing alone does not complete the missions. You are stupid than I thought.

Vladimir Putin admits: Russian troops 'were in Ukraine'
Last edited:
You nuts are putin agents pushing Trump. You are all clueless and are GONE.
Good lord.... You were asking that we should all get along because of common goal. And here you are supporting Russian aggressions. Someone has to fight and stand against Russian aggressions.
Just because he is murdering 100s of Syrian and killing few ISIS. That doesn't him a hero but a murderer. Make his country great again? That just pure bullshit.

So, America, The World's POliceman?

Me? I see Russia as a regional problem. And not our region.

Here is the problem...... If we just let Russia or China roll over against any of their neighbors..... People like you and others will be bitchin. Obama is a pussy, he just sit and watch, sold his allies etc.
Now that we are standing against bully........ At the same time you don't like it? Or you just don't know what you are talking about?
Why don't you tell the Russians stop bullying in the first place? Why don't you tell Putin to stop meddling in ME? Why don't you tell Iran and Syria to stop supporting terrorism in the first place? Someone has to stop these bastards.
Maybe you can tell us why Russia's next door countries wants to join NATO for protection against Russia.

your post might make sense if we were in fact standing up against Putin and Russia. Did we stop them from taking Crimea and Ukraine? Duh, no.

Russia is retaliating against ISIS for killing Russians. Something obozo might try to copy.

But you are not making sense to me. Militarily Crimea is very important to Russia and they will go to war if needed. In order to stop Russia in Ukraine.
1. Send our forces to fight Russia right on their doorstep with unlimited source of man power. Meaning WW3.
2. Start sending heavy arms to Ukraine which will trigger a total invasion of Russia......The best option was to put pressure on Putin with crippling sanctions against Russia. Aside from that what is your suggestion? Nuke Russia?
I've already posted this today for another group of dumb liberals. Looks like I have to post same thing again in this thread:

Well, I’m from [Eastern] Ukraine (unfortunately) and I can tell you one thing: there are NO regular Russian troops there and never have been in Ukraine, it’s all invented by Western propaganda. Official Kiev (we call them the junta ) started the war against its own people and doesn’t want to stop it, because it brings them a lot of criminal money (looks like we are talking about Turkey, ha?). Without alleged "Russian aggression in Ukraine" how you think Ukrainian/Western propaganda would explain it to the whole world??? And Biden comes to Kiev a few times a year to make sure the war would not stop (his son Hunter Biden has commercial interests there too, Google him in case interested).

On Nov,12 2015 German TV channel Deutsche Welle has interviewed Poroshenko [Ukrainian president], who has had a hard time answering a lot of uncomfortable questions about ceasefire, corruption, TV channel and the chocolate factory he promised to sell but still owns, “pocket armies”, Right Sector and oligarchs he promised to get rid of but they all still exist and so on.

Watch the video attached (minute 10.47) and how Poroshenko is lying about violating Minsk agreements:

Journalist to Poroshenko: We’ve seen shelling, OSCE ( International Organization of Security and Cooperation of Europe) has been reporting a number of cease violations:
- you’re missing the deadlines.
- why are your Grads rocket launching still in territory where they should not to be now in November as cited by OSCE 2 days ago?
Why are your Grads missiles launching in the place they shouldn’t be? OSCE is reporting it.
So, the report is wrong? You say it’s wrong.
So, they got it wrong?
But you and OSCE can’t both be right.
So, you have a different interpretation of this from OSCE?
Poroshenko interview causes stir online | World | DW.COM | 13.11.2015

Now look how Putin answered a question about Russian possible military bases in Syria (Dec.17):

Some people in Europe and the US repeatedly said that our [military] base can remain there [in Syria] if we want it to. But I do not know if we need a base there. We have a 1,500-kilometre-range Kalibr sea-based missile and aircraft-carried Kh-101 missile with a 4,500-kilometre range.
So why would we need a base there? Should we need to reach somebody, we can do so without a base.
Vladimir Putin’s annual news conference

The answer is: he does not need his troops in Ukraine and he would be in Kiev in a day or twoif he wanted. The recent events in Syria have proved it pretty good.

It is hard for me to believe that you are from Ukraine but clueless what is going on in Ukraine. Do you honestly believe the Russian separatist capable of operating sophisticated military equipment with out the help of Russian soldiers?
Russia doesn't need a base? That's bullshit. If Russia doesn't need a base so why in the world they set up a base in Syria? So far this is the dumbest I ever heard in this thread.

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