Putin Must Begin Seriously Considering All Options

"if Biden has his way our troops will be fighting and dying there too" is not a hypothetical question.

It's a bullshit claim.
You don't want to answer... why?.... how far are you willing to go?... you already are fine with spending money we don't have... as Americans die in the street....
We tried to rebuild and redesign a nation in our image...
That was more Iraq than Afghanistan.

Bush fucked up the aftermath of the invasion of Iraq. He bleeved it would be magically transformed into a libertarian paradise.

One of the largest strategic blunders of all time was his disbursing of the Iraqi Army.

it was stupid and short sighted just like we are today... same people making the same blunders that will get Americans killed...
We should have killed Osama and come home....
Obama campaigned on ending both wars. He found out that was easier said than done.

So why didn't Trump end the war in Afghanistan? He left it to Biden to clean up his mess.

Putin Must Begin Seriously Considering All Options

With his health deteriorating and his dream of recreating the Soviet Union slipping away Vladimir Putin must seriously consider what is his best option for his near future.

Why should he simply sit back and settle for defeat? A large segment of the U.S. population supports Putin’s efforts to reestablish the Soviet empire. They must also support any action Putin would take in retaliating against nations providing war materials to the Ukraine’s defenders.

Since his U.S. friend and ally is facing persecution from political opponents, Putin must understand that trump’s enemies are also his own. And with trump’s goal of becoming dictator fading quickly it is in Putin’s power to avenge those standing in the way of his new Soviet Union and trump’s fourth reich.

Perhaps the time has come to burn it all down and see what society will arise from the ashes. To this end, the time is rapidly approaching for Putin to make good on his threats and take nuclear action against NATO countries.

Are you posting from an opposite universe or a warehouse in Moscow?
That was more Iraq than Afghanistan.

Bush fucked up the aftermath of the invasion of Iraq. He bleeved it would be magically transformed into a libertarian paradise.

One of the largest strategic blunders of all time was his disbursing of the Iraqi Army.

Obama campaigned on ending both wars. He found out that was easier said than done.

So why didn't Trump end the war in Afghanistan? He left it to Biden to clean up his mess.
And a lot of Bush people in the house and senate are in favor of paying for this war and putting us at risk....
I bet they won't answer my question either.... hey you are a Bush person now... how about that?....
A larger segment opposes the mass murdering KGB thug.

You are correct, but that mass murdering KGB thug and his advisers have been threatening to use nuclear weapons for months. If his health is worsening as reported, what is to prevent the mass murdering KGB thug from launching a nuclear holocaust to end all of civilization?

Putin's criminal invasion of Ukraine will go down in history as one of the top ten political miscalculations of all time.
No one wants a bunch of Nazis at their doorstep

No one wants commies in America either.
The entire world is opposing Putin, with a handful of exceptions.

1. China.

2. North Korea

3. Iran

4. Trump Republicans

Gee, if ever there was a clue you're on the wrong side...
Dumbass, Biden is the one supporting China

Biden is the one supporting Iran

He just gave them 6 billion bucks, dumbass.

Which they promptly used to kick out our inspectors, dumbass.

You AND BIDEN have shit for brains.

That decrepit old shitstain can't back up his bullshit, and neither can you.
You are correct, but that mass murdering KGB thug and his advisers have been threatening to use nuclear weapons for months. If his health is worsening as reported, what is to prevent the mass murdering KGB thug from launching a nuclear holocaust to end all of civilization?
What's to prevent charred zombie Hitler from rising from his grave and drinking our blood/eating our brains???? :eek:

Your premise is such insane/brainwashed garbage that it's impossible to take you seriously.

Get a grip, and learn why this war started - it was 100% the result of USG WarPig machinations.

How many Ukrainians have died because of USG WarPigs?

And you carry their spittle.

The reason the Left keeps winning is because the Right does not hold their lying, hypocritical, psychotic politicians accountable.

How's Trump's Obamacare replacement working for ya?

Thanks to Trump and the dipshit idiots who support him, Obamacare is now a third rail and UHC is inevitable.

Historians will one day marvel at the fact the morons never even asked to see his plan. They took a famously lying New York City liberal Democrat's WORD!

Holy fuck!

When do the democrats hold their own accountable though? It seems that the democrats are the ones who are more prone to fall in line behind their leaders and tow the line. It seems, as recent history has shown, that you’ll often find republicans fighting with each other, and in disagreement with each other.

You seem to have 2 factions in the Republican Party, but dems almost never seem to step out of line. This is why you’ll never see dems ever holding their own accountable, they are all alike in thought.
When do the democrats hold their own accountable though? It seems that the democrats are the ones who are more prone to fall in line behind their leaders and tow the line. It seems, as recent history has shown, that you’ll often find republicans fighting with each other, and in disagreement with each other.

You seem to have 2 factions in the Republican Party, but dems almost never seem to step out of line. This is why you’ll never see dems ever holding their own accountable, they are all alike in thought.
When Trump was in power, anyone who did not fall in line was run out of town on a rail. Flake, Cheney, Kitzinger, etc. Even now, Mitt Romney is leaving town to get away from the ever increasing insanity.

Bush and McCain are now slandered by the Trump cult. I don't know if you were of age when Bush was president, but he could do no wrong in the eyes of the partisans at the time. Now he's blacklisted.

This is what I call the Jacobinization of the party. Just like with the Jacobins, the demands of the partisans become more and more extreme until even the original members are found to be wanting and executed.

That's why I say one day Donald Trump will be led to the guillotine and executed. Just like Robespierre.

As for the Democrats, what they lack in organization they make up for with patience. They just outwait the Republicans.

The Democrats have made it very clear for decades their intention to enact single-payer healthcare, or what Ted Kennedy called "socialized medicine" in the early days.

They are almost there now, in large part because the Republicans have never once put a better alternative on the table to solve our skyrocketing health care costs. As the old guard is replaced by more venomous hacks, the intelligence level decreases drastically. Think Jewish space lasers and Comet Pizza and Paul Pelosi and a gay hooker.

Obama put a thousand-plus page plan on the table and all the Republicans came up with was NOTHING and a lot of howling over Obama's plan.

What the Democrats understand is that if you have a choice between NOTHING and a half-assed plan, sooner or later the American people choose the half-assed plan because they are in so much pain.

If the GOP put a better plan on the table for ANY issue, and defend it vigorously, they would win.

But...nope. They are too stupid to come with one, so they make elections about gun-toting IRS trannies.

Even worse, the Republicans and Trump hoaxed the American people claiming they were going to repeal and replace Obamacare. They had no replacement. It was all a Big Lie. And the Republican voters keep falling for these hoaxes over and over like Charlie Brown and Lucy and a football.

That's why I say the Republicans sold the country down the river to single-payer health care a long time ago. The rubes have still not figured that out. And those that have let them get away with it.

So the Left keeps on winning.
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When Trump was in power, anyone who did not fall in line was run out of town on a rail. Flake, Cheney, Kitzinger, etc. Even now, Mitt Romney is leaving town to get away from the ever increasing insanity.

Bush and McCain are now slandered by the Trump cult. I don't know if you were of age when Bush was president, but he could do no wrong in the eyes of the partisans at the time. Now he's blacklisted.

This is what I call the Jacobinization of the party. Just like with the Jacobins, the demands of the partisans become more and more extreme until even the original members are found to be wanting and executed.

That's why I say one day Donald Trump will be led to the guillotine and executed. Just like Robespierre.

As for the Democrats, what they lack in organization they make up for with patience. They just outwait the Republicans.

The Democrats have made it very clear for decades their intention to enact single-payer healthcare, or what Ted Kennedy called "socialized medicine" in the early days.

They are almost there now, in large part because the Republicans have never once put a better alternative on the table to solve our skyrocketing health care costs. As the old guard is replaced by more venomous hacks, the intelligence level decreases drastically. Think Jewish space lasers and Comet Pizza and Paul Pelosi and a gay hooker.

Obama put a thousand-plus page plan on the table and all the Republicans came up with was NOTHING and a lot of howling over Obama's plan.

What the Democrats understand is that if you have a choice between NOTHING and a half-assed plan, sooner or later the American people choose the half-assed plan because they are in so much pain.

If the GOP put a better plan on the table for ANY issue, and defend it vigorously, they would win.

But...nope. They are too stupid to come with one, so they make elections about gun-toting IRS trannies.

Even worse, the Republicans and Trump hoaxed the American people claiming they were going to repeal and replace Obamacare. They had no replacement. It was all a Big Lie. And the Republican voters keep falling for these hoaxes over and over like Charlie Brown and Lucy and a football.

That's why I say the Republicans sold the country down the river to single-payer health care a long time ago. The rubes have still not figured that out. And those that have let them get away with it.

So the Left keeps on winning.

When Trump was in power, anyone who did not fall in line was run out of town on a rail. Flake, Cheney, Kitzinger, etc. Even now, Mitt Romney is leaving town to get away from the ever increasing insanity.

Well, Cheney and kinsinger got flak because of the J6 committee.

Bush is black listed because he went against trump, yeah, so the current trump supporters didn’t like that. Conversely, bush is now loved by the democrats.

Yeah, I’ll give you the healthcare replacement, repubs dropped the ball on that one. However, the point is, you never see the infighting with democrats because they never go against their party. When Obama was president, every democrat were 100% behind him and nobody stepped out of line, now that Biden is president, it’s the same thing.

If you had a group of democrats that decided to go against the grain and start being in opposition to Biden (or Obama back then), you would see the other democrats do the exact same thing. The rest of the democrats would push them out unless they fell back in line.
Wonder if dear Uncle P is now considering a later deal with Warsaw to give them some control over north west Ukraine , in return for support in controlling all of ex Ukraine under a Moscow favoured new government basically restricted in scope and action —- perhaps under a Kremlin appointed military governor .
Once Russia has mopped up the four new regions , something along such lines seems practical and logical .
A great week for Russia on and off the battle field and BRICS looks more and more the next geo strategic move .
We tried to rebuild and redesign a nation in our image... it was stupid and short sighted just like we are today... same people making the same blunders that will get Americans killed...
We should have killed Osama and come home....
We should have went in bombed the shit out or them.... left and said do it again and we will not be so nice next time.

No rebuilding. Anyone one saying You evil fcks . Just say if you attack us we will kill you. Do you ynderstand now.

6 months done. Cheaper. More effective. And Brutal
We should have went in bombed the shit out or them.... left and said do it again and we will not be so nice next time.

No rebuilding. Anyone one saying You evil fcks . Just say if you attack us we will kill you. Do you ynderstand now.

6 months done. Cheaper. More effective. And Brutal
Bush was and still is an idiot who has never lived in the real world.... and I voted for him... biggest mistake of my adult voting life....

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