'Putin pays Trump,' said Republican leader Kevin McCarthy in private meeting during primaries

Worse for Trump. When he starts throwing the people who work for him under the Bus, lost will be any sense of loyalty.
Putin PAID Trump....wow. This is a major bombshell....Now everything makes sense!

Countown to impeachment day
I don't see Democrats colluding with the Russians. Practicing voter suppression. Being anti gay, andi Hispanic, anti Muslim and anti black. .

They don't usually report on such topics at High Times or Daily Kos. Have you considered reading something with news in it?
You mean like Fox and Breitbart?

Those aren't "news". They are "conspiracies". How can you not know the difference?
dean were you been and why the change with the letters in the name?....good to see you back,your wannabes tried to be like you,but they are pretty bad.....
I admit, I was depressed that Trump, a D level reality TV star was elected president. I was bummed that so many Americans were being taken for a ride by this odious man.

Look at what's happening to coal miners.

He's a racist, see "some Mexicans don't rape" and "a Mexican can't be a good judge" and worse.

The Trump U debacle where Trump walked away with millions even paying out $25 million.

The ongoing criminal investigation of the Trump Foundation.

He stiffed many of his workers.

He wanted to pass a bill that would knock 24 million Americans off health care and give hundreds of billions in tax cuts to the super rich. He ignorantly said Australia's health care, single payer, is better than ours. Which of course it is. But his comment was ignorant because he didn't know he was telling the truth.

There are terrible things going on in the world like Korea and Syria and he will be worse than Bush. Trump doesn't know anything and now he is in the Middle East and I can't believe with his ignorance, he won't create an international incident. In fact, Bush has come out of hiding knowing there is someone worse.

The infighting in the Democratic Party. Warren bitching about Obama. Bernie, not even a Democrat, creating all kinds of unrest in the party. And Bernie said he wouldn't support Democrats and wouldn't raise money for Democrats, he just wants their votes and money.

Republicans so excited about screwing over nearly the entire country. What kind of people are they? And the base thinks they are doing a "good job".

The lies about jobs. 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. They are never coming back and the press flat out refuses to call the GOP on that terrible and misleading lie those jobs will "come back".

The press has done a terrible job reporting anything of value. It was the press that got Trump elected. See the hour infomercial on Trump's Scottish Golf Course and the hour and a half infomercial on Trump's Hotel and the other 5 billion in Free Air time. Now they won't even admit to it. The same people who called him "authentic" now call him nuts.

All the hooting and hollering from the GOP base that they "won". But ask them what they won and they don't know. The press not reporting that many of those at the Town Halls are actually Republicans who voted for Trump who have wised up and are now scared.

And finally, finally, the press and the congress are finally beginning to take a serious look at what is going on.

Take Obamacare, Republicans will point to counties where there is only a single provider. Never, ever mentioning that almost no one lives in those counties. And so their answer isn't to fix the law, but repeal it and leave millions to flat out die. I've heard all the arguments. Over and over again. But there is no argument when it comes to screwing over millions of Americans. Republicans are more than willing. Even more willing than under Bush.

So I just took a vacation from political commentary. Turned off the TV and stopped watching.

But America is beginning to catch up. It's gratifying.
even though me and you dont get along dean....welcome back.....i always look forward to commenting in your threads.....in many ways you remind me of trump.....both of you will pick a subject that is of concern to the country....but its what you both say and how you say it afterwards, thats where everything goes out the window.....
McCarthy admits Benghazi was political:

Of course

November 21, 2014

A two-year investigation by the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee has found that the CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, and asserted no wrongdoing by Obama administration appointees.

Debunking a series of persistent allegations hinting at dark conspiracies, the investigation of the politically charged incident determined that there was no intelligence failure, no delay in sending a CIA rescue team, no missed opportunity for a military rescue, and no evidence the CIA was covertly shipping arms from Libya to Syria.

....Many of its findings echo those of six previous investigations by various congressional committees and a State Department panel. The eighth Benghazi investigation is being carried out by a House Select Committee appointed in May.

House Intelligence Committee investigation debunks many Benghazi theories
Clearly, if the GOP replaces Ryan with McCarthy as Speaker, precisely nothing will change...
Clearly, if the GOP replaces Ryan with McCarthy as Speaker, precisely nothing will change...
They better hope that tape isn't released. In McCarthy's own voice, "Trump is paid by Russia" and in Ryan's own voice wanting to hush it up and keep it secret from the American people. Only hard core Republicans would vote for these traitors.

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