Putin likes Trump

And now the GOP is saying, "Give us another Chance!"

I can only assume they want another chance, since they did not entirely destroy the US, the last time they played "nation builder."
And now the GOP is saying, "Give us another Chance!"

I can only assume they want another chance, since they did not entirely destroy the US, the last time they played "nation builder."
I remember after the Iraq war and all the jobs the GOP sent overseas and how the economy was clearly crashing and John McCain had the balls to say the fundamentals of the economy were strong.

I remember thinking, "at least Bush is almost out of office", assuming he couldn't possibly fuck us any worse than he hit us up with the biggest bank robbery in world history right on his way out the door. TARP

And the "liberal" media said nothing? LOL. Liberal media my ass.

Anyways, my point is, I couldn't believe the American people just bent over and took it. But we did. And they know that now. We are such sheep. So easily manipulated, divided, distracted and conned.
Stating that you would have made a different choice is not the same as saying that a choice was not morally and legally justified.

As Iraq was.
No matter how many times you repeat a lie its still a lie. Ask any Republican candidate and they'll tell you Iraq was a mistake.

And they'll be quick to point out hillary voted for it too. Yea, she was lied to too. They lied us into Iraq pal. Stop being intellectually dishonest.

1. it was a mistake
2. no one lied, they all had exactly the same intel and came to exactly the same erroneous conclusions

Unless you are saying that Bush was such a great intellectual genius that he fooled the brilliant democrats. OR, are you saying that the dems were too stupid to see what was really going on?
I think the GOP wants people to think Bush was an idiot and Iraq was a mistake but no one is that stupid. Not to mention they made a KILLING in Iraq.

Ike's Warning Of Military Expansion, 50 Years Later

Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.
Agree. There was a book written by Bush' former Cabinet Member who revealed what we already knew, that the war-for-profit was planned from Day 1 of his admin.

I don't expect hacks like Redfish to know this as his hack sources (mentioned in post #491) would never reveal the truth to him

the "war for profit" thing is a pile of steaming bullshit on a cold day.

do you really think any president would intentionally take an unnecessary action that would cost the lives of American soldiers?

You are a sick human being, who is full of partisan indoctrination.

Iraq was a mistake, but they all are responsible. Both parties, the UN, UK, EU, and every other nation that bought into the bad intel about Saddam and WMDs.

Remember, it was Saddam who started the rumor that he had WMDs. He erroneously thought that making that claim would keep him safe. OR, maybe he really did have some.

This partisan revisionist history that you libs push out on a daily basis is bad for our nation and the world. Our kids need to be taught what really happened so that they do not repeat our mistakes.
use a source you lazy rw POS!!! Redfish
And now the GOP is saying, "Give us another Chance!"

I can only assume they want another chance, since they did not entirely destroy the US, the last time they played "nation builder."
No matter how many times you repeat a lie its still a lie. Ask any Republican candidate and they'll tell you Iraq was a mistake.

And they'll be quick to point out hillary voted for it too. Yea, she was lied to too. They lied us into Iraq pal. Stop being intellectually dishonest.

1. it was a mistake
2. no one lied, they all had exactly the same intel and came to exactly the same erroneous conclusions

Unless you are saying that Bush was such a great intellectual genius that he fooled the brilliant democrats. OR, are you saying that the dems were too stupid to see what was really going on?
I think the GOP wants people to think Bush was an idiot and Iraq was a mistake but no one is that stupid. Not to mention they made a KILLING in Iraq.

Ike's Warning Of Military Expansion, 50 Years Later

Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.
Agree. There was a book written by Bush' former Cabinet Member who revealed what we already knew, that the war-for-profit was planned from Day 1 of his admin.

I don't expect hacks like Redfish to know this as his hack sources (mentioned in post #491) would never reveal the truth to him

the "war for profit" thing is a pile of steaming bullshit on a cold day.

do you really think any president would intentionally take an unnecessary action that would cost the lives of American soldiers?

You are a sick human being, who is full of partisan indoctrination.

Iraq was a mistake, but they all are responsible. Both parties, the UN, UK, EU, and every other nation that bought into the bad intel about Saddam and WMDs.

Remember, it was Saddam who started the rumor that he had WMDs. He erroneously thought that making that claim would keep him safe. OR, maybe he really did have some.

This partisan revisionist history that you libs push out on a daily basis is bad for our nation and the world. Our kids need to be taught what really happened so that they do not repeat our mistakes.
use a source you lazy rw POS!!! Redfish

there is no need to source what everyone already knows. History is what it is. you cannot change it simply because it doesn't fit your partisan agenda.
Here is the problem...... If we just let Russia or China roll over against any of their neighbors..... People like you and others will be bitchin. Obama is a pussy, he just sit and watch, sold his allies etc.
Now that we are standing against bully........ At the same time you don't like it? Or you just don't know what you are talking about?
Why don't you tell the Russians stop bullying in the first place? Why don't you tell Putin to stop meddling in ME? Why don't you tell Iran and Syria to stop supporting terrorism in the first place? Someone has to stop these bastards.
Maybe you can tell us why Russia's next door countries wants to join NATO for protection against Russia.

So, you want risk nuclear war in order to deprive the REpublcans of a potential talking Point?

That is not a good reason.

Russia is not longer a threat to US.

The Cold War is over. US troops out of Europe.

Avoid foreign wars and entanglements.

Why do Russia's neighbors want to join NATO?

So we will fight RUssia for them.


You don't know what you are talking about. Read my post #425. Get yourself updated and get back to me.

I read it. THe FIRST reason you list for taking a tough stance against Russia was so the GOP wouldn't be able to slam Obama for being a pussy.

That's not a reason.

The Reason we don't "tell Russia to stop bullying in the first place" is because we are not prepared, or if sane, should not be prepared to back up our implied threat to "do something about it".

Georgia is not worth WWIII, neither is the Crimea.

Russia is not longer a threat to US.

The Cold War is over. US troops out of Europe.

Avoid foreign wars and entanglements.

I am full aware that the Cold War is over but, think again see link. And I agree Crimea, Georgia and Syria are not worth a full scale war.
Here is the problem...... Putin sympathizers are so fascinated how good Putin is which he has not done nothing *none* to American people. And zero foreign policy..... Killing Syrians and some ISIS bullshit........
Here's the other problem......... Since you are sympathizer of Putin. Why don't you, I mean YOU (not us) tell Putin stop selling arms that support terrorism in the first place. Why are you defending Putin in the first place? What benefits do you gain in defending Putin thug? At the same time trashing Obama.

Cold War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am not a sympathizer of Putin's.

I recognize that he is pursuing Russia's interest as he sees them.

Beyond that, I do not consider Russia a threat to the US and thus not our problem.

Me tell Putin to do or not do something?

Why would I do that or Putin be taking advice from some random MIddle Class white guy in the middle of the US?

The Gain I get is hopefully avoiding a World War that doesn't need to happen and would be bad for America.

We would have nothing to gain and everything to lose.

Any world war will be bad for both country not just America as you mentioned.... What made you think it's only bad for America? After reading several of your post you are Putin sympathizer. Either I or you like it or not the cold war was re started see link..... I do not support any war and I do not hate Russians..... I do not see Russian as a threat either but supporting Iran and Syria a prime supporter of terrorism that killed American just doesn't sit well.
But to portray Putin as a white shining armor saving the world is just non sense. So far he has not done or show any contributions to world peace.

Cold War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Last edited:
Its a violation of USMB rules to publish an entire article with saying where it came from.
Thats rich coming from a mouth-breathing sycophant (you) who never uses sourcing

that's quite funny coming from an idiot who supports the ancient socialist and mental case for president.
address my point. You never bother to use sourcing because you're a lazy disingenuous POS
Its a violation of USMB rules to publish an entire article with saying where it came from.
Thats rich coming from a mouth-breathing sycophant (you) who never uses sourcing

that's quite funny coming from an idiot who supports the ancient socialist and mental case for president.
address my point. You never bother to use sourcing because you're a lazy disingenuous POS

what do you want a source for? Everyone knows that the dems in congress had exactly the same intel that Bush and the UN had and came to the same conclusions. It is also true that the dems in congress authorized and funded the Iraq foolishness.

those are known facts, no proof is needed.
Typical republican tactic. Oh that came from Huffington, MSNBC, Michael Moore? Then it can't be true. It has to come from the mainstream media this ass clown claims is liberal.

If it were liberal you would see this stuff in the mainstream media, but it is not. 90% of the media is owned by 6 corporations and they brainwash people like Redfish just like Russian media brainwashed dumb russians.

funny, you admit that even the left leaning main stream media won't publish that bullshit. But yet you believe it?
Then don't call it a liberal media you fool. Remember that. Mainstream does not equal Liberal. In fact is is corporate owned and controlled.

These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America

When talking about today's American Media, it does.
So, you want risk nuclear war in order to deprive the REpublcans of a potential talking Point?

That is not a good reason.

Russia is not longer a threat to US.

The Cold War is over. US troops out of Europe.

Avoid foreign wars and entanglements.

Why do Russia's neighbors want to join NATO?

So we will fight RUssia for them.


You don't know what you are talking about. Read my post #425. Get yourself updated and get back to me.

I read it. THe FIRST reason you list for taking a tough stance against Russia was so the GOP wouldn't be able to slam Obama for being a pussy.

That's not a reason.

The Reason we don't "tell Russia to stop bullying in the first place" is because we are not prepared, or if sane, should not be prepared to back up our implied threat to "do something about it".

Georgia is not worth WWIII, neither is the Crimea.

Russia is not longer a threat to US.

The Cold War is over. US troops out of Europe.

Avoid foreign wars and entanglements.

I am full aware that the Cold War is over but, think again see link. And I agree Crimea, Georgia and Syria are not worth a full scale war.
Here is the problem...... Putin sympathizers are so fascinated how good Putin is which he has not done nothing *none* to American people. And zero foreign policy..... Killing Syrians and some ISIS bullshit........
Here's the other problem......... Since you are sympathizer of Putin. Why don't you, I mean YOU (not us) tell Putin stop selling arms that support terrorism in the first place. Why are you defending Putin in the first place? What benefits do you gain in defending Putin thug? At the same time trashing Obama.

Cold War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am not a sympathizer of Putin's.

I recognize that he is pursuing Russia's interest as he sees them.

Beyond that, I do not consider Russia a threat to the US and thus not our problem.

Me tell Putin to do or not do something?

Why would I do that or Putin be taking advice from some random MIddle Class white guy in the middle of the US?

The Gain I get is hopefully avoiding a World War that doesn't need to happen and would be bad for America.

We would have nothing to gain and everything to lose.

Any world war will be bad for both country not just America as you mentioned.... What made you think it's only bad for America? After reading several of your post you are Putin sympathizer. Either I or you like it or not the cold war was re started see link..... I do not support any war and I do not hate Russians..... I do not see Russian as a threat either but supporting Iran and Syria a prime supporter of terrorism that killed American just doesn't sit well.
But to portray Putin as a white shining armor saving the world is just non sense. So far he has not done or show any contributions to world peace.

Cold War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


"While the new tensions between Russia and the West have similarities with those during the original Cold War, there are also major dissimilarities such as modern Russia's increased economic ties with the outside world, which may potentially constrain Russia's actions[17]and provides it with new avenues for exerting influence.[18] The term Cold War II has therefore been described as a misnomer.[19]"

I did not say that I thought that a Nuclear Global War would be bad just for the US. I focused on the US because that is who I care about the most, US.

So, a global Nuclear War would be bad for Russia too? So what? Why is that something I should care about?

Anyone who is willing to send troops to fight ISIS deserves some respect for his "contributions to world peace".
You don't know what you are talking about. Read my post #425. Get yourself updated and get back to me.

I read it. THe FIRST reason you list for taking a tough stance against Russia was so the GOP wouldn't be able to slam Obama for being a pussy.

That's not a reason.

The Reason we don't "tell Russia to stop bullying in the first place" is because we are not prepared, or if sane, should not be prepared to back up our implied threat to "do something about it".

Georgia is not worth WWIII, neither is the Crimea.

Russia is not longer a threat to US.

The Cold War is over. US troops out of Europe.

Avoid foreign wars and entanglements.

I am full aware that the Cold War is over but, think again see link. And I agree Crimea, Georgia and Syria are not worth a full scale war.
Here is the problem...... Putin sympathizers are so fascinated how good Putin is which he has not done nothing *none* to American people. And zero foreign policy..... Killing Syrians and some ISIS bullshit........
Here's the other problem......... Since you are sympathizer of Putin. Why don't you, I mean YOU (not us) tell Putin stop selling arms that support terrorism in the first place. Why are you defending Putin in the first place? What benefits do you gain in defending Putin thug? At the same time trashing Obama.

Cold War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am not a sympathizer of Putin's.

I recognize that he is pursuing Russia's interest as he sees them.

Beyond that, I do not consider Russia a threat to the US and thus not our problem.

Me tell Putin to do or not do something?

Why would I do that or Putin be taking advice from some random MIddle Class white guy in the middle of the US?

The Gain I get is hopefully avoiding a World War that doesn't need to happen and would be bad for America.

We would have nothing to gain and everything to lose.

Any world war will be bad for both country not just America as you mentioned.... What made you think it's only bad for America? After reading several of your post you are Putin sympathizer. Either I or you like it or not the cold war was re started see link..... I do not support any war and I do not hate Russians..... I do not see Russian as a threat either but supporting Iran and Syria a prime supporter of terrorism that killed American just doesn't sit well.
But to portray Putin as a white shining armor saving the world is just non sense. So far he has not done or show any contributions to world peace.

Cold War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


"While the new tensions between Russia and the West have similarities with those during the original Cold War, there are also major dissimilarities such as modern Russia's increased economic ties with the outside world, which may potentially constrain Russia's actions[17]and provides it with new avenues for exerting influence.[18] The term Cold War II has therefore been described as a misnomer.[19]"

I did not say that I thought that a Nuclear Global War would be bad just for the US. I focused on the US because that is who I care about the most, US.

So, a global Nuclear War would be bad for Russia too? So what? Why is that something I should care about?

Anyone who is willing to send troops to fight ISIS deserves some respect for his "contributions to world peace".

You care about US? That's funny when you are here post after post defending Putin interest with your Russian buddy Stratford..... If I'm not mistaken you are also a Russian.
We have US troops on the ground fighting and we also have air power. Russia is only fighting from the air kind of bombing some ISIS but murdering civilians at the same time. They should charge Putin with war crimes. See link. The only reason and only reason Putin is in Syria is to make sure Assad will remain in power. The ISIS is just an excuse.

Hundreds of civilians killed in Russian airstrikes in Syria -- Amnesty
Russia airstrikes: Hundreds of Syrian civilans killed - CNN.com
Correll & Redfish are the same posters by a different name. BOTH blowhards.

As to the OP, Repubs will ally w/ANYBODY for short-term political gain

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
I read it. THe FIRST reason you list for taking a tough stance against Russia was so the GOP wouldn't be able to slam Obama for being a pussy.

That's not a reason.

The Reason we don't "tell Russia to stop bullying in the first place" is because we are not prepared, or if sane, should not be prepared to back up our implied threat to "do something about it".

Georgia is not worth WWIII, neither is the Crimea.

Russia is not longer a threat to US.

The Cold War is over. US troops out of Europe.

Avoid foreign wars and entanglements.

I am full aware that the Cold War is over but, think again see link. And I agree Crimea, Georgia and Syria are not worth a full scale war.
Here is the problem...... Putin sympathizers are so fascinated how good Putin is which he has not done nothing *none* to American people. And zero foreign policy..... Killing Syrians and some ISIS bullshit........
Here's the other problem......... Since you are sympathizer of Putin. Why don't you, I mean YOU (not us) tell Putin stop selling arms that support terrorism in the first place. Why are you defending Putin in the first place? What benefits do you gain in defending Putin thug? At the same time trashing Obama.

Cold War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am not a sympathizer of Putin's.

I recognize that he is pursuing Russia's interest as he sees them.

Beyond that, I do not consider Russia a threat to the US and thus not our problem.

Me tell Putin to do or not do something?

Why would I do that or Putin be taking advice from some random MIddle Class white guy in the middle of the US?

The Gain I get is hopefully avoiding a World War that doesn't need to happen and would be bad for America.

We would have nothing to gain and everything to lose.

Any world war will be bad for both country not just America as you mentioned.... What made you think it's only bad for America? After reading several of your post you are Putin sympathizer. Either I or you like it or not the cold war was re started see link..... I do not support any war and I do not hate Russians..... I do not see Russian as a threat either but supporting Iran and Syria a prime supporter of terrorism that killed American just doesn't sit well.
But to portray Putin as a white shining armor saving the world is just non sense. So far he has not done or show any contributions to world peace.

Cold War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


"While the new tensions between Russia and the West have similarities with those during the original Cold War, there are also major dissimilarities such as modern Russia's increased economic ties with the outside world, which may potentially constrain Russia's actions[17]and provides it with new avenues for exerting influence.[18] The term Cold War II has therefore been described as a misnomer.[19]"

I did not say that I thought that a Nuclear Global War would be bad just for the US. I focused on the US because that is who I care about the most, US.

So, a global Nuclear War would be bad for Russia too? So what? Why is that something I should care about?

Anyone who is willing to send troops to fight ISIS deserves some respect for his "contributions to world peace".

You care about US? That's funny when you are here post after post defending Putin interest with your Russian buddy Stratford..... If I'm not mistaken you are also a Russian.
We have US troops on the ground fighting and we also have air power. Russia is only fighting from the air kind of bombing some ISIS but murdering civilians at the same time. They should charge Putin with war crimes. See link. The only reason and only reason Putin is in Syria is to make sure Assad will remain in power. The ISIS is just an excuse.

Hundreds of civilians killed in Russian airstrikes in Syria -- Amnesty
Russia airstrikes: Hundreds of Syrian civilans killed - CNN.com

Russian interests and American interests at this point in time do not conflict, at least not very much.

So you belief system that I am Russian because I "Defending Putin interest" is incorrect, not to mention incoherent.

Your assumption that his motives are purely selfish is of little interest to me. ISIS is barbarians who Putin is killing. I am fine with that.

Oh, Russian ROE are not as worried about collateral damage as US's? Mmm, perhaps something ISIS should have considered before being such dicks.

And the US is not World Policeman, nor World Government.

If ICC wants to launch invasion of Russia to arrest Putin, they are welcome to do so, as long as they leave US out of it.

THe Cold War is over.

I remember when it ended. I was very pleased.
Correll & Redfish are the same posters by a different name. BOTH blowhards.

As to the OP, Repubs will ally w/ANYBODY for short-term political gain

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk

A Present. For you.

I am full aware that the Cold War is over but, think again see link. And I agree Crimea, Georgia and Syria are not worth a full scale war.
Here is the problem...... Putin sympathizers are so fascinated how good Putin is which he has not done nothing *none* to American people. And zero foreign policy..... Killing Syrians and some ISIS bullshit........
Here's the other problem......... Since you are sympathizer of Putin. Why don't you, I mean YOU (not us) tell Putin stop selling arms that support terrorism in the first place. Why are you defending Putin in the first place? What benefits do you gain in defending Putin thug? At the same time trashing Obama.

Cold War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am not a sympathizer of Putin's.

I recognize that he is pursuing Russia's interest as he sees them.

Beyond that, I do not consider Russia a threat to the US and thus not our problem.

Me tell Putin to do or not do something?

Why would I do that or Putin be taking advice from some random MIddle Class white guy in the middle of the US?

The Gain I get is hopefully avoiding a World War that doesn't need to happen and would be bad for America.

We would have nothing to gain and everything to lose.

Any world war will be bad for both country not just America as you mentioned.... What made you think it's only bad for America? After reading several of your post you are Putin sympathizer. Either I or you like it or not the cold war was re started see link..... I do not support any war and I do not hate Russians..... I do not see Russian as a threat either but supporting Iran and Syria a prime supporter of terrorism that killed American just doesn't sit well.
But to portray Putin as a white shining armor saving the world is just non sense. So far he has not done or show any contributions to world peace.

Cold War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


"While the new tensions between Russia and the West have similarities with those during the original Cold War, there are also major dissimilarities such as modern Russia's increased economic ties with the outside world, which may potentially constrain Russia's actions[17]and provides it with new avenues for exerting influence.[18] The term Cold War II has therefore been described as a misnomer.[19]"

I did not say that I thought that a Nuclear Global War would be bad just for the US. I focused on the US because that is who I care about the most, US.

So, a global Nuclear War would be bad for Russia too? So what? Why is that something I should care about?

Anyone who is willing to send troops to fight ISIS deserves some respect for his "contributions to world peace".

You care about US? That's funny when you are here post after post defending Putin interest with your Russian buddy Stratford..... If I'm not mistaken you are also a Russian.
We have US troops on the ground fighting and we also have air power. Russia is only fighting from the air kind of bombing some ISIS but murdering civilians at the same time. They should charge Putin with war crimes. See link. The only reason and only reason Putin is in Syria is to make sure Assad will remain in power. The ISIS is just an excuse.

Hundreds of civilians killed in Russian airstrikes in Syria -- Amnesty
Russia airstrikes: Hundreds of Syrian civilans killed - CNN.com

Russian interests and American interests at this point in time do not conflict, at least not very much.

So you belief system that I am Russian because I "Defending Putin interest" is incorrect, not to mention incoherent.

Your assumption that his motives are purely selfish is of little interest to me. ISIS is barbarians who Putin is killing. I am fine with that.

Oh, Russian ROE are not as worried about collateral damage as US's? Mmm, perhaps something ISIS should have considered before being such dicks.

And the US is not World Policeman, nor World Government.

If ICC wants to launch invasion of Russia to arrest Putin, they are welcome to do so, as long as they leave US out of it.

THe Cold War is over.

I remember when it ended. I was very pleased.

You need to work on including articles in your posts, Comrade.
Women like Trump too!
  • ‘That’s Not True’: Dems TERRIFIED By Black Woman’s Remarks At Trump Rally
    Mad World News ^
    On Tuesday, presidential hopeful Donald Trump held a rally in Michigan, and over 10,000 people attended, including women from all walks of life. But one black woman in particular spoke up, and what she had to say is beyond terrifying for the Democrats going into election season. If you follow the mainstream media, you know the current narrative is that women, especially minority women, wouldn’t ever vote for The Donald because of his “rampant sexism” combined with “racist rhetoric.” But, apparently, that’s not the case, as a video taken by the American Mirror shows.

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