Putin made a mistake invading Ukraine

Russia was in a bad way before the invasion. Perhaps Putin was hoping for an easy victory to boost the morale of the Russian people. However, he underestimated the Ukrainians and he underestimated the West. Now he's stuck in a Vietnam type situation and there's no escape for him.
1) His economy is collapsing
2) His soldiers are sabotaging THEIR OWN SHIT to get out of fighting
3) The world stage is watching Russia kill women and children in the fight
4) All of the West has withdrawn support for Russian oil
5) He has completely isolated his country on the world stage to all but Syria and some other shithole countries
6) And most importantly, he is LOSING the war against a shittier opponent.

Just a total clusterfuck of ineptitude and stupidity on his part. He needs to be taken out behind the barn and put down like Ole Yeller.
Unfortunately it is the West the USA in particular stuck in another Viet Nam type quagmire. The Sleepy Joe Regime supports a corrupt idiot midget who is clearly a warmonger (the green t shirt fag) and money is flowing out of the USA for nothing. And things will escalate if brain dead Russian hoaxers and pathological liars Pelosi and Schiff continue to reject diplomatic solutions.
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Dude stole Robert Kraft’s Super Bowl ring.

Poot asked Kraft if he could try in on…then walked away. Security blocked Kraft from pursuing Poot.

That is probably like #100,000 on the list of bad shit Putin has done.

1) His economy is collapsing
2) His soldiers are sabotaging THEIR OWN SHIT to get out of fighting
3) The world stage is watching Russia kill women and children in the fight
4) All of the West has withdrawn support for Russian oil
5) He has completely isolated his country on the world stage to all but Syria and some other shithole countries
6) And most importantly, he is LOSING the war against a shittier opponent.

Just a total clusterfuck of ineptitude and stupidity on his part. He needs to be taken out behind the barn and put down like Ole Yeller.
The Ruble has increased in value. How does that equate to a collapsing economy. All that suggests, is that the US shot itself in the foot when it comes to the US dollars global hegemony. Now Europe, and other nations have to pay for fuel in Rubles. Bidens sanctions fucked our dollar, and strengthened the ruble. And our "biggest adversary, upon whom were dependent" shares a border with Russia. And they have the fastest growing economy. Add India into the mix? We could be yesterdays news, astonishingly fast.
Calling Putin "Poot" doesn't make your argument. It makes you look ridiculous, in fact.
Removing Putin would be like removing Sleepy Joe. Their Deep State, like the USA Deep State will still be there directing policy.
The Ruble has increased in value. How does that equate to a collapsing economy. All that suggests, is that the US shot itself in the foot when it comes to the US dollars global hegemony. Now Europe, and other nations have to pay for fuel in Rubles. Bidens sanctions fucked our dollar, and strengthened the ruble. And our "biggest adversary, upon whom were dependent" shares a border with Russia. And they have the fastest growing economy. Add India into the mix? We could be yesterdays news, astonishingly fast.
Your analysis is ridiculous.
Removing Putin would be like removing Sleepy Joe. Their Deep State, like the USA Deep State will still be there directing policy.
I never said the United States should attempt to remove Putin. That is something the Russians should do themselves.
Removing Putin would be like removing Sleepy Joe. Their Deep State, like the USA Deep State will still be there directing policy.
So true. Ignoramouses think the "figurehead" is the mover, and shaker. Lol! Everyone, answers to someone. And Putin is no different.
Maybe in his own country? Because he is forcing people not to use the Dollar and only use the Ruble?

"Increased in value" my dick lol
Unless Europe wants to freeze to death, or starve to death... You can Lol all you want. It's not a dinner table issue for you. But for Europeans who like feeding their kids, and sending them to be in comfort; it's not so funny.
Putin has two years to get what he wants from Ukraine and bring his troops out in victory... He only has two years because when Trump wins in 24 Putin will pull out....
The war is bad for everyone, but Europe is not going to lift the sanctions on Russia because they know if they allow Putin to get away with this, no European country is safe.
I didn't know Sunni Man was a supporter of Putin's invasion of Ukraine. It's good to know the man is not completely friendless.

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