Putin likes Trump

Are Putin and Trump silently scheming together?

What? You mean like with Sign Language?

And funny how it doesn't bother you lefties, when all those various foreign leaders are OPENING interfering in the election by attacking Trump.

Do you understand the difference between openly stating your opinion and working underhandedly to sabotage the campaign of a candidate you want to lose?

Are Putin and Trump silently scheming together?

What? You mean like with Sign Language?

And funny how it doesn't bother you lefties, when all those various foreign leaders are OPENING interfering in the election by attacking Trump.

Do you understand the difference between openly stating your opinion and working underhandedly to sabotage the campaign of a candidate you want to lose?


you mean like Debby Blabbermouth Schultz and Hillary did to Bernie?
Putin is an effective leader and a man. Obama is an ineffective leader and a pussy.

end of story.

I love how conservatives worship Putin

end of story

there is no worship of Putin, Just a sane acknowledgement that he is an effective leader and an alpha male who puts his country first.

He was a KGB thug, let us not forget that. But Obama was a far left alinsky disciple, let us not forget that either.
Are Putin and Trump silently scheming together?

What? You mean like with Sign Language?

And funny how it doesn't bother you lefties, when all those various foreign leaders are OPENING interfering in the election by attacking Trump.

Do you understand the difference between openly stating your opinion and working underhandedly to sabotage the campaign of a candidate you want to lose?


Yes, I do.

DO you understand that BLATANTLY and OPENLY trying to influence our election is no more a friendly act that doing so covertly?

You are a liar.... You are stuck because you are trying hard to defend Putin. Which he has no difference between him and Assad.

My "defense" of PUtin consists of pointing out that he is not a threat to US, and that he is actively advancing his nations interests as he sees them.

You are welcome to disagree with me on those points.

I would suggest you challenge my points, or explain your own, but you have demonstrated that you are incapable of reasoned debate, if not reason itself.

No offense meant. Just keeping it real.

DOes any of this relate to the OP or the Topic?

What debate? I'm asking you a very simple question and you cannot even answer it let alone a debate. Threat or no threat, what and how ever you want.
What is Putin contribution to world peace? Start with that.......... Or you are not going anywhere.

You are stuck on stupid.

I've answered you repeatedly.

A. Killing ISIS.


B. That's your concern, not mine.

My "defense" of PUtin consists of pointing out that he is not a threat to US, and that he is actively advancing his nations interests as he sees them.

You are welcome to disagree with me on those points.

I would suggest you challenge my points, or explain your own, but you have demonstrated that you are incapable of reasoned debate, if not reason itself.

No offense meant. Just keeping it real.

DOes any of this relate to the OP or the Topic?

You are pathetic......
And I told you repeatedly...... Assad is killing Syrians. Putin is killing Syrians....... These 2 bastards are no difference. What part of that don't you understand shithead? Try again. What is Putin contribution to world peace? You are not going anywhere.

Unlike Obama, Putin is a leader who puts the interests of his country first. He may be a murdering KGB bastard, but that's not what this discussion is about. Its about leading a country and putting its interests first.

Strong leaders respect other strong leaders because they are consistent. Weak leaders like Obama or Assad bring about wars and turmoil. Was the USA better off internationally under a strong leader like Reagan or a weak leader like Carter?

Putin is a strong leader a corrupt leader? How can you say Obama is weak when he slapped Putin with crippling sanctions. Stick missile defense system in Poland right next to Putin ass.
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You are a liar.... You are stuck because you are trying hard to defend Putin. Which he has no difference between him and Assad.

My "defense" of PUtin consists of pointing out that he is not a threat to US, and that he is actively advancing his nations interests as he sees them.

You are welcome to disagree with me on those points.

I would suggest you challenge my points, or explain your own, but you have demonstrated that you are incapable of reasoned debate, if not reason itself.

No offense meant. Just keeping it real.

DOes any of this relate to the OP or the Topic?

What debate? I'm asking you a very simple question and you cannot even answer it let alone a debate. Threat or no threat, what and how ever you want.
What is Putin contribution to world peace? Start with that.......... Or you are not going anywhere.

You are stuck on stupid.

I've answered you repeatedly.

A. Killing ISIS.


B. That's your concern, not mine.

My "defense" of PUtin consists of pointing out that he is not a threat to US, and that he is actively advancing his nations interests as he sees them.

You are welcome to disagree with me on those points.

I would suggest you challenge my points, or explain your own, but you have demonstrated that you are incapable of reasoned debate, if not reason itself.

No offense meant. Just keeping it real.

DOes any of this relate to the OP or the Topic?

You are pathetic......
And I told you repeatedly...... Assad is killing Syrians. Putin is killing Syrians....... These 2 bastards are no difference. What part of that don't you understand shithead? Try again. What is Putin contribution to world peace? You are not going anywhere.

YOu are pathetic.

Assad is killing ISIS and Putin is killing ISIS.

Then explain why ISIS are still operating in Syria........ Why are ISIS capable of producing OIL by the millions everyday some are sold to Syria.
Putin is killing few ISIS but mainly killing civilians.
My "defense" of PUtin consists of pointing out that he is not a threat to US, and that he is actively advancing his nations interests as he sees them.

You are welcome to disagree with me on those points.

I would suggest you challenge my points, or explain your own, but you have demonstrated that you are incapable of reasoned debate, if not reason itself.

No offense meant. Just keeping it real.

DOes any of this relate to the OP or the Topic?

What debate? I'm asking you a very simple question and you cannot even answer it let alone a debate. Threat or no threat, what and how ever you want.
What is Putin contribution to world peace? Start with that.......... Or you are not going anywhere.

You are stuck on stupid.

I've answered you repeatedly.

A. Killing ISIS.


B. That's your concern, not mine.

My "defense" of PUtin consists of pointing out that he is not a threat to US, and that he is actively advancing his nations interests as he sees them.

You are welcome to disagree with me on those points.

I would suggest you challenge my points, or explain your own, but you have demonstrated that you are incapable of reasoned debate, if not reason itself.

No offense meant. Just keeping it real.

DOes any of this relate to the OP or the Topic?

You are pathetic......
And I told you repeatedly...... Assad is killing Syrians. Putin is killing Syrians....... These 2 bastards are no difference. What part of that don't you understand shithead? Try again. What is Putin contribution to world peace? You are not going anywhere.

Unlike Obama, Putin is a leader who puts the interests of his country first. He may be a murdering KGB bastard, but that's not what this discussion is about. Its about leading a country and putting its interests first.

Strong leaders respect other strong leaders because they are consistent. Weak leaders like Obama or Assad bring about wars and turmoil. Was the USA better off internationally under a strong leader like Reagan or a weak leader like Carter?

Putin is a strong leader a corrupt leader? How can you say Obama is weak when he slapped Putin with crippling sanctions. Stick missile defense system in Poland right next to Putin ass.

Do you really think about US, approving missile placing in Poland? Which benefit it would gain to US? :)

US won the cold war by a series of shams and cheating, including "peace initiative", "disarming", "eternal friendship" and bla-bla-bla. It took effect because Russian are too idealistic in mass and want to believe in "living in peace to all the world". The main wish of Russians for the centuries is to be alone almost all the time - it's a reason, why we're living at most uncomfortable territories of Earth.

But if you think, you can change politic and kick Russia by brute force.... You're welcome to try - what can I say else? :)
My "defense" of PUtin consists of pointing out that he is not a threat to US, and that he is actively advancing his nations interests as he sees them.

You are welcome to disagree with me on those points.

I would suggest you challenge my points, or explain your own, but you have demonstrated that you are incapable of reasoned debate, if not reason itself.

No offense meant. Just keeping it real.

DOes any of this relate to the OP or the Topic?

What debate? I'm asking you a very simple question and you cannot even answer it let alone a debate. Threat or no threat, what and how ever you want.
What is Putin contribution to world peace? Start with that.......... Or you are not going anywhere.

You are stuck on stupid.

I've answered you repeatedly.

A. Killing ISIS.


B. That's your concern, not mine.

My "defense" of PUtin consists of pointing out that he is not a threat to US, and that he is actively advancing his nations interests as he sees them.

You are welcome to disagree with me on those points.

I would suggest you challenge my points, or explain your own, but you have demonstrated that you are incapable of reasoned debate, if not reason itself.

No offense meant. Just keeping it real.

DOes any of this relate to the OP or the Topic?

You are pathetic......
And I told you repeatedly...... Assad is killing Syrians. Putin is killing Syrians....... These 2 bastards are no difference. What part of that don't you understand shithead? Try again. What is Putin contribution to world peace? You are not going anywhere.

YOu are pathetic.

Assad is killing ISIS and Putin is killing ISIS.

Then explain why ISIS are still operating in Syria........ Why are ISIS capable of producing OIL by the millions everyday some are sold to Syria.
Putin is killing few ISIS but mainly killing civilians.

Don't believe propagandists, who upkeeps the series of terroristic acts in Europe...
Putin is an effective leader and a man. Obama is an ineffective leader and a pussy.

end of story.

I love how conservatives worship Putin

end of story

Nothing in his post implied in any way, anything that could be considered "worship" in any of it's definitions.

How can the fact that you have to CONSTANTLY LIE, in order to defend or advance your agenda not clue you in on the fact that you are on the wrong side?
Putin is an effective leader and a man. Obama is an ineffective leader and a pussy.

end of story.

I love how conservatives worship Putin

end of story

there is no worship of Putin, Just a sane acknowledgement that he is an effective leader and an alpha male who puts his country first.

He was a KGB thug, let us not forget that. But Obama was a far left alinsky disciple, let us not forget that either.

The way that they can discuss less and less with ANY shred of honestly or seriousness as time goes on is incredible.

Acknowledging that Putin is "an effective leader and a man" is so far from what RW mis-characterized it as...

we are reduced to wasting the majority of our time trying to get lefties to....

NOT be completely out of touch with reality.
My "defense" of PUtin consists of pointing out that he is not a threat to US, and that he is actively advancing his nations interests as he sees them.

You are welcome to disagree with me on those points.

I would suggest you challenge my points, or explain your own, but you have demonstrated that you are incapable of reasoned debate, if not reason itself.

No offense meant. Just keeping it real.

DOes any of this relate to the OP or the Topic?

What debate? I'm asking you a very simple question and you cannot even answer it let alone a debate. Threat or no threat, what and how ever you want.
What is Putin contribution to world peace? Start with that.......... Or you are not going anywhere.

You are stuck on stupid.

I've answered you repeatedly.

A. Killing ISIS.


B. That's your concern, not mine.

My "defense" of PUtin consists of pointing out that he is not a threat to US, and that he is actively advancing his nations interests as he sees them.

You are welcome to disagree with me on those points.

I would suggest you challenge my points, or explain your own, but you have demonstrated that you are incapable of reasoned debate, if not reason itself.

No offense meant. Just keeping it real.

DOes any of this relate to the OP or the Topic?

You are pathetic......
And I told you repeatedly...... Assad is killing Syrians. Putin is killing Syrians....... These 2 bastards are no difference. What part of that don't you understand shithead? Try again. What is Putin contribution to world peace? You are not going anywhere.

YOu are pathetic.

Assad is killing ISIS and Putin is killing ISIS.

Then explain why ISIS are still operating in Syria........ Why are ISIS capable of producing OIL by the millions everyday some are sold to Syria.
Putin is killing few ISIS but mainly killing civilians.

Are you insane or just insanely dishonest?

There is nothing to say that because you are killing the enemy that that means that the enemy is unable to operate.

We spent years killing the enemy in Nazi Germany and they were able to "operate" despite dying by the millions.
My "defense" of PUtin consists of pointing out that he is not a threat to US, and that he is actively advancing his nations interests as he sees them.

You are welcome to disagree with me on those points.

I would suggest you challenge my points, or explain your own, but you have demonstrated that you are incapable of reasoned debate, if not reason itself.

No offense meant. Just keeping it real.

DOes any of this relate to the OP or the Topic?

What debate? I'm asking you a very simple question and you cannot even answer it let alone a debate. Threat or no threat, what and how ever you want.
What is Putin contribution to world peace? Start with that.......... Or you are not going anywhere.

You are stuck on stupid.

I've answered you repeatedly.

A. Killing ISIS.


B. That's your concern, not mine.

My "defense" of PUtin consists of pointing out that he is not a threat to US, and that he is actively advancing his nations interests as he sees them.

You are welcome to disagree with me on those points.

I would suggest you challenge my points, or explain your own, but you have demonstrated that you are incapable of reasoned debate, if not reason itself.

No offense meant. Just keeping it real.

DOes any of this relate to the OP or the Topic?

You are pathetic......
And I told you repeatedly...... Assad is killing Syrians. Putin is killing Syrians....... These 2 bastards are no difference. What part of that don't you understand shithead? Try again. What is Putin contribution to world peace? You are not going anywhere.

Unlike Obama, Putin is a leader who puts the interests of his country first. He may be a murdering KGB bastard, but that's not what this discussion is about. Its about leading a country and putting its interests first.

Strong leaders respect other strong leaders because they are consistent. Weak leaders like Obama or Assad bring about wars and turmoil. Was the USA better off internationally under a strong leader like Reagan or a weak leader like Carter?

Putin is a strong leader a corrupt leader? How can you say Obama is weak when he slapped Putin with crippling sanctions. Stick missile defense system in Poland right next to Putin ass.

Where do you get this shit? Putin made obozo look like a pussy in Syria and the EU.

Putin is a man, Obama is a pussy. deal with it.
We saw it last night...

Hillary endorsed by former Presidents Carter, Clinton and Obama

Trump endorsed by Putin
We saw it last night...

Hillary endorsed by former Presidents Carter, Clinton and Obama

Trump endorsed by Putin

Trump is an outsider who was more attractive to the party members than the party leadership.

Thus, he is NOT getting endorsed by the several living Republican ex-Presidents.

The GOP leadership tried to rig the primary to thwart the Will of the People and lost.

The dem leadership tried to rig the primary to thwart the Will of the People and won.

If Trump wins, your dem leadership will have a significant portion of the credit/blame for sabotaging the stronger candidate, Bernie Sanders.

That you consider HIllary's endorsement by the corrupt party establishment a plus, shows you to be anti-democratic.
The left's strategy of course is to talk about the (non) relationship between Trump and the president of Russia so they don't have to talk about the filth and bigotry and racism contained in Hillary's e mail. With the cooperation of the mainstream media they have a shot at keeping the rest of America as ignorant as the hard core left.
We saw it last night...

Hillary endorsed by former Presidents Carter, Clinton and Obama

Trump endorsed by Putin

Trump is an outsider who was more attractive to the party members than the party leadership.

Thus, he is NOT getting endorsed by the several living Republican ex-Presidents.

The GOP leadership tried to rig the primary to thwart the Will of the People and lost.

The dem leadership tried to rig the primary to thwart the Will of the People and won.

If Trump wins, your dem leadership will have a significant portion of the credit/blame for sabotaging the stronger candidate, Bernie Sanders.

That you consider HIllary's endorsement by the corrupt party establishment a plus, shows you to be anti-democratic.

He is not getting endorsements from ex Republican Presidents and Presidential candidates because they do not want to be affiliated with him

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