Putin likes Trump

If you are not a Russian defending Putin.... Then you are a traitor. Show me one thing what Putin has done to world peace. Please tell me just one.
If you are not defending Putin. Then what the hell you think you are doing? Dude you are nothing but a traitor. Putin is killing civilians. Period.
Pay attention..... The only reason Putin is in Syria is for Assad sake. Putin, Assad and Iran ayatollah are the same that support terrorism. So spare me your sentiment about Putin.

You're raving.

Putin is killing ISIS. That's a contribution to world peace.

Your assumptions about his motives are of little interest to me.

I would rather have Assad in control of Syria instead of ISIS.

Save your hysterical accusations of treason for someone who shares your hysteria.

You libs are so funny.

During the Cold War, when the Soviet Union was a threat, you dismissed the thousands of tanks the Soviets had parked in the middle of Europe as they were there for "defensive reasons".

NOw, you are ready launch WWIII over Georgia.

Your Putin killing some ISIS...... At the same time murdering Syrians.... That's great. Putin and Assad should be charge of war crimes. Assad is killing his own people by the thousands. I'd rather see other Syrian people rule Syria than a murderer. You also support Assad. Dude you are disgusting. If you are not happy here why don't you move to Syria or Russia?
Let me repeat the question again.... Tell me what is Putin contribution to world peace? Aside from helping Syria and Iran terrorized this planet and killing Americans......... If you cannot prove anything. You are done here.

I'm not sure why you started asking me about Putin's "contribution to world peace" but I already gave you one. Very clearly. Killing ISIS.

The rest of your post is rambling irrelevancy.

Russia is not threat to US, and we should stop screwing screwing with them.

Because I do not understand why you are defending Putin. So let me repeat it again.
Putin is murdering civilians in Syria and killing some ISIS. His primary goal is to make sure Assad will in power. Got it? So..... What is Putin contribution to world peace?

Putin is doing the gig. It's been documented time after time after time and again some that jihadists will hide behind poor simple families to avoid being taken out.

That's just a given. Well for anyone who understands these scumbuckets.

NOW and this goes to the bigger question. What the fuck are we doing messing around it the ME?

I can give you many reasons why Putin has entered into the battle. But you won't like them

1. What Putin gig? Getting richer?
2. Why are we messing in ME? Your saying......... we just abandon our allies and interest then let Russia gain influence or control ME. What a good idea.
3. Putin entered into the battle? Why would that make any difference from other Putin licker from another Putin licker like you? I'm not holding you.
You didn't like my post against your Putin thug.... So what's your point?
You're raving.

Putin is killing ISIS. That's a contribution to world peace.

Your assumptions about his motives are of little interest to me.

I would rather have Assad in control of Syria instead of ISIS.

Save your hysterical accusations of treason for someone who shares your hysteria.

You libs are so funny.

During the Cold War, when the Soviet Union was a threat, you dismissed the thousands of tanks the Soviets had parked in the middle of Europe as they were there for "defensive reasons".

NOw, you are ready launch WWIII over Georgia.

Your Putin killing some ISIS...... At the same time murdering Syrians.... That's great. Putin and Assad should be charge of war crimes. Assad is killing his own people by the thousands. I'd rather see other Syrian people rule Syria than a murderer. You also support Assad. Dude you are disgusting. If you are not happy here why don't you move to Syria or Russia?
Let me repeat the question again.... Tell me what is Putin contribution to world peace? Aside from helping Syria and Iran terrorized this planet and killing Americans......... If you cannot prove anything. You are done here.

I'm not sure why you started asking me about Putin's "contribution to world peace" but I already gave you one. Very clearly. Killing ISIS.

The rest of your post is rambling irrelevancy.

Russia is not threat to US, and we should stop screwing screwing with them.

Because I do not understand why you are defending Putin. So let me repeat it again.
Putin is murdering civilians in Syria and killing some ISIS. His primary goal is to make sure Assad will in power. Got it? So..... What is Putin contribution to world peace?

Putin is doing the gig. It's been documented time after time after time and again some that jihadists will hide behind poor simple families to avoid being taken out.

That's just a given. Well for anyone who understands these scumbuckets.

NOW and this goes to the bigger question. What the fuck are we doing messing around it the ME?

I can give you many reasons why Putin has entered into the battle. But you won't like them

1. What Putin gig? Getting richer?
2. Why are we messing in ME? Your saying......... we just abandon our allies and interest then let Russia gain influence or control ME. What a good idea.
3. Putin entered into the battle? Why would that make any difference from other Putin licker from another Putin licker like you? I'm not holding you.
You didn't like my post against your Putin thug.... So what's your point?

#1 Chechen leader commands the battlefield takes Syria/Iraq/now Afghanistan by storm.

#2Turkey is going to bring NATO down.

#3 Shows your ignorance big time.

Let's deal with #3 you fucking moron.

Putin entered the battle because it was revealed at the UN that Chechens were fighting with ISIS and taking Taliban strong holds.

Now what does this mean? Putin knows he has been betrayed.
Your Putin killing some ISIS...... At the same time murdering Syrians.... That's great. Putin and Assad should be charge of war crimes. Assad is killing his own people by the thousands. I'd rather see other Syrian people rule Syria than a murderer. You also support Assad. Dude you are disgusting. If you are not happy here why don't you move to Syria or Russia?
Let me repeat the question again.... Tell me what is Putin contribution to world peace? Aside from helping Syria and Iran terrorized this planet and killing Americans......... If you cannot prove anything. You are done here.

I'm not sure why you started asking me about Putin's "contribution to world peace" but I already gave you one. Very clearly. Killing ISIS.

The rest of your post is rambling irrelevancy.

Russia is not threat to US, and we should stop screwing screwing with them.

Because I do not understand why you are defending Putin. So let me repeat it again.
Putin is murdering civilians in Syria and killing some ISIS. His primary goal is to make sure Assad will in power. Got it? So..... What is Putin contribution to world peace?

Putin is doing the gig. It's been documented time after time after time and again some that jihadists will hide behind poor simple families to avoid being taken out.

That's just a given. Well for anyone who understands these scumbuckets.

NOW and this goes to the bigger question. What the fuck are we doing messing around it the ME?

I can give you many reasons why Putin has entered into the battle. But you won't like them

1. What Putin gig? Getting richer?
2. Why are we messing in ME? Your saying......... we just abandon our allies and interest then let Russia gain influence or control ME. What a good idea.
3. Putin entered into the battle? Why would that make any difference from other Putin licker from another Putin licker like you? I'm not holding you.
You didn't like my post against your Putin thug.... So what's your point?

#1 Chechen leader commands the battlefield takes Syria/Iraq/now Afghanistan by storm.

#2Turkey is going to bring NATO down.

#3 Shows your ignorance big time.

Let's deal with #3 you fucking moron.

Putin entered the battle because it was revealed at the UN that Chechens were fighting with ISIS and taking Taliban strong holds.

Now what does this mean? Putin knows he has been betrayed.

3. What's the difference. You are still a Putin ass licker. Dick breath.
2. US will NEVER give a very important ally like Turkey. Dumb shit.
1. This old news so what is your point. Lightweight...... Since you don't give a fuck about US.... So who give a fuck about Putin. Shit head.
Try again.
Russian interests and American interests at this point in time do not conflict, at least not very much.

So you belief system that I am Russian because I "Defending Putin interest" is incorrect, not to mention incoherent.

Your assumption that his motives are purely selfish is of little interest to me. ISIS is barbarians who Putin is killing. I am fine with that.

Oh, Russian ROE are not as worried about collateral damage as US's? Mmm, perhaps something ISIS should have considered before being such dicks.

And the US is not World Policeman, nor World Government.

If ICC wants to launch invasion of Russia to arrest Putin, they are welcome to do so, as long as they leave US out of it.

THe Cold War is over.

I remember when it ended. I was very pleased.

If you are not a Russian defending Putin.... Then you are a traitor. Show me one thing what Putin has done to world peace. Please tell me just one.
If you are not defending Putin. Then what the hell you think you are doing? Dude you are nothing but a traitor. Putin is killing civilians. Period.
Pay attention..... The only reason Putin is in Syria is for Assad sake. Putin, Assad and Iran ayatollah are the same that support terrorism. So spare me your sentiment about Putin.

You're raving.

Putin is killing ISIS. That's a contribution to world peace.

Your assumptions about his motives are of little interest to me.

I would rather have Assad in control of Syria instead of ISIS.

Save your hysterical accusations of treason for someone who shares your hysteria.

You libs are so funny.

During the Cold War, when the Soviet Union was a threat, you dismissed the thousands of tanks the Soviets had parked in the middle of Europe as they were there for "defensive reasons".

NOw, you are ready launch WWIII over Georgia.

Your Putin killing some ISIS...... At the same time murdering Syrians.... That's great. Putin and Assad should be charge of war crimes. Assad is killing his own people by the thousands. I'd rather see other Syrian people rule Syria than a murderer. You also support Assad. Dude you are disgusting. If you are not happy here why don't you move to Syria or Russia?
Let me repeat the question again.... Tell me what is Putin contribution to world peace? Aside from helping Syria and Iran terrorized this planet and killing Americans......... If you cannot prove anything. You are done here.

I'm not sure why you started asking me about Putin's "contribution to world peace" but I already gave you one. Very clearly. Killing ISIS.

The rest of your post is rambling irrelevancy.

Russia is not threat to US, and we should stop screwing screwing with them.

Because I do not understand why you are defending Putin. So let me repeat it again.
Putin is murdering civilians in Syria and killing some ISIS. His primary goal is to make sure Assad will in power. Got it? So..... What is Putin contribution to world peace?

Why do you care so much about Putin's "contribution to world peace"?

Russia is not threat to US, and we should stop screwing screwing with them.

Trump's contribution to world peace will be preventing some moron who doesn't realize the COld War is over from risking WWIII.

For starters.
If you are not a Russian defending Putin.... Then you are a traitor. Show me one thing what Putin has done to world peace. Please tell me just one.
If you are not defending Putin. Then what the hell you think you are doing? Dude you are nothing but a traitor. Putin is killing civilians. Period.
Pay attention..... The only reason Putin is in Syria is for Assad sake. Putin, Assad and Iran ayatollah are the same that support terrorism. So spare me your sentiment about Putin.

You're raving.

Putin is killing ISIS. That's a contribution to world peace.

Your assumptions about his motives are of little interest to me.

I would rather have Assad in control of Syria instead of ISIS.

Save your hysterical accusations of treason for someone who shares your hysteria.

You libs are so funny.

During the Cold War, when the Soviet Union was a threat, you dismissed the thousands of tanks the Soviets had parked in the middle of Europe as they were there for "defensive reasons".

NOw, you are ready launch WWIII over Georgia.

Your Putin killing some ISIS...... At the same time murdering Syrians.... That's great. Putin and Assad should be charge of war crimes. Assad is killing his own people by the thousands. I'd rather see other Syrian people rule Syria than a murderer. You also support Assad. Dude you are disgusting. If you are not happy here why don't you move to Syria or Russia?
Let me repeat the question again.... Tell me what is Putin contribution to world peace? Aside from helping Syria and Iran terrorized this planet and killing Americans......... If you cannot prove anything. You are done here.

I'm not sure why you started asking me about Putin's "contribution to world peace" but I already gave you one. Very clearly. Killing ISIS.

The rest of your post is rambling irrelevancy.

Russia is not threat to US, and we should stop screwing screwing with them.

Because I do not understand why you are defending Putin. So let me repeat it again.
Putin is murdering civilians in Syria and killing some ISIS. His primary goal is to make sure Assad will in power. Got it? So..... What is Putin contribution to world peace?

Why do you care so much about Putin's "contribution to world peace"?

Russia is not threat to US, and we should stop screwing screwing with them.

Trump's contribution to world peace will be preventing some moron who doesn't realize the COld War is over from risking WWIII.

For starters.

You are promoting Putin.... So I have keep asking you what has he done that you adore Putin? What is Putin contribution to you or to America or to the world?
You keep bringing Cold War...... Do you want to start a new Cold War?
We should not screw with Putin...... But you allow him to screw other people?
Let me ask you again.... What is Putin thug contribution to the world peace? I know that all the morons are having a difficulty answering this question. Stop deflecting.
You're raving.

Putin is killing ISIS. That's a contribution to world peace.

Your assumptions about his motives are of little interest to me.

I would rather have Assad in control of Syria instead of ISIS.

Save your hysterical accusations of treason for someone who shares your hysteria.

You libs are so funny.

During the Cold War, when the Soviet Union was a threat, you dismissed the thousands of tanks the Soviets had parked in the middle of Europe as they were there for "defensive reasons".

NOw, you are ready launch WWIII over Georgia.

Your Putin killing some ISIS...... At the same time murdering Syrians.... That's great. Putin and Assad should be charge of war crimes. Assad is killing his own people by the thousands. I'd rather see other Syrian people rule Syria than a murderer. You also support Assad. Dude you are disgusting. If you are not happy here why don't you move to Syria or Russia?
Let me repeat the question again.... Tell me what is Putin contribution to world peace? Aside from helping Syria and Iran terrorized this planet and killing Americans......... If you cannot prove anything. You are done here.

I'm not sure why you started asking me about Putin's "contribution to world peace" but I already gave you one. Very clearly. Killing ISIS.

The rest of your post is rambling irrelevancy.

Russia is not threat to US, and we should stop screwing screwing with them.

Because I do not understand why you are defending Putin. So let me repeat it again.
Putin is murdering civilians in Syria and killing some ISIS. His primary goal is to make sure Assad will in power. Got it? So..... What is Putin contribution to world peace?

Why do you care so much about Putin's "contribution to world peace"?

Russia is not threat to US, and we should stop screwing screwing with them.

Trump's contribution to world peace will be preventing some moron who doesn't realize the COld War is over from risking WWIII.

For starters.

You are promoting Putin.... So I have keep asking you what has he done that you adore Putin? What is Putin contribution to you or to America or to the world?
You keep bringing Cold War...... Do you want to start a new Cold War?
We should not screw with Putin...... But you allow him to screw other people?
Let me ask you again.... What is Putin thug contribution to the world peace? I know that all the morons are having a difficulty answering this question. Stop deflecting.

1. I am not promoting Putin. I merely do not see Putin nor Putin's Russia as a Threat to America or American interests.

2. My point in bringing up the COld War is that I want to remind people that it is over. That was very clear. Don't play dumb.

3. Yes. He can screw other people as long as they are far away. That is what "NOT being the World's police man" means. It is not our concern.

4. I don't require him to contribute anything to world peace. He is not a threat to America. That is all I want from him or from Russia.

Is English your second language?
Your Putin killing some ISIS...... At the same time murdering Syrians.... That's great. Putin and Assad should be charge of war crimes. Assad is killing his own people by the thousands. I'd rather see other Syrian people rule Syria than a murderer. You also support Assad. Dude you are disgusting. If you are not happy here why don't you move to Syria or Russia?
Let me repeat the question again.... Tell me what is Putin contribution to world peace? Aside from helping Syria and Iran terrorized this planet and killing Americans......... If you cannot prove anything. You are done here.

I'm not sure why you started asking me about Putin's "contribution to world peace" but I already gave you one. Very clearly. Killing ISIS.

The rest of your post is rambling irrelevancy.

Russia is not threat to US, and we should stop screwing screwing with them.

Because I do not understand why you are defending Putin. So let me repeat it again.
Putin is murdering civilians in Syria and killing some ISIS. His primary goal is to make sure Assad will in power. Got it? So..... What is Putin contribution to world peace?

Why do you care so much about Putin's "contribution to world peace"?

Russia is not threat to US, and we should stop screwing screwing with them.

Trump's contribution to world peace will be preventing some moron who doesn't realize the COld War is over from risking WWIII.

For starters.

You are promoting Putin.... So I have keep asking you what has he done that you adore Putin? What is Putin contribution to you or to America or to the world?
You keep bringing Cold War...... Do you want to start a new Cold War?
We should not screw with Putin...... But you allow him to screw other people?
Let me ask you again.... What is Putin thug contribution to the world peace? I know that all the morons are having a difficulty answering this question. Stop deflecting.

1. I am not promoting Putin. I merely do not see Putin nor Putin's Russia as a Threat to America or American interests.

2. My point in bringing up the COld War is that I want to remind people that it is over. That was very clear. Don't play dumb.

3. Yes. He can screw other people as long as they are far away. That is what "NOT being the World's police man" means. It is not our concern.

4. I don't require him to contribute anything to world peace. He is not a threat to America. That is all I want from him or from Russia.

Is English your second language?

You are playing dumb.... You are promoting and adoring Putin.
Dude...... You are avoiding a very simple question. ....
It's not our concern? We are the only country in this world that stand against any bastards. Like Putin supporting Assad. Dude you support Putin you support Assad. You are dumber than I thought. Let me repeat the question again till you get into your think skull. What is Putin contribution to world peace?
I'm not sure why you started asking me about Putin's "contribution to world peace" but I already gave you one. Very clearly. Killing ISIS.

The rest of your post is rambling irrelevancy.

Russia is not threat to US, and we should stop screwing screwing with them.

Because I do not understand why you are defending Putin. So let me repeat it again.
Putin is murdering civilians in Syria and killing some ISIS. His primary goal is to make sure Assad will in power. Got it? So..... What is Putin contribution to world peace?

Why do you care so much about Putin's "contribution to world peace"?

Russia is not threat to US, and we should stop screwing screwing with them.

Trump's contribution to world peace will be preventing some moron who doesn't realize the COld War is over from risking WWIII.

For starters.

You are promoting Putin.... So I have keep asking you what has he done that you adore Putin? What is Putin contribution to you or to America or to the world?
You keep bringing Cold War...... Do you want to start a new Cold War?
We should not screw with Putin...... But you allow him to screw other people?
Let me ask you again.... What is Putin thug contribution to the world peace? I know that all the morons are having a difficulty answering this question. Stop deflecting.

1. I am not promoting Putin. I merely do not see Putin nor Putin's Russia as a Threat to America or American interests.

2. My point in bringing up the COld War is that I want to remind people that it is over. That was very clear. Don't play dumb.

3. Yes. He can screw other people as long as they are far away. That is what "NOT being the World's police man" means. It is not our concern.

4. I don't require him to contribute anything to world peace. He is not a threat to America. That is all I want from him or from Russia.

Is English your second language?

You are playing dumb.... You are promoting and adoring Putin.
Dude...... You are avoiding a very simple question. ....
It's not our concern? We are the only country in this world that stand against any bastards. Like Putin supporting Assad. Dude you support Putin you support Assad. You are dumber than I thought. Let me repeat the question again till you get into your think skull. What is Putin contribution to world peace?

1. I am not promoting Putin. I merely do not see Putin nor Putin's Russia as a Threat to America or American interests.

2. Yes, it is not our concern. We have never "stood against any bastards". We stood against bastards that threatened our interests. PUtin does not.

3. World Peace is not my concern. Peace for America is my concern. We need to stop screwing around with Russia.
Because I do not understand why you are defending Putin. So let me repeat it again.
Putin is murdering civilians in Syria and killing some ISIS. His primary goal is to make sure Assad will in power. Got it? So..... What is Putin contribution to world peace?

Why do you care so much about Putin's "contribution to world peace"?

Russia is not threat to US, and we should stop screwing screwing with them.

Trump's contribution to world peace will be preventing some moron who doesn't realize the COld War is over from risking WWIII.

For starters.

You are promoting Putin.... So I have keep asking you what has he done that you adore Putin? What is Putin contribution to you or to America or to the world?
You keep bringing Cold War...... Do you want to start a new Cold War?
We should not screw with Putin...... But you allow him to screw other people?
Let me ask you again.... What is Putin thug contribution to the world peace? I know that all the morons are having a difficulty answering this question. Stop deflecting.

1. I am not promoting Putin. I merely do not see Putin nor Putin's Russia as a Threat to America or American interests.

2. My point in bringing up the COld War is that I want to remind people that it is over. That was very clear. Don't play dumb.

3. Yes. He can screw other people as long as they are far away. That is what "NOT being the World's police man" means. It is not our concern.

4. I don't require him to contribute anything to world peace. He is not a threat to America. That is all I want from him or from Russia.

Is English your second language?

You are playing dumb.... You are promoting and adoring Putin.
Dude...... You are avoiding a very simple question. ....
It's not our concern? We are the only country in this world that stand against any bastards. Like Putin supporting Assad. Dude you support Putin you support Assad. You are dumber than I thought. Let me repeat the question again till you get into your think skull. What is Putin contribution to world peace?

1. I am not promoting Putin. I merely do not see Putin nor Putin's Russia as a Threat to America or American interests.

2. Yes, it is not our concern. We have never "stood against any bastards". We stood against bastards that threatened our interests. PUtin does not.

3. World Peace is not my concern. Peace for America is my concern. We need to stop screwing around with Russia.

You are lying. Yes you are promoting Putin. World peace is my concern. ME is our concern. Someone has to stand against these Bastards such as Assad and Putin.
Try again.... What is Putin contribution to world peace? Having a hard time?
Why do you care so much about Putin's "contribution to world peace"?

Russia is not threat to US, and we should stop screwing screwing with them.

Trump's contribution to world peace will be preventing some moron who doesn't realize the COld War is over from risking WWIII.

For starters.

You are promoting Putin.... So I have keep asking you what has he done that you adore Putin? What is Putin contribution to you or to America or to the world?
You keep bringing Cold War...... Do you want to start a new Cold War?
We should not screw with Putin...... But you allow him to screw other people?
Let me ask you again.... What is Putin thug contribution to the world peace? I know that all the morons are having a difficulty answering this question. Stop deflecting.

1. I am not promoting Putin. I merely do not see Putin nor Putin's Russia as a Threat to America or American interests.

2. My point in bringing up the COld War is that I want to remind people that it is over. That was very clear. Don't play dumb.

3. Yes. He can screw other people as long as they are far away. That is what "NOT being the World's police man" means. It is not our concern.

4. I don't require him to contribute anything to world peace. He is not a threat to America. That is all I want from him or from Russia.

Is English your second language?

You are playing dumb.... You are promoting and adoring Putin.
Dude...... You are avoiding a very simple question. ....
It's not our concern? We are the only country in this world that stand against any bastards. Like Putin supporting Assad. Dude you support Putin you support Assad. You are dumber than I thought. Let me repeat the question again till you get into your think skull. What is Putin contribution to world peace?

1. I am not promoting Putin. I merely do not see Putin nor Putin's Russia as a Threat to America or American interests.

2. Yes, it is not our concern. We have never "stood against any bastards". We stood against bastards that threatened our interests. PUtin does not.

3. World Peace is not my concern. Peace for America is my concern. We need to stop screwing around with Russia.

You are lying. Yes you are promoting Putin. World peace is my concern. ME is our concern. Someone has to stand against these Bastards such as Assad and Putin.
Try again.... What is Putin contribution to world peace? Having a hard time?

1. I am not lying. YOu are a moron and an asshole.

2. Like Someone had to stand against Saddam? HOw did that work out? Rainbows and unicorns or blood and death?

3. World Peace is your concern, not mine. Putin is your concern, not mine.
You are promoting Putin.... So I have keep asking you what has he done that you adore Putin? What is Putin contribution to you or to America or to the world?
You keep bringing Cold War...... Do you want to start a new Cold War?
We should not screw with Putin...... But you allow him to screw other people?
Let me ask you again.... What is Putin thug contribution to the world peace? I know that all the morons are having a difficulty answering this question. Stop deflecting.

1. I am not promoting Putin. I merely do not see Putin nor Putin's Russia as a Threat to America or American interests.

2. My point in bringing up the COld War is that I want to remind people that it is over. That was very clear. Don't play dumb.

3. Yes. He can screw other people as long as they are far away. That is what "NOT being the World's police man" means. It is not our concern.

4. I don't require him to contribute anything to world peace. He is not a threat to America. That is all I want from him or from Russia.

Is English your second language?

You are playing dumb.... You are promoting and adoring Putin.
Dude...... You are avoiding a very simple question. ....
It's not our concern? We are the only country in this world that stand against any bastards. Like Putin supporting Assad. Dude you support Putin you support Assad. You are dumber than I thought. Let me repeat the question again till you get into your think skull. What is Putin contribution to world peace?

1. I am not promoting Putin. I merely do not see Putin nor Putin's Russia as a Threat to America or American interests.

2. Yes, it is not our concern. We have never "stood against any bastards". We stood against bastards that threatened our interests. PUtin does not.

3. World Peace is not my concern. Peace for America is my concern. We need to stop screwing around with Russia.

You are lying. Yes you are promoting Putin. World peace is my concern. ME is our concern. Someone has to stand against these Bastards such as Assad and Putin.
Try again.... What is Putin contribution to world peace? Having a hard time?

1. I am not lying. YOu are a moron and an asshole.

2. Like Someone had to stand against Saddam? HOw did that work out? Rainbows and unicorns or blood and death?

3. World Peace is your concern, not mine. Putin is your concern, not mine.

Moron ...... Asshole....., Have you look yourself in the mirror? Yes.... You are lying. Why are you here defending Putin till your last breath? Shit head.
What is Putin contribution to world peace? You cannot even answer a very simple question. If it's not your concern then shut the fuck up asshole.
1. I am not promoting Putin. I merely do not see Putin nor Putin's Russia as a Threat to America or American interests.

2. My point in bringing up the COld War is that I want to remind people that it is over. That was very clear. Don't play dumb.

3. Yes. He can screw other people as long as they are far away. That is what "NOT being the World's police man" means. It is not our concern.

4. I don't require him to contribute anything to world peace. He is not a threat to America. That is all I want from him or from Russia.

Is English your second language?

You are playing dumb.... You are promoting and adoring Putin.
Dude...... You are avoiding a very simple question. ....
It's not our concern? We are the only country in this world that stand against any bastards. Like Putin supporting Assad. Dude you support Putin you support Assad. You are dumber than I thought. Let me repeat the question again till you get into your think skull. What is Putin contribution to world peace?

1. I am not promoting Putin. I merely do not see Putin nor Putin's Russia as a Threat to America or American interests.

2. Yes, it is not our concern. We have never "stood against any bastards". We stood against bastards that threatened our interests. PUtin does not.

3. World Peace is not my concern. Peace for America is my concern. We need to stop screwing around with Russia.

You are lying. Yes you are promoting Putin. World peace is my concern. ME is our concern. Someone has to stand against these Bastards such as Assad and Putin.
Try again.... What is Putin contribution to world peace? Having a hard time?

1. I am not lying. YOu are a moron and an asshole.

2. Like Someone had to stand against Saddam? HOw did that work out? Rainbows and unicorns or blood and death?

3. World Peace is your concern, not mine. Putin is your concern, not mine.

Moron ...... Asshole....., Have you look yourself in the mirror? Yes.... You are lying. Why are you here defending Putin till your last breath? Shit head.
What is Putin contribution to world peace? You cannot even answer a very simple question. If it's not your concern then shut the fuck up asshole.

I'm not the one calling people liars because I disagree with them, that's you, and that's prime asshole behavior.

My "defense" of Putin is that he is not a threat to US.

I answered your question repeatedly and in depth. That they were not answers to your liking does not mean they do not exist.

Try to be less hysterical.

Me SHut up? I'm in this thread discussing the Topic.

What are you doing?
You are playing dumb.... You are promoting and adoring Putin.
Dude...... You are avoiding a very simple question. ....
It's not our concern? We are the only country in this world that stand against any bastards. Like Putin supporting Assad. Dude you support Putin you support Assad. You are dumber than I thought. Let me repeat the question again till you get into your think skull. What is Putin contribution to world peace?

1. I am not promoting Putin. I merely do not see Putin nor Putin's Russia as a Threat to America or American interests.

2. Yes, it is not our concern. We have never "stood against any bastards". We stood against bastards that threatened our interests. PUtin does not.

3. World Peace is not my concern. Peace for America is my concern. We need to stop screwing around with Russia.

You are lying. Yes you are promoting Putin. World peace is my concern. ME is our concern. Someone has to stand against these Bastards such as Assad and Putin.
Try again.... What is Putin contribution to world peace? Having a hard time?

1. I am not lying. YOu are a moron and an asshole.

2. Like Someone had to stand against Saddam? HOw did that work out? Rainbows and unicorns or blood and death?

3. World Peace is your concern, not mine. Putin is your concern, not mine.

Moron ...... Asshole....., Have you look yourself in the mirror? Yes.... You are lying. Why are you here defending Putin till your last breath? Shit head.
What is Putin contribution to world peace? You cannot even answer a very simple question. If it's not your concern then shut the fuck up asshole.

I'm not the one calling people liars because I disagree with them, that's you, and that's prime asshole behavior.

My "defense" of Putin is that he is not a threat to US.

I answered your question repeatedly and in depth. That they were not answers to your liking does not mean they do not exist.

Try to be less hysterical.

Me SHut up? I'm in this thread discussing the Topic.

What are you doing?

Less hysterical? Darn. You are amazing you know that? Why don't you look at your post?
No...... You have not answer my question. Threat or no threat..... What is Putin contribution to world peace?
If you think Russia is not a threat. That's your call.

Russian drone submarine would threaten U.S. coast; nuclear vessel in development
1. I am not promoting Putin. I merely do not see Putin nor Putin's Russia as a Threat to America or American interests.

2. Yes, it is not our concern. We have never "stood against any bastards". We stood against bastards that threatened our interests. PUtin does not.

3. World Peace is not my concern. Peace for America is my concern. We need to stop screwing around with Russia.

You are lying. Yes you are promoting Putin. World peace is my concern. ME is our concern. Someone has to stand against these Bastards such as Assad and Putin.
Try again.... What is Putin contribution to world peace? Having a hard time?

1. I am not lying. YOu are a moron and an asshole.

2. Like Someone had to stand against Saddam? HOw did that work out? Rainbows and unicorns or blood and death?

3. World Peace is your concern, not mine. Putin is your concern, not mine.

Moron ...... Asshole....., Have you look yourself in the mirror? Yes.... You are lying. Why are you here defending Putin till your last breath? Shit head.
What is Putin contribution to world peace? You cannot even answer a very simple question. If it's not your concern then shut the fuck up asshole.

I'm not the one calling people liars because I disagree with them, that's you, and that's prime asshole behavior.

My "defense" of Putin is that he is not a threat to US.

I answered your question repeatedly and in depth. That they were not answers to your liking does not mean they do not exist.

Try to be less hysterical.

Me SHut up? I'm in this thread discussing the Topic.

What are you doing?

Less hysterical? Darn. You are amazing you know that? Why don't you look at your post?
No...... You have not answer my question. Threat or no threat..... What is Putin contribution to world peace?
If you think Russia is not a threat. That's your call.

Russian drone submarine would threaten U.S. coast; nuclear vessel in development

Yes, I did. I pointed out that Putin was killing ISIS, which is a contribution to world peace, since you care.

I informed you that it was not my concern.

And I asked you why you cared about Putin's contribution to world peace, not that you answered.

And yet you not only keep asking, but you keep lying in that you insist I did not answer.
You are lying. Yes you are promoting Putin. World peace is my concern. ME is our concern. Someone has to stand against these Bastards such as Assad and Putin.
Try again.... What is Putin contribution to world peace? Having a hard time?

1. I am not lying. YOu are a moron and an asshole.

2. Like Someone had to stand against Saddam? HOw did that work out? Rainbows and unicorns or blood and death?

3. World Peace is your concern, not mine. Putin is your concern, not mine.

Moron ...... Asshole....., Have you look yourself in the mirror? Yes.... You are lying. Why are you here defending Putin till your last breath? Shit head.
What is Putin contribution to world peace? You cannot even answer a very simple question. If it's not your concern then shut the fuck up asshole.

I'm not the one calling people liars because I disagree with them, that's you, and that's prime asshole behavior.

My "defense" of Putin is that he is not a threat to US.

I answered your question repeatedly and in depth. That they were not answers to your liking does not mean they do not exist.

Try to be less hysterical.

Me SHut up? I'm in this thread discussing the Topic.

What are you doing?

Less hysterical? Darn. You are amazing you know that? Why don't you look at your post?
No...... You have not answer my question. Threat or no threat..... What is Putin contribution to world peace?
If you think Russia is not a threat. That's your call.

Russian drone submarine would threaten U.S. coast; nuclear vessel in development

Yes, I did. I pointed out that Putin was killing ISIS, which is a contribution to world peace, since you care.

I informed you that it was not my concern.

And I asked you why you cared about Putin's contribution to world peace, not that you answered.

And yet you not only keep asking, but you keep lying in that you insist I did not answer.

Assad is killing his own Syrian people. Putin is killing Syrian people...... There are are no differences between these 2 murderers........ Putin only main goal is to make sure his fellow murderer will remain in power..... You are lying.....
No you did not answer my question.
What is Putin contribution to world peace?
Putin is doing what I think those who are pushing Trump are doing, tweaking the establishment. I really believe that the US is tired of the left wing BS which has brought nothing but pain to America, other then the rich of course. Now that the Republicans control Congress nothing has changed so let's tweak them also.

I was for Rubio but him skipping the budget vote seems to me to be the same as voting present, we had a president that didn't have backbone we don't need another.
1. I am not lying. YOu are a moron and an asshole.

2. Like Someone had to stand against Saddam? HOw did that work out? Rainbows and unicorns or blood and death?

3. World Peace is your concern, not mine. Putin is your concern, not mine.

Moron ...... Asshole....., Have you look yourself in the mirror? Yes.... You are lying. Why are you here defending Putin till your last breath? Shit head.
What is Putin contribution to world peace? You cannot even answer a very simple question. If it's not your concern then shut the fuck up asshole.

I'm not the one calling people liars because I disagree with them, that's you, and that's prime asshole behavior.

My "defense" of Putin is that he is not a threat to US.

I answered your question repeatedly and in depth. That they were not answers to your liking does not mean they do not exist.

Try to be less hysterical.

Me SHut up? I'm in this thread discussing the Topic.

What are you doing?

Less hysterical? Darn. You are amazing you know that? Why don't you look at your post?
No...... You have not answer my question. Threat or no threat..... What is Putin contribution to world peace?
If you think Russia is not a threat. That's your call.

Russian drone submarine would threaten U.S. coast; nuclear vessel in development

Yes, I did. I pointed out that Putin was killing ISIS, which is a contribution to world peace, since you care.

I informed you that it was not my concern.

And I asked you why you cared about Putin's contribution to world peace, not that you answered.

And yet you not only keep asking, but you keep lying in that you insist I did not answer.

Assad is killing his own Syrian people. Putin is killing Syrian people...... There are are no differences between these 2 murderers........ Putin only main goal is to make sure his fellow murderer will remain in power..... You are lying.....
No you did not answer my question.
What is Putin contribution to world peace?

If I thought that the Syrian people would over throw Assad and found a wonderful democratic Republic that embraced Human Rights and Western Style Capitalism, I might be more moved by your concerns about Assad.

IMO the most likely replacement at this time for Assad is ISIS, which is a change for the worse.

Hence my complete lack of concern for Putin's actions in support of Assad/against ISIS.

AND my citing of his actions as a "Contribution to World Peace" since you seem to be stuck that.

And your pretense that I did not answer is growing tiresome. You are a liar and a poor one at that.
Moron ...... Asshole....., Have you look yourself in the mirror? Yes.... You are lying. Why are you here defending Putin till your last breath? Shit head.
What is Putin contribution to world peace? You cannot even answer a very simple question. If it's not your concern then shut the fuck up asshole.

I'm not the one calling people liars because I disagree with them, that's you, and that's prime asshole behavior.

My "defense" of Putin is that he is not a threat to US.

I answered your question repeatedly and in depth. That they were not answers to your liking does not mean they do not exist.

Try to be less hysterical.

Me SHut up? I'm in this thread discussing the Topic.

What are you doing?

Less hysterical? Darn. You are amazing you know that? Why don't you look at your post?
No...... You have not answer my question. Threat or no threat..... What is Putin contribution to world peace?
If you think Russia is not a threat. That's your call.

Russian drone submarine would threaten U.S. coast; nuclear vessel in development

Yes, I did. I pointed out that Putin was killing ISIS, which is a contribution to world peace, since you care.

I informed you that it was not my concern.

And I asked you why you cared about Putin's contribution to world peace, not that you answered.

And yet you not only keep asking, but you keep lying in that you insist I did not answer.

Assad is killing his own Syrian people. Putin is killing Syrian people...... There are are no differences between these 2 murderers........ Putin only main goal is to make sure his fellow murderer will remain in power..... You are lying.....
No you did not answer my question.
What is Putin contribution to world peace?

If I thought that the Syrian people would over throw Assad and found a wonderful democratic Republic that embraced Human Rights and Western Style Capitalism, I might be more moved by your concerns about Assad.

IMO the most likely replacement at this time for Assad is ISIS, which is a change for the worse.

Hence my complete lack of concern for Putin's actions in support of Assad/against ISIS.

AND my citing of his actions as a "Contribution to World Peace" since you seem to be stuck that.

And your pretense that I did not answer is growing tiresome. You are a liar and a poor one at that.

You are a liar.... You are stuck because you are trying hard to defend Putin. Which he has no difference between him and Assad.
I don't understand why liberals think it's a bad thing that the leaders of Russia and the United States like and respect each other.

Trump might be able to negotiate an end to the new Cold War that has developed since Obama was elected. That Cold War is getting hotter because Putin dislikes and has no respect for Obama.
I'm not the one calling people liars because I disagree with them, that's you, and that's prime asshole behavior.

My "defense" of Putin is that he is not a threat to US.

I answered your question repeatedly and in depth. That they were not answers to your liking does not mean they do not exist.

Try to be less hysterical.

Me SHut up? I'm in this thread discussing the Topic.

What are you doing?

Less hysterical? Darn. You are amazing you know that? Why don't you look at your post?
No...... You have not answer my question. Threat or no threat..... What is Putin contribution to world peace?
If you think Russia is not a threat. That's your call.

Russian drone submarine would threaten U.S. coast; nuclear vessel in development

Yes, I did. I pointed out that Putin was killing ISIS, which is a contribution to world peace, since you care.

I informed you that it was not my concern.

And I asked you why you cared about Putin's contribution to world peace, not that you answered.

And yet you not only keep asking, but you keep lying in that you insist I did not answer.

Assad is killing his own Syrian people. Putin is killing Syrian people...... There are are no differences between these 2 murderers........ Putin only main goal is to make sure his fellow murderer will remain in power..... You are lying.....
No you did not answer my question.
What is Putin contribution to world peace?

If I thought that the Syrian people would over throw Assad and found a wonderful democratic Republic that embraced Human Rights and Western Style Capitalism, I might be more moved by your concerns about Assad.

IMO the most likely replacement at this time for Assad is ISIS, which is a change for the worse.

Hence my complete lack of concern for Putin's actions in support of Assad/against ISIS.

AND my citing of his actions as a "Contribution to World Peace" since you seem to be stuck that.

And your pretense that I did not answer is growing tiresome. You are a liar and a poor one at that.

You are a liar.... You are stuck because you are trying hard to defend Putin. Which he has no difference between him and Assad.

My "defense" of PUtin consists of pointing out that he is not a threat to US, and that he is actively advancing his nations interests as he sees them.

You are welcome to disagree with me on those points.

I would suggest you challenge my points, or explain your own, but you have demonstrated that you are incapable of reasoned debate, if not reason itself.

No offense meant. Just keeping it real.

DOes any of this relate to the OP or the Topic?

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